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ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY, L.L.P., an Iowa <br />limited liability partnership, <br />By it..A <br />Name: - <br />i !u �% I s J.,c e ✓ <br />Title: int I <br />Owner of : Lots One (1) and Two (2), Westgate Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, except for that part of Lot One (1) conveyed to the State of <br />Nebraska, Department of Roads, described as follows: <br />202004412 <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of said lot; thence Southerly a distance of <br />170.00 feet along the Westerly existing County Road right of way line; thence <br />Southerly deflecting 017 degrees, 01 minutes, 45 seconds right, a distance of <br />162.24 feet along said line; thence Southwesterly deflecting 042 degrees, 41 <br />minutes, 15 seconds right, a distance of 30.00 feet along the Northwesterly <br />existing Highway right of way line; thence Northwesterly deflecting 098 degrees, <br />07 minutes, 48 seconds right, a distance of 106.07 feet; thence Northerly <br />deflecting 031 degrees, 40 minutes, 32 seconds right, a distance of 117.15 feet; <br />thence Northeasterly deflecting 015 degrees, 36 minutes, 05 seconds right, a <br />distance of 139.70 feet; thence Easterly deflecting 064 degrees, 52 minutes, 35 <br />seconds right, a distance of 34.72 feet along the Southerly existing Street right of <br />way line to the point of beginning. <br />STATE OF ..-1-01/00 ) <br />) ss: <br />COUNTY OF ) �N. <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ' D day of , 2020 by betlnt3 sptuuty of Arnold Motor Supply, L.L. <br />P., an Iowa limited liability partnership, on behalf of said Company. <br />/0v41., <br />= <br />NATASHA RUTTER <br />COMMISSION NUMBER 752271 <br />MY COMMISSION EXPIRES <br />My commission expires: <br />-ILI az <br />3 <br />14ItR <br />Notary Public <br />