t Cftdh tp!1<tlen. Its the event flee hoperty, or any part tbe:eof, aiaf! be taken by eminent domsln,the Mortgagiee
<br />Isi.erspovrsrawl to siiand reoelve nth campenntion wisich any be paid for any pttoperty taken or for damages to property
<br />at taken, asd UMOW shall ap* suck eorapandoa, at Its apt3os. eltba to t tedmetiarr of the indebteften eeeured
<br />hereby or to re* ad restore dw propnty so dunspd.
<br />i by KwWV . >itoetgpgtre racy, best dM bare so ebhir dm, to dewy aet risieh t he lgor"or
<br />a�ia+vd_b4 the :46 slo, maid UW4sgee any also do rag► act It darns neaesery to prose tie Bast bma. Wrlygor
<br />a�!ii►: f;C�s!i lrr'a)lprs Aemsad =y WMSa so arpesied by the Idartgogee for the above purples; and spry seas so expeaded
<br />by tk:A401.`AW be added to three hieitedwes, new" Fleshy area 74 r c e object-to the In bn#* .lfortpagee
<br />sbaif poti iitcYt seals 4,00oag Hat tity berasse of anythiag It sassy do or oseit to da hemovider.
<br />;'�iitsigs�saft safe Reap, iima is.of Ue a mm. wad, amt Wft Ulml / agar's 41e61811tfa,anT cowaant
<br />aesgtss feat 6[titekgaatppe,Mvdiag eowaants to pay wbm dse fife seas eet to o' by " Yortpagr, tUMottppse shaft
<br />to 4ik6f, at its sole "am and without notice, to drdare nth ssms secured by this lioe*V to be tmmedistely leek, and
<br />-- palrrliii sad ary cossmruoe faMetosttee of tbis..ifioetp! h J! W ptrteaedtngss; ash. sWrd farther, tbsit ileoskinch
<br />i dafsdi the Morton, or a radve: appointed: by a court. may at its ago" ad witbost speed to the siaysoiy.mf tie
<br />sso0y, ester spa sad take posesolm of the flap ty aid calisct the teats, lases dom
<br />Bat 40 idle sense of conection &" operation of Md: "esty 6" teen neon the indebtedMa a uted Arc Wit bioftftee;
<br />wig - rets� bon and proffta being sssig¢ed to tile' kiortgafpr as tiuAlser security for else psymsynt.v t% "ididir3it htisesa
<br />tacsrid-ilersbY. .. - >;
<br />1t wader of hoperty. If all or my psvQ of the hope" is add or transferred without the oe*ise written con -
<br />sent of the Mor4ppe, Mottpgee may at its sdwssption. declare all sums secured by this MosKgage to 1lyr MatediateJy due
<br />and payable.
<br />11. Flstsre Advances. Upon request of Mortgagor, Mortgagee ruay make additional and future advances to
<br />Mostppr. Such advances, with interest dereca,, shall be secured by this Mortgage when evidenced by peoosh" ry notes
<br />stating that said notes are secured hereby. At w time shall the principal amount of the indebt w6j*d by this
<br />Moripp, not indud ft soma advanced to pe Kwa the security of this Moetpg, exceed the odgital Imo:
<br />Adak 111t 1Misedtaasoss h�ro.taosa.
<br />�r (a) Any foreburance in ex rcWvg eucy right or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof.
<br />(b) AI] mmedirs prottled hereim- me'distinct and cumulative to any other right afMmWd:Uy haw or equity,
<br />and may be exercised concurrently, Independently or successively.
<br />(e) The covenants and apvements contained herein shall bind, and the rights inum to, the respective
<br />successors and asigos of the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee.
<br />(d) All covenants and ments of the Mortgagor gaga are Joint and several.
<br />' (e) The beadings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and shall not be used ao inter-
<br />im), or defina the PMTWW befflaf,
<br />WIWI
<br />.'fat
<br />.
<br />t
<br />r
<br />18. Release. Upon psyment of alitian ; *.cured by this Mortgage. Mortgagee shad discharge this Mortgage and
<br />shall execute and deliver a satisfactory rr>i °:tttstWAV.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Wongggor has executed this Mortgage on the ZM tiJty;saB August
<br />war ap aw
<br />harlotte Sap& owski) aoROwe=
<br />State of Nebraska, Hall Oounty sa:
<br />On this —28th _ fty of . August , 19.x, before me, The undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />doll cosmissiosedamd qualified for said coatt4y. personally came Edward F. Saplkowski anti Charlotte
<br />SaQ&kostskl. _ husband and .sari4 to me known to be the
<br />Wketlral,fenon(s) whose name(s) are subserbed to the fbegoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof
<br />So be the) r vrolttettao. stet and deed.
<br />rlifaeas say Mead and notarW lees at Grand island. Nebraska In sold qty, The
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />My Coaamissioa expisur,: �
<br />X min
<br />UW41ftd
<br />tip Not.ry ralc r�
<br />f t - - -. ----- "--- -- (Swe slew 4fb tk� =aw"d For Lv"w led Reeoede) � Ell `
<br />cam
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