__��_�.,�.=,� __ . _ .
<br />--�° � ;—�'-r�:E�� . -_— -�-- -- - --_
<br /> T.� _ _ v� , � C ,`�F . � < . ' �- _ � � - .ZC., [.` ,-
<br /> < " . , _ � .'r� c . ' �• . , . � rp .
<br /> _- � • E .-r . fi_'. - rFOV.0 . . - r ` ' � .f -� �-' r' ; � ,� -
<br /> _ �` • _ 2. . K � a _ "4 {t � ,t . :. C '2. _c. ,� � � . � . .t� .0 �<5.
<br /> �, . 'c _ ..tz� o� '_ � .� '_' . -t..�._�-_ � �. _ . .. , , ... — .. .._. .cF� . ._ ... _ .i�.._�._. .
<br /> —= �`�. ' � . .
<br /> ��u�-i.� - � -+f . _ .
<br /> .,,. . • . 17. Tren�r ot the P�ertyt or a Ber�eficia! Interest in E3orrower. If aU or any part of t�e PropeAy or
<br />_ ` ,.' « : 'any interest rn 1 is sotd or trensterred(or d a ben�ra!mterest in Borrower is sofd or vansferred and Bortower is nat a�aturat
<br /> a��' � ` � � � person)v�Rhout F.��da�s prior writmn consent,lender may.at its option,require immed'iate payment in tuu of atl sums secured Dy ; '
<br /> zx�,�` � . � F this Securdy Instrument Ftowever.this opUort sha6 not be exercised pY i.ender�exercise is proh�it9d by tederal taw as of the ` �
<br /> _ _.� ' defe of this SeCUritY hl5trom8nG �,� r
<br /> -e��'� �, `_. ` .� .� It Lender mrercises thts upUOn,Lender shatl gnre Borrovrer nottce of acceleration. The notice shail provide a penod of not ` ti:y
<br />- �;:':�;:,� � _ _ " tess than 30 deYS from the date the rtotice is delivered or mai�d withs� which Bortowet must Pay all sums secured by this �. .
<br />_ '�.•,�• � ti � .-`� Security InsVument If Bortower fa15 to pay these sums Prior to tne m�uatlon of Mis Period. Lender may u►voke any remedies
<br /> .�+�' , �;:_;
<br /> r ,�.< _ •� « � permifted by thi9 SeCUBty InStrument without further nOtiCe or demand on BOtrowet. �`s :
<br /> '�.._,,. .�.`i 18. Borrower's R[ght to Reinsiate. If 8orrower meets cert8in Condidons, 8orrower shall have the �gM to fiave �-:�-.
<br /> — � ° + en(omement o!Uis Security Instrument discontmued at ac►y time prior to the ear�ier ot (a) S days (or suah other period as � �
<br /> - -s-,�_-f.,.: . . ' .'._-"c�; .
<br /> — - _ _ appticabla tew may specify tor reinstatoment)before sale of the Property pursuant to any pov�er ot sate conlained m this Secur�y -�`
<br /> 7 4 --� 5 Insuumen� or(b)entry of a judgrtrent entorcmg Mis 3ecurity�nstrument Those condidons ere that Borrower: (a}pays Lender a11
<br /> � � �'�{ y � '• sums wh�h then would be due under this Securily �nsuument and the Note as if no acceleretlon Aad occutted; (b)cures eny
<br /> .,. . :�`�,,s" . . � :�{ defaeiQ of any other aovenant or agreements: (al PaYS all�enses incun8d in er►forcmg this Seaurrty fnsbument, incNdmg.but
<br /> - �."':�'k't �' – ' not funited to.reaso�abte attomeys'tees;and(d)takes sucR action as Lendsr may reasonebh require w assure tt+at the iien ot
<br /> . ,� �.`#. _ , ...r� this Secur�y Instrument. Lenders rights m the Praperty and Borrowels o6tigation to pay the sums secured by thts Securityr
<br /> . � �`�. tnstrument sha11 continue unchanged Upon remstatement by Bo�rower. this Security Instrument antl the onligatlons securetl _
<br /> ':f�'r�,-; - �: � hereby shall remain tulry effecWe as it no acceteretion had occurred. However,this right to reinstate shall not appty in the casa
<br /> �:��: -, _ � ot accel�ation under P�9�Ph 17.
<br /> -<�..�,, .
<br /> �;�;:;�. � L t' .�-�,. � f9. Sale ot Note; Change of Loan Senricer.The Note or a a paRial mmrest �n me r�oce �tosemer w� �,is .
<br /> r;�"� ,� �' � ��, ! Security Instrument)may be sold one or more ttmes without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may resuft in a change in the entity
<br /> - �:3.Yc _. ..
<br /> :���:' :. ,% �, �.�_ { (knawn as the'Loan Servicer"y that Coltecb monthty payments due untfer the Hote and this Security Instrumen� There also may
<br /> � •�;`x� � " ? be one or more chaeges of the Loan Servlcer unrelated to e sale of the No�a. If there is a change of the Loa� Servicer. • .
<br /> r;._�._r
<br /> � -a.•:, Boaower wU be given written notice of the change s axardance with paragraph 14 abo•re and apD�icable law• The notice will
<br />- . -.,��:�=� � � -� •- ��.� ��. � StaOa the name end addre3s Of the new Loan Servlcet end the address to which payments should ba meda. The natice wilt 8150 _
<br /> ' :P'�s�'` `' .,_i conta�any other intortnatfon required bY apPliCablB faw. � '
<br /> • �:t:�.. .
<br /> �� �-�+ � 20. M8281dOU8 Si1b81811Ce8. Borrower shaU not ceuse or permit tne presence, use, disposal, storage,or retease of �
<br /> . t:.¢ . . ,
<br /> •s��°�: • ' ;r.. any Ha�rUOUS Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor attow enyone etse to do, anything aNecting the , ,
<br /> ��2t'� � � Propeny that is a� violatlon ot any Env'aonmental Law. The preced�g two sentances shall not appty to the ptesence,�use, or a'-
<br /> s:.,�:.;s,.-�•-_-_. , �
<br /> �` ,t � �- storage on the Property o!smc�lt quantitles ot HaTardous SubsmnCes that ere generally recogneaed to be approQr+ate to normal
<br /> � �-'.i•,�i� •. ..,.!
<br /> lt
<br /> . � resldential uses and to maintenance of the Properiy. �
<br /> ' .�,r`:�•�� -' < � Bortower shell promptry give Ler.der wriKen «oUce ot any investtgatWn, clatrn, demand, lawsuit or other acUon by eny �
<br /> �<<<'' ` govemmental or regulatory agency or prNate party v�votving Me Property end eny Ha�tdous Substence or Envtronmentat Law of �
<br /> ` `'`�i�� � Y ' • whlCh Borrowet hes &Ctusl knowledge. It Borrowet leems, or is noCrfled by eny govemmentel or regulfltory authority, thet any �
<br /> � � '` � ` `F� removal or other remediation ot any Harar�ous Substance aitectmg Property is necessary. Bortower shall prompt►y take al1
<br /> ':�� -` " ' r ions in accordance with Environmental Law. �,� .�
<br /> > necessary emedfa1 aCt
<br /> . ,.'';. -
<br /> �;y, ,} As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those 5ubstancas defined as tozic ot hazardous substences by
<br /> .s�._�: . . . ° , � Envuonmental Law and the tollowir�g substences: gasoline, kerosene. othsr ftamma6le or tmdc pet►o�9um pro6uots, toxic __
<br /> f ; . pestiCldes end herbiCldes,vol8tite solvents,m3terlals containing esbestOS or fortna�dehyde,and r8dio8Ctive materials. As use0 tn
<br /> . , -,;:�..
<br /> , � . • � petagr8ph 20. 'Env'uonmental Lew' means federel Iaws end Isws vt the Jurlsdiction where the Property ts located thet retate to .
<br /> `� •�,. • health,satery or envfronmental protecUon.
<br />. • r; c. , t _ . . ..
<br /> _ '�`.; ' . . NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3.Bonower and Lender further covenan!and agree es tollows:
<br /> - , 21. Acceleratton; Remediea Lender shall gtve notice to Borrower prtor to acceteratton ,
<br /> � ;x.'����� � � foltowing Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Inatrument (bu9 aot
<br /> � � - � � � prior to acceteraUon under paragraah t7 untess applicable law provides otherwlse). The noUce
<br /> �: , � � •
<br /> .. � shall sAecify: (a)tho deteult; (b)the acUon requlred to cuee the detauli; (c)a dat�, not les9 than
<br /> ��"``,�� 30 days irom the date the notice ts given to Borrower,by whleh the deteutt must be cur�d; end �
<br /> ' ' �L;'���;• (d) th�t taiture to cure the defanR on or betore tiee dete specifted in the rtotice may result in
<br /> � ���5:'`_ - � � acceteretton ot the snms secured by thla Securlty Instrument and sate ot the Property. The nottce f
<br /> • ±5• .,��; shall further Intarm �orrower of the right to reinstate atter acceter�tion and the right to bring a y �
<br /> ` �� �:���' . court action to sesert 4he non-existence of a default or any ather detense ot Borrower to � , =
<br /> � }''�� � � ' aaceterattan aeed sale. t� the detault Is aat aured on or betore the date speclited In the noUoe, �
<br /> �;�;;;,' � �� Lender at Ns optlon may require immediate payment In tull oT all suma secured by this SecuNty � ,
<br /> �e-�=��:���� • tnatrument without turther demand and may invoke the power o4 eate and aroy other remedtes �. �
<br /> . � ;�.'; ' permitted by appltcabte law. Lender shall be enUtled to collect aU expenses lncurred In pursuing
<br /> �. � _ ___� _ `t the remediea provlded in thi� parogrpph 21. incfuding, but not limlted to, reasflnabte attarrteys'
<br /> � ��._��.: � � fees and costa of tiUe evidence. .
<br /> � �, • . If the power of sale is invoked, Truatee shall record a notice �f 6efault ln eacPf county in ;,
<br /> � -'. ' which any part ot the Property is located and shaa! mail copie� of such rtotiee In the mane�er �
<br />- � �: � •' � presaribed by applicabie law W Borrower and to the other persona prescribed by applicabte law. '
<br />- � ��- � � After the time required by applicable law, T�ustee shaU glve publlc noUee o! sale to the persons
<br /> ��. '� ' and 1n the manner pres�ribed by appticable law. Trus4ee.without demartd on Borrower, shall self
<br />` ��'-` �' � � the Properry at public auction to the highest bidder at the time end place and under the terms
<br /> �' `�-' . , designated in the notice of sale ln one or more parcels artd in any order Trustee determines. '
<br /> ��..� � . Trusiee may postpone sale of al! oe any paccel 04 the Property by publle announcemen4 ot the
<br /> . �, .
<br /> :.,..,� � time and place of any previousty scheduled sale. lender or its designee may purchaso tha
<br /> " . � � • � Property at any sale.
<br /> •��:. •_ � Upon receipt of paymen4 of the price bid. Teust�e shall dellver to the purchaser Truntee's
<br /> = ����' � . sieeri Conveying tne "rroperty. The secitals in tha Trustee's desd shall be prima facle evldence o4
<br /> g��� �� �, the trc:th of the stF+ternents made there�n. Trustee shall 2pply ihe p�raceeds of the sale i� t�►�
<br /> ;., � .
<br /> _ s; ��:- ., following ordcr: (a) to all costs and expenses of exercislafl the power ot sale. and the sale.
<br /> �• including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incwrred, not to exceetl three
<br /> � ' °6 04 the principal amount of the
<br /> 1 � �• �� note at the time of the declaration of default. and reasonable attorney's fees as permiYted by lavr.
<br /> � • ' . (b) to all sums secufed by this Se�urity lnst�umPnt: and (c► any excess to thE persfln or pers�ns
<br /> � • lec�aliv entitled to it. , .
<br /> + „ �
<br /> � . .._ ._ . , .' . .
<br />