<br />�.
<br /> i ��-F 100i3�2
<br /> 27. COLLFC7i4N COSTS. �o ttia extent pertnitted by Iaw,Gr�ayrees to pzy Lender's reas�nable fees and oosts,indudir.-�,but not limited to,
<br /> fees and costs o?attorr,ays ard otfisr ager�s Gncsudins wRhout limttation parateflah►,c4erks and cansuitanis),whether or not a.ich attamey or apeM is
<br /> an employee af Lender,which are incurted by Lender In cailectingarty ama�M due a enforcing a.-ry right or rome.�y under this Deed of Trust,
<br /> whether or no!suk ia brou9ht,irtdudirtg,but not fimited ta,ali fses and o�ItxxxrotJ an Sppssl.in benlwPtcY�erKt for;»st-�udgment ColteCtiort ;
<br /> actions.
<br /> 28. PAATIAL RELEASE Lender may releasa its interesrt in a Portion of the Freperty by execxi8ng arid recording ax a more Partial Deed oi
<br /> F��meysnce without affecting its irrierest in the romaini pat�on ot the Property IQothing herein shall be dhemed to obiigate Lender to release
<br /> any ot its irtterest fn the Property(excepi r�required under�raph 3�.nor shalt Lender be obliqated to mlease any oart of the Property if Grarttor
<br /> is in defauit under tfiis Deed of Tru�. 'th8 ii6n and�CUrit�iMarest croated by Yne Dead of Tntsi remain in effsct wiLh res�'�eCt b that Fortiott of the '
<br /> praperty,as defined in tha Deed of?���:s,that is not thc sub�e:.t of�is ot any dertial Deed at Reconveyance.
<br /> ?9. MODlFICATION AND WAtVER. Ths:�nod�fic�tion or rwaivcx ofar�y of CxaMOS's Obligatiorts or Lencler's rights under this Deed of Trust m-�st be
<br /> conteSned in a writing signed by landa,- :.w.�dz;may pe�'iorrn arrv oE BocraNePsi or GraMOr's OWi$ations,delay a tail h�exerdse any of Rs righis or
<br /> axept paymenta hom Grarttor or ar;yone ather than tirantar wiUaswi causing a•�vaiver ot those Ob�igationss or nghts. A�vaiver on one occasion shail
<br /> �ot canstitute a waive�en any other occasion. Grarnor's ObligaC,�rts u�er this Oeed of 7rust shati not be affocte�ff Lender amends,compromises,
<br /> ezchanges,fa;is to exerase,Impsirs or releases ar/M the Otriqrrdons bslonginfl to any Carantot,Borrovrar or thfrd part�r ar e_ny of i�righb ageinst
<br /> any Grantor, Borrower or third paZy or arp�of the Property. Ccrde�'s tallure to insis�`upon strict'peAamance of ury of the OcligatSons shall not be :
<br /> deemed a waiver,and Lender shatl have the rfgM at any Ume thereafiter to insist upon sh�ic!performance. 4
<br />, 30. Sf38STiTUTE TRUSTEE. in case c�f the deaLh,�►�,ni,roft.�sal to set or abeence at the Trustee from the state whero the Rroporty is located er{n
<br />� case the holder of the Obtl9ations shaf'1 derlr9 tor aAy rerson to rertwve the Truslee a arry substlhrie trustea as trustee h�reunder and toap�oi nt a
<br />� new tn:stee in his place and steacl,tha holdar af the ObligaGona'ss heroby granted iuG powet to appoiM in writing a substihn`e trustee for said TrusMe,
<br />� end the�subsffi�trustee shali,wrsnapp ointed,become s��or to al!rf�trts of TnisMe heraunder and the same shall txcome vas°ed in hfm tor
<br /> i V:s purFosas end cbjects of this i,aed of 1'rus;with aJl the power,duties and ot�'isations heroin xt�isrted on the Tru4tee.
<br /> 31. SUCCESSQRS AND A.�'�'`�WS. Ttiia�exi ot Trus!shail be binding•rpon and inure to the bsifeHt of Gt�and lander end tMek respective .
<br /> succ�s::ora,asaigns,truste�.,:aceivsrs,a,dminiaNatoro,peraor.el ropreseMatlwrs,legatees and devisees. . _ .
<br /> 32. NOSICE3. FxceHt e.s uthenvise requ�rEd by la�v,any no4lce or otf�et communkxition to be provlded undx this Deed of Trust shall l.�e\n writing :
<br /> and sant ro 4fie parties xt�e addressss dt�xibed in this Dsed oi Truat w ux�othsr addross sa the partiea may deaignaie in wriMng fn�m 8me to
<br /> bme. My xuah natbce so gtven acsd sant b+;Brst class mail.P�9a P�P�.�hnll be desrt�rad gNen the earller oi throe(3)day�s aftet suah rrotfce is
<br /> sent or when rece'rved by tfie pessnn to whorr��uch notice ta being yiven.
<br /> 33. SEVERABILITY. Whersever possibla,er:ti provlsion of this Deed o1 Trust shaii be inte�prcted so as to be eHective and valid under nF.plicable
<br /> stae law. It any prov�s'von ot this Dse�of Tn�st vbktes the law or is urtenfaoeabis,1fie roat ot this Deed ot Trust shall contlnus to he valid end , ,
<br /> enforcdable. �
<br /> 34. APPl.ICA�L[IAW. Thia Deed of Tr�st ahail be gavemed by the lav�o}U,e state where the Property is located. Unlass eppik;able law provides .
<br /> CA
<br /> otherwise,Gremor cor�serns t�the Jurisdiction erA ve»uo ot arty cavrt taleeted by Lender,in its aole diacxetion,located ir.that stete.
<br /> 35. NO THIRQ-PApTY R!3HTS. No person ia or�hall be a third-parry bei�efiaary of arry prwisbn of this Dead of Trust Ati provisions of this Doed ot
<br /> Trust In favor oi Lender aro intended solely tor the baneftt of La�tder,e.�d no third party aha{I be sntitied to assums ot expect that lender will wafve or
<br /> conaent to tho modiflcaUon o1 any provfafon oi thit�Deed ot Trvst in Lsndsr's aWa disctstion.
<br /> 36. PRESERVATlON OF LIABILfTY AND PRiORfTY. WRhout aNec�ng the liability af Sorro+var,Grantor,a ury guarantor of the Obligationa,or any
<br /> other person(except a peraon expressFy released irt writirx�)for the payment and perfotmanca ot t4�e Obligations,snd without aNectirtp ehe rights of
<br /> Lender with respect to sny Property not expressty roleastd in Mritir�g,and without impairing in any way the priaity of this Daed oi Trust owir the
<br /> inte:est ot anype rson acquired or first cv{denced by reoording si,ibsoque�t to the reocxding of this Deed of Truat,Lendsr may,eithsr behxe ot after ,
<br /> the maturity of the Obligations, and wft�out rwtice or consent rekase arr�peraon liabb ta payment or performance of ati or any psrt ot tF.e
<br /> Obiigatio�s; make any agreemaM akeri�g the terms oi paymcnt or perfamarioe of aG or arry part of the Oblipatlona: axerdsa or rofrain hom
<br /> ezercising or waiws any right or remsdy that LaMer may havs ureder thia Deed of 7rust; axept additbnal ssa+ritv ot any kind tor any of the
<br /> Obli ations;or re!aa.e or othervvise deal with arty raal or pet&ona!property aecuri�p the Obliyations. My person acqu[ring or recording evidence of
<br /> 9 al
<br /> arry iMSrest of p.ry nature in the Property shalt ba desmed,by aoqufrinQ such interea:ot recording any evidence theroof,to have eonsertted ta alf or
<br />, any such aciorul�y LAndar.
<br /> 37. O�FEASl�N:'E. Upon tho payme�t and�erfo rmance in fi:G oI aJl af the Obligations,Lender will execute and del'rver to Grantw those documenta
<br /> that may be requirsd to re{east th�s Deed of 7rvst oi reca�d. Grantor ahalt bs resporisible to paY erty ccats of recordation.
<br /> 38. CQNSTRUCTI�N LOAl1. �i This Deed of Trus!is a corsstrucdon mortgaee under the Uniform Commercial Code, to secure an obli7ation
<br /> inc�rred for the construction of an improvement�n land,Induding the aoqu�sfHon oosts oi(and. This Deed ot Tniat secures a construction toan,and
<br /> it wiSl w:;:bject tc the terms af�consVuction loan agroemen2 betMmsn GraMar and Lendet. My mate�fals,equipmeM or supplies used or lntended
<br /> for use in the conaVuctlon,developmerti,or opsratF�n oi the Props�i.whsthst starsd on or off tl�e Propsrty,shal{alao be wbject io the Ilen of this
<br /> Deed of Trust.
<br /> 39. WAlVER OF NOMESTEAD ANO OTNEA D�MPTIONS. GraMw hers5y walves alI homestead and other exemptlons In tha Propecry to which
<br /> Grantor woult!otherwise be enNtled under ury appliqble{aw.
<br /> 40. MISCEUANEOUS. Grentor and Lsnder agree that tlme b o1 the ess�nce. Grantor waves presentment,demand tor payma�t,notice ot dishonor
<br /> a�d protest except as reGulrad by law. A11 mferences to Cxantor In;his Dered af Trust shall tnUude aIf persons slgni�g below. N there Is more than one
<br /> Grantor,their Obllgations shrJl be jc+iM artd several. This Deed of Trusi represents.the camp{ete i�Mgrated undetatanding betweer. Grarttor and ,
<br /> Lender partaining to the terms and a�^�ftians hereof.
<br /> 43. ADDiP.ONALTERMS:
<br /> I
<br /> Grantor acknowledges that Grantor Nas road,understands,and a9rees to the tertr±s and conditions of thls Deed oi Trust,and acknowledqes receipt ot
<br /> an exact copy ot seme.
<br /> Uated this �'�th day of Janua•,°y, I9 95
<br /> GF�4NTUR: Arthur M Avezy GRAtVTOR Rivina Z Avery -
<br /> ( `l �� ) ' ' " ' ✓' �'/
<br /> � ��l�i � �>�L��- ��G�/ t ��._�t r � � -
<br /> 1►rt ur M Avary �` —���^ � vA�ina Z .a•• ( , �-'/�-,� �,
<br /> ery ,
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<br /> Gwwrca: cwwTOx G `; i` �
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