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� r �;a: .�--s� , . E '_.,i_ =�,— _ <br />� .. �`•y.�_._v_r. . . .� . :. _. ._..-_ � . u�1•J,:...1-., - -__ <br /> ,_ _._.� ..�*:A �.'2 <br /> ,_ .F��.a�.• 'r' .. <br /> �� �"'``,^ r zt,,7", � � s ' � \ ' •.wC.-"•r..z�.. _•�. - '-ti:_�-,_ ,�.,.r.'r: '�'c; ;4, .O�F` Y �� � . `�"_ <br /> � �[< -,t _ _ .'� . - . - c .� - � �..�v�.` �f t � s^'-c.-"..-x_u, ,, , a, � <br /> � "- _ - , t. . , v � a�n <br /> .�.. � � e . •itc bCa .,��� � -_ � ��t: CT a, -�� �rru.�f ,F� � i • _ . �� f. �. n� f _ � . <br /> .t�. : _��'•.:._(:�t�� � ay-� �,} . i�ra clr , rc .� -� � ��_ 2 .�.. !` � r i �y- r Y�� :� � .�4 S' yY_ c -4.; <br /> �� ;• 'C-�. u� �J�� L �,. —.r� '4CS .�� 1, Y -`! ._S� ��. _ _�"JF __ -.�F.� ���'' _ �-� ^{ <br /> � t S`L� ? �.�f Y:rt�� <br /> Sy-t. " Y� r' ,. <br /> �t `� . '� <br /> K ' � ^� _ <br /> z � }5 < 4 �'�, TOGET'NER WITH all dee improvements now or hereaftet erected on the property.and all easanenu.appurtenances.and ''`.^ 4- <br /> a _�c ��.�' _ <br /> <<._ .:_.�.,_�•.._ .�- fiutu�es aow os heaeafter a part of the propercy. All repla�oements and additians sball also be covered by this Securiry `t¢`x:,�°•• <br /> „ _-� :- -- .. _ <br /> �?-.�r� _ <br /> �� .. :_:. . • <br /> � Insumrneat.All of the foregoing is refcrced to in dus Securicy Inshument as the'Property.' A,f : , ,. <br />-_ ' '`•��• � BUItROVUER G�DVENANTS that Bormwer is lawfiilly ssised of the estate hetehy com�eyed and has the rigtu w grant and ;,�,� ` '� °. <br /> �F ,:•, i�ti,,.,.,, <br /> _� . �: arnvey tHe Properiy and that the Property is uneuaimbered,except for e�xaimbiances of record. Borrawer warranu and wiA • - <br /> ,` ° ` t - defend genetally the tiue to the Property againsT all claims aad demands.subject w any encumbranoes oi record. � '� '•` . <br /> .��-.` ,-: - ` . TAIS S�.CURITY INSTRUMEI�IT combin�s tmifornn covenants for aational use and aon-uaiform covenants with limited < � �` �.. <br /> •,.+.. .,. _ . <br /> ..�Y variations!ry jarisdiciion to oons�tue a unifoTm se�urity mmumecu oovering teai property . �_< . <br /> l;'� _ <br /> �`� ` ' UNffORM COVENANTS.8orrower and i.endec oovenant and agrce as follows: �. <br /> - °� � � �` 1. Psymwt of Frintipal end Interest: �repagmeeot and Late Charges. Borrawer sha11 promP�Y PaY �vhen due the ` ��. `, _:• <br /> s '=µ L""'r� '' principa!af aQd inte�st on the ctebt evidenced by the Note and anY P�Y�����es due under the Note. _` <br /> �� ' . .,,..ti�;,,�. ._�` 2. Funds for Taxcs and Insa�anoe.Subject to a�plicable law or to a written waiver by Leoder. Horrower shall pay m � �� <br /> ,<;i N I.ender on the day mnntWY PeYII►ems are due under ihe Note.until the Note is paid in full.a sum("Fuads")for.(a)Y�Y�� '� <br /> a� �,- aud as�ss�ments whic�may auain prioriry over this Sec�u�ity Insn�amrnt as a lieai on the Property;N)Yearly lessehotd paynaeats 1 '. 4 �� `... , <br /> �`� :: ` • < or ground rents on tlze Properey,if airy:tc)Yea�Y ha�ard or pmperty�oe premiums;(d�Y�Y�t�ce Pmaninms, � � r � `- <br /> ; _ . • . � if any; (e)YeartY mortgage insmance premiums. if any:and(�anY sums Pa3+able by Borrower to[.euder, in accoidance with � �- `� •: <br /> . �';, t , the pravisions of paragtaph 8,in lieu of tiie payment of mortgage insuranoe gremiums.'17�ese items are c a ll e d"F scrow Items." � << <br /> �.�f.,�f�, � <br /> T N_ 3t� I.ender aay time, oollect and hold Fundg in an amount not to exceed the maximum amowu a iender fur a fede�aAy =� r � <br /> tr� '• ;_ ' " �' related mortgage toan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Reai Fstate Sealement Procedures Act of „� �-- . <br /> k•` �� 1974 as amended fivm time to time, 12 U.S.G. Secbion 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").unless annt6er law that applies to the Funds �. `� •_ <br /> ,r.�. . ,' '�• , z: <br /> . . . - - .� ;•-v;• �. : <br /> ' ��:�::<.:.= ..��. .:_�� sets a lesser amount. If so. Lender may. at any time, coUed and hold Funds ia an amnunt not to eaceed the tesser amount. : n:..<,.::;:._ <br /> ' 7 L I' ' <br /> : �•r.� . ' w.:.�. (,ende�may estimate the amount�f Funds dne on the basis of current data and reasonable esumates of expeadiwres of fut�ue • <br /> F !� 4 <br /> Esecow Items or otherwise in accoidance with applicable law. ,, ,: � <br /> E- � -. The Fnnds shall be held 'u► an instinrtion whose deposits are insured by a federat ageacy. instnrmentality. or entity ; .- <br /> '` �� (including L.ender,if Lender�s such an institation)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds w pay the . ti: : <br /> 4.�' '""_2 r .. ..1..4� _.__ <br /> �` `� Escmw Items.Leuder may not charge Borrower for holding and applying ttie Funds.annually analyzing the escrow acc�ant.or _, +�, <br /> �}•- <br /> verifying the Escraw Items,unless Lender pays Borrower itrterest on the Ftmds and applicable law permits l.ender to make such x :-�4` <br /> , n;,`�,:� 'c 'f` ' a charge.However, Lender may require Bormwer to pay a one-[ime charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service — <br /> `��- . 5, ,� � '. used by l�ender in com�xion with this loan. unless applicable law provides otherarise. Unless an agreement is made or • , :',,�� <br /> :�C-:-�.-,`-'..�:` ,:; ' a p p}ic�able!aw tet�uites interest to be paid.I.ender st�ll not�e requised to pay Borrowet any interest ar earnings on the Funds. � <br /> n �v. <br /> :� . � � 8orrower and Lender may agree in writing.however. that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shaU give to Harrower. `'.�_,... 5 _ <br /> . �;1?e <br />�:r,. -'•':4 ,- . .:�4i arithout charge,an amival accountiu�of the Fnnds.showing credits and debits w the Furids and the putpose for ahich each Y-`. -- - <br /> rf a = � : <br /> ,;�., de6it to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additiomi security for al!sums secnred by this Seiusity Insuamen�. � - <br />'.� ``` If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the amourtts pemutted w be hetd bY apAlicable Iaw.I.ender shall account to Borrower - - <br /> .: :� �::...-���, <br />��.`� .' :' for the excess Funds in accordance arith the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds hetd by Lender at any f� `':,�:�;;�`= <br />-- ...�.�• time is nat sufficient w pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,an suc h rase Borrower `".;,t;�»; <br /> .,�;.;,. '� . .,..•; shall pay tv l.cnder the amount aec:essary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shaU make vp the defrciency in no more than � <br /> , - ;_ twetve momhly payments,at Leader's sole disereaon. <br /> ,� r = Upon paymerit in full of al! sums seavred by this Securiry Inswment. Lerider shall ptampdy refund to Borrower any ,��°: <br /> .:�. • �. , . <br /> �' �: � Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sefl the Property.Lender.ptic�r to the acquisition or sale � :; <br /> ,.� ' ' ; ;: of the Property,shall apply any Fvnds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit asainsc the sums secured by . _. <br /> '��'�'. �: • . .. - this Sec�riry Instmment. :' . <br /> '' 3.AQpltcatlon oT Payments.Unless applicable!aw provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs �•�:;��_. �; <br /> ���'�'"� et�t charges due under the amounu payable uader paragraph 2: <br /> :x:�.:�.. �.. • , 1 and 2 shall 6e applied: first.w anY PreP� , - <br /> ,_�,,.�.� <br /> {�� •. interest due:fonnh,to principal due:and Iast,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> - �:;' ,� . .. - 4.Chatges: I.ieag. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessmentc.charges. fines and impositions atuibutable to the Property ,, ` . <br /> l which may attain priority over this Security Instrurt�ent,and leasehotd paymenu or ground rents.if any. Horrower shafl�pay �:; <br /> r � .`' these obligations in the manaer provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time direpiy <br /> :�'F.•� �=' • . to the person owed payment. Borrawer shall promptly fumish to Ixnder all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> � '�'���` ' If Borsawer makes these.Qayr�cents directly.Horrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencit�the payments. ' '� �. <br /> r <br /> �� � �� �. ' � Borrower shail rom d dischar e an lien which has riori over this Securi lnstrument uniess Borrower: (a)agrees in � <br /> � �< . � - P P Y S Y � P �Y lY <br /> `���;�•� ,... � , •�• . <br /> !::, ; . ,.,.. writing to the paymenl of the obligation secured by the lien in�manner acceptable to Lender:(b)oontests in good faith the{ien - <br /> ,•�"�,' ' by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proc e e dings w hic h in t he L en der's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> • . enforcement of the lien: or Ict secures from the holder of the lien an ar,reement satisfactory to Lender subordinaung the lien to • <br /> :•;�';'.;.. , ' this Secvrity Instrument. lf Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prinrity over <br /> `:k?:'•,:.' � . �• .� this Security Instrument. Lender may give Borro�ver a notice identifying the lien. Bc�rrower sha{I satisfy the lien or take one or ,_ ._. <br /> ��„�;a.•. ` � more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. , <br /> 't.:.�.:: • . <br /> � , Form 3028 9l90 <br /> e.... • . <br /> .,:.,.,: . . <br /> .�s..� ' veYe T o1 6 . .. <br /> . 't' . . � . �. . '. <br /> •;.:±..�. , z . • • - <br /> !. . ... ' - ' • .:.._�._ _ --� - .__ . __'" _ . . , -' . . . �� . , .. . . , � . . . ' . ..�_ . .. <br /> ' _ .' . _ _ . . .. .. _ . . - . ' . . � � . " � .. � ; -• • . . <br /> ,i�'.,[f� , �`� �, . � �.. . . � ` , � ,. . . . ' . � -. , .. .� .. : . . . .. . ' ' ' �_' ..� . : . <br /> ..�" . �. � � . - . . • � ', " . ' . � . ` . . - ' . - ' ' _ <br /> . � . , ' : . . . • .. . .. ' . . . ' . � _ .. • ,• , _ f.� . <br /> i . . . � . - � . . ' • , ' � . _ . . . � • • . . � . . .. ` 1. . <br /> . . . . . _ • -. ' ,, _ , , ' _ t _ • . - • ' . - <br /> � t � ' ' � _ . - ry `:', . <br /> '� F- : . � . . . . . � _ .. . . .,. . _ ' ... . - . _. a _ . �' .. , _ . .. . . , ,. .. _� _ � . ., . .'. . . .. , _ �_ . . . <br /> �� `} � �r� � t� � �� .'•v 'r ts.. f•.'.� „ �. <br /> .� l: <br /> �. 7 �t. � � f 1. <br />