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202005916 <br />basement shall be constructed in connection with any structure in the flood plain unless such basement <br />is floodproofed and certified as such by a qualified engineer or architect. <br />It is anticipated that revised flood maps will be available and will remove this property from the <br />flood plain prior to construction of any buildings. This section shall not apply if the property is <br />removed from the special flood hazard area prior to construction. <br />9. Landscaping. The Subdivider agrees to comply with the requirements of <br />the Landscaping Regulations of the City of Grand Island, and plans as submitted to and approved <br />by the City's Building Department. <br />10. Access. The Subdivider agrees that no access shall be permitted from <br />Nebraska Highway 2 to any lot in the subdivision. <br />11. Engineering Data. All final engineering plans and specifications for public <br />improvements shall bear the signature and seal of a professional engineer registered in the State of <br />Nebraska and shall be furnished by the Subdivider to the Department of Public Works for approval <br />prior to contracting for construction of any improvements. Inspections of improvements under <br />construction shall be performed under the supervision of a professional engineer registered in the <br />State of Nebraska, and upon completion shall be subject to inspection and approval by the <br />Department of Public Works prior to acceptance by the City of Grand Island. An "as built" set of <br />plans and specifications including required test results bearing the seal and signature of a <br />professional engineer registered in the State of Nebraska shall be filed with the Director of Public <br />Works by the Subdivider prior to acceptance of these improvements by the City. <br />12. Warranty. The undersigned owner, as Subdivider, warrants that it is the <br />owner in fee simple of the land described and proposed to be known as NORTHWEST GATEWAY <br />-4- <br />