<br />� '
<br /> r° r
<br /> f 15. TAXr5 AND ASSESSMENTS. Grantor shall pay all taxes and asx.ssments rolsting to tne Proper.y when dua and immetli�oty provide Lertder '
<br />'r evidertce af pAyment o!sarr.e. Upon the request of Lender,Grantar aha►I depoaitwith lender oaCh mortth onaNreltth(1/12}ot the est(mAtecl annual '
<br /> 4 insurance pre;nium,taxea and assessmersts pertaining ta the Property, Sp bng as therc is no defnult,these amourtts sha11 be appiied to tha payment '
<br />; oi taxes,assessments�i insuranx as reGuired on ths PivpeRy- N the avent ot defauk,Lendar shall have the rlgM.at ffs sWe o?tion,to aAPhr�
<br /> funds so held to pay any taxes w against tha Obfipa4ais. My funds appi'�i ma;r.ffi Lender's option.be ied in reverse ordsr of tM due date '
<br /> thereot. �
<br />, 16. IN�PECTIOH OF PROPEATY, B:OOKS, RECORDS AWO REP(�RTS. Gtantor aha11 a1M�uv Lendru w!ts apertts to examine and inspect tha '
<br />� Property and examine,ins�ect and make capies of Grarttor's bo�ks a�d;eoads pertainirtg to the prpperty,from�(me b time. Granfir shail provide
<br /> ar.y assistance required by i.ender for these purposeY. /UI a(the sigrf8luros and irNwma*Son a�ntained in Cxantor's books and taCOrds shall be
<br />; genuine, vue, accurate and completo in a!I respects. Grantor shali note yie'existence cf Ln�tler's beneficiaf interest in its bcoks and recprcls '
<br /> pertaining to the Property. Additionally, Grantor snatl repo�t,in a fcxm satistactory to Lender.such irtfwmation as Lendef may rnquest regardfng
<br /> GrantoPs financial condition or the Pro�erty. '�he infor.nation shall be for such Fe+;od�,shal!roflaCt Grontor's raeorQs ai suCh�me, and shell be '
<br />� rendered witn such freo;�ortq as Lender may designate. NI irtformatic�n tuminhed by Grantar tp L,mnder shall be true,axurete and completa i�all
<br /> respects,and si�ned by Grantor i4 tender requests.
<br />� 17. ESTOP�EL C cRTiFiCATES. 1^IUtin ten (10)!iys aftsr any reyyu,sst by Lmder,Grnrttor shali deiiwr to I..ender,or any irt!e�ded trznsteree af
<br /> LendePs rights with respecc!o Lhe Obliga8ons,a signed and admow}edged stxiement s�eclfyln8(a}the L�snVing bal�pCe p�the OWigations;rnd
<br /> E (b)whethar Grantor possesses any ciaims,defense�s,set�oifs or counterdaima with respect to tSie pbligatlons and,H sa,the naturo of such claims, '
<br /> dotenvn,set-otts or countercialms. Grentor will be condusively bound by eny ropresentaUon that i_ende�ma,y make m��Me�ded Vanaferoo w�
<br />� res�ect to 4heae mattera in the event that Grantor taffa to prov►de G�e requeated statement in a tSmely mannyr,
<br />� 18. EYENTS OF DEPAULT. M Event ot Detault shail occur under�ia Deed of Trust and the Truslee's power atuell beco:ne operaWe in the event that
<br /> I Grantor,EorroKer or any guaranta W tha Ob:igations:
<br />� (a) faiis to pay any pbiigation to tander when�ue;
<br /> � (b) falia,o Ferfarm any ObliQation a breachas ariy wenenty pr cova�ar�t b Lendx oontafned In this Daed oi Trust o�any other present or fu4ure
<br /> � agreement; ,
<br />� (c) destroys,loses or d�z?�.ages L�a Property in any material respect ot aubjecty the prc�perty to y��,�{���,a�demnation; '
<br /> (d) seeks to revoke,terminate or crtherwiae limit its liabil.�ty urkier arty guaranty tp Ler�der
<br /> E � (e) dies,bacomes logalfy incbmFetent,ia dissofved or terminated,beeornes IiaWvent.makes an aayignmont for the benafi!oi creditors,tails b '
<br /> P pay detrts as thay become due,f;las a petition under thc fede>rai yan}cruptcy lawa,Ras en involuntary poMtlon In bankruptcy fllad in wfilch Grantor,
<br />� �ir Borrower or any guzrarttor is named,or has prooerN tsk±n u�der any writ w process o}covrt; t�
<br />� R� (� ailrnvs goods to be used,tran�ortad os stored on the Pro
<br /> PertY.the possession,transportation,or use ot which,ia illegal;
<br />� ;91 atiows anY Party other than Grantor or Borrower m assume ar undartake arry ppitgation witf�out the m}tten consent ot Lender;or
<br />, (�l (h) csuses lsnder to deem its�sM inseaire Cue ta a signifir�M dedine tn the value of the Pr�perty;or if lender, in good fatth,tr�r any renson,
<br /> ,,� sea
<br /> i C� t,elieves that the prospect of payment or peAnrmance is impa�ired. F
<br />( v` 19. RtGii?'S OF LEkDFR ON EVENT pF DEV�AUIT. Upon tha occurce�ce of an Fven!ot Defautt under thh Deed of Truet,lender aha11 tro entlttud to '
<br />� exarcise one or more of the following remedies without notice or demand(exceot ea required by 1aw); s
<br /> (a) to decl�re the ao�i3atio�s immediately duo and payable in tu;1,auch acanlsration ahali be automatic snd immsdfate H tlie Ero�t oi Defauk is
<br />� a tiling under the Bankruptcy Code; :
<br /> {b) to caUec4 the outstand!ng Obfigationa with cr without resorting to judEqal procE,ss;
<br /> �nvenie tito G antor anJ Le da�maS�e ave!iable to,lender arry psraonal proprrty or Chattals consUtuyng tha property at e place roasonably
<br /> (d) to enter�pon ar.d take possession of tha Property without ap�lyin8{oc a op•,�ning!he appointmertt af a receiver and,at lender`s option,to
<br /> appoirtt a racaiver withaut bond,without fiist bringing suit o�2he Obllgatbns and without otharwise meeUnfl arty steY,r4ory conditions regarding
<br /> receivers,it being�ntended that Lerider shall have this contractual right to appoint a receiver; '
<br /> (e; ta empioy a managir.g a„�qe�t of the PropaRy and let the same,either in Trustee's own name,in the name ot Lender or in the name oi
<br /> Grantor,and rnceive the ronts,incomes, issues and profits of the Property snd appl�,the same, af�r payment oi ffi! ne:essary�argea end
<br /> exponses,on account ot Bie pbtiga8ons;
<br /> (t) to pay e�y sums(n arsy form or manner deamed expedie�;t by Lender to pew,c+�t tfio sea�rity o}th�$pead of Trust or te cure any default other
<br /> Lhan payment ot interest or prir,cipal on the Obli�±ations;
<br /> (g) to foreclose this Doed ot Trust Judlcisl�Y w r�o�Judidaliy an�±?+±dlrect ttse sale of the property tfirough exercise of the power of sale as
<br /> reterenr,od in paragraph 26,herein,in accordance with applicab�e{nw;
<br /> (h)to set-oN Grantor's ObligaUons aga;r,st any amounts owed Cnentor by Lender induding,b+�t not limitsd to,monies,instruments,and depoait
<br /> accounts maintained with Lendar or any curren4ty axisting or future�tiata,of Lender,artct
<br /> O to exerciss all ofher rights available to Lender urder any other writttn agn;emam or appficable ia�y,
<br /> Lender's rights are cumu�a!ive and may be exercised tegether,seeatateiy,aaxf is�ar�,o�e:. In the event that L.endor institutes an action seekin�
<br /> tha recovery ot any of the Property by way of a prejudgmeM r&medy in an actlon agalnst Grantor,Grantor waives the pesling of an�k hcnd which
<br /> might otherwtse be roquired. Lender o�Lendar'a deslgnee may purcha.4a the property at any s�e �ds o�arvy Trustee's saf�herounder
<br /> shall be app{ied firsi,to the�sts,an�expanses of exarclsing the power o}sale and ot tt�e aa1e,includin the `
<br /> actually incurced and not ta excsod�s amourtt which may be provided}w;�y���ot TNSi se�� �9 PaYment ot the Tn: ee's teea
<br /> he•eby,third,to the payment of Junfa trust deeds,mortgages,ar other 6e�hotders,ar�d the palance,if e,���eof the Obligr.tion�,seCUred
<br /> enditied thareto. Tho PrapeM,r or any part thereot may be sold in one parcel,w in such �� Pe�n or persons iegally
<br /> may elect,and cne or more exercises ot the power hare(n gran�ahal�rtot expnguish or�axh Iaust U�e�er w ordor as Lender In its sole discretion
<br /> tho obligations are paid in iull. power unlesa the enUre F'tcpeRy fs sold or
<br /> 20. TRUSTEIE'S EXERCiSE dF POWER QP SALE 01V DEFAULT. Upon de}ailt ty Sorrorver ir payment o!arry(,lbligations secured hereby,Lender
<br /> may declare aii sums,sr.cureri hereby,immecliate�y due and payabie and shai�cacrae to�fi��y�}��a written no�ce of defauR a�id electon to
<br /> seti tfie Property. After the lapse oi such�me as Lhen may be required by;a�y}p��i�9 recoroation of such rtotice p}de{bvn,$nd nritico of sa�e
<br /> having baen gfvon es tfien required by taw,Trustee,without demand on Grantor,shal!saii such f'ra�r,cty,either as a whole n�in septvats parCr;Ig,and
<br /> in such order as it or Lender may detarmina,at public aucdon to the highest bidder, Trurne mr,y pustppr,e tha sale of all or tury partitk�ot the
<br /> Property by public announce;nent at the time and pisce c�t saie,ar�d from time!p Ume thereaiter may Fwstpone tne aale by pubii;a��nouncurn3nt at
<br /> the Nme and pla�fixed by the preceding postpanemont. Trustee shall deliver to auch p�rchasvr it�i deed �
<br /> so so1d,but without any covensnt or warranty,expross or imp7ied. The recitais in such deed o't any mattets�u}V}act o�pthe�i�y�a��;;�,nc urairre
<br /> proa4 of the Kuthfulness thereof, Any person,including Grnntw,Trustee a Lender,rrwy purchaa,e'at auch saie, '
<br /> 21. REQUEBT FOR WO'fICES. Grantor requests that a copy of any noUce of defauft and a cop��o(any notice of sala hereunder be mafled to each
<br /> person who is a party hereto,at the address of such person set forth heroin ut the sams dme and in tito same man�s�req������ough n separate
<br /> request thJrroi had been filed by each such person.
<br /> 22 SECURITY INTERFST UN�ER THE UNIFORM CAMMERCIAI CODE 1'hfs Deed of Trust yha1�ye co�side�ed a finencing statemont and e
<br /> fix*ure flling pursuant to the�rovisions of the Unliorm Cor imerciN Code (yt eidapted in rhe state where the Property is located)r.overing flxturea,
<br /> chamis,and articles oP personal property now owned or heroatcer attached m or to be used in connection with the pro '
<br /> replacemerts thereof and addibons thereto(tha'Chattels'),and l;rantor hereby grants Ler�de;a aecuriay irtte�ey�t�n suc�h p��ajs eTho de�btoaisdtha
<br /> Granbr desc!ibad abova, The secured party is the lender describxl abave. Upon demand,Granfor shali malce,execute and delfver auch security
<br /> agreamenis(as�uch term is def�ed in sald Ursiforr,i Commerclaf Ca3e)as Le�der at any t{me may deem necessary or prope�or required tq grarrt to
<br /> Lendar a perfec,ed securi.y intarest in ihe Cha!teis,and upon Grantos�s tailurs to do so,Lender is autfiorized to•iig�any��agreement as tP�a agent
<br /> of Grar,tor. Grantor h-3reby authorizes Lender to fife finsncing statemeMs(as such terrn is deBned in sald UnHorm Comnercia!Code)with�eype�t;o
<br /> the Chattels,at any U�nc,withovt U;e aigna*ura of Grantor. Grantor wili,however,at arry Ume upan request of L,ender,si9�s;�h finarictng statements.
<br /> Grantor will pay a!1 fiting fees for the filing of sucf:finandng sffitemerrts r�nd for the�ling thereof at the times requfred,In the opinton of Lender,Ey
<br /> said UnNorm Commerclal Coc1e. H the Iten M thls Dead of Trust i!suDject to arry yecurity a9reement cover}ng the Chattels,than En tfie eveM o1 any
<br /> Pdefault under thla Dee�of Trvst,all the rlght,tltfe end lriterest ot Grantpr In and to any and at�of Me Chattels{s hereby asslgnesi to Lender,togather
<br /> Ch the benefit of any deposits cr payments now a heroafter made thereof by G�anmr a the prede��pry w���in title ot Grantor in the
<br /> Pery. °
<br /> 23. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMCIfNTS EXpENDBD BY LENDE?. Lr�der,a!Lsnder's o on,ma e '
<br /> expenses)to perform any act reauired to be taken by Grantor�er t�ey,ercfse any right or remedy oyf l.e�ndncs�r Under tfih�udDeed of Trutt,�Upon dem�and '•
<br /> Grantor shall immediateiy reimburse Lender for aIl such amounts expended by Lender together yvith;nierest thereon at the Iower cN tho h�ghest rate
<br /> dnscribed in any pbligation or tho hipheai�ate allowed by�avv from the datr ot payment until the date ot reimbursement. Thsse sums shaN be
<br /> ir.cludad in the definition of Obligation�heroin and sha11 be sea;ed by�����in2eresi granted hera(n. If the Obligallons sre paid after tha
<br /> beginning oi puWicaGon of notice of sale,as harei�provided,or 1�the we�t�,����� ���
<br /> Obligations after the beginning of publication of notice oi sale,as her�provlded.�en,�r���1 p°a������to paY�y P�01 the
<br /> Trustee and LeRdsr I�COnneciion wid�said publiratbn,induding reasonabfe attomeys•tees to the �nsea Incurrocl by the
<br /> roasonable 1ee to the Trustse.and this peed o!Tr�st sha11 be secur{ty{o�a(t a�x�e
<br /> �s and tees����tw tfie Truatss and tor the lsnder,and a
<br /> 24. APPUCATIbN OF PAYNIENI'S, !,!1 paymertts mede by or an beha}f o{��may��p{ied ainst the amovnta pald by La:xier QndudinL
<br /> nttomeys'fe�s nnd bynl expensea)in cannection wYth tha exerctise of its righty a remediea d���n����a Trust and then to the paymerK .
<br /> of the romafning Obligationa in whatevs•order Lender chooses.
<br /> 25. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Gran�r hero pa �
<br /> documents pertaining to the ObllgaUons or Qee�d o7rus�t, k�i a�d�d��� ��M y��t�������,���all instrvmer�ts and other
<br /> �y ts
<br /> documents�all not ef eve Grantor irom a�ny Orii��ation or au e en}��dsfn�uekdunder th s Deed of TruPat��Ni ance� such acUo�n a eznecuUon o���
<br /> Truat ve coupled wlth an intereat and are ircevocat�le, P� attomeY desctibad In thls Desd o!
<br /> �9���funds adven�by Le dee�egardi 1�of wh9�tl�ea liensh secu the`�Idea�a Previoua lien� securtty Interest or encumbrancx
<br /> mY other encumbrencns have been released ot roccrd.
<br /> ��+e,�,c e F«rtiv�w,r.u,,,dup.,.r�c�,sro/�t f�l��'arao ��� ' ; ; ����/ �
<br /> ra�o a � � � '
<br /> . . i ;
<br /> � t �
<br /> '�i� ;,` ,����'�'�•
<br /> ,
<br /> {� { jy��� '`.'y�,��u y ��y.�'�.t��.
<br /> .. � . . � ... . . '1�. )�Xt��� �illf,LY:1!� � �`�'.�'dLEP�__ J,
<br />