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q _ - .`4::�:_'r <br /> r � - -y:c'•�:<<q — ^—�-r�:� ' <br /> � � � ;� : � . . • .. . _ _ <br /> , . <br /> - �'_ -� <br /> _ C �-. `�`} � - . <br /> • 1 � .��`` . • <br />—= F ' ' �_.. ...��..-.. _._�2... .� . _. . . " __ � _ __��� _ <br /> �� L _� . - 4 • • - _ _ tF' � S `"_ <br /> _� � - - - .. ,�G � " ' � .( { <br /> ;- K�( C . 1 4 . y -r . . Y- f ,. . . .. '�S- -�S V` � .'f.5 <br /> , . .". . ' , ', S _ ' ' . . _ 1 . ' '- '_ _ ' <br /> " _ - c�-- �. �..<. <br /> QLZ � 1'` :¢� , <br /> - ' ' 4 _ _ $ L. '..c' C..,�:,�..:_ '_�i �� ..w `__._.,�z__...-- ` ;� -�.-.Y.-�"�s..: t �•F t. <br /> .��.' � . . L .s...� 3.:=.� _ <br /> — � .. '- - -�a �:`�: -`r� <br /> �� ����Y..'� � " �,t _ a,.r. ��. <br /> _�• :�.. �r ,�� i'7.T�ansfer�the Ptop�'or a Benefidat IuR�st in Bonow�.S all or any part of the Property or any i�e�est ia it � � - <br /> _ . s � .. '._ � . . <br /> �'�:. , is sold or aansferreel(or if a beaeficial interest in Borrower is soid or uansfemed and Borrower is not a natutal peison)without '� t ` ° <br /> _�: �: �.' �Ir.nder's prior written oonseat. Lender may. at iu option, cequire immediate payment in fnU of all sums secured by this :�'�_ <br /> ;.' " - �: Securi Insuumeut.However.this option sbalt nat be exercised by Lender if exercise�s prohibited by federal law as of the date � _� `` <br /> �Y. .:: , ;..,.^�i of�s���• G `�:� ::�,��,�i:-.`���� : <br /> ,_. ,,. tf Lender exec�ises this option.Leuder shall give Borrowa nodce of a�xelencion.The aotice shaU provide a period of noc . `• <br /> =z,t. • = � tess thaa 30 days from the date the uotioe is delivered or mailed within which 8orrower must pay all sums secured by this � f.-�,�.� . <br /> � . _�.._ _:.� <br /> __.�_ � � � Seauity Insuumenc. If Bonox�er tails to pay these sums grior to the expirarion of this period.Lender may utvoke aay remedies _ <br /> _�',�":,`'�'� ` , P�it�d bY dus Secuiiry Insm�me�nt withont fiuther notice or demand on Bormwer. � , .� <br /> IS. Borrower's Right W Re3nSEade. If Borrower meets oertain wnditions. Borrower shall have the right to 6ave £. <br /> Ee <br /> �'�t� ' enfaroement of this Security�nment disoontmoed at any ame prior to die ea�iier of: (a) 5 days tor ssech other periud as - -- < <br /> ���`.� _ ----.. applicab2e iaw may specify for reinstatemeat) before sale of the Pc+Qperty pursuant to a�ny power of sate conxaiaed in this ;` "- <br /> . ,��:` Securu}+Insmrmeat•or�b)entry of a judgm�t mfo�iug this Se�rity Insttument.Those wndctions are that Bortuwer:(a?PaYs <br /> - ` �-` I�n d e r a ll s�as w h i s h t h e n w o u l d b e d u e u n d e r t h i s S e c a u i ty l a s u u m e n t a n d t h e N o t e a s i f n o acceleiation had aocumed• (�) `�. <br /> f a `,�. ;, . <br /> �.' ;.;' ,` , �.. � .�°�� , aues aay detauIt of a�r acha oove�ants or a�ts;(c?PaYs��ina�rred in enfoning this Seauiry Insaument. _:���•;:r_. <br /> � }.`. � :, iactuding.brt not limited w,ceasos�able auoraeys' fces•and(d1 takes sucL acnon as Lender may reasonab{y require to assure _ f �. <br /> � Wai the lien of tiu�Secmity Insuumeat,1.eudec's nghts m the Propecty and Borrower s obligatioa to pay the smms secured by _ t� ..:d- <br /> - 1 " • .� (J n rni.,cr�rPenPnr by Boi[Ow¢[, thlS SealTlty InSQUm2nt an�l thC . <br /> : ,�__ .-_ . �S Se�rity Insunmeul shall rnnU�e amckau8ed• Fo - �. <br /> f� ,r ohligatioas seaued herehy shal� remaia futly effecave as if rw acxeterauon had accurred.However.Wis right to m�nstate shall ; �``�' � <br /> � -�-:.., <br /> .� � '. " not apply in the case of aaxleration under patagraph 17. ��' F .:;;�,: _.: <br /> :���;` , . _? 19.Sa[e oi Not� Change oY Loan Se�vicer. The I�tote or a pa�tial interest in the Note(together with this SecuritY - _:�` <br /> , � (nst�,•++�+t)may be sold one or moie times without prior notice to Bormwer. A sale may resntt in a change w the enfuy(known � t .�_ <br /> `'- -. .. . "��� as the'Laan Servioer7 that oolleas moathtY PaYments d a e un d e r t L e Nou and this S e ar n t y Insuument.There atso may be one - -- �::,:. ;�.. <br /> �' or more c�anges of the l.oan Serv�cer u�lated m a sale of the Note.If the[e is a ch�ge of the Loan Servicer.Bormv�rer wi11 be � � ; z <br /> �` ��•� ` givea arritten notice of the change in a000rdans;e with paragtaph 14 above and apgl'scable law.The novae w�l state the name and <br /> ��.��: • . adc�ess o f t h e uew L o a n S e r v icer a II d t h e a d d n s 4 t o w l u c t�p a y m e n s s s h o u l d b e m a d e. T h e n o a c e a r i ll a l s o c o n t a i n a n y other �,,. <br />.—":�� info�anoa requiced by applirab te law. `; <br /> $a , . _: .. _ _r `- <br /> - f� 20.�dons SahsYances.Eorrower shaU uot cause or permit ths preseacc.�se. disPosat, sro�age•or release of wy - <br /> ` �`•� ' " ' Hamrdous SubstaACes on or in the Property. Borrawer sLall not do, aor allow azryone else to do, anything affe�ng the <br /> �'' ; . - Ftoperty that is in violation of a�r Fnvimam�ta! Law.The pr�ing two sentences shall not apply to dte preseaoe,ase,or _ . <br /> r t, , st�rage on the Pmperty oY small quantities of Ha�ardaus Sub:,-taaces that aze geaeially revognized to be appropriate to ncxmal ` y�, <br /> �.� � ry � residential ases and to maintwance of the Progeny. a =' <br /> : �-• Hotrower sLall pmmptiy give Lender written aoace of auy investiga[ian. c1aim.demand.lawsnit or other action by aa� �, s� <br /> � ,- govemmenial or tegulazatY agency or priwste party mvolving the Pmpecty an d a�r H a 7 a r dous S u b s t a a o e or E nvironmental Law ° � k <br /> s.'� . <br /> ,,g1��2. � of whicb Borrower has actual I�owledge. If Bormwer leams,or is aotified by aay gavemmenW or iegiilatory authoritY.that � ,e��, <br /> �;€� � - a�r remaoval or other remediation of any Ha�ndws SSebsraare affeaing the Ymperty is necesgary,BaTrower shall pmmpUy take :�� �-_..° <br /> �;' � � �I enecessm ary iemediai actioag ro accordance witb Environmeatai Law. ;. � <br /> As used"m this paragrsph Z0, 'Har�rdous Substances'are ilwse sabstauces defined as toxic or ha�ardnus sabstaz�ses by . '. <br /> �:.:'4�j+.�;.<< . ` <br /> .o.�'`r�. • • � • Euviro�ental law and the fc�llowing snbstances: gazoline.kerosene. ottter tlammable or toxic petroleam pmdwas. toxic r -c`":•b`r;' <br /> f <br />_ '.� '� � � pesacides and herbicides.volatile solvents.materials contaming asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materiais.As used in ;. �Y:: <br /> �'�'•` ' ;, ehis pazagraph Z0, "F�viro�ental Law' me�ss fedetal taws and laws of the jurisdicaon arherc the Propercy is located that � '`::ti':. <br /> � ri> .. - celate to heatib,safety or enviionmenral protection. , _: H�- <br /> ,� i . . . NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Bormwer and I.aWer further covwaat and agcce as foltows: = <br /> ,.�. '.: ' .�.' ``' El.Acceleratton;R�me�ies.Ls�d�r shall give aotice w Bore�wer pr[or to aoodera�os�fa�Qowing Borruw�'s bresc6 . .; .,.-. <br /> � '� � • , � : ot auy oavenant or agreemeai in this See�titY Iastr�ent Nat not p=tor w accet�aHon oader paragrapb 17 anicss �' + - <br /> � :, � appiicabte Isw providcs uthers�Lse)-The aot�ce smaU spedY9s (a)ihe d�adt;(b)the sctfon reqaised to crue the drlaast; _ <br /> .�.�...;;_,.• ,.. .. . (c)a date.not tess i6an 30 d$ys fmm the date 16;e noi�ce is giv�to Hotrower,by w[dch the defau�t mnst 6e c�ed:snd ` �ti.;-:'"�,._:. <br /> g <br /> :�:��'.�� � . (�tbai�a�iue to aue the ddaatt on or 6 e fose t he d a te s p e d f led in the notice ma y resalt in ecoel�atton of the s� n.�;; <br /> . sccm+ed by Wis Secu�ty/nsdnmment aad saIe of the R»p�ty.7�e naitce sbaD tarther inform Ho�es�wer of ttce rtght to <br /> �'`_'';; � '�' • , r�ade af�r acoeteratton sud the rigW to bring e rnm�t adtom w assert We Qou-extstenoe of a detaatt os any other , .�„ <br /> ,�-•� : ' ' detease of Bormw�r to aacetetatton aad sade.IY the ddautt is aot cnred on or bdore the date speci�ied in the notice. . <br /> ' �=?. - � ' €mme�ate paymeu3 tn Pa0 oY a!1 swrts s�ared hy tblv SecaritY Im�eai wtthoat <br /> -:��,�.;�. i.end�,st f�opttoa may req�dre ' _° <br /> .<��::;.- . � . ._ Parl6cr d�and and may im�oke the powe:of sate and any ather rmm�pe�rmttted by appBcable iaw.l.�der sUa116e . - <br /> i. ,: ' ' eotlttai ta col1�a0 expeas�ss incusred in p�dng the r�cdies p�ovided in tdis parBgraPS tl•Inc[ad3��.bat aW Umlted .. . , <br /> .�: ;. . <br /> :e+,�P:, . , . to.r�oaable aiLomeys'feeg and cosis of tttie evidcace. � . .,� � <br /> ' � _,;� ' � ' ' U We �of sate ts imroged. 'I'rasiee s�aD record a noLtce ot defaatt in�c b�anty in whish any p a rt oY the -. . <br /> :���';'�. � � . Yrnpe�ty ts t�owted and shall ma0 oopies oY sacb aottce in t�e manner preswibed by appUcaDte Iaw to Boirow�aad to � � <br /> .. s;r' , • . ' the ot�er persoas pr�cn'Ded by appttcaDte taw.After td�e Nme reqniied by apptice6te law,Trustee s4�a11 glQe pablIc aotice � : <br /> �j . � . . . oi ssale to the petso[LS ead iu ttle mamrpr p�ped bY aPDf�caDte taw.Ttaste��ithoat d�and aa Borrowe�r,s6aD seD . <br /> _ I <br /> •�'�'='"`-, .. the ptoperty a1 publtc suctlon to the hIghest b3dder at the tlme and place and ander t�e terais designa4ed tn tae natEce ot �� • <br /> ��:.;,- . . <br /> .�;i�._-;. • . sale in oae or more parcets and b aay order TruStee deter�ines_7'mstee may�ae sate of all or any parcel o!the �'• ,. : , <br /> . P�Pei'�! b] P�tic anao�me�eat at the time and ptace of any pseviously sc�eduted sale. l.euder or its detiigaee may ' � _ '� ° <br /> .��':''.:.- . . p�r c b a s e tbe Pro�at an�c sate. �. - <br /> ��..Yry_' . � ,. ... <br /> ,;:.� .. <br /> . . Farm 3028 8190 . .. ` <br /> .. , �-BRINE)�9z,zi oz v,�,s or e wn�v ' ' <br /> ;��?-;�:` . , , � . <br /> �,:,,;;` , ��1 . <br /> .f.' � . ' ------•---. _ . .�_.....��_ • � ��-- -- -- -� . -T---- . . <br /> r. . .—� - . � . ' • � . �. . . • ' . � <br /> _ Y� . _ . ' ' . . . . . • " . . � • � - . . , <br /> -�:'+ _ ' ' .. ' . . <br /> iYn ... ' .. , • � • _ � � <br /> �J.�.�� . . - . . . . <br /> F, <br /> 'L� ... , • . � ' _. ... <br /> i�.,r. � . � - ' ' " - . <br /> .�- c` . • . . . . . . . . • � . <br /> �',' ' . . . ' . . . _ <br /> :q. _ .. . . . � . _ . . <br /> �. . . . <br /> _ r_- ' . _ - -- --- <br /> ,� . ' <br /> .; : � • ' <br /> i' : . <br /> `. _ <br /> t� . . � . - . _ . <br /> �'� • . . �• :T�� . '_ . t 1 . , . <br /> _ � . . _ ... __ ...... .. - .�. ..'t'. . . . . . - . 'r... h .. ' _. . �� . .. . _ �� .... !. � . .�.•b•. . - .. . . �A... - ..__ .. �i...A. .. <br />