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r- <br />� 1' » 0][0 <br />89-- 105110 <br />TIM CFMWrMWft Namenit-ostreft onlroo— Mith SWtMdW <br />&JAKtAL MrobfM AM .7kMat R- Cufflohm Cbmftnd Wd Whil <br />C f4ft nowffi dent c0ft debt WAftvVd toy ills NOW, w h ;r1►ersM W4111 0 210 eRhenefoex <br />am. Witt v4wmK tadYirtoad ~p Isis? <br />Lot Too (2), in M TW (2)9 In pest Bel Air Addition to the City of GnwA Lifland, <br />Hall Gzanty. Nebradm <br />which %10 9110 add"= of 1W7 SWth Garland 181mid <br />(City) <br />J'PMWIy. Addivial-, <br />tOGETW-M WWKI <br />YEN*& r" prow waive <br />114VA and $W* a" a aperICIM property. AllopleMW AMR"", aw tare WMW by via some" kawrin". M di eta ftip"Whom mein <br />801111"Off".COVENAMS 001.40ft.# IV %WRPy Soloed of the *91160 hereby CM aft'imas M rw'-pl" and corh" the Property, and that " propmv is Lan "Mon <br />;Wft *v noww MW am MWW*M WMWIN W& IM'[ Wwora &I WO*Cwn to imirimam a WWWMSMN* roft <br />TmesEcumYsempporr �o0weTX MWIt <br />real <br />%MWOM-COVEMPic" I AMON M&JbftW <br />1. Pel <br />to Noll It pw in *A a am 0~ pow W an•ivism et (a) we" taw and mmm"wo M idr otter amok- prto Over trio Swurly Inaltinvent (b) "aft bomewd pW"**W <br />WWWWft0nVj@PjWWl f W. (4) VM* ar4 tit p" noVapirourarm per*". N any. These dente MoceIM'SICROWANOW lamer MWINOWN <br />ftfundodwan toe boats slawwd *4 SOrAOMOIkAMOKMWftM <br />Thaftftovelbotoldowt '" , the d"Ook or oc"we 61"Ibid Landon <br />.hell apply 00 Rinds is pay ftna.00 am LwKW may net charp for holding and W" M raKft. analWir* the account or "ing go escrow kim. univatLok"r Poo <br />Hont3wor anduw4K rnay agree Wi wrfirrg that intersol "be paid on ft Funds. Uhaaw sgeMMdeM is <br />mob orappleselli law teat W x WWWWOW. LWWW OW not bomqu%W 10 pay SOrrMW any 000 oraientirigson the Funds. Lertdw shat gNis IoSorww.wW%WWUrA an <br />&mW sctourMbt/ d M:trbs sbhtrwgp.auft and daboto thin Fwft aid Ihs pL►pm for wftri each oW- i.p.*- Fundli wall made. The Funds am pledged as addlional vW-V*,RV-ft <br />S" seam by 00 90MAWRINUM014" <br />lIftsviciontalfthwW Neal * Under. log the ft&n mor" payments of Fun0a vapM pw'MW,*Aw dal" of Me "crow hwo. Am Meed ift ffmw 04040 10 pay <br />the 011crow NOWIS wm awl ow ANN" MW be. 41 GWOWIS opeon. *Iftr po" mpold W•Pmwm or audited ft Bm~ an iwdhly pay fwft of Ft milt 0 Wo ~ d *W Falft <br />held by Wasir, is nait K*kWM Rr Pay, to eimow W" wtfen &M, gwmw OW pay to Urd* " amount necoosary to moM :tip to dolldency in one or R" psynianIS so wow by <br />Larder. <br />Lipainow err 1pwl 19lhoPMWlY**Wor <br />tdlrtaer aliallopply, fm Nate town mnedialety, picir tom 6" V ft ftWty or its soWoft LpyterxIer, any Funds held by IA#4w st the lima of app! -14a, 006111 <br />go" that *am no at " No <br />&A"Nookinat —gN16rsItR vt"W elpo" io Ww Wov1dM of <br />NO; IocnWW&*; and Ise, t0 principal due. <br />& ckv"K livia, 1 ► o* ;d am. maosemenle, charges. WW and WOOWM A114141 MAN, to ff* PMWtV wlntGt May ~ priority ~ V4 -%m*, #00W.WC Wd <br />-- InI orpvwft arowd Wt► Noll -SYMW "pay two ch, go' in the rm",pmvdWtn;wAW9ph2. &r it roof paid nffi&t Mar.M. SWIMM eh M'P" M "o-diffeft <br />e tit perwn owed poW wee. 8c Pl- ! *W A*wQ* turnrsh to UrbM 6I nob0ea of wr4X*ft fa be 9W i^*T does paragraph It Borrower makilill OWN O&pT&rft OWOCBI . %WIMW 00 <br />PMM* KWW$h b L"W "a"" 4111010WIN go (>eyrher" <br />0" V* M d*01" any Won *twd has rxionly over this SOWRY MMNMW'4'-r4*W Boffo~',d) aQWS in writing 10 the payment of the obligsbon, *Kutsd by ewilom in a <br />iwuwm6omowjmi*Lwwsr.(blcrl " ea In ONO fact to ban by, (w tleftintle agWw aw#;r,,*rrem of Me Won a. WW proceedings which in the Loriders oWdoinoperaft to prrrww the <br />vibcom of ftlen v #A*Am of any Part offt ftperly; or (0j *KWM ftm the hodw 0 Ift Wn an algrearnsinil sdW&clvy to UwdW subordinaling the ben I* Vk* Soakily inearturiani. <br />deal enrAwflat erf part OMProporlyiekkiloctlos bon infwalp"asampt"ovivir 90 Secunity, fraftrionl, Lww*r may give Borrower anotice khmMyl ftfien.Ficinotinii <br />00 *a* Wo Wri or Wine wo or ftu" & Me W" sat birth ab" w0m to dep C# Me W&Q Of I <br />MMM, M4111001111419. ftIDWIN eftal kaW Vie rnprownents now @"WV or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fre, tarxft vickxled withn the term lexiontlod <br />AetNllf�i" attre ally flew violets Idr wait fr LtttrdN fegtdses xroldrahttM. TAIL itirtralt0e emit bd1 mairhtiitted h aM omowft and for the pwa% t4a U~ rv*jWv*. The insurance comet <br />N srtrnale0a pa`rise arid fMMrrale shah a aaspMOM b Lender and 9tas trtCMtde • oSandard mOregege ctauea- Lender ef►eN tie ate riglM b hob tit pok Les and ecrtrttib " Lender <br />tprirae, �errOhrar MIY peaMptpr pwi b Lander Y reosepte d Wed pretnrxrte and nrrwil rtbbas In era avant d lose. Borrower shat gn0 ptbrrlpl notice b the ntrrnea carrkr And Wider. <br />is 0WrIoMK4Wy <br />bo applied tothe <br />cones sstwfw by era Setvey khltlsrtsnl. MflstfhM a nq teen due. wroth dry eeceM paid b Borrower. N Borrower absnebers the Property. a does rot snswt within 3100 days a notice hm <br />L41dw anal Wo rtsltrarto0 cafrrsr 140 dtfereld 60 sales 0 t>1eii1. the Lower Ahoy edxett the WWWA P0060. UnCIM MW Ulf the FOUPWRIS ID ►SpIN Or regote the Proprerty err ID pay WAft <br />secured by Vw Elmo" Insburnork whetter or not thin due. Tha 30-ft period will begin when the notice is giren. <br />Wou Lwow and Sonimist otherwise *Ww in vomi <br />I and 2 of change the ornounit of Vie v&pTwtw 9 under paragraph 19 to pMpgny is acquired by Lwow, Sorrower's right tog" rnwvioe parcels W proceeds rm-ftog from damage to <br />the Pvcwty Prop to the *Wp@a*IoL~IoVv"lw of ft Sums "and by NO Security frishurwimmediately p" to tit wV~. <br />44 IN --- ----- � - - - =-- - - - - -, - -: taetaeleatlM Bortawor 00 ncAdOO-Cy, dornage or substs&Wy OvOW the Property, allow fto Property to detericralo of cumnut *61:8. <br />tl errs llwuftA,1avLqw monl m e lit. Illortowee WWA comply with the W-Ntwft of the low. and d Swrower aca"S 40 We to the Ptopetty, the feasetiold WW fit title shall not rrwgo <br />~=#4PWW a to ppwow in <br />1. W1146601 FAWVVMWOGN& ff 900weil lab lo pokiii Ito cowidnis AM arm M MAN <br />111111011111 ombwkrupky probate. kwcondwnnobonorloor4" netts ormgLftbonsl. tier- Lander <br />V" al Mfr PICWIVand L~S"ft in this Prop" Lender's beb" mWn*40 paying arty sUM#JMU-4d bye AW~hie <br />has &-dvAWv*onrA Property bff4**repairs. Alllhouo L*rbW may take a,-jm under Ora pelf aWalih <br />Af!y amotrree dvM~W !AOW paragraph 7 ~ tfto"ad0joriai"of Borrower somW ty m6ecurity ims1rumetitt Ur*-Ai;&vrov*r and Ls,-AW aq-es C-itillier terms <br />010" 0 sW topivyi". with wW#M, upon nolft awn tender sa <br />""W tray W"Wo co,-~ of 04v the bin "Cured &low& 1;Scuto pay the "fturns raqj,md to m&ntain the insurance in effect <br />urM o6m, biho soft sooMo►aril Om the itiourvince, Wrnevise in socordame with Sorrower's v4 Lerifts w~ sgtormpi cr applicable Is* <br />t. lfM�/eeMaw. Lends.Ot it opts►,+ whey make nea.onsbie aMKhe! upon snit irnpectans cf the PrvOStti Lender slhas gr.+t Sorcerer RoE�:e At the tuna nt or a: ur to en rnsDectron spec+'}::rp <br />I. Cw1dolinnilaw, the Woo da d any owd of vim (or damage. dRed or cormq-jeTv4ai P7 C tiro: -ct:7,n;w.!tv any ccn,4,em.n&!=v Or c!kof taki"4 p! Ony r-10 , INI ViLW.1y (--1 !0,1 <br />,orwiiarct in bee of MWIleftWilim, . Of hop*y oawgvilid w4 " her pW tv Ujv-,fsK <br />1-t Mv W"M 61 a I(AN WWq of we vMp". "" vtoroods WWW to 409W t) Me ;W-! ty t *110tnef W. 'EM ti-wri C!L:S. vc,.!t any VACC55 g,2 ", t^ Lk , r,;-Net <br />V* want a p"M takfig ot the Prawrg- ur"m &xTUAW ar!"I L401401 U-44,6.36 a;jfee of W,rq -.10 E&ZL;!C-:j Li 111:9 &'Ic <br />me kft" *W •:• -'t!• de. r4 *i c <br />"1'41 ukfv " "IlIrko, $?44 tW "a R) toot! <br />,I I V. r t 4 0 0 W, f , 0 St A rM *AW by W Mcft W 0 V it tft I v-t v 19 Cy t itr✓'Ser v, f k� f! L," t U•13? into r, r e -V t . 7; 3 C 7 7 J1 f f <br />Wy <br />Wtoe- -A X, Coll 6 040 11110 CSM ro Vl*"W-@ 4 C1111'. <br />rt <br />I- <br />