17. Transfer of the Prnperty or a Beneficial fnterest in Borrower. ir an or any p3rt of lhe Property or
<br /> any interest in k is sald or trans�erted (or A a bensficial interest �t Borrowef is sok� or rransferred and BoROwer i5 not a natural
<br /> person) wAhout Lendor's prior writtaen consent, lender may,at its optan, require immediate pa��ment h fuil of ap sums sacured by
<br /> this Security Inscrument. However, this option shap not be exercised by Le�der it e;cero.e is prohb+ted by federal taw as of the
<br /> date of this Security InSWment.
<br /> it Ler�er e�cercises tt�is option, lender shall give Borrower notice ot acceieratio�. The notice shall provide a perbd of not
<br /> Iess than 30 days trom tha date the notica is dalivered or maiied wRhn which E3orrownx,must pay atl sums secured by thfs ,
<br /> Sacurity instrurtceni. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to che attpFation of this pciriod, Lender may invoke any remedies
<br /> pem�itted by this Security Instrument withou4 lurther notics or demand an E3orrcwer. .
<br /> 18. 8arrowePs Right to Reinstate. ir sorrower meecs certa�, conditions, eorrower shall have tne rgnc �o na�e
<br /> enforcement of this SecurRy Instrume�t disconCreued at any Cme prbr to !ha earli�v oh !a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> appl�cable law may specify far reinstatem,ent) before sale of the Propsrty pursuant to any poNer ot saie contained in tfifs Security
<br /> Instrumenh, or (b) entry of a judgmsnt entor�ing this Security Instrument.Those co�ditbns a•e that Borrqwer: (a) pays Lsnder ail
<br /> sums which then would be due under this Security instrerent and the Note as it no acceleration had acr.urred; (G) cures any
<br /> defauft of any other covenant or agreements; (c) pays aIl e�enses incurtsd � enforcing the; Security Instrument, includ'ng, but
<br /> not limited to, reasonabie attomoys' tees; and (d) takes such ection as Lendt� may reasonaby requ're to assure thaY.the fien of
<br /> this SecurRy Instrument, Lender's rghts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay tl�e sums secured by this Security
<br /> instrument shall continus u�changed. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this SoCUrirty Instrurient and th� obi'getbns seCUred
<br /> hereby shail remain fulty eHectnre as iF no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to re'nstste s'�etl not apply In the case
<br /> of acceleration under paregraph 17. �
<br /> 19. Sale of P�ote; Change of Loan Senricer. r►te �oce or a a partial nes�esi tn cne Nota (togetnsr w�cn tn�s
<br /> Security InsErument} may be sold one or more times wRhout prior noC�ce to Borrower. R sale mav resuk in a change in the entity
<br /> (known as the "Loan Serv4er")thet collacts month!y paymsnts due under the Note and thes Sec�!tity Instrvmen?. There also may
<br /> be one ar more changes ot the Loan Servicer unreVated to a safe of the Note. If tha•t+ is e chango o( t�tie l.oan Sarvicer,
<br /> Borrower will be givan written notice oP :he change in accordanCe wfth paregraph 14 pbov� and npplicable law. The n�otice will
<br /> state the name and address ot the now Loan Servicer and the address to which payments ,houkl �he made. The� notice H�ili also •
<br /> contain any other inforenaCron required by applicable lavr. ' _
<br /> 20. Hszardou:� Subst8nce8. Borrower shai9 not cause or partnii the presance, use, disposal, stora4�e, or rebas� oi
<br /> any Hazardous Substances on o� � the Property. Bi�rrower shall not do, nor albw anyor�,3 elss eo do, anyth.iig aftecling the
<br /> Property that is in v�l�dbn of any Envvonmental Law. The preced'n� two sentences shaA ��ot n�py to th9 pfEtS0flC6, use, or
<br /> storage on the r'ropert�, of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that ere generaly rAC�x�nizsd lo be appri�priate to normal
<br /> residsntia�use^, snd to Gmaintenance of the Pro�erty.
<br /> Borcower sha!i prompth; give Lender written notk�e of any investigation, claim, demand, kawsuit or oth�x e:ctb� by any
<br /> govemmentnl or regulatc�ry agency or pr'vate party invoNing the °roperty and any Hazardous Si.bstance or Environmental l.aw a(
<br /> which Borrow9r has actuai knowl�dge. II Borrower feams, or is notified by any go�wnmenta� or repulatory r�.uthority, thnt any
<br /> removal or other remediaCron ot any Hazardous Substance aHecting Property is necessary, E'orrownr shall promptiy take all
<br /> necessa,y remedial actions in accordance wkh Environmental Law. �
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances dofinQd as toxb or hezardaus suhstance�s by `
<br /> Env'vormentai Law and the fotlowing substances: gasole�e, kerosene, other fk�mmable or tcxic potrbleum products, toxic
<br /> pest�cides and herbicides, volatite sol:a�ts, materials containing asbestos or torm�ldshyde, and rad;�active mati3rials. As used in �
<br /> paragraph 20, "Em-�onmQ�ital Law" means federal laws and iaws of the jurisdictio� where the Property is bcated that rela,Gj to �..r
<br /> health, safety or env'�ronmentai prot�tion. � ;
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fvrther covenant and agres as folbws: �
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedles. Lender shal! give no4ice ta Borrower p�riar to acceleratian � ,
<br /> following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security instrument (but not
<br /> prior to acceleraiion uRder paragraph 17 r�nless applicable lauy provides otht�rNise). The notice
<br /> shail sgecify; (a) the rlefault; (b) the acticsn required to cure ihe default; (c) a date, not less than
<br /> �0 days from the da�e the no4ice is given to Borrower, by which the default n�usY be cured; and
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the defeult on or before the date specified in the notice mey result in
<br /> ac�eleretion o4 the sums secured by this �ecusity InsVument and sale of the Pr��perty. The notice
<br /> shali turther inform Borrov�er of the right to reins?at� aiter acceleration and 4hr, right to bring a
<br /> court action to assert the non-existence of a cfefault or any other defense of Borrower to
<br /> occeleration and sale. If the detault is not cured on or before the date specifi��d in the natice,
<br /> Ler�der at its option may require immediate payment in full of all s�,�ms secured by this Se�urity
<br /> InsVument withou4 further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other rerrsedies
<br /> permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitted to collecE all expenses incurred in purr�ing
<br /> ihe remedie� provided in this Raragraph 21, includin�, but not limited to, reason,able attorneys'
<br /> lees and costs of tiUe evidence. °
<br /> If #he power of sale Is invoked, Trustee shall recard a notice ,of default �rs ef�ch county in
<br /> which any part of the PrQperty is located and shail mail copies of such notice in the manner
<br /> prescribed 5y applicable law to Sorrower and ta the other persons pres�Nbed by ap,plicable law.
<br /> After the tfine required by applicable law, Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the persons
<br /> and in th� manner preg�ribed by appiicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrowt�r, shall sell
<br /> the Proper4y at publi� �uction to the highest bidder st the tirtte and place and under the terms
<br /> designate� in the notice af sale in one or more parcals and in any order Trustee determines.
<br /> Trustee r�iay postpone sale of aN or any parcel of the Property by public announcem,ent at the
<br /> time and pisce of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the
<br /> Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt �f payment ot the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser '�rrustee's
<br /> deed conveytn$ the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shail be prlma isc(� evid'ence of
<br /> the Vuth of the statements made therein. Tru$tee shall appiy the praceeds of the sale in the
<br /> tollowing order. (e) to al! costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the aale,
<br /> includi�rg the payment of th�e Trustee's fees actually incurred, not to exceed three
<br /> % ot the princlpel amount ,of the
<br /> note et the time of the declaration of detaut,, and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted b�� law;
<br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; end (c) any exceas to the pe�son or p�tisons
<br /> legaily entiUed to it�
<br /> \ „_ _
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