ti, .
<br /> ' .
<br /> �
<br /> Borror•er rnay cur� such a dafauY and reinstate, as provided in parngraph t8, by causing the ac!ion or proceede�g to be
<br /> dismissed with n rvling that, in Lend9r's Qood faith determiiation, preciudas foAekure ot the Bonowe�s interast in the Proper?y or
<br /> other materisi h:pairrrenl o( the lien created by this Sacurity instvment or Lender's sec�rity interes4. Borcower shali also be in
<br /> dafauk i( Rcrcower, during tho ban appiicatbn process, gave materie6Y balse or e�accurate Entortnation or s�atements to Lender {or
<br /> fa�dd to prav'K!e Lender with any materiai infortrsation) in connectbn w�h the ban svtdenced by the Note, including, but not
<br /> limited to, raprese�tetions conceming BoRawei's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this SecurRy
<br /> instrume�t f, on a leasehold, Borrower shaA c�mpy wkh all the provisbns of the lease. if Bonower acquh�es fee tRla to the
<br /> Property, the IeasehoM and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger� wrkinc�. �
<br /> 7. Prot�action of Lender's Rights in the Propeety. ir sonower �a�s to �om, cne co�er,ancs and a9�eemencs
<br /> contained in t,tiis Sacu�ity Instrument, or there is a legal proceed��g that may signiFicanty aitect Lender's rights in thP Property
<br /> (such es a proceeding in bankni�tcry, orobate, for condpmnatian or forfeituro or to entorce Isws or regs3latrons), then Lender may
<br /> do and pay t�r v�hatever is necessary to protect the value of the PropeRy and Ler.der's rghts vi the Praperh'. Lendei'S actans
<br /> may inciude payrc�g a�y sums secure� by a C�en which has prlori4y over this.Secur7ty Instn�meni, appv,flring n couR, payfng
<br /> reascnabt� attomeys' fees and ent�ing on tha Property to make repairs. ARhough Lender may P.ake actian under this paragraph
<br /> 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lendgr under paragraph 7 shnll become add'Rional debt oF Barcower s.ecured by this Sacurity
<br /> Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tetms of payment, these emousits sh811 bear interest hom the dato of
<br /> disbursement at tlie Note rate and sha�!be payabla, with hterest. upon notice hom Lender to Borcower requesting pnyr,�er,t.
<br /> 8. Mortg���e Insurance. 3t �endor requYed moRgape hsurance as e condRlon of makhg tho ban secured by thfs
<br /> Security Instrument, Borrowar shali pey th� prs�riums ret�uired to maintaln ehe mortgage insurance in eNect. If, for eny reason, t?�s
<br /> mortgage insurarice Coverage r�quied by Lender lapsfls or esases to be h effect, Sorrower shall pay the premiums reau'red to
<br /> obtain covsrage su�5stanticlh eqv�val�nt to the mortgags insurance prevausiy in effect, at e cost substflntially equivalp,nt to the
<br /> cosY to 3orrowr,r of the mortgaga insurance �+reviously in effect, fram an allsmate martgage insurer approved by Le�der, it
<br /> suhstnntialiy equNel�nt mortgage insurance coverage is not avaiiabh, Borrower shalt pay to Lr�nder each month a swn equal to
<br /> ono-twe�fth ot ths ye+arly mortgage insurance premium being pald by Borrower when ihe insuranco coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in eHec;. Lender wiil accept, use and retain these pa��ments as a fnss raserve in lieu o4 mortqage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> paymc+nts r�ay no lon�,�er be requke�, at the option of lender, if mortgage insursnce coverege (in ths amount end for the period
<br /> tha2 Londer requires) providod by an insurer approved by Lender egan becomes available and fs obteined. Borrower shall pey
<br /> ihe premiums requirsd to maintarc� mortgage insurance in effect, or to provide a bss reserve, untii the requirement for mortgage
<br /> �surance ends in �ccordar�ce with any written egreament beCween 8orrower and Lender or appl�able law.
<br /> 9.. Inspection. i.�,de� or its agent may make reasc�nable entries upon and inspections ot the Proparty. Lender shell give �
<br /> 6orrower notice at the tlme of or prior to an i�specfron specifying reasonable cause tor tha inspection. _�
<br /> 'J Q. CORdeRltt8l��f1. The proceeds of any award or claim tor damages, d'rect or consequentiai, in cennection wRh any �
<br /> condem�alion or other taik�r�g ot any part cf the Property, or }or conveyance in f'�eu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and �
<br /> shall be paid Io lender. �
<br /> In the event of a total taking of !he Property, lhe procesds sha!S be applied to the sums secured hy this Security C
<br /> Instrurtsent, whefher or not than due, with any .vccess paid to Bortower. In ;he event of a partiai tek�� ot the Property in wh�h �
<br /> tt�e fa'v market value af thfi Property 'an�nediately before the taking is equal to or grsater than the amount of the sums secured y��
<br /> by this Sec:urRy Instrument knmediately belore tl�e tekng, un;ess Borrewor and Lsnder otherwise agree in wrking, the sums ���
<br /> secured by this Secu�ity Instrument shall bo reduc�d by the amount o4 the proceFSds multi�lied by the iallowing hactiort: (a) the �
<br /> total amount ot ths sums secured immediatefy before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immedlately
<br /> befare the taking. Any balance shail be paid ,o Oarrower. In th� event of a paR�l taking of the Property in whkh the fair rr�rket
<br /> value of the Property rcnmadi��tely before the taking is less thsn the amount ot the sums secured immediatsly before tha taking,
<br /> unless Borrower ttnd Lender otherwise agree in writing or unle,s applicab�s lew otherwise providas, the proceads shail be
<br /> applied to !he sums secured by tfiis Secur'ty Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> !f the Property is ahandoned by Bo�rower, ar iE, aRer notice by L�der to Borrowc�r that the condemr.or offers to make an
<br /> awarc! ur sottie a ciaim for da,�na�es, Borrower fails to res�ond to Lender wRhin 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect ;�nd appty the proceeds, at its option, eithar to rastoration or repai� of the PropeRy or to the
<br /> sums :>ecured by this Sec�rity Instrumen[, whether or not tha� dus.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrow��r othervv�e agre9 in writing, any appiication ot procaeds to principal shaN not mctend or
<br /> postpone the dua date of the mo�ithly payments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. ,
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Rele.ased; Forbearar�ce By Lender Not a Waiver. �xtension ot the Ccne for pAyment or .
<br /> modif'�cefion ot amortization o1 the sums Secured by this Security Instrument grantsd by Lender to any successor in irtterest of
<br /> B�ROwer shall not operete to roleasa ihe i'�abitky of the orginal Borr�wer cr BoROwers succes5ors in interest. Lender shail not
<br /> be requxsd to commence proceed�ngs against any successor in in!erest or re(use to extend time for paymenl or otherwfse
<br /> modify amurtizatian of the sums se,c,xed by this So�:urity Instrument by reason nt any demand made by the orginal Borrower or
<br /> BoROwer's succassors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any rght or rer,iedy shall not te a waiver of or
<br /> preclude ttre exercise of any right or �Bmedy.
<br /> 12. S,ucces�ors anci A.ssi��ns Bound; Joint and �evera! Liability; Co-slgners. Tne covenants ar,a
<br /> agreements of this Security Instn�ment shatS bnd and benefk the successors and assigns ot Lendsr and Borrower, subject to the
<br /> I provisions o' paragraph 17. Borrowe�, covenants and agreements shatl be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this
<br /> fSecurity instrument but daas not execuUs the Note: (a) !s co-siyning this Security histrument only to mortgage, grant and co�vey
<br />` that Borrowe�'s interost in the Property under the terms of th�s Secu�ity Instrumenh (b)�is not personaliy obligated to pay the
<br /> sums securetl' by tnis Security Instrumant; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Bor.ower may agree to extend, modify,
<br /> lorbear or malce any accammodetbns wfih ragard to tha terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borsowar's
<br /> consont.
<br /> 13. L48n Charc�es. it �ne ban ;;ecurgd by this Secur�ry Instrument is subject to a lew whicn sots maximum loan
<br /> charges, antt that lew �s tinally interpreted so that the interest �r o;her laan charges coNected or to be coilected in connoctbn
<br /> wRh the bsn exoeed the permitted limRs, then: (aj any such ban char�e shaN be reduced by !he amount neces,ary to reduce
<br /> the charge to t�tie permitted limit; and (b) any sums akeady cotlected from Borrower which exceeded pertnitted limits witl be
<br /> retunded ro Borrewer. Lender may choose to maka thhs rafund by reduchg the princlpal owed under th� Note or by makinf a
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. If a refund rec�uces pra�cipal, the reductan will ba treatad as a partial p�epayment wRhout any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. a�,y notice to Borrcwer provided for in this SecurRy instrument shatl be given by delivering R or by mafi"ng k
<br /> by f'KSt cle,s mafl unfess npplicab4e Isw requkes use ot enother method. The notice shptl be directed to the Property Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower designetes by not�ce to Lender. Any nutice to Lendar shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or any other A�clress Ler.der dasfgnetes by notice to Bcrrower. Any noticA pr�vided ior h this
<br /> Security lnstniment shaq be dsemed to have beerr given to Borrower or Lender when gNen as provided � this p&ragraph.
<br /> 15. Governin�g Law; Severability. �rriis Security Instrument shell be govemed by federal lew and the �aw or the
<br /> jurisd'oc4bn fn which the Property is bcafed. in tihe event that any pra�isfon ;r c�ause of this SeCUrlty Instrument or the iJote
<br /> conflictsdwith eppl'�cable� taw, such con8ict shap no1 sHect other provisfons oi this Securky lnstrument or the Note whbh can be
<br /> gh�en eifec;t without the contticCng provfsion. To this end the provk:bns of thfs Security inshument and the Note are declared tc
<br /> be aeverable.
<br /> 16. Borrower'8 �COPy. Borrower shall be p'n�en one conformed copy ot the Note and o!thfs Secur$y Instrument.
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