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<br />A
<br />DEED of TRUST
<br />Hultman and Felton A Wait. Walton. Ne. 6 8161
<br />t
<br />89--- 10522
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, is madit Wi of the 30 , day: of SeRtember , 19 8_ 9 , by and among
<br />Richard A. Rosno and Loyola H. Rosna ( "Trustor "), whose trailing address is
<br />2539 Jan St., Grand island, NE. 68801
<br />!aL4'Tjk" (f tee ") whossaigling address is
<br />_ ?sal'ttlsl�ta(t :�ICS+rtr __ ��aa��cc�tY .Bird. �toZir>�elr
<br />IitTS3, �Ibion, NB TJ
<br />and Vernon Zumbrunn and Arlene xutibrtinn ( "Beneficiary") whose mailing address is
<br />FOk ,ALUA,BLE CONSIDERATION, Trtutor uievombly trmwfws, conveys and aNigtrs to Tirusts% IN
<br />TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and mcurity of Bawficiary, antler and subject to the term
<br />sand oopditiontl of this Deed of 71rust, the reallimi 0ekyImatedintheG4ty of Grand Island tyof
<br />Hall State of Nebraska, and lE %ally dew ribed as follows (the "Property "):
<br />Inc iris. (1) and the West Zt>LittY t3q) fret of Lnt 'i i (2), bush Sobdivisim, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall Clwnty, Nebraska, canlrisirtr :all of Lnt flrte ill; lslard Acres Nxiber Seven (7), in the City of Gran] isls
<br />Halt (Tartly, Nebraska sittfted in• part of the South Half (SD of F7ractiamal Sec don Seven (T) and part of the
<br />Narthawt grainer of tlW Smtth aselt. Quarter 0*194) of Section Eight (8), Zbianeln Eleven (11)
<br />West of the 6th is.lil., Hall Qanty, Nebraska, 1' a.oertain tract atnvey�ed to , Cittyy of 1
<br />'tWETHER WITH. all rents, easements. appurtenanow, hereditsiments, intertesis m adjoiintng roa
<br />streets and alleys, improvements and buildings of any kind situated thereon andall personal pmpertythatmay
<br />be or hereafter become an integral part of such building and improvements, all crops raised thereon. and all
<br />water rights.
<br />The Property and the entire estate and interest conveyed to the Trustee are referred to collectively as the
<br />"71vst Ebtatt ".
<br />a. Payment of indebtness in the total principal amount of S 90.000.00 , with interest
<br />tiereon, as evidenfaYd.by that, certain promissory note of even date (the "Note") with a maturity date of
<br />June 30., .1994 _� , exLcute d by Trustor, which has been delivered.and is payable to the order of
<br />Beneficisicy„ trend which by this m— erence is hereby made g� part hereof, and any and all modifications, exten-
<br />sions and'Attlf+awals Owt+eof, and
<br />b. Payif:ent of 0ii.m.ms advanced by Beneficiary to protect theTrust Estate, with intereathereon attherate
<br />of Ten percent per annum.
<br />This Deed of Trust, the Note, and any other instrument given to evidence sir further secure the payment and
<br />performance of any obligation secured hereby are referred to collectively as the "Loan Instruments ".
<br />1. PAYMENT CSI`' INDERTEDNF.SS. Trustor shall pay when due the principa! of,' a:rtd the interest on, the
<br />indebtedp&y & evidenced by the Note, charges, fees and *.l .other sums as provided. rt the Loan Instruments.
<br />2. TAxFS. Trustorshall pay each installment of all tvz,* :tsnd special assessmer.taofevery kind, now or hereafter
<br />levied against the Trt;mt Estate or any part thereof, before c "ilinquency, without notice ordemarid, and shall provide
<br />Beneficiary with evvxi4,nk- of the paymr'nt of same. Trustor shall m-;0 - taxes and assessments which maybe levied
<br />upon Beneficiary's iniF -zest herein or upon this Deed of Trustor the deg^ t.4 >nred hereby, withoutregard to any law that
<br />may be enacted imposing payrr,! >i;t, of the whole or any part thereof (i�p:.p the BFa; vl Fciary.
<br />3, INSURANCE AND Rir r, AVRS. Trustor shall maintain fire and = r:i;ler.,ert uj l s verageinsuranceinsuringthe
<br />improvements and buil6. -z g4 constituting part of the Trust listate amosr"o less than the amount of the
<br />unpaid principal balanc(i -cf the Note (co-insurance not exceeding 60`►'i; Such insuranmpolicy shall contain
<br />astandardmortgagechtudrinf( voro fHenefrciary and shallno t�,v,,_c3.1slt1<:ll ble, ter ,tinableormodifiablewithoutten
<br />(10) days prior written notice to Beneficiary. Trustor shat,, I;r ^rt.pt:y relSrl r, rnaitfm; n and replace the Trust Estate or
<br />any pan thereof so that, except for ordinary wear and tear,. Ply, {•'�ritat E8 ;ate shall notdeteriorate. In no event shall the
<br />Trustor commit waste on or to the Trust Estate.
<br />4. M.'TIONS AF F "EC INC, MIST ESTATE. Trusta shall in and contest any action or proceeding
<br />purporting to affect the security hereof or the rights or po•xe4 s, of Beneficiary or Trustee. and shall pay all costs and
<br />expensee:•is -acluding cost of evidurse of title and attorney's i rl:a; }n any such action or proceeding in which Beneficiary
<br />or Trustee tray appear. Should '�mmlor fail to tnake ttr y,l�,s:y :lent or t0. do any apt- as and in the manner provided in
<br />any of the Loan Instruments, l;eintff iciary and, or Trvrtxe. 4aeh in its own diaerviif�r), without obligation so to do and
<br />without notice to or demand uli(tis °ti rustor anfl :'wiijivat releasing Trustor frot,(ii:lahligation, may make or do the
<br />same in such manner and to suc1,'0:xtent as dllli st may deem necessary to provert:'zhe security hereof. Trustor shall,
<br />immediately upon demand theref ;inlay Beneficiary, pay all costs by Beneficiary in connection
<br />with the exercise by beneficiary tai; 0te foregoing rights, ir�:deding ai11 )rill :l:ti;iurarn costa of evidence of title. court
<br />casts, appr+tleals, surveys rind attrswney'a fees. Any each pstJSter: rgd);jlrtes not paid within ten (10) days of written
<br />demand:` *all draw interest at the default rate provided ii'f bit'lt�ittM,''
<br />5. EMINENT DOMAiN. Should the Trust F.sstate•, or tiny dart thereof or interest therein. bc, taken or damaged by
<br />reaaon of any public improvement or condemnation prtsemAing, Orin any other manner including deed in lieu of Condem.
<br />nation(' ,' ondemnation 1orshouldTrustorrecivetiny notice orotherinformationregardingsuch proceeding, Trustorshall
<br />love prompt written notice thereof to Benefi(dary. Beneficiary shall be entitled to all compensation. awards and other pay'
<br />rmnts or relief therefor, and shall be entitled tit its option to continence, appear in and prosecute in its own name any action
<br />or prrit+eadinip. Beneficiary shall also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with such taking or
<br />damage. All arch compensation. awards. damages, rights of action and proceeds awarded to Trustor (the "Proceeds i tree
<br />hereby sissigrsed to Benefician and Trustor agre£w to execute such further assignments of the Prtxwds as Beneficiary or
<br />Tr>zsieE may- require.
<br />6. APPOINTME.%T OF SUCCF.SS()R TRI"iTEF. Beneficiary may, froth time trl time. by a written instrument
<br />executed and acknowledged by henefiviary. mailed to Trustor and Recorded in the Cotinte in which the Trust Estate is
<br />pwateV and by rAhrrwiow complying with the pr, wi tions of the applicable law ofthp fitate of Nt'hra 4)c:I suRst itutc� is sucf,'sw Ir
<br />or sucttisneom to the l'rusire natnr•d hf•rt'in (7r n1linyi hfsfounder
<br />?. This I reed fif'1'rust o. p: tts t(- (t++.
<br />'ltl 111!':111 till,
<br />their heir. IcKateelm. dfvvct,, per:vn --d represe ativue suc emun and a4iigns. �F%v terill "lit'lluficiar-. :lt
<br />feWfit'r ilf!Aj .Abler 1-if to „r mm-m-11 w.; I4m4'(iclafy hPre-in
<br />M IN,41'1'.(_"UOINS ItcmFillam ( tYl�: t{, l' 1: t:, re' jlrl' 79Citt. ItlYCEt ,rt+4flrl(m('n.:lrl�:(Urltt,(• FAY +tt,ictitt'r .it,t,lVPf..i�•:(l;tt�il.
<br />time Drunt tr(il£invpaf— ftshtC-.fr tL—Z! 2tt• f., rtil'. purpiz ;.F!let'rn!+iurtulNth4•satmit aw!f.rtr,t z..t ?;• =• trt'..rtli:l ._:,... t
<br />the n�+� s8 c3 ors' ?:= rlrsci to ukrfatu 11-i - csir!4 (if ursv cjthf_t Iman (r ?5trlssat:.;tt
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<br />A
<br />DEED of TRUST
<br />Hultman and Felton A Wait. Walton. Ne. 6 8161
<br />t
<br />89--- 10522
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, is madit Wi of the 30 , day: of SeRtember , 19 8_ 9 , by and among
<br />Richard A. Rosno and Loyola H. Rosna ( "Trustor "), whose trailing address is
<br />2539 Jan St., Grand island, NE. 68801
<br />!aL4'Tjk" (f tee ") whossaigling address is
<br />_ ?sal'ttlsl�ta(t :�ICS+rtr __ ��aa��cc�tY .Bird. �toZir>�elr
<br />IitTS3, �Ibion, NB TJ
<br />and Vernon Zumbrunn and Arlene xutibrtinn ( "Beneficiary") whose mailing address is
<br />FOk ,ALUA,BLE CONSIDERATION, Trtutor uievombly trmwfws, conveys and aNigtrs to Tirusts% IN
<br />TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and mcurity of Bawficiary, antler and subject to the term
<br />sand oopditiontl of this Deed of 71rust, the reallimi 0ekyImatedintheG4ty of Grand Island tyof
<br />Hall State of Nebraska, and lE %ally dew ribed as follows (the "Property "):
<br />Inc iris. (1) and the West Zt>LittY t3q) fret of Lnt 'i i (2), bush Sobdivisim, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall Clwnty, Nebraska, canlrisirtr :all of Lnt flrte ill; lslard Acres Nxiber Seven (7), in the City of Gran] isls
<br />Halt (Tartly, Nebraska sittfted in• part of the South Half (SD of F7ractiamal Sec don Seven (T) and part of the
<br />Narthawt grainer of tlW Smtth aselt. Quarter 0*194) of Section Eight (8), Zbianeln Eleven (11)
<br />West of the 6th is.lil., Hall Qanty, Nebraska, 1' a.oertain tract atnvey�ed to , Cittyy of 1
<br />'tWETHER WITH. all rents, easements. appurtenanow, hereditsiments, intertesis m adjoiintng roa
<br />streets and alleys, improvements and buildings of any kind situated thereon andall personal pmpertythatmay
<br />be or hereafter become an integral part of such building and improvements, all crops raised thereon. and all
<br />water rights.
<br />The Property and the entire estate and interest conveyed to the Trustee are referred to collectively as the
<br />"71vst Ebtatt ".
<br />a. Payment of indebtness in the total principal amount of S 90.000.00 , with interest
<br />tiereon, as evidenfaYd.by that, certain promissory note of even date (the "Note") with a maturity date of
<br />June 30., .1994 _� , exLcute d by Trustor, which has been delivered.and is payable to the order of
<br />Beneficisicy„ trend which by this m— erence is hereby made g� part hereof, and any and all modifications, exten-
<br />sions and'Attlf+awals Owt+eof, and
<br />b. Payif:ent of 0ii.m.ms advanced by Beneficiary to protect theTrust Estate, with intereathereon attherate
<br />of Ten percent per annum.
<br />This Deed of Trust, the Note, and any other instrument given to evidence sir further secure the payment and
<br />performance of any obligation secured hereby are referred to collectively as the "Loan Instruments ".
<br />1. PAYMENT CSI`' INDERTEDNF.SS. Trustor shall pay when due the principa! of,' a:rtd the interest on, the
<br />indebtedp&y & evidenced by the Note, charges, fees and *.l .other sums as provided. rt the Loan Instruments.
<br />2. TAxFS. Trustorshall pay each installment of all tvz,* :tsnd special assessmer.taofevery kind, now or hereafter
<br />levied against the Trt;mt Estate or any part thereof, before c "ilinquency, without notice ordemarid, and shall provide
<br />Beneficiary with evvxi4,nk- of the paymr'nt of same. Trustor shall m-;0 - taxes and assessments which maybe levied
<br />upon Beneficiary's iniF -zest herein or upon this Deed of Trustor the deg^ t.4 >nred hereby, withoutregard to any law that
<br />may be enacted imposing payrr,! >i;t, of the whole or any part thereof (i�p:.p the BFa; vl Fciary.
<br />3, INSURANCE AND Rir r, AVRS. Trustor shall maintain fire and = r:i;ler.,ert uj l s verageinsuranceinsuringthe
<br />improvements and buil6. -z g4 constituting part of the Trust listate amosr"o less than the amount of the
<br />unpaid principal balanc(i -cf the Note (co-insurance not exceeding 60`►'i; Such insuranmpolicy shall contain
<br />astandardmortgagechtudrinf( voro fHenefrciary and shallno t�,v,,_c3.1slt1<:ll ble, ter ,tinableormodifiablewithoutten
<br />(10) days prior written notice to Beneficiary. Trustor shat,, I;r ^rt.pt:y relSrl r, rnaitfm; n and replace the Trust Estate or
<br />any pan thereof so that, except for ordinary wear and tear,. Ply, {•'�ritat E8 ;ate shall notdeteriorate. In no event shall the
<br />Trustor commit waste on or to the Trust Estate.
<br />4. M.'TIONS AF F "EC INC, MIST ESTATE. Trusta shall in and contest any action or proceeding
<br />purporting to affect the security hereof or the rights or po•xe4 s, of Beneficiary or Trustee. and shall pay all costs and
<br />expensee:•is -acluding cost of evidurse of title and attorney's i rl:a; }n any such action or proceeding in which Beneficiary
<br />or Trustee tray appear. Should '�mmlor fail to tnake ttr y,l�,s:y :lent or t0. do any apt- as and in the manner provided in
<br />any of the Loan Instruments, l;eintff iciary and, or Trvrtxe. 4aeh in its own diaerviif�r), without obligation so to do and
<br />without notice to or demand uli(tis °ti rustor anfl :'wiijivat releasing Trustor frot,(ii:lahligation, may make or do the
<br />same in such manner and to suc1,'0:xtent as dllli st may deem necessary to provert:'zhe security hereof. Trustor shall,
<br />immediately upon demand theref ;inlay Beneficiary, pay all costs by Beneficiary in connection
<br />with the exercise by beneficiary tai; 0te foregoing rights, ir�:deding ai11 )rill :l:ti;iurarn costa of evidence of title. court
<br />casts, appr+tleals, surveys rind attrswney'a fees. Any each pstJSter: rgd);jlrtes not paid within ten (10) days of written
<br />demand:` *all draw interest at the default rate provided ii'f bit'lt�ittM,''
<br />5. EMINENT DOMAiN. Should the Trust F.sstate•, or tiny dart thereof or interest therein. bc, taken or damaged by
<br />reaaon of any public improvement or condemnation prtsemAing, Orin any other manner including deed in lieu of Condem.
<br />nation(' ,' ondemnation 1orshouldTrustorrecivetiny notice orotherinformationregardingsuch proceeding, Trustorshall
<br />love prompt written notice thereof to Benefi(dary. Beneficiary shall be entitled to all compensation. awards and other pay'
<br />rmnts or relief therefor, and shall be entitled tit its option to continence, appear in and prosecute in its own name any action
<br />or prrit+eadinip. Beneficiary shall also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with such taking or
<br />damage. All arch compensation. awards. damages, rights of action and proceeds awarded to Trustor (the "Proceeds i tree
<br />hereby sissigrsed to Benefician and Trustor agre£w to execute such further assignments of the Prtxwds as Beneficiary or
<br />Tr>zsieE may- require.
<br />6. APPOINTME.%T OF SUCCF.SS()R TRI"iTEF. Beneficiary may, froth time trl time. by a written instrument
<br />executed and acknowledged by henefiviary. mailed to Trustor and Recorded in the Cotinte in which the Trust Estate is
<br />pwateV and by rAhrrwiow complying with the pr, wi tions of the applicable law ofthp fitate of Nt'hra 4)c:I suRst itutc� is sucf,'sw Ir
<br />or sucttisneom to the l'rusire natnr•d hf•rt'in (7r n1linyi hfsfounder
<br />?. This I reed fif'1'rust o. p: tts t(- (t++.
<br />'ltl 111!':111 till,
<br />their heir. IcKateelm. dfvvct,, per:vn --d represe ativue suc emun and a4iigns. �F%v terill "lit'lluficiar-. :lt
<br />feWfit'r ilf!Aj .Abler 1-if to „r mm-m-11 w.; I4m4'(iclafy hPre-in
<br />M IN,41'1'.(_"UOINS ItcmFillam ( tYl�: t{, l' 1: t:, re' jlrl' 79Citt. ItlYCEt ,rt+4flrl(m('n.:lrl�:(Urltt,(• FAY +tt,ictitt'r .it,t,lVPf..i�•:(l;tt�il.
<br />time Drunt tr(il£invpaf— ftshtC-.fr tL—Z! 2tt• f., rtil'. purpiz ;.F!let'rn!+iurtulNth4•satmit aw!f.rtr,t z..t ?;• =• trt'..rtli:l ._:,... t
<br />the n�+� s8 c3 ors' ?:= rlrsci to ukrfatu 11-i - csir!4 (if ursv cjthf_t Iman (r ?5trlssat:.;tt
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