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AIMUSTABLE RATE RIDER $g-- 104607 <br />_ ..•'` (1 YearTttaaury ladtx•liateCapt) <br />22nd August ,19 89 - -- <br />THISADJiJSTA& � i►Af'E it)f is made hi, .— Y of <br />and is incorporated into and shall be bathed to amend and SUNIeW11% the Mortgage, DW of Tout. or Security Deed (the "serenity <br />It urug cw-) of the same date Siva br tl►n,44itsigned (the ''Borrower ") to secure gorrower's Adjustable Rate Note (ft "Note") to HOME <br />�___ -. ..,...� .,.«w �•r,e,as rte tuan ISLAM. HEIIIiAt1Ka# (tbe "Leader ") of the sate date and covering the <br />property deutibed in the Se eerily I1U4rnn6t and located at: <br />qr `fiart>, IHanrnr4 Street Brand alend. Neb aska 68803 - _ <br />(Property Address) <br />T1tla now isra[ttitlo. i10ro' iittths aila Hr cii nw is tab imerest tats anti mar MGM* <br />att�rataths.. Tilh'e i>rM iliahHa He ttiaaat raj iatereat taste tea eMage at tug aoe ileac tai <br />*0 dw arflr)ialttiil 8�d He ahesiim m reek A am qty. <br />AMTIONAL CWENWI'S. in addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Itutrumcut, Borrower ,od Linder <br />hffd r covenant and agrix as fallisws: <br />A. piTEWT.BAI>t: AND 1,koANTHLY PA~ff CHANgESS <br />The Note providaa fat Jut utitj7�%tinterest rate of • 5 °•. Section 4 of the Note provides fir dmitass a the interest rate and the <br />montialypaymenra, aafodos+rti:.: <br />4 INTEAF.•ST RATE ANk MONTNL Y PAYMENT CH41VGES <br />(A) Cbwpilla w <br />The interest rate f writ pay may change cn the first day of _Sera ember ,19 S.a_ . and on thatday ttrery <br />s...A� ..,, months thereafter. Each date on which my interest rate could change is called a "Change Date.' <br />The ( on United States <br />ftinning with the flirt: Change Date, my interest rate will be based on an index. The "index" is the weekly average yield <br />Treasury at5 riiies adjusted to a cor,stant.maturity of 1 year, as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recant index figure <br />available as Oath estate 43 days before each Change Date is called the "Current index.'• <br />If ti`s ftitfLetr! is no � available, the Note Holder will choose anew index which is based ��mt comparable information. The Note <br />Hnldd winjive me notice of diischoice. <br />(C) CahsMaliaaafCmn percentage <br />Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will caleWate my new interest rate by adding <br />pointsd 3j; %) to the Current index and rounding to the nearest 1 /8th of 1%. subject to the limits stated in section 4(13) below. <br />This retried amount will be ray new interest rate until the neat Change Date. <br />The Note Holder will ohm determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay in full the principal I am <br />expected to owe on that Chatigre Date in substantially equal payments by the maturity date at my new interest rate. The result of this calculation <br />will be the new amount of my monthly payrnis. <br />(D) Ua WQft interest Rate CUM" <br />The interesi rata I am required to pay at the first Change Date will not be greater Man A -2 r �► cr less than <br />Q S tu10 DBTC@t1t <br />�.leBi, Thereafter, my interest rate will never be increased or decreases! on any single Change [?ate by rats a than <br />(7,2)- ,_,Srgta the rate :of interest 1 have been paying for the preceding twelve months. The minimum interest vgprtn this lean will never be <br />less than 9-0: aFi and the maximum interest rate will never leer {.cater than <br />(B) Ef fitlirc Dal! of 08090 <br />My stew interest rUr�viil`isecome effective on each C „z nv Date'. I will pay the amaani of my new monthly payment beginning on the first <br />monthly payment date 0,z Ines: {Change Date until the aM ark-dt of my monthly payment changes again, <br />(F) NMttTaf C3attiei <br />The Natit Bolder will mail or deliver L:: xse a : udar lie; ore ear t t 'tr nge Date. •rhe notice will adW� me of: <br />W. the new in rate on my loa>l, as ot; the i:,`}ange Date; <br />(ii). the amounts,. my monthly paymeallililittvf :7g the Change Date; <br />( ifii- :any additional matters which the Note �d der is required to disclose; and <br />00• ehe address of the association you could contact regarding any questions about the atf justment notice. <br />IL CHARM; hhfENS, <br />Uniform Covenant 4 of the 5=61y Instrument is amcndeti to read as follows: <br />4. C<t Mw; Lkw. Borrower shall pay all taxes, asuessments, and other ;harges, fines, and impodditas attributable to the property which may <br />attain a prior*ty over this Security Insimient. and leasehold payrncnt tof ground rents, if any. in thr. ma rater provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />or, if rite poid in such manner. by Borrower making payment, whendjw.;, directly to the payee theiMS. Borrower shall promptly furnish Lander <br />all notices of an o m due sunder this paragraph, and In the event Borrower shall make payment directly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender receipts evidencing such payments, BOrrONer shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument; <br />however. Bottower shall not be required to discharge any such lien so tong as Borrower: (a) shall agree in writing to the payment of the <br />obh ptkm secured by such lien in the manner acceptable to Lender, lb) shall in good faith contest such lien by. or defend agairmt enforcement of <br />such lien in, legal proceedings which in the opinion of Lender operate to pre%ent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any <br />part thereof; or (c) shati secure from the holder of such lien an agreement in a form satisfactory to Lender subordinating such lien to this <br />Seeutiry instrument. <br />iv” 4Df the prnnerty is subtext to a lien which may att ain a priority over tNs Security instrument. <br />Lender stall give Borrower a notice identifying such lien. Borrower shall satisfy such lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above <br />within ten days of the giving of the notice. <br />C. %0TWfE <br />Uniform Garment 14 of the So utity instrument h amended to read as follows: <br />U. !(Nice. EXQW for any notice requited urd r applitab!e taw to be gi,.cn in anothtr marina. (a) any nouae to Borrower proti,ed -.d for in this <br />Security instrument shall begiten by delitering it or by ttytiling it by first class mad to NUrr6w'et at the 1'ropcsEy 4ridtr,se.: at Such Other addtC" <br />as Borruwcr may dcsigeatc by notice to I.erdet as Vim ided htrem. and 4hi any notcc to l.endct sina7 be giLen he t,rsi Class ma,l to f <br />addresssta: e3tctrtnOttos; i:: otheraddressest. en4crmYydtiign7tcF. r.:+' t�rrirkutroareusprov .t:cslt•r :c,n • t� ,ys, :ti�erirut.3c�f�:, :r,t�,, <br />Security (nnerumert shell ft&N4nrd tohbce beengiven t„ Viltvme: <br />