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202005916 <br />subdivision in conjunction with the development proposed thereon so that storm drainage is <br />conveyed to a public right-of-way or to other drainage systems so approved by the Director of <br />Public Works. If the Subdivider fails to grade and maintain such drainage the City may create a <br />drainage district to perform such work. The Subdivider agrees to waive the right to object to the <br />creation of any drainage district benefitting the subdivision. <br />5. Sidewalks. The Subdivider shall install and maintain all public sidewalks <br />required by the City of Grand Island when the lots are built upon, and such sidewalk shall be <br />regulated and required with the building permit for each such lot. <br />The Subdivider must select curb or conventional sidewalk for each street unless the requirement has <br />been waived by Council. <br />Street Name <br />Curb sidewalk <br />Conventional Sidewalk <br />Sidewalk Requirement <br />Waived by Council <br />Montana Avenue <br />NO <br />Colorado Avenue <br />NO <br />6. Easements. Any easements shall be kept free of obstructions and the <br />Subdivider shall indemnify the City for any removal or repair costs caused by any obstructions. In <br />addition, the duty to maintain the surface of any easements to keep them clear of any worthless <br />vegetation or nuisance shall run with the land. <br />7. Flood Plain. At the time of approval all of the lots in the subdivision arc within <br />a delineated flood plain, all structures within areas identified as a special 11ood hazard arca constructed <br />shall have the lowest floor elevation to a minimum of one foot above the elevation of the 100 -year <br />flood as determined by the building permit received by the Subdivider or successors from the Building <br />Department under the provisions of applicable Federal, State, or local laws and regulations. No <br />3 <br />