<br />.-
<br />THIS DEED OF TKUR. in& 040kni iW-0is" 20th day of !*Ptember 089
<br />A. and. Lft�bMot% and Trustee;
<br />Wadbetwm 11MMlPMM__
<br />ffqsbeod M4'1�ifw at JOVKV TOMIts
<br />SOCUTAty Pacific. Fineacial Servictill-A-10,wRyWary;
<br />and cidfiffn WM RMW of Sale unto the
<br />Vrajaj*tint k&*i% Upril A *9 FAft bef M Alta Wiv ',impovemott.. and rum ms of every kW.mw or hM%kftW emcw of
<br />ara t* ftm eat le *Mftd is Cow",.in_ft&.W.4Qf NoWn.W.,
<br />'Lot 6 and tba South 20 ftot of Lot S, .Block 2, 3rd AddUttoO to the .Torn
<br />Of Cairo, Nall County, ■ebravka.l
<br />and possesion of said pvoQ 4*WftW unto said Trustee,
<br />TO HAVE ANO'M*O*i same, with all rights. privileges; and MW enances thereto belonging unto the Trustm his exxultlm
<br />administrators, heirs and "5i�fns fbitwir. And the Trustor hereby exprl:W %-alr& pleases. and Winquist" unto the Trustee all right;.:,',,:;
<br />title, claim, inwrest benefit, and 'eAktiorhatcver, in and to the abovo-described premises and each and every which is given.' :, '. : -
<br />-described
<br />of homestead. And the Trustor cir he tee
<br />b is of the 'N
<br />r cc results from all in brAska pertaining to;tW, -.,Oiants with t Trus
<br />Aga, � the lawful claims of all persons V
<br />t he
<br />Will fomm wwsint (Pw.. title to the same M1
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER. fbr tbi*$ �.Wirig described purposes: To secure full and prompt performance of all the terms and condi-
<br />tions, of that
<br />0 Revolving Loan-, Agreement of even date herewith (including particularly, but not exclusively, prompt payment ..� A su
<br />which are or may become payable from time to time thercunder)and arWtxtensions. renewals, modifications or refinanciMi&-Mof,
<br />which Revolving Loan Agreement obligates Ileneficiary, s0jmt to the conditions stated therein, to advance to Trustor up to
<br />$ .. .'.. —, plus finance and other charges. (or)
<br />kite 4 even date herewith. in the principal sum of US. $ 3 a or, r, j* . —payable in monthly installments of principal
<br />10/ /94
<br />and interest. with the balance of the indOW46im if not sooner iYiV1je aiid payable on l9 .
<br />It isagfted by and between parties hereto that until filing of Notice of Default. ?,hc Trustor shall: (1) pay all present and fa
<br />taxes and asseurnents, sencral and special. against said property before the same becorrgs'delinquent or actionable; (2) keep all impMW*!.'.
<br />meats erected on the 1".1,"Ytsumd as may be required from time to time by beneficiary against loss by fire and other Muds, casuapks.,
<br />aWcontingencies. in sue . h amounts and for such periods as are reasonable 4M may be required by beneficiary. and to keep all polkie .,:,4
<br />of such insunom in force or effect upon the property herein - described constantly assigned and delivered to beneficiary; (3) pay ana-r,-..
<br />comply with ale "the terms and conditions of any lien. claim,4*16debtedness that may be senior to or take. Pnedence over this TWit'.-.1
<br />Deed as soon as any such payment on or of such ,le'.", claftr,-6r indebtedness shall become due: as 0&� of Trustor to keep
<br />any said agreement,., bentl iciary may pay such t4. day for such insurance or pay off such liens ov- plairh� or f�.debtedness as the case
<br />may be. and the money so expended. with interest . at 9% per annum. shall be secured by this Trust Deed, and the Trustor agrees to repay
<br />the saw upon demarA and upon fitibAm., to do so the balance of the attached note iliall . become immediately due and payabk at the..
<br />option of the beneficiary: 14) specif-w4l*- confer upgo the Trustee the power of sale :.Li. jirovided in Nebraska law. (5) retain possessicia
<br />of the premises and collect fic rents and revenuc-ohim.frorn.
<br />Upon;rmyrmnt of all the sums secured by this Trust MO. the Benefit ar; sli'all oe,4uest the Trustee to mconvey the property anti:
<br />QW wirender this Trust Deed rind. all notes evidencing indeWdriess secured by this Trust Deed to the Trust& Trustee shall reconvo.'
<br />the pmMrt) without warranty to the person or persons legalty entitled thereto; but if default be made in the payment of said note or
<br />any part thereof or any of the interest thereon when due or in the faithful performance of any or either of said agreements as aforeiaA
<br />O*n the *hok of said note shall become due and be paid as hereinafter provided. and this deed shall remain in force; the trustee or
<br />hiiii attorney may proceed to sell tha property in its entirely or in parcels at the option of the Trustee licreinbefore described at public
<br />swim, to the highest bidder, for cash. However. the power of sale herein conficired upon the Trustee shal I not be exercised until (1)
<br />the Trugee shall first file for recod. in the office of the register of deoA of each county Wherein the lnlSl PAIPCIIY vrstyn,e part or
<br />pwd elticteot is Wumect a "ice of dehiuh. identifying -the Trustee by stating the names of the 1'rustof and oanics therein and giving
<br />dw be& and pW where the am is recorded. a description of the trust property. and containing a statement that a breach of an obligation
<br />for which the trust property was conveyed as security has twcurrird. and setting forth the nature of such breach and of his election to
<br />"N or cauic to be said Such property to sMisf) the c"igition; and (2) after the lapse of not less than one month. the Trustee shall give
<br />roke of %Ate as provided by NArasix law. After. notice (if default and ljp%c of not lass than one irt,zith. the Trusicc shall give written
<br />MXKC of the time and Place Of Sale PlArliC1,111111Y describing the property to he -,old by PUNiCatiOB of such notice. at least five tines.
<br />(Wke a wok foe five Consecutive weeks. the I'Ast publication to be at (east 10 day s but not more thin 3(t d35; prior to the ,Je, in some
<br />nowspWa having a pimrall circulation in each county in which the pAVert) to be sAd. or some 1xin thereof, is situated. lj'tvin such
<br />title, the Trustee ."I execute and deliver a decd of coriveyance of the ptopcoy saga to the puirchaser air purchaserb thereof and any
<br />stownent tor recital of f;gt in sui;h deed in rclAt5od to the extrViow of the I%vwcr of safe and sale cif the property described ClICTCOn. 11MIldilIg
<br />recitals: coKctning any rrailirM rersocul dehwry ard puNicut.,imi 0 the n, iz zice of t iult. any mailme.-nd the publicatalit and posiling
<br />-lice
<br />lhtm)f in Wow 4 hwiA fide pumhawv% and cilcumbrancen fet value and ui;, ill llo!,tic T11t! rW%lev •• &cd 01.111 erelate it) conve.,
<br />1W
<br />�V I 1Z) f-W to OM51ML I
<br />