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_ W <br />AD <br />-0 <br />. t.._. <br />t t. That afro^ written request of Beneficiary stating that all sums secured hereby hsve been <br />E ; •and sSidysete(s) t TrultteR Trustee shalt release and reconvey. without covenant or warren ex a Died of Trutt <br />urrdi�= the ncitats M each teeonveyltnte of any matters or /acts 811811,166 patQ and upon surrendtr of thl <br />reconveyance may De deser►bed as "the or n: preea or impiNq the Ptopedy then held hers. <br />ooriduaitre OW d the truthfulness thereof: The graatee Ili such <br />ti0f1, it arnr per#orte hgsily "fted thereto" Such person or persons shaft pay all cost* of records. <br />12. That as a"tiornit severity, Trustor her <br />of this Trust, to Collect the Pr Oiws 10 and confer; upon- 1kne�lOry the right, power. and autlttNity: during the continuance <br />and retain such P � fr> reMrVing to Trustor the right prior to any defsuft by Tntstor under. this Deed of T <br />roP" frame as N becomes Clue and payrbfa Upon sny Much defaait Hen*lictbyy may 31.d^y lur e, either in f uA to dd4ei <br />,or by a receiver to be appointed by a coutt and *"ic rt <br />upon and take possessi0rt; Of Said property t!! d 10 the Sdepisoy -01 any Sawlity for the indebtedness nirr Parson 6J►i(te ^t <br />tha11P"tdueandunps4*ndappfythe my Wt-- l-irepf, in its ovtRt � cue for orothehvise caned such' Pro coy sezuwq eM *r - <br />�s �a^ de>rperta*aofoperallor► #ndc0tlec km inciudingreasonablealto�y3f�lp t�� <br />Permitted try Ism upon any th Indebtedness secured Nersby, and In such o►det Is Beneficiary rtlsydetermineE TfNt untiring uppn utit <br />Possession �lt or d sa7irua nerty" Ii edteckj,R of such Pro"Ity ( and the <br />fault or notice a Trusteers safer hereunder or irl*,date any sct.done aPplicatlon theted 1 atoreseld $halt not cure Or riraire �� <br />13. Thef should Trus' pursuant to such ntitk a any de• <br />soever without' dotivey, aDn. ire ryfer dispose of, or further encumber the PtaPe <br />all sums wrttterr consent of t3enefkia heirs first had and obtained, then Beneficla i 11 Rave Part the eo ifs any manner whet- <br />bed hereby Immediately due and tisys a unless prohibNed by Federal Law as of the doh! of this Deed of Trust � to declare <br />1d That fotlivw at+all constitute a default under this Desd of firust: (a) failure to pay any I"Otaillrrent at principal or interam or any other <br />Sum secured hereby wl'fen due: (by Truators failure to perform any agreement contained hereto or In the note aecurod )� <br />Or default underany encuasfusnce which is senior to Chia [J sari of trust: or (d) Trustor fined he r a debtor in an <br />anY other debtor crecriter proceeding. (n the event of any default under this Deed of Trust, debtori n may, at its ' (� a a� <br />right to notice and Y bainkruptcy or insolvency action <br />t neticfa m ' fo cure default provided by iaw, if any, dedurrr all sums secured heretty immediately due and tom' sub)eet only to <br />n' a1' by deli re to Trustee of written not ce thereof, seliinq:.torth the nature there' Payalzlo Thereafter. <br />$ate granted herein. 8 efisiary also shalt deposit with Tn�stee this heed of Tfurt, Said notets } ;.;u4italt dacurnPrsf: e�iczc in ex power of <br />gs<ctrr *d hereby, &f donTand that Trustee ex�se the <br />Trustee shaft hY and" p g pendilLres <br />gwirod by fawt t s�5{+ g s ¢give notice of Trustee's safe to the manrtee regWred bjs law, and after the lapse of such limb as may then be re <br />:►he time and S Se L in the manner required by law, said Pfterty as a whole, or In-separate parcels or lots,, at•public auction at <br />p :'ftMA by 1 in said notice of Trustee s sale to the high I's <br />t bidder for cash in lawful -money of the United States► payable at <br />isle of �� Trts�sy may postpone or continue the sate of all or an <br />as required by 10'� 4 78.1008. Trustee shall deliver to such puraharrerG is Deed conveying e b the giving notice of poslPOnemersit cr,continuanee <br />or wartsnty, expr*Gwd or implied Any persona including Trustor, Trustee; or Beneficiary. may so sold but wit hcif any covenant <br />After deducting all cast:r<,fees, and expensesot•Trustwa'and of this Trust, including costs of evidence of tWe-ineconnection with safe ar4 . <br />reasonable attorney's fees to Me extent permitted by faw; Trustee shall apply then proceeds of sale to payme:�t of All sums then seccced <br />hereby and all other bums due under the terms hereof,' WVi - Occrued interest; and the remainder, if any, as provitled in N RS ¢ ? &1011f •.e <br />the extent permitted by taw, an action may be maintoinetf ;lliy Beneficiary to recover a deficiency jVdgment for any balance due hereunCe�. <br />y That vi remedy herein conferred upon or resonred to 130neficiary or Trustee is irienCed to.Ef_ :axctuslve of any other rem 3y herein 7s. ' <br />ex taw provided I permitted; but each shalt be cumulative,., 9na11 be in addition to 8'r Ergr other rem x given hereunder or rrs sr herea °� <br />existing at law or in *quiff• or by statute, and may be exercfEa3 concurrently, indepe -+r crRy or successively. <br />16. That Beneficiary may appelnt a successor Trustee in 1hir: i? .finer prescribed by law. A successor Trustee herein shaft, witr',W conveyance <br />from the predecessor Triary a succeed to all the predecm -W— -- _. ii:fe; rights, powers, and duties. Tivf fee may resign b •rai0r: r. <br />nottcYe thereof to Beneficiary and Trustor. ,.. <br />17. That this ff y o delivering <br />e�RiCGi: Trust apptiss to inures to the benefit c� es-rW + ' <br />tratora, exaiculdta; aasesbora and assigns, sub ect t0 the Yr4�ris - �} paragraph 1st ,reef. The term W92 shall mean the owner <br />and holder of the note(s) secured hereby, whether or not na.:.rr�: ;s eeneficiary herein. in this Deed of Trust wherever the context so< quires, <br />the masculine gender inctudes the feminine and neuter, Sr i <br />shall be joint and several II?4 singular number includes the pfural. All covenants and agreements of Trustor <br />. . <br />IS. That Trustee accepts this;"rh)st when this: Deed of Trust, duty executed and acknowledged, Is made a c record as provided by law. <br />Trustee is not Obligated to notify any party here(ri i:1 pending sate under any other Deed of Tru <br />Beneficiary, OrTrusfee shall be a¢arty untess�rcrought by Trustee st or of any action Public <br />proceeding in which Trustor, <br />19. That the undersigned Truelxrr requests <br />that a copy of any notice of Trustee's sate hereunder be mailed to.rllm, at his address set forth, <br />2J Vial Beneficiary may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the fiPoperty, p;;,,; s ,ged that Sjoeficiary, shall <br />f.Piprrustor notice prior to any such Inspection specifying reasonable CGU5 T therefor related to Sane(! 4:4'r?, ;r-; in the Prolpwy <br />That this Deed Of Trust Shall be govemed by and construed under the taws of the State of Nebraiuil to the c:..zrst that an <br />!Umd of Trust or the note conflict with applicable taw or are declared Invalid a othersrs r <br />of diet the other Provisions of this Deed of Trust or the note Which can be ,, Invalidity Provision shall yirvt�tions Of this Deed of Trust and In* rote are declared to be severable. Q unenthe c ,te, such. rovi,ict or d to th <br />given efferf wan, put the cOn}f1,;ting pravtsion, and to this end thtf '•� <br />Trustor has executed this Deed of Trust the date written above <br />Alf t-jl> <br />°•• �.'' JEFFREY L. BONNER Trustor <br />STA# pF rytD ' SUSAN BONNER <br />SS <br />on thil; ~ tom:.. icy tit �.•�; tut <br />miaflok rf� qy q f,� said cersni , v , ' 19 Z' hweli:re mv, the undersigned, v Notary Public duty cony: <br />..,, y Pe►4onatfycame- �L��uc,�1 . r.,.+:� +�c. ��. ``:� • r, i� <br />to me, known to Ee the kfenticsl persons) wfrte names) are subscribed to the for air i nir rsG rip? <br />of to t* voluntary act and deed e4 to �I 1 acknowledged the execution there• <br />WBrteM my hand and Notarial Seal at <br />r, <br />In said county, the date eforasaid. <br />� TAR PUBLI <br />MY commisolon expires the nay of !_ <br />myCommissi ;rE -1.-cs32591 in <br />.... Xff rt1 <br />low <br />t <br />�vl <br />4� <br />• a <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />' T <br />W <br />gal <br />01) <br />Ln <br />CR <br />t'! <br />E •i <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />' T <br />W <br />