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�,�_,; �:: _ _.._. :. <br /> . . .. ..' -- ^L�y.. - <br /> = s �_,._,a ,��` _ .. <br /> _ p ��s`=af, . � .-j- - rot - .� "' _ � c�. �t ..��. { � . <br /> i. _ ' . . � 74�i ; a `} C. f'. �: ' ` . <br /> � ..i.' � .t.�� '_ .} •L, .:�'r f:` f t.,ti �� 4 . t z� {. <br /> _ ♦ . i . ! .f ..' '' c . ' . 1' - C' . <br /> y„ �- �4 _ ' � :I : � � ' c[ �L�� ti r` ,t se `ti.c r' <br /> .:Y ;._: . � � - . .f�} i; t . .< , G- .'�"C �f 4._'i__..._ .:.F.+� .._._.__.��._. - ,. . <br /> -1,—' �' _ .�.,..� ..L � 0.� f" _ .........._��-r�—�_'_._ � <br /> 3� �:z�t .,l :�e. Y h. ,r- _.,' ,F'_ t. <br /> =- _'. �•1,- :Y��- s. - - <br /> =v-Ef�' .�' c� �t f�� f K- `�,�. _. <br /> .,.F c E:- ;. <br /> `� ' PaYanents may no ton�er he the option of Leader.if mortgage insarance caverage(in the amount and for the period €,; < - <br /> : • R�, that Lender [eqnites)Providod by an insunr aPPiaved hy Lender again becomes avaitable artd is obtaiaed. Borrower sftall pay � .� ,:� <br /> ,"s. :- ��:'. . <br /> `.�` � � � the �niums required to maintain moitgage insurance in effect.or to provide a toss reserve.until the requimment for mortgage .� k, : <br /> `< �.�.�, <br /> Y"`-��.`�. : '�• ` ' insu aace ead5 ia acco:dance with any wrinm agrEement between Bonower aad Lender or appficable law. � �. : . }� <br /> "'�.�y_ , :, _ 9. IaSpeclion.ixader or its agau may make reasoaable enuies upon and ins�ectioru af the Property. Lxnder shaU give A .::4,_X_:�-.`<�.:•� <br /> ��. .�•, a._ <br />- .,-` � � Bormwer notice at the rime oi or psior to an inspeaion specifj►iug reasonable cause for the iaspection. �� � ._ ; <br /> - 1' �� � " 1Q. Cond�un. The proceeds of aay award or claim for damages, direct or consequeiatiai. in conneaion with any � :. . . . - <br /> ��tf:. _ � `. ` � tt�r-.''c''_`.•.,.t <br /> _ ; oondennnation or ot�eer taking of any put of the Property.or for conveyanc.e in li�of condemnazion,ate hereby assigned aad <br /> i� . 1 �. r � . �' � <br /> {j shall be paid w L�dea. l�d to the sums secured by this Securiry lus�. � :� ; <br /> �a ;,� ,�_`i tn che eveat of a total taking of the Pmpe�tY.�p�����'� ��-h : <br /> ' -` , ':-�-=',:�� whet�er or not then due, wi�h any exoess Qaid to Bormwer. in the evc�t of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair - . <br /> � � � market va2ue of the Property i�diatelY before the taking is equal co or gceater t6an the amowit af the sums sec�ued by this 4 �� ` <br /> `��`'`, ' ' ;i �ri�y�e�immodiateiy befoce We tatciag.unless Bormwer and Lettder othecwise agree in writing.the sums s e c u r e d i ry �. ,s � y <br /> `�•, �� .`� ;._:-� � S�rity lasuumeai shall be �bY �amouat of the pmoeeds muItipli� �y the foilowing fracxion: (a)the cotal - _- .. <br /> �-�� .: z� , " <br /> ��1 amomt of the sums secured immediately befare the ta�lcing.divided by(b)t t s e fair m a r k e t v a l u e o f t h e P r o�rt y immediate l y ` ¢ <br /> b e f o r e t h e t a k�a g. A n y balance shall be paid to Boirower. In the event of a panial tabtinS of the Propeny ia which the fair .� -� <br />_ �` , `�..f`� :s,� mark�value of the Property imnmediatef�►before the takiag is tess than t6e amount o f t h e s u m s s e c u r e d i m m e d i a t e 1 Y b e f o i e t h e _ .:;°.,`,;� <br /> �� ,. �., m writing or�mtess applicable law othemise pmvides. the pr+ocaeds shall <br /> �,. -_` taking,ualess Bonower and l.ender otherarise a�ree. � �, `, <br /> ` �y be applied w the sums secumd by this Securiry Instrumau whether or not the sums are then due. .� ` ,.z=. _. <br />;`°�: ` � ;; or if.afrer nntice by Leader co Bnuower that[Le wndemuor offers to maYe am ; .., .:: <br /> � }:`.•_.',�; -- •�� `� If the Propecty is abandoned bY Borrower. .�''•`:; <br /> j � ond to Lender within 30 days after tlne date tt�e notice is given. r � . <br /> awanl or s�Ne a claim for�damages. Borcower fails w resp s`. � <br /> �. ' � , , \� 1 the at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Pmpeay or to the sums . <br /> lendet is�thorized to coAect a.�app Y P�� '' _ <br /> '�:.�' r� �� � ° �- ��• secared b this Secarity 1nsu�meat.a�he�or not then due. .;'.;_ <br /> y in writing, aaY aPPUcari°n of proceeds [o princiRal shaU not ex[ead or , <br /> ;�". :� .'• .,..:: �:_��= Untess L,ender and Bormwer othemise a�ee ::.-- <br /> Lend �` <br /> '"�' •: � � referred[o in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change che amaunt of sach paymea�• :.:���;_. <br /> a��. . • � - the due date of the montWY PaYmenu or modificauon `.,:�; .;; <br /> -s,�:,• I l.Bormw�1Not Released:Forbearance By Leader Nm a Watver.Eaaeasion of the time for paymeat = <br /> I � . " of amortiration of the sumg secuced b5+this Secarit3+las��°t gcanted hY Ixnder to aay successor in inutest of Bormwer sl�all � . _ <br /> ' �' � ` .. • ' .... � release the t'rabili ot the original Borrawer or Boirower's successors in inte�est.Leader sh�ll not be reqe�iied m � �' .'�;:! <br /> uot operate w tY or otherwise madify amortireuon `_:�'.' <br /> 5..,.... .�.:, _�'-_.,.�•�� �or m interesc or:etuse tQ extend rime for payment . _ . <br /> �. �` i.� i co�p���Y <br /> �`'.� - . �e py �eason of any demand made by the origmal Borrawer or Borroae�'s - , � <br /> �,,: ;:� of dte sum4 se�vred by this S�uriry ��yr shall not be a waiver of or rectude the .,_' ��''��� <br /> �.! ����.Aay forb�oe�y lxnder in eueercising aay right or 0 �'� .�..: <br /> �'T:•. .. _, ;f-:y�'_ <br /> '.:�:. . �.� exercise of a�r right or remedY• ��,77ce oavenants and agreemec►ts of this •;-�' <br /> '�.z�::��� � .:,. .. 1Z. Stxeessors au+d A�g�s Bo�d:daLnt aad Se��sl LdahilttY� ,..:: ��,_ �_ <br /> �. ::� ' , . ' g¢�ty Iamument shaU bind amd beae8t the successors and assigas of leoder aad Bo:mwer, sublect to the provisioas of � � :�. .. <br /> :,.;: . , J.,; } . paiagzaph 17. Barrower's cavenants and agteemeats shall be joimt and seveial. Any Borrawer who co-si�� � .'� .. <br /> _`",�':: . .r�� instca�nent but daes not execute the l�iou: (a)is co-signing this Secu:iry lmswme�t onty to martgage.8rant ey .;.,�,:-� <br /> �' aall obli w the sams � `���:- <br /> ��' •: ��,:� ; goaower's intesest in the PmpenY uuder che ter�s of mis SecuritY lumamen�(b)is aat Perso Y 8� Fali : T- <br /> =�'"" • ' - S e w r e d b y this Securi ry Insuumenc:and(c)a8rees that[.en�der and azry othes Borrower may agree co eacead, modify.fosbear or 4 3. <br /> �,�~,. ' • lnswment or the Note wi t hom t h a t Bo r r o w e r's c o a s e m. �-�'- : �_.,-� <br /> ���: : . . . • , malce any accommadatiot�s with regaucd to the terms of this Securiry' .,,.. � �- �� •. <br /> .��". . � l3.Luan C6arges.If the toaa secured lsy this Security[nsuvment is subjea to a law arhich secs maximum toan charges. ; <br /> :;.�:`� . � and that law is finally inie�Pm.ced so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be coAected in conaection cvith the rr ',; .�.�:: <br /> --��•,: . . the amount necessary to reduce the chaz8e <br /> " �- ;� Io�exceed the permit[ed limics.thea: (a)anY such loan c6arge shaU be reduced I+Y . - <br /> ,.sr;.: . . �..., <br /> •�:;;` , �. _ to the germiaed limit;and N)anY s���5'collected from Boaiawer wtdch exc�eded permiaed lim�s will be refunded ro <br /> �,.:. ;. � . . . . gatrower. l.ender may chnase w maIce this refund by r�ucing the priacipal owed im,der tl�e Note or 6y makia� a dit�t • <br /> ` �• � payment to Barrower. 1f a refimd reduces p�cipal. the redustion wiU be aeated as a partial VreDaymcnt aithuat anY . --- <br /> aym <br /> .�''�` �. • `� -'= t e aader tt�ee Note. � <br /> �� . . <br /> �' ., . A�aY�II � Inswmene shall be en b deliverin it or hy ma'sling .. <br /> �': ', 10.Nattccs.Any notice to Bomower provided for ia this SewritY BTM Y 8 <br /> .� ; �.. .. .. <br /> �; ;:, �' ' ia by fust ciasY mail untess applisabte taw cequires use of another inethad.'i'he notice shall be directed w t�e Propetty Add�+ess . -..,`.. <br /> tce <br />_ �� ' �. 1 • <br /> : �.._.. .,. . ' ! o r a a y o t h e r address Hoaower designates by aotice to Leader. An}r aotice co lxnder shall be given by fust clas.�. mail w <br /> �_���,,-:: ,.. . <br /> Q',i,'.•. . Lender's address state� hecein or any othes address l.ender designates by uotice to Bozrower. A ny norice provi d e d f o r i n t h L s I • <br /> ;`• }-`.. � Securiry lnsuument sha11 be deemed to bave been g�vea to Borro�ver or Lender when given as provided ia tltis paragrapb. P,, . <br /> ,:�.���:�': ' I5.Goveming l.�w: Sev�rabiltty. '0'his Security [nstniment shall be grnemed by fedetal law and tTse law of the ��. � <br /> �'�. :; � � . ' jurisdiction itw whic4 ttte Property is lacated. in the event that any provision or cla�:se of this Secvriry{ustrumem or the No[e <br /> : �i�`" '' ' wnflicts with apPlicabte law,such conflict shzii aot affect other provision�of�his Securiry Insmtmene or the Note whieh can De <br /> �,�.�.�:-.i- . ', s.� . ._ : <br /> given ef/ect without the wnflicting provision. 7a[his ead tRe Qrovisioas at this Securiry lastmmeat and clze Note are de�Eared <br /> �,� ` ' to be severable. " � <br /> �.�,f'�• . , 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shail be given one confom�ed copy of the Note and of this Secvnry Inswt�ent• . <br /> „ ' � Fortn 3028 9190 • <br /> �,�. •, - � � v,r�,�o,e ��.��.,u <br /> � " �-6RINEt�azr=r o2 • <br /> �;';".' . . � <br /> 4 �> <br /> •��:,;� � . . : f.. � � <br /> �:,��� .. . ; � __ _ __ . _ . . _- . . -�..n--- �-. - . ------.- : � <br /> �'.�: ; �. .� . ' � . � .� � � . .: _ ,... . � ..� . , ; . � � . : . � �. <br /> ��: . . . ..� . . <br /> i.. :: . . . . . <br /> � . � . . . . . <br />, �4 . . <br /> �'.� — . . . • . .. , . .. .. <br /> „ • ' . . � • ' . . ' ' .. - . <br /> .�._ - . . _ � . <br /> �S, � , - . . , . . . , <br /> V • . . . . . . , r ' . . <br /> ...�: . . • . . <br /> _.•� _ . ' - � . _' � <br /> •ri : ' <br /> ..t ' . . . <br /> !.�./ . . � � . , .��T�:._' _ <br /> ... . ��. <br />.---,. .-.i.t . .. . .,. _� . . _ „ .r. .. . . '. �' ... . . � ... .' ,. ._ ' . .. . .... _ ' � . .. . � t. � - �. � . ., �. .1 . <br />