<br />FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2460 S 120th Street, Ofnaha, NE 68144
<br />i
<br />9401" me „a moo Kowa me
<br />0141801
<br />i rwv°e><
<br />r f 5750 - T'ONAH DRIVE
<br />- f COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80918
<br />X89-- 104632
<br />us nrrratt datW AuiRuat �l`3� k1_�1 569 ,byanclamong Jeffrey and Susan sooner
<br />and a.wd Green. Attorney , Trustor,
<br />an4 cSrrvrsletr First Financial Services Corporation . Trustee:
<br />By this Deed W T .. Beneficiary.
<br />! rint the Oersontai signing belay the - Trustor, grants and conveys to Trustee IN TRUST. WITH PptVER OF SALE, subject
<br />1 to the right to coitsct income, the fallowing described real estate, situated in Nebraska: County of I�811
<br />t
<br />Lot. Westwood -Park Second Subdivision, UA11 County, Ne
<br />r
<br />jI
<br />}
<br />Together with ON Unprovneeets now car fserfaft , -led on the real estate. and all faasemotTM' tights. aawMenances. tents, royaltiq , *„sera/
<br />Oil and 01 11110111% and profit% watear r hts and $try and left ftrltufes now or hareafter's pram r6 the real azt0a All repiacements and gisdl5y rs
<br />$halt Its be COW" by this Deed oY Trust AN C#,.& t Toregoirq Ili -referred to herein as the °frtoperty.^
<br />(Al POAOrmancS Of each agreement of Trustor contained hereini.. (B) payment Of the amount Of loan, with interest, as provided In the terms and
<br />provisions of a Note and Security Agreement of even date het"Kts. executed by Trustor, anr;t Vi renewals, extensions and modifications thereof,
<br />and (O tttei payment of any money that maybe advanced b (9t46 0*Aef iary to Trustor foe K;: (- reason or to third parties with interest thereon,
<br />' tfm 4TrfraenOunta ere advanced to protect the security Cirri mi?°zidance with this Deed dr Tras1 or as otherwise allowed bylaw.
<br />1. That Trustor Is twr (Miner of the Property, has the ngh' $r`d authority to. wluik �hd ¢xa-gey the Property, and warrants that the here caseated
<br />hereby a a valid lien :tyAft+t Property.
<br />2. To keep the NrCper"�, hTpaod condition and :eti'iw mint rte remove or deitlolish any,fi :rlfytltK4 thereon; to complete or restore promptly and
<br />In good and workmanlitiij!"j►rinat any builfling vrkip`'t,.hsytsel'Gtif1structed, damaged, or tllrA00yed thereon, and to pay when due all claims
<br />for labor pedormed and ntaterlsi! fwmished theref w !cl weepier rAilltl fill laves affecting said Pr;,yprty or requiring any alterations or Improvements
<br />to be made thereon; not to commit of permit write, Iltersoh, not ('c commit w permit any act upon the Property In viofatinn of law; and to do all
<br />other acts which from tfW character or use of the ptt;pflrty may be reasonably necessary.
<br />3. To khp the MWOvHnents now Or heraaftar located on the real estate described above insured agatnsl damage by lyre cry_ vary otter
<br />hazards as Beneficiary may require. In amounts and with companies acceptable to Brenellciary, and with loss psysble tea Be ire a .q. r 11C deliver
<br />to Beneficiary aK poiicles 01 insurance and renewals thereof. The amount collected under any fire of other insurance pdllGY may bn:ngpfied by
<br />Beneficiary upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Seneficiary may determine, oral option of BtnehcrarY tAo enlilo amount
<br />60 collected OF SOY part thereof may be released to Trustor. Such application cI►elease shall not cure or waivo any default or na,ice f;1.Trusteds
<br />sale hereunder or Inv#(Jtfttt any act done pursuant to such notice.
<br />A TO appear in andtlbJand any action or proeewling purporting to affect the security horeof or the ngtd: r;i powers of Uenehciary or 7rst. o,
<br />and to pay all costs end expenses of Beneficiary and Trustee, including costs of evidence of titlo and (;r!oraey s fe-ts to the uxtunt c.r: rmirtod by
<br />law, in any such action or proceeding in which Beneficiary or Trustee may appear or be named and in any suit t7ro_ght :,y Ilenefle or t �uctee
<br />to foreclose this Deed of Trust
<br />5 TO pay (a) before delinouent, all taxes, speclal assessments, and all other charges alfectin.j or alrimo !tea Fr ;,t.;y, 01 Who -; duu, w en•
<br />cumbrances, chargeO and hens, with interest on 010 Pr,,porty or any part thereof, vlhich appear to be prior or superior liereta. (c) 0!1 costs.
<br />fees, and expenses of (nIs Trust to the extent ptri'q(fted by taw, including, withnut hm)L the fees of Trustee for jzuanre•.af any Deed cf Partial
<br />Release and Pertlot Rsconveyance of Deed of Reiss" and Full Reconveyarice, and all lawful charges cos!a and 0:.,,P.tr1.es in he event of
<br />• retr1 71tt}Ytten) Of following default in this Deed of Trust or the obligations secured by this peed of Trust
<br />- 6 Th t nt`ould Trustor fall to make any payment or to do any act as horein prm,dod, then Benohaary, or Trustee. but without obligation so
<br />.Its 66 rand without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without reluaantg Tru;,tor from any obligation hereof, may make or do the sa!mu in
<br />such manner and to such extent as either may deem necessasry to protect (tan so-acurity horeof or the fightf, or Pomvan of Benoficiary ci Tr ustLro,
<br />9eeefieianr or Triman t sing eutNoeized to enter upon aa.3 t'ia•jiwiy tut suzirl: i :poses, appear in anal d4lomd any ai:Uon or puitiit.fr+tmg put.
<br />putting to affect the Security hereof or the rights or powers Of Beneficiary Or trustee, Pay, purchase, contest, Of compromise ariy'enl,Jmbran.e,
<br />Chatge. or lien which in the judgment of either app*4113 to be prior or superior hereto. and in exercising any such powers, pay r.�Ceusa :y ex.
<br />«emWoy counaa� WW MY hlafreasonoblr f"s as permitted bylaw. Beneficiary and Trustee shall not incur any pafsonal WWII ty because
<br />anything they may door omit to ilex fsereun'fer
<br />7 To pay immadmately, upon notice from Beneficiary, all sums erpendeaf by Beneficiary or Trustoo pursuant to tht! pr +w,; ;n s heteol. lagtrther
<br />with intereat from date of expenditure at the same rate as rs provided fur in the note secured by fens Deed of Trust Any ainuunl;i !.o raid by
<br />BeMhciary or Tru~ shall beCOnle a part Of ►he debt secured by this Deed of Trust and a lien un said property
<br />8 That any award of damages in connection with any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property. or for injury to the Property
<br />by reason Of pabFC uea, Or for damages for private trespass or injury thereto, is assigned and shall be paid to Beneficiary as further security
<br />for all ob4siti ins atcfarftd hereby (reserving unto the Trustor. however. thn right to Sup the!e!y s ^� lltiF r,::rars ,jr ii,t rcui Subject fa this CJeed
<br />ti: nniii4 ire rth r1ph t eSGe1p; tit 0 a rflUrity3 Se idepiarr may hold the Same as Suth lurlhet sccurrty. or 4pplY or release the Same in the same
<br />n►annar end lli jell the aatne effect as above provided tat disposition or proceeds of fire at other insurance
<br />9. Thi t.if Mneficiaty acceptsa late piryment or delays in exercising any right or remedy I, rounder. or other•ri,se afforded by applv_•ahle law.
<br />Bentfrtiary do" riolwa+ye its r ghttortcen- e any other payments Promptly oritsf ,phi 10exeroi,_• any enrhtor remedy The p. *acurementofwsu!ance
<br />OF the peyi lif It Of taxes Of ether lions Or charges tjy Benet :curs sha!l nay be a t,J,re r of Benofit.,iry%S tiUht b 7CG! Crat(r the malUr 4y (yt the
<br />ndsillerdnim secured by this Died of Trust
<br />to- That at arty, time Or from Gene to tinle; and winCul notice. uf;bh wrdterr renuBSt of Ot- ne',oary and presentai��n of this Dated pt Trust and
<br />Said rlorfNq for efiftilwment.Ond without I:ab:l,fy fherelor, ar:d without affecting the personaf I ab•f,ty of any Gerw +r •;r vwment of the• , idrt.fed
<br />rise secured hereby, and without af"KIM.9 ere security hereof !at the full ampu!tt sC .utCd tt:'eby fin all PrCLttty ru"na.n,ng GubjaTr l hereff!
<br />tI,4itith0u11tt ♦ t+ (ylhitJlnylyrhrflptllian- A JthV irVueotanyparr ,anlnttrAtSt9)thclFro�rtyalfe�� NJI:yPetm -, ste9so =h on beC►Q9trench
<br />thn in:Mbtetlness the Trus +,ea May (a) intense er0 tetomey all df any part of sa.d Cruuort bj consent tz r ie r�a� ng �,hq record•rp. �r e,tr,i.r,
<br />l anY map G pia! of leis f7rOperty of any part lherehr icy loin in Brant nil any easterhent t!:r!ecri !d! rain •r. it e r U ^si ±rt ! :� a++. hx!e•ns :n a.1!i e
<br />r!Mnf Or any 82teement buborel,nsfing lhb i:en 0.ncurnturjneer_ C, e.h 9rUa h{+repl
<br />L7LPnC : Of, 44rta.7arai4tFiitR. ^r�
<br />7.
<br />yst.
<br />if
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