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;� , . .. : .' <br /> � - . ., .. _ .. . „�..'a'� ,k,4a ' - . . _��:.��F"_4�-- <br /> � �. �..,,, .Y,,,..�� ...T '!"`-�::a:... _t' -,'._ � <br /> � y �.. v�Tl�w++�'�P'!�^'9TAS�ww+�r._._-____ <br /> .4 _.. <br />_�,__. •.�.•� _..., <br /> ..:�_ <br />--�:?`t-:+:��•.� <br />-�-���'� 01-04-1999 DEED OF TRUST ��1�-- 1(��(�� Paqe 3 �,-- <br />_:r .. <br />' ��'~'P"'�" Loan No 85db37 (Contlnued) <br /> �� <br /> K.:,�.;-NL. - <br />,,`,,,�r�r.f� ' proparty. Trustor shall aame Lender as an�ddiflonal obliyee under sny awaly bond furnbhad In Ihe contest proCeWlny!• _ <br /> Ev�nC�of Payment. Truslor shall upon demand turnfsh to Lender satisfactory IWtNnce of p�yrn�nt of the tax�s or�asMSrrNnFS�nd th�N <br />=_;., '. . � wthorizs the Approprkte pavernmental officlal lo deliver lo L.endsr al�ny Hrr��written stat�msnl of Iha tax�s snd �ssvssm�nle�p�lmt the = <br /> : . �� Prop�rlY, <br /> t,r .; Ibtla of Constructbn. Trustor shall noliry Lender at basl firtoan(16)d�ys b�lon nnY work Is commenced,any s�rvk�s an furnhMd,or��Y � <br /> '•�••*'��"�� mat�riNs �ra suppN�d to tM Pro(�eriy, If�ny mschaMC's Nan, mal�riairn�n's IMn,or otMr Man could b� Rss�rt�d On actount of tho work, <br /> � �v�s�or mat�rials. Trusfa will upon r�quesl of Lender hxnlsh to LendK advana�ssuru�s salhhctorY to Lsnd�r Ihat Trustor c�n�nd wlll <br />,� paY th�cosl of such Impruvaments. �— <br />-'�.�� .. pqppEqT!pAMAOE INSl1HANCE. TM foNowinp provfslom nMitlnp 10 Inaurirq fh�Propeiry Kn a part ollhls DNd of Trust. <br /> _ WinNtw�ce of Insur�nc�.Trustar shaN procuro and m�In4in polciss of fire Insurtna wKhln`nde�oun suMci�nt o�vdd pplia�n M�Y <br />= r�l�c�rtwnl basb for tM fuY InsunbM valw cowrinp tN Improvsmanls on tta RMI Propwh�h othK hl�ard tnd NabWy Insu�ana�s UndK <br />�,;� � cdnsurana c4�us�,and wHh R standard mortq�Qss c4us�In favor o t L�nd�r,t o p v i h�r <br /> -- . ;� rrwy nasonsby rpuks. PaYCbs s1uiN ba wri8en In fam,�mounts,cover�pss�nd b�sls rwson�bly�ccep�ble to Undu and Istusd by• <br /> comp�ny a companws reosonably�ccsptabte to L�nder. Trustor,upon reqwst ol l-ender,wiM dslfwr to Lende�kom drtw lo NrtM th�poNcisa <br /> a cwtiHcales ol Insurance in form sati�faclory lo Lendsr,Indudinp sUpulatlons Ih�t covanpas wfN not b�c�nceNsd a dimin�s►�1 wilhout a1 <br />�! ;,�:.._� Nasl Nn(10)days'Prior w�itlen noHcs to Lender. Each insurance poNcy aFSO shaN include an�ndarsement providirp Ihat covsnp�In f�va of <br />_s.r,,�; , L�ndu wi�not b�impalrad in any way by any acl,omfsslon a dehuli of Trusta or�ny otMr p�aon. Shodd tlw Feal PropKty d 11nY tlrr» <br /> b�coms located In an erea designaled by Ihe Dkector of Ih�Fadsrd EmerqancY MaaportuM Ap�ncy�s e speclal flood hturd uM,Trustor <br /> � �prNS 90 obtaln�nd mainl�in Fedwal Flood Insuranca for tha fu11 unpaid princ�p�� btlancs ol tFw loan, up lo ths m�ximum poNcy Nmits sst <br />' � und�r the NaHonal Flood Insurance Proyram,or as olFbrwis�requked by Lender,�nd lo rru�InWn such Insur�ncs tor Crq term of tlu lan. <br /> ;• -� , Applk�tbn of Prx*eds. Trustor shaN prompAy notity Lender of�ny loss a dartupe lo the Properiy. Lender may mak�prool of loss M Truslor <br />-�;:. '��,,;'• hfls to do so willdn firteen(16)days ot the casually. Whether or not Londer'a sscwity b ImpakW,Lender rtu�y,�t Hs M�c:Hon,nc�iw and rNaln <br /> the prpceeds of�ny Insurance and apply the prxeeds to lhe reductlon of Itw Indobtadness,paYtn�nt of�ny N�n a}hctln�Ih�Ptop�rtY�or�h� _ <br /> ; resloraHon and repalr of the Property If Lender elocts to apP�Y the proceeds lo restor4lion and repalr,Trust�r shnN repak a npl�a lhe <br />�;-. darr�pad or dssboysd Improvertwnts In�menner satfsiaclory to Lender. Lender �h+N, upon sallsfactory proof of such u�ndNur�,pay or <br /> ' reimburse Trustor hum tF�procc�eds for ths reasoruibN cosl ol repak or�esta�tlon H Trustor fs nol In defatill unda this DNd of Trusl. Any <br /> oc e <br /> proceeds whlch have not been disbursed within 190 days�ner Qieir recelpt and wh�h Lender has nol commftl�d t01h�rep�k or nstoralbn of <br /> ths Property shaN be used frst to ppy sny amount owiny to Lender under lhls DeW of Trust,thsn to pay accrued intsrsst.�nd th�nmaintbr,ff <br />'^���'�i� any,shaN be appNed to the princlpel balance of the Indeb►sdness. If L�nd�r hofds any procMCls�fler payrr�nt In fuY of►M IndWbdn�as,such <br /> � �' proceetSS shall be Re�d to Trusta as Truslor's Interesis may�ppee�r. <br />�:•,:.,��:..i <br /> UMxplred In�ur�nce�t S�le. Any unexpired Insurance shall inurs to Ihs ben�Ft of,and pass lo,tM purch�sK of tM Propaty cownd by th <br />_. . Ds�d of Trust d rny Irustee's sele a olher sale held under Ihe provisions of thls D�ed of Trusf,or�t Rny}orsclOSUn saM of such Proparty. <br /> p(PEMDITURES BY LENDEFi. If Trustor fafis to comply with eny provislon of this Deed of Trust,or it�ny�cHon or pracNdlnq is commenad�hai <br /> • • •� �,• Would maqrialry�fteet Lendar's interests In the Prope�iy,Lend�r on Trustor's beh�M rtyy,but shaM nol b�requked to,tak�any�cdon IhRt l.�nder <br /> • dwnK appropriate. Any wmount that Lender expentis in so dNrq wiM beer Intsrsst at Ihs rde provided tor�n th�Nob hom the d1w Incurnd or paid <br /> �;��x',.�,�; , by Und�r to lh�dab of ropaymenl by Trustor. All such expensss,a!4enders opHon,will (�)be p�yabk on dertwnd, (b)b� add�d to th�bWnce <br />-4.n._.,;-.�- �!:;.�u��...,,i hw wn�rxtionsd�mona�nd be paYabb wNh any InstaNmsnt p�yments to b�come due durirq sftMr Q)IIN t�rm�f�anMy RappMMllb� <br />—�= r I����polfcy or (N)ths remaininp term of IM Nots,or (C)b�Ue�tW os u tiauoon paym�ni wi:i;i�v:�i,a��a�3 F-,��.� °.�_ <br />_z�ti�,.,�� ,� <br />�:,�.,,, �, : Thfs Detd of Trust dso wi�secure PaYment of Ihese amounts. The riqhls provided}or in thls paraprnph shaM be In addidon lo any othsr rqhls or anY <br /> rsn�ecMes to wMCh Lender may be enHtbd on�xount of ths dehult. Any such�cHon by L�nder shW not be cor►shu�d�s cu�i�q Ih�cNhult sa as to <br />=��t�,i.,'•: bar Land�t lrom any nrtNdy that II otherwisa would have hed. <br />�°,:,''.•-`:'~., W�pp/WTy:pEFENSE OF TITLE. The fdlawiny provislons relaHny to ownership of Iha Property ue a part of this Dwd ol TrusL <br /> y.�=��.;-��.: TItM. Trustor wunnts tha�: (a)Trustor hdds 9ood and marketeble title of recad to the Property In feo slmpk,frN�nd cMar d UI li�ns and <br />�;;;-:,�; aneumbnnces other Ihan those set lath In ths Rsnl Property destrlplicn or In any Htte insurana pdicy,dMs reporf,or Anal MM opir�o��sswd in <br /> ,-'^.-9=-+!%Y f�var of,and�Ce�ptsd by,Lender in Connection with lhis Deod of Trust,and (b)Trustor has the fuN dyht,powe�,l�nd authorNy to sx�CUl�and <br /> i~=� d�ivsr thls pasci of Ttust to Lender. <br />,,,o:..: <br /> - - pMN1s�ol TfM�. Subj�ct to tF»sxceptlon In ttw paraqraph a6ova,Trustor warrents�nd wfll forevw cktend tlw tltls to Ihe Proparty 1�pal�s�tFw <br />'"�"�"'�'�s;� lawful cl�tms of ell persons. In tM event any aclion cx procaedinq Is commencsd Iha1 questions Trustors F�tl�o►1hw �nMr�t d Trusl»or <br /> �,�,�-�y,:,,.�.,., Londx und�r lhls Deed of Trust,Trustor shell defend ttw acfion N Trustors expense. T�us�a maY bo��^o^���P�Y In SuCh prof,wdlnp�bul <br /> L�.:Y±^;�__•` Lsn��r sh�tl he�ntitlsd ta pailiclpate In the proceedlnp�nd to be represented in the proeeedinp by eounsM of LsndN's own Chola,�nd <br /> �-+�:--:� Tcustor witl dNivsr,a cause to be delivered�b Lender such Instruments as Lenda may raqu�st Nom dms to Nrr»to pKmit 6uch putfcip�Hon• <br />�"-�,'�-`---�-�'=� Cp�npN�nC� WHh Laws. Trustor warcants Ihet lhe Properly and Trustors use of the Property complbs wHh �N�xistlnp appNCabk kws, <br /> r�`_y'�'�'�' <br /> ordinanas,and requladons of qovemmental aulhoritles. <br /> "; CpNDEMNATION. The toHOwing provisfons relatirp to condemnation proCeedlnys are n pert of Ihfs Deed of Trust. <br /> .•.:� AppNcallon of!NI ProCNds. If all or nny part o(the Properly Is condemned by eminent domaln procwdinOs or 6y any proce�d�np a — <br />� - • pwchase In hsu of condemnatlon,Lender may Ql its elecl+on requlro that all or eny pation of the net proceeds ol tha�wud b�ipp�d to lFM <br /> ,}"'�' ; IRdebtedness or the repatr or restaation o(the Property. The net proceed3 of the awud shaM rr�ean thn awerd aMer paymint ol al re�sonabM <br />- cosh,sxpenses,and atta�eys'fees Incurred by Trustee a Lender:n conneCNon with Ihe condsmnaHOn. ��such <br />_�r� ~ ,, proaedlny�, II any proceedinq In condemnaHon is filed,Trusta shall promptry notiy L�nder In wrlHnq,and Trustq sMN prompl� = <br />_-- . ;�T r stps as may b�necessary to delend the acllon and obt�In tM awud. Trustor may ba the nomind puty In sueh procwdina,but L�nd�r shall <br /> b��ndtNd to perliclpata In the prxssd�rq and to b�reprss�MW In tlw ProcNdirp by counsN of Ils own CholC�,�nd Trustor wiM dWvK a <br /> LL�?:•` causs to b�delivered ta L�nder suCh Instruments os may be requested by It hom Hme lo tirr�to pKmlt such partk�pation. <br /> � � ` IIi1POSITION OF TAXES,FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTML AUTHORITIES. Tha fdlowlnp prov�slons rNatlnp to povernm�ntN t�xee, - <br /> (ees and charpes ars a part of thls Deed of Trust: <br /> Cun�nt T�xes,Fees and Charqs. Upon requesf by Lender,Trustor sha�l execute such dceumenls In addiHon lo lhls Oe1d of Trust�nd takl - <br /> � whatever other aCron Is requested by Lender lo perfect and contlnue Lender's lien on Ihe Real Proparty Trustor s1uN relmburse Lend�r for d = <br /> taxes, ps dgsCrfbtld below, topelher with all expenses InCUrred In reCOrdir.y,pertecBrW or Contlnulrq lhis Deed of Trust, Ineludlny wRhoul <br /> • , Ilmitation all tnxes,fees,daumentary slamps,and olher charpes fo�recordirtp or regfsterinp thk Oeed af Trusl. _ <br /> T�utes. The fdlowing shall canstituto taxes to which thls sectlon epplles: (a)a speclfic 1ex upon ihls type of Deed ol Trusl o�upon all or am/ <br /> � �I part of lhe Indehtedness secured by l�ls Deed of Trust; (b)a speclric tax on Trusta wh�h Trustcx Is authodzed a requlred lo deduGt kom � <br /> � payments on the Indebtedness secured by 1h15 type of Deed of Trust; (c)e tex on thls type of C1eed of Trust chargeoble apalnst the Undsr a <br /> ;I the holder of the Note; end (d)e speClfic tax on all or eny portion of lhe Indebtedness or on payments of princlpat end Interest made by <br /> Trustor. � <br /> ' Subsequent TNtes. If any tax to which Ihis secllon epplies Is enacted 5ubsequenl to the datb of this Deed of Trus�,thh evant shall have the <br /> I same effect es an Event�f Dotault(us daHned below),and Lender may exerclse sny or all of Its avtallable remedies for en Evenl of Defau�t es <br /> _� prav�ded below unless Trustor eilher (a)pays the tax belore it becomes delinquent,or (b)contests the�ax es provided a6ove in the T�x�s end <br /> i e���r:�ien end deooslls with l.ender cash or a sufficlent Carporale 5urety bond or other securily 52��stactory to Lender_ <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT;FINANCING STATEMENTS. The�ollowing provlslons relalinp lo Ihls Deed ot Trust as a secumy agrsemeni are a p&�i i� <br /> this Deed of Trust. <br /> psonry pr pe�tryeand Le derssharll have all of the1rights o eusecure parlytondehehetUnlform Comn ercaP Code asLemended om time�lor <br /> � time. <br /> SeCUrIty Interest. Upon request by Lender,Trustor shail execute finanCing stalemenls en fltda�ke'�whi�te�ootdh 9 ah�s deed�f Tr�u�st nyfhe reol <br /> to perfect nnd continue Lendor's secunty IntereSt In lhe Rents and Personel Prope;ty. <br /> ' property records,Lender may,at eny time and withaut lurlher authorira;ion from Trustor,file executed countuparts,copfes or reproductions ol i <br /> this DF�ed ot Trusl es a financing statemenl. Trustor shall relmburse Lender for all expenses�ncurced In pertectiny or Continulnq thls SeCUriy <br /> � Inlerest. Upan da�ault,7rustor Shall as5emble the Personal Properfy In e manner and et a p�ace reasonably canvenlent lo Trustor pnd Lender ; <br /> and rnake it evailable to lender wilhin three(3)days efler rece�U�o�Wrilten demand Irom Lender. � <br /> Addrosses. The ma�ling eddresses o�Trastor(debtor)and I_ender(securod party), from which Informatfon concerning the seCUrity fntoresl <br /> •,' � . <br /> 1 _ _ <br /> -- - - <br />