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1 .1 <br />CIA <br />OSO Lowlerswe"M eMMOM of V* fiM kW ppprmt or nXidtfimbon of arriOrUafiCin Of MO SUMS secured by Vft SISCUily InOVWWO <br />gill 1111 I'my w shag not Ow ft for MI"-- III litubfilyr d the trigMtM SonVW of SorrOW-5 SUCCOMM in W*oM$L Wider OW not be MqNW <br />Call. nwta rWaMer is irrkMvMor-sRmbexWd dine for pft7W4-WWw <br />d any dorand noft by s"O"" in Mrsa Any Mrbowance by Lender in exvcis mg, any tight or remedy " not be a w4hW of Or MckWe &A <br />ewe OMMOLIOMW CO-IWWV- Tft WWIM'" 6'"W", " "i, S*O,* LLmywA *a bad and beinfl the SuWM= Ord <br />Any Boirrow VIN hl I isnMlf <br />WOMMOMMOM 1111MIAIIIII&C"WhIlil Ift—My wd cc" thm Oomiws WA~ in ft Pivigipty unWV*W" of Oft Saw* wen MIl <br />is not F0104% OftOWIDOW ft 4w4sKLM by in SOMIly of wneril; OV (Q OWS" MW Lord and any OMW Borrower may IW" W GRW4 ffm*. bb" Ot MOA ON <br />111111111111130 ft WIND 101111flits sea** b"W"ro or" Nets w illm Mini OM M wIS eonetm <br />1L Leath f2leiypa. s ttta yen auaaed b1! ti 8sctattyi stierunsrit M trrbpa to claw wheat sea nlarYnwn ban Chaegie, and that ►ew ra firtity rawtxetaul to tliitKts inNesMO►oMMr foss <br />I* the PF Iftd W. ado)) "Wjfr* @be@* comeW ftM emlow vA *NowxkWpw iftdfirrft wit b*qArdWIo byrow. Lenten stay 0*mIQ ividie thin o"by 000ocim <br />fete PGtkipsl darW U"W vis"Oftor by"Wwris ik(%W payffiwIfatfbe MWW' #a fvW rsd,pw p-j"o.gmmdLomw*bovmWseapmrWPNPNVffw4w*W*VPOP*nmclw <br />~ 110 MM. I I ity Whmwd woftroeftle <br />TZ Anew aloft Wasimim or" i0i <br />ilk is"'M IWdW' at Is ff4y"Mo"Ofteep" No inked as ems NOLMby VWSWLN" kwftffwpl W M" ewofes wW rrfisdiss panruMed by PersSraph 12. <br />M Lardw asaro. this I I <br />14k Usilk" Any , -k J* 00 Over prwltsd 1101FAMW Seam* kWAMW*IWb* Opt bvdvkWdvAor by rnaiArtg it by tiro rJaea mail unless appLCaba New ts4irkM Ifis d WWA)w <br />Ttocwbm*W&N *oft dtoftPmpftAddomor any olW 40001109M 01010606VONtri notice fO Lender. MY 1106010 LWKW SW b8gopen by 60 don "mil 10 L~G <br />-m&r joWrow Any noacs Wovidod for in this Securgy, lmnn*rlt SW be dWW 10 have been Won 10 Floi-ow or <br />Lender worn gitm M omw%W In Ma PWOWW. <br />or CIA" d #0 SOMMAY ifiM (pop it ar vW "* confers WM 11100kobb ift kich conlfrx ow m select other pmulsigns of f)S SKuntyr InWUtneo or the #40a ~ can be Vven ileac <br />wttwu ftoo##Aft <br />14L gWMAvr*C4W Gaiam 00 be g w one con1l"W copy ft NOW and dBurs Swunty InMrAll"t. <br />17. VWWWGI refs P "Oky W 0 11101101111111161 MINN In @Gfw*NW. If all or any part of Me Prop" or any interest in r, is sold or transferred (ore a bwvftW banietin 13tinorm is sold <br />of jrsind~ and Borrower is not • nmwA Mw) wit W Lender's prix wftn corMM Lender may. at ft option, mqutiv immediate pay-Terit to full of as sum seared by ft Ssctx*j <br />kn"wdm H&w.w to oplicin " not be 4xvcMd by Lander it uffCm is pt*'*DiW by feWal Law as of the date of this Security Msh~t <br />Il Leader smacieft urea 'peon Le Mw sM 9" Borrow no" ofamelerstim The notice shW provide a period of no Im than 3D d"I tort Me dW V* rvbmw isdeRvihW or trim"d <br />witwi whid 5aMWM*pW 41 k WMM by ors SK city kommont. it Borrower tail td pay Bt m sums prior to ft e4piration dMperiod. MwKW ff"4ttroka &M rsnwM pail, <br />by this S@cU"kM&umW*wMj*APjMw nosoe ordowidon0ortow. <br />111111, it ftfoiW ffwjm calm, coodticins, Borrow jWj rwye IM rqM to have eft-cwTore of ft Socurily InOunierd d6ur.WvAdd cry tine PW <br />ft O&W dl: (a) 5 dft$ (fa such *W"rbd as appic" law may specify for nsvwMff*rv?bW6m sate dbe P-,VWJ PUTWant WNW PWAV MUM COMM AM113M S6CLnfy M&UTOW!, <br />ftSecunty kalruffmit. Those conditions are that Sy-n-misir. (at pates Lw4wafl surris which then would be due under ff4vSKAR#Yln6VU".WIIIand ft <br />Now hid no aocW*;sbC= 9=wM; (b) a any ddsuft of any other wnrwu or #Wwrv-Q-. (-.1 pays it.'- v*onses incurred in enkrtkV this Sewity )mMMOM Mkidinb W not Vnftd <br />to, remorwbis esprineWtow w4fd)W"aich sclicins$LwWrosy reLsonablymwmit rVft virm Pro" r.0 Borrowers <br />~on ID pay fete s".Waaw by free saur*y kvirismM shad CoMmus LroctmirgaiL LkxmwnsUtemealby Borrower, this Security Inavurnem and the colkowns s*mffWtWmiby shall <br />fwnwfuVy ~A sied:iio accoleralkn hwd occurred. tiowillw. this rV* toreirmitm &*jall nal aM in Me case of acceleration urAw paragraphs 13 or 1r-, <br />MC&UNFOWit CMERAWS Ocirimw sM Larder U?w covenin and age as ftlkwsf <br />Dwroweft' I I Goa" covenant at spniaaihClm the SOCLffft &WIlruw's" <br />(Wit <br />eMMtIS•l�Iq • !labs, eIt lass:iilt! Urfa thawefts b1. ttta rt/M0a K Meat 1r �[talfa►. by.rtlfah 1M dilalul! nape bs steed; tend (t� f1aHiMlw to sees Mt! elelletM eMt ar Sebw <br />-W loft*~ Who kftq evrow4w <br />ter rlrtt f. tsMfalsfs sear IaeaMrslMn aM refs efpR U trYlo a Dare ilwtNnai alsatltM norssdMitta of • dMwft a any alr. dsfafss a /wrowr to aeoaiwitiat oltd sins. N <br />ttta etebaeM fa air raaMtltei K bi/sw refs clefts spseMiseeWe 111s vMlfes. Leiter U,IW.go*m Me y MQM YaetAMW pa90 ssrft IFIRMOISIVIIIIIIIIIII a/C1aed bYgft$00W*YbWWMM <br />WIIIIIIWAWr MWOWAY MVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I Oil Ml <br />jlW,"pmW"ft1q.W4kWMW but noel *vftdW rswatabtlpraearttsys' taw and coati a fete erfdenea. <br />ssael srtofos <br />Info ift 1 -0 ere to tIM aMrywWa ptsaariba of bysppk@W Oft Aftwgo*n <br />ter ffwmwpmlvA- o"1111M."M OW "now POWNIVOIPWAft WAMMIDOW lot - Imblimardthe <br />aw sit Pis" so Wow to *W am~ in win "Otme of so in am <br />PMAftwWWWWWWA stow NEW am pows COMW P W, WA in MY~ W"" 06WOWAs, Tnove M" P094WO ad* d door my PWCOI <br />M" P W~ Mr Prspw.!y As"We. <br />ii4joiy. TM me** eft ins VvMW' 9-00 dW O*pWAM* <br />..LdL— a 4111— ttttMN 40—suawm"Noftdoor WM am —aft "M prooassAawl <br />volliftaft law OM Mlaorftft mummy k"*WMW. and (C) "vowed" >eVw ptswt Wporwom <br />La =AOL <br />"WINIIII IIIIIII& Upon sweWom Lr4w paragraph 19 of abwdorlmwr &the Propilirty. L~ (in PMW. by WW Or by Pfti* Sq*r4pd WOW OW bill - M11-1410 <br />~*=, _ _ 101 v4 nww"v* Pmpaml and to cored the wile offt Rqwly odudingl ff*w pad due. Any mnft coftftdby under ot MWOW alias be applied fief <br />so popwool the egiglilact-irwopffmi ol ow PmW,, avaroMectbn of rents, inct4m.iM rot tended to, ?Kew*$ left XOMUMS on MCC•S bMft 6"64"WO" &WfnlYS* %0. Mind <br />ffwn,r� lie sums smajotiti)INs Soeuttty Instrurnent t ' <br />fit.,ffaef)rttsyetNlei.Vpw pvpw%a *W carne secured W this Scanty ty Instrument LO Sec request Trustee to 9001*,71D Property and shalt surer Vw vs Scanty Instrurmt and <br />al ryaal atAOenCrrlQ "OgW ty Mt,Gsftn <br />n"ftment to Trustee Trustee " mcornmgy "m Property *@W warranty and wtthoLd eftrge to the pa vdn or pWWft kwft W*00 to <br />A. Sum poison or paesorr OW psis "� - racordoon cam <br />22. Imbellikills TAMW Urm*r at its option, may from tme, to time rernoA Trustee and appoint a su"*ss& trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an insfirurrieM recorded in the <br />o"" hWWMW a headed. WOW conwo" or the Property: me ilucoasw mm" OW succeed to an the title. PMW M" *Aft=ftrfvd Won TwOm hensin <br />111*10" W.4*0 MW 0006" Of the MUMPS Of default w%'O"be "r"to ftrower's address ~ is the Property AddI"W)•&X~ kqltw request MM <br />copenof V*"mdtmftA and so b@ wolloeach person who ilis p" herskTal after -44 -so[ Such person sisl forth herein. <br />24. 111dargialliftlemoft &*&mow& Kara more fKW$ fro executed DVBorYAw and "corded kWWwdh Bus Searcy trstrurtrM, tree towrwes and Iprawnenb o1 each such <br />nd► " to ffwmpMW hilo and 00 arriiend and uVpWn@M this WWWaw.s w4 NWWrwft of this Sotwity instrument m it ft rKIWE t wn a pan of this Security Insmirwill. [Clock <br />4ppWAft box(ft)l <br />WRIMM Film Rider CarMsfolviurn RKW f;Wly. <br />(badtiolled PaW i* t Rider MviwAl Cirit ()evetopment Rder <br />ErJI'SIGft#6UjjMOW,fb.O"-rgj i and MWM to Vie tWft end co4nwft c.3r.-U-ed in this *urdy Instfurneni aM in any fdocifij ow;iW. Vj A ii' 10W and mWded wAh it. <br />Xlt' t 4a 0 LfSaeff <br />[Spwo Otkm This Line For AckrAyMedgivisivil <br />C-^ . a. <br />out th's PLvz in the Stre of IdA <br />r1frament &M acknwedrd Mgt --VJ42r-- LIxecOed the sim-iiias- <br />V*M#" ad and dMd <br />Tr NOTAA 4 PUBLIC <br />�:J�,C "Mv:� <br />AAKONaftulKw =AM <br />01 'C <br />C'M <br />lift 11110 It Not <br />.,.tam <br />V <br />__j <br />