–__��,, , � . _
<br /> - ..m'•_r _ . -- .
<br /> ... � k .ai . �N: ., _,
<br /> _ `t ��E � . �j�_!.
<br /> � . _G_�._.yF.,,�,�1 _�- —_ _
<br /> . �; ` • ` _ `. . ' ' ` � _ J E - S.' -
<br /> � t t ., s .. �. e
<br /> -.;� . . . .x� -- . v .C•S- . - _ r�.: < .4 S t , : . o..� �.
<br /> .�� . .! � Ff s�` r.c �h. .' i _ ^. _ � _` ' - �.. .1`�".. . .^
<br /> -i� ( r — %���� .��•i`' C _ - __-:..t._._:�_�i—L...��..._t,r...�_.._��J:....+�_�_.�..... .. . . ' ..- . ., r ._ ..,s_. .u.�' •}__ •
<br /> �s . ` . _ ��
<br /> �i;_ t
<br /> -}z.s-�. _ ( , ,:. < ..
<br /> �, _" ` F `' Bortower maY cure suCh a �auit end rert�stete, as provid8d in paregraph 18. by caus�g Me action or prcceeding to be `����`` :
<br /> 'M> :< ° '�t. .,`:-,��� • a'ism'ssed witA a ruGng tha� irt Lende�s good taith deta�mrt�atiae,Prechules torfe3ure o!the Bortower's int�est�the PropeAy or , `•
<br /> ��'�•.� � ` • ' � ofher mafleria!'snpa'ument Of the Gen C�eSted by this SeCUrtty �n9trument or LendBr's sacuridy iaterest Borrower SheU 81s0 be a� :' '=
<br /> = �� �� � defae�il it Borrower, during the toan appl�afton process,ga�e msterislty faise or a�accurate intortnaUon or sffit�r�ts to Lender(or ,
<br />_ -Ls:y . . ' . fail8d to provid9 Lender w�h anp mateti6l inlamieri0n)in cannectlort with the Ooan e�idenced by U�e Note, inctudmg. but not
<br /> �- < ,, . E ,- � fimRea to. rearesenffitlorts COncemtng BOrrowers occuA9ncy at the Praperty► as a prrt�c�al resWence. H this Secur�y .
<br /> ` InsUument is on a �as�eo[d. 8orrower sheu compry wdh aU Me provisions of the lease. H Borrower acqutres fes tit[e to the ��'T. �
<br /> _ �.4 < < < .-..:} . ProP�Y.the�eassho�l end the ies�a shaU not mer9e untess tender agreas to the merger in wrving. �•` . '
<br /> �';��� ;, , �:
<br /> —�.:�4� :, �<.`�' •,. .. 7. Protectioao 09 k.ertder'a Ri ta in the Propert�f-n sor.ower reas eo a�rm cne coYenan�s and agreemenes
<br /> 9h �;..°�"
<br /> ::# ` �� contained� this SECUrity Insuoment, or there is a ►eBal proceeding that may signittcanriy aHect Lende�s rights in the PmPerty
<br /> -'`� __ ` _' _�.•! (such as m R��B���P�9r.A���. ta c�►a tortsiaue or to enfofce la+�+rs or regulafions�,then lendsr may � -�_ �
<br /> -z �
<br /> �4 �u '. do and pay for whatever is necessary to proUect the va5�e of the Property and Lende�s rights in the Propeny. Lender's actions
<br /> _;�Y� f,�. �j may mcAide payo�g arty sums secured by a lieo which has p►io!ity over this Security tnstrument. appearing in court, paying `"�
<br />' �- F.4 � ,.�,.4�L�r�.��.,� S � �t..'.: .�
<br /> �`-�� reasonabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repa'us.Atthaugh Lender may taJce ection under this P�9�Ph . ��.
<br /> ���"'z'* ,� 7.Lmldef daB3 rtot h8Y9 tQ d0 S0. ..`_'...
<br /> `,,:;f',;�:•'. •; - .;.:�
<br /> -_j�:�.,:_`:,`G; :..z. . . Any erteounts disbursed by Lender unQer patagreph 7 ShaO beCOme 8ddltioctet debt of Barrower secured by tAis Securdy ���=
<br /> - `-=-�<<1� ^ �¢ ►rsstrumen4 Untess Boaowe� an0 Lender agee to other terms af payment, these amounts shalF bear 6ife[est trom the date ot
<br /> r �_� ` r � � dlsbursement at the htote raLa snd shall be payable,with in�t,upon notice from Lender to sorto�nrer requestmg payment
<br /> '�_ _�. :. .. � -
<br /> :� {`�t`,` �"� ' 8. lldOfig3ge I11SUF81tCP.. ff Lender requQed mortgaga �surance as a cond�ion of maRing the loan secured by this t :
<br /> ;.'4'' :" ' .`� '
<br /> �� ' Securidy InstrumenA 8ortower shall pay the prema�ma re�ired to mamta'si the mortgage insurence m effecL H,for any reaSOn.the � ,
<br /> - ��'�;: ,.
<br /> : �.� ` � mortg8g9 eisurartCe cover8gs requireC by Lender 18pses or CeBSes t0 be'v�eftect, BOtrowec sheA Pay the premvms requirad to �! ' .f;s
<br /> �' ° � � obta6► aoverage Substanttali�r eq4ival�t to the mortgage insurance previously (n eHect, at e cost substanttaUy equi+relerti to the � � -
<br /> �.�r����� - - .< { cost to Borrower at the mp -
<br /> r�qage insurence prevlousty trt etfect, itCtn en eltemate mortgage irtsu�er eppxoved try Leredar. It �
<br /> `��:'�, . � substentially equivatent mqrtgage msuranCe coverage is not availab�, Borrower shall pay to Lender each montb a sum equsi to � ;:
<br /> �T� ,: - - ; one,iwelfth of the yearly mprtgaga irtsurance premium be6ng paid by Bo�sower when the msurance coverage lapsed or ceased to � _==�'
<br /> ,-�.�t �� � be irt eNect LenQer will _.:n, �
<br /> ;;:��;� . .'� _ .;� aCCeD�use ated nBtBfi the59 Psyme�ts es a loss r9serve in lieu o(mOrtgBgA insutenCe. Loss resente �
<br /> s ;:'.. .. � � payments may no longer be cequ'ued at the opUon of Lender, if mortgage hrsurance coverage(in tho amOUrn and for ths perbd '
<br /> '.+;�}�---�• �• . ,'•;F that L.ender requtres)provlded tr�r an insurer approved by Lender agatn becomes available and is obtelrtad Borrower shaU paY - .
<br /> ' -�. {,x_ . ..
<br /> '; :{. .• - . the premiums requlred to malnteN mortgage'v�surance in eNect,or to provide a loss resenre, until the requhement far mortgage ,
<br /> .� s�,t;�` � : ._ ' irtsurence ertds in accordance vrAl►eny v�rilten agteem9nt bstweert Botrower end 6ender or ppPliCable law. ',
<br /> �,:�.,,;} ; , ' �. •,� S. lnspectton.lender or its agent may m8ke reasonabl8 entries upon asd inspections of the PrapeRy. Lender sfiall give
<br /> .,.iy y� ' � . Borrowet rtoitce at the time ot or prlor to en v�SDe��an specHying reasonetrle cause for the inspectlon. „
<br /> -'"'�`"""_ `� -;.. ``..:.". 10. Coademnatton.ThB nroceeds ot anY awara or ctatrn tor damages, Clrect or cansequentlal. In conn�fton +�vfth anY ..�
<br /> ,,,.. .. r_4 .s,-..,: :
<br /> ' � as::�,; '. � • � condemmaUOrt or other teking of any part of the Property, or for convayance in I�u of condemnaUon,ere hereby assigned and �
<br /> _ �:.* • ` r shall bB p81d W Lsrtder. '= `-
<br /> .'':��:-,'-"---::°—`.-—"--�---T-t{ In tAe event ot a tOtat takmg of the PropBKy. thg Proceeds sh811 be epplied to the sums secured by thLs Securiiyr ��''.:-
<br />_,.'.r,C-�_•.'.]: . � . 7
<br /> ... , t Instrument,v,hether a not then due,wRn eny excess pald to Bortower. In the event of a paRtel taicing of the Propedy in whfch
<br /> ' �•'���!�� ' ' ` the fatr market vatue o1 the Property immedlatety betore the taking ►s equa!to or greater tt�an tAe amount ot ths sums secuted �
<br /> � �s�•��!° • by this Security tnstrument Immediatety before the teking, unless Bortower and Lender otherwfse egree in wr$fng, the sums ,
<br /> l.
<br /> • � ._L , .� , secured by this Security fisUument shall be reduced by the amouat of the proceeds mult�lted by the foltowmg iracNon: (a}the , .
<br /> . ' ���:`� , � � toffi1 4moun! oi the sums secured (mmed(ately befare the teking, divitled by(b)the fatr merket velue ot the Property immediateh�
<br /> �• - '�'� - , ,.' �� betore the teking. Rny balettCe SheH be paid to Borrower.ln tt�e event ot S parttsl tektrrg Ot the P►operiy in whlCh thg faJr markgt ���
<br /> . � ';��III vatue ot the Property Immedfately before the taking is less than the amount ot the sums secured 'unmediately befaw the tektng,
<br /> �,'}l. .,, ��. • , � � unless Horcower and Lender Otherwlse agree (n writing or untess applicable taw otherwise provides, the procee05 shaN be
<br /> , , applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether vr not the sums are then due. :•4t<_ .
<br /> �� ' � •• � If the PropeRy Is flbendoned by Bortower,or if, efter notiCe by Lender to BonCwor that the condemnOr ONers to m8ke en
<br /> _ •���'', . � � � .; � award or sett's a claim for damages, Bonower fails to respond to Lender wfthln 30 days after the date me nollce fs given, ;
<br /> . �l �.,.;: � � . , lender is authorlmd to coltect and appty the proC2eds,at its optlon, either to �esWratton or repair ot the Property or to the
<br /> � �. : sums secured by this Security Insbument,whether or not then due.
<br /> ..,r. �.. • • � Untess Lender end Borrovrer otherwlse agres in writing. enY appficaUon ot proceeds to princtpal shall rtot extend or '
<br /> �'' � �" j postpone the due d8te of the mOnthty payments reterred to f�paragraphs t Bnd 2 or Change the amount of such payments.
<br /> ' `;`.: , � 41. Borcower Not Reteased; ForO�earance �y �ender Not a Walver.Extension of the tlme fot psyment or
<br /> T_=-'.--._—-,-- —_-� moditicatlon of amortlzatlon ot the sums secured by Mis SecurRy tnsbtrment grented tiy lertder to any successor In tntere5t ot
<br /> � • ' " Bonower shall not operate to�elease the Iiabilityr of the orlgmal B�nower or Bortowers succE�ssors in Interest. Lend3r sha���ot -
<br /> ' ��`� . � . ' be requued to commence proceedtngs against any suCCe3sor in Interest or reluse to extend tlme for paymenE oi otherwlse �
<br /> � � • ' modify emort)mtlon of the sums secured by this Secur�ty Inntrument by reason of any demand made by the orlg:nal Bonower or .
<br /> '? `��; � �� �onovfers s�ccesso►s �� interes4 My forbearence by Lender in exercising any right or remedy sha�l not ba a waiver of or
<br /> ' ��� . �' � � prec�uda the exercise of eny right nr remedy. �
<br /> � '�� _� '' � � 12. Successors and Asslgns Bound; Joint and Several LtablUty; Co-slgnera Tne co�enant� end
<br /> � t '"� � � . agreements of this 3esurity InsVument sh3ll Dind antl benefit the suCCe8sOr9 entl 83SIgns of Lendef 8nd BOrrOwer,subject to the
<br /> t:• �� , ' provisions of paragraph 17. Bonower's covertants and agreements shell be�o�nt and several. Any BoROwer who co-slgns this •
<br /> � }'•��� Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-slgning this Security fnstrument ony to mortgagA,grant artd convey j.
<br /> ���� •• . . tnet Borrovier's interest in the Property undet the terms of this SeCUrity �nstrument; (b) is not personalry obligatetl to pay tho .
<br /> ' ,��� . sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that lo�der and any other Bprrov�er may egree ro exten�. motli(y, •
<br /> i' ' lorbeaf or mak0 any aCCOmmOtlBUOnS wrth regdrd to the terms ot this SeCUrrty Instrument or the Note v�Rhout that BonOwer'S , �
<br /> S ConSent. �
<br /> ('. � � 13. Losn Charges. If tha IOen secured by tms Securrty instrument �s sue�ect to a iav+ wh�cn sets max�mum toan ; �
<br /> �,' �' ; •� charg09, and that faw �s tinalty interpreted so that the mterest or other loan charges .o11eCtOd or to bo collocted in conneCtion ;
<br /> . wRh the �oan oxce0d thp permitted timds, then: (ai any sucn ioan chargo shatl be reduCed by the amount necessary to redur,e i
<br /> . �,. . �
<br /> . , the charge to the perm�tetl ��m�t; and (Cl any sums alrcatly coueCtecl trom Bonower arh�ch exceeded permitted Imits r�+I! be
<br /> �•,;•�. ` ' refundotl to BorroY+or_ �ontlar may cnoose to maxe tnis remnd by reciuc+ng the prmc�pal bwetl under tne Note or by maRmg a ;
<br /> _ ��` . _' � direct paymt�nt to B9rrov�er- If a �9}und reduCes �hncipal, thg retluction wdl ba tre8ted aS a part�l propaympnt NrthOut acy �
<br /> prepeyment Chargo under t�e Note. '
<br /> `i � , , ��. Notices. MY noUC9 t0 Borrpwer prov�ded �or m this Secu�rty�nstrumont Snal1 bo groon by delivenng d or by mgiling d � �
<br /> - � � � Dy hrst c!ass me�� unlg;s appliCable taw reqwreS use oI enothe� mpthod. '•h0 not�CO shbll be dfreCted to the P�operty Address -
<br /> •kt' . � Of d(I}I OIh@f 3dd�9SS BOnO•+�6r de.S�Q�acos by �01�C� �0 L9f1�iBl. Ally nOfiC9 IO L4ntler Sh811 DB C�N@fl hi f�lSl CNoS �08�1 SO .
<br /> 7�'t,=T:: ` �u�•.,e.'� eJuia�� .,.,�oc� ner�:n or ti.�� �l��pr adJtd;;,, l.en�ei �ir�sxjuates br 'wt�cr� ro S���vne� ,;ny ��,,;�,,6 �;��..daJ �or ,n Ik.� • . ,
<br /> � ?i•'.• Socwr� �n;�r�ment ;hail bo dsemed ro n��g b60n c{ro��n W Bo�roy�r pr I.a��rdr Nnen gv9n a: o�ov�dstl �n +n�s paragraph. �
<br /> . _ '___. � 1 S. Goveming Law; SEVe[8billty. �h�s Secvrqy :n;�n�mpnt cn;�u bo govatred by ��darei �•H and �n� !cr.v ot �no .
<br /> � � � " � IunS�1•rhon �rl r�hiCh th8 propefly �5 ��Calef)- In thp gvpnt that any pro'n5:o1� or rlpu50 0� Ih�S jCCU��ty �nstrumpnt or thp NptO ,.
<br /> .. � � rpn}I:C�S ndh aPP<<Cab�D 18'n. SUCIt .^.OnC�C! S�'dll �OI d�IQGt O�he! p!0'n5�On5 pf ihiS S2CU�R/ �nstrum2nt 7f (h8 �10:9 wh:Ch Ccl/i 00
<br /> ' • ��•,Fn aftect ..qnout '�� 7nnfL•Cbng D�Ong:Qn rp �n,s end �^e uro•.�s o�; �r ��s 5ecoriv ���;trument �3n� •�.� tio:e ar��ec�arcrf t�
<br /> � . ' " � "H -dvgr,]D�9
<br /> .. �6. BOf/0W'E'f 5 �iO��l. �;0..,,.qq� :^.{�I �� ')rie�� .�r,y .,���Iprrn�-xJ ri�U�. nl My h:Ola..�nCl,1f 1h.5 SE'�ut.L 7n'iUi,mP.n' .
<br /> .. _ _ . . .... . � . .
<br />