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<br />9. EYENI'S OF t)EFAUI.T. Any of the following events shall be deemed an event of default hereunder.
<br />(a) TrvaeorahaJifhavefaiA uaimztk�p aytnentof any installmentofinterest. pr incipa l,or principal and interest orany
<br />odw sum &mired hereby when �r
<br />(b) Tbaeehasoccvrcedabrewh of oedefault under any term, covenant agreement. condition. provision. representation
<br />or warranty conhinad in any.of the Lmatt Instrument&.
<br />1(). ACCEL WATIONUPON DEFAULT.ADDITIONALREMEDIES. Should an event ofdefault occur Beneficiary
<br />may deckm all irAebtrteew secured - hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payable
<br />without any Pastel nL demanif, protest or notice of any kind. Thereafla Beneficiary mazy:
<br />(i) Either jR paean or by agiot, withor %ithout bringing any action or proceeding, or by aneceiverappointedbyacoutt
<br />and +rfthetrt nNatd to the aftnacy of its security. enter uponand take possession of theTmat Estate. acautypart thend. in
<br />�fMr!?Marl!'act lit. f! tl�rrfef et�"i`n�tw►_Anil do elnv eke" which it A"orma nw.aaaaoa u ln.,r..... ook--- I— .:...1..._
<br />JIMMY or NnAAttilttY of the Tt -,Awt Estate. or part thereof or interest therein, increase the income therafltotut or ptt'otect the
<br />sacu'W hatredaid, wit$ or witbrlitt taking powession of the Theist F.atatc sue for or.otherwiaec ollect the rents, inues and
<br />10 a& 'I t ifteWdling those P44dut and unpaid, and cowmWexpecistaofoaperatimandcolkctim
<br />inebediis[g arttsnarytt'.fi�w omit any indob0dom seciiisd Hereby, AU in such order as BeineWary nasty determine The
<br />eaMeiuei won seed leAd tg possession of the T trust Estate. rho collection ofsoch ants. issues and profits sad the application
<br />thsaat[4Nrr afsrsaaid, shall, Pat cure cc waive any default or notice of de&vlt hereunder orinvalidateany at low in reprise
<br />tosw ddiwkorp[[ ra+ tanty�srtah. ratioeofdefauitand, nottnithstandirtgthecoatinaanr�inpossession aftheTrustEstate
<br />oa biro eaaiiactsort, r4oApt s}tt[i appWation of rents. issuer or profits. Thudee or Beneficiary shall be entitled to exerdse every
<br />ruler Pevridrd for in any of t'ait Lwan Instruments or bylaw upon -occurrence of arty event of default, including the right to
<br />4m ecisethe,poweiof'sale:
<br />(M (,'•otnmence an fiction 6- foreclose this Ind of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver, or specifically enforce any of
<br />this covownhs het[eof;:
<br />(W oliver ktTr &
<br />Di v a wKtte►adeclaration of 'axihanddemandforsak, and a written noticeotdefaultand election
<br />W e:tiasre TrusbatF'r.ittt(t:tdt t#r..'l�ust Estaw to br Act which notice Trustee shall cause to be duly filed for reoord in the
<br />appegpriate ollfcits1; Fidel of the County, . i4r;which the'Priist Estate is located,
<br />11. FORECLtt'1kk 0 POWER OF SALE. Should Beneficiary elect to foreclose by e3wrcise of the Pbwetr of Sale
<br />hermit aontaimd, !l<aefCciafty- s7ta11 notify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note and such
<br />reeeiva and evidence of •a' ipttnditures made and secured hereby as Trustee may * revue.
<br />(a) Upon receipt of such,notice from Beneficiary, Trustee shall cause to be neecmkil, published and delivered to T rustor
<br />such No" of lkt6ault and Notice of Sale as then required bylaw and by this Deed of Trust, Trustee shall, without demand
<br />aaTrijt ,at such time as may then be required bylaw andefterrecordationofsuch Notice ofD ofaultand after Noticeof
<br />Sale b4,e040 rt q trim as required bylaw, sell the Trust Estate at the time and place of sale fixedby itin such Notim of Sale,
<br />either 1tA a Iii! or to separate tots or parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such order as it may debar•
<br />milli, atYtiittiicxut nto the highest bidder forcashin lawful moneyoftheUnitedStatespayableatthetimeofask ., 7man
<br />shall deiirertoitiv hpia chawror purchasers therr ofits good and suf!F.*- ntdeedofdeedsconveyingthepeopert mosold ,but
<br />wltbout any co+r 1 tm w or wamiutty, express or implied. The recitals itt: ettx;h deed of any matters or facts shall be camIudve .
<br />. proof of the trudilusinea thereof. Any person, including, without limitation,Trustor, Trustee and Beneficiary, tray purchase
<br />at stint sale and T4ustor heeehv.covenants to warrant and defend the title of such purchaser or purchasers.
<br />(b) As-my be permitted l:gr -kw. ages deducting Trustee Fes in the amount of gyp. nn . 7hatae shall apply the
<br />pirmseds of the aide is the fa1P4WWg• order: (a) to ay reaaons1A com and amerasitec of the sale, including, but notlimited to,
<br />wistae fleas of not mole than 14 of 1% of the gross Was prim reasonable attorttWs fees and costs of title evidence; (b) to all
<br />sums secured by this Dead of Trust (c) to the payment of junior Trust Deeds, mortgages or other lien hollers. and (tU the
<br />balance if an,Y, to the pataext or persona legally entitled thereto
<br />(c) Trustee may in the mariner provided by law, poe!pone ask of all or any portion of the That Estate
<br />12 REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trustee and t.L" caefdary, and each ofthem, shall be entitled toenLwe payment
<br />and performance of any indebtedness or obligations secured hereby and. to exe:tidse all rights and powers under this Deed of
<br />Trust or under any Loan Instrument or other agreement or any law-.4 nr 7a4,iY hereafter in force, notwithstanding some or all
<br />of the such indebtedness and obligationq secured hereby may now ,or ✓hawrstdr be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage,
<br />d�_.Iofisrtsi, pledge, lien, a:sigrtmcntternth. °r.:ns�. Neither the ofT'=tnorit-,criforcementwhether
<br />by count action or pursuant th the power of sale or other powers herein containo:ef, slr.All prejudice or in any manner affect
<br />Trustee a or Beneficiary's riglt I tc; realize upon or enforce any other security now ti� - 6mvafter held by Trustee or Beneficiary,
<br />it being agreed that Trustee and'Neneficiary, and each of them, shall N. entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other
<br />security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary or Trustee- in such order and manner as they or either of them may in their
<br />absolute discretion determine. No remtvly herein tv,nferred 'uprrn t;u reserved to Trustee tar Reneftciavy is intendeYd tl)�t(t•
<br />exclusive of any other remedy herein or ht• law provided or permitted, but each shall be cumulative and sha�;ha�- hi >3;Cir ivn
<br />to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereaftar•a:xisyting at law or in equity or by statute. Every poi;vv lie t*asedy
<br />given by any of the l pan Instruments to Trustee or iiereu -gui ; ,,,, t4 a which eitheruf them may he otherwise enx '44. mjy Im
<br />exercised. cyrncur7ttrtt[J;; air independently, fnint time tot ^.ti;ha :ijI:B:3 11'Wn wi may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Be 10"
<br />ficiary and eithet ,'- Ali -•m may pursue incowAatrnt remedie:�. !�,.' ?ant i; Mervin shalt be construed as prohibiting Beneficial
<br />from :Reeking it de, 6eriey judcrient againt:01ita Trustnr to the extent such action s pennind by law.
<br />HJi,(21iKKI' FOR NOT11,1t. "Y rustnrherebyreyut�ste., 3.,'; ipyofanynnticeofdefaudtandthatanynr ,ticeofrsatehereund(-r
<br />he MiRilrew to it at the address let ftarth in the first pan) ,I,,ph ot• this Ikecl of Trutii;.
<br />14: GOVER."q%(: i.A W. 'Phis Deed ci.17hist shall tie governed hY the laws of the State of Nebraska. In the event that
<br />any prgvision.ot t4atsse of Tiny of the Limn Jri:,,truments conflicts wiih appheable laws, such conflicts shrill not affect othl?t-
<br />provu iupa of•siudi iaan Instruments which,, i m he wl en effect witli-.srat the conflicting provision, and to this end the piss•
<br />via:tirtti iif the !; ,an Instruments art, declared tq ix, t;c uota l:, e. Thiw instrument cannot be waived, changed, discharged c. r
<br />trmri!vkd ora:;y, but only by ,in imttruirriei ir, wrii ? -#4. +signed by the party against whom enforcement of any wai-On''
<br />change, discliarp of termination is suugHl
<br />15. RECONVEYANCE BY TFIUSTEE} - Upon written request cif is enefieiaryatatingthatti(tsumeseeured hereby hoi*'''
<br />been paid and upon Kurrender of this I'hvd of Trust ,arid the Nt,te to Trustee for cancellation and retention and upon pay-
<br />ment by Ttustorof Trasur tz fern. Trustee shall recvnve,v top Truster. or the person or persons legally entitled thereto, without
<br />rr
<br />waanty. any portion of the Trust Estate then ht-Ad h1•rrututer The mwitaN in such reconveyanc* itf any matters or faces
<br />shall be conclusive prcudof the truthfulness thermf. The griantee in any tecwiveyance may hedeseribed as "theperson or
<br />persona legally entitled theret,i '
<br />10. %0710E 5. Whenever Beneficiary, Trustor of Trustee shish desire to give or serve any notice, demand, requester
<br />either communication with respect tat. this herd cif Trust, each such notice, demand, request ur other communication shall be
<br />in writing and shall be effective onl,v irthe same is t!vliveic <l by personal vervice or marled by certified mail, postage prepaid.
<br />rdurnreceiptrequestc {l,addrtti soda- thv; Adrthssetft, rth, at the beLnnn anrt,fthisikeduf1•ru_at Anye,:ert_m.avatthimt-Ime
<br />change it@ address for such nl4it`t•4 fn delivering tar maili ng G, the ether parties heretea as J, tres,ud, a ruitt:vofsuchrhangv.
<br />17 ACCF.PTA%, CK RY Tltt'A" i "F:F: 'I'tustev :temptrs this Trust t: hen this itc•e d 4 Trust. duly exccuted ,md:.ackw av
<br />Irdgerl. is made a pub,w re+ r:rd lay prov ieled by law
<br />tti Wi7:tiF:`;.� t�'NF:ISFa il'. 'Ibust••r h,1v exay.uted this: (hwcl t•f "I'r_,�t .1!::.: thr cl.ic anaf vF•ar first .itnrlt• lcrrttr ri
<br />110'STLE 'Itir;fFF ;t„Fpt•, t!tN Trust w1wro thlu It,.cd of Truest dull exertised and at•knou
<br />todged. 19 anaftt• a pub!w rte,'ard .t•e pr..: 1,1wt iv; 1.111
<br />I v 411 "I'`�F.ti± i:i lF:tii +air fire, .t.,r i:.,•. a•sFt. u[+at tttt: ITc +ft t•t 'f -rutit .ice • ' t! »• •:.,� .m,i -.e•:ir first :ihe,ct 1lnftc n
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