<br />•
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<br />2tam ~isentend into titwsen Edward F_ Sapjka ski and Charintta Saniko�_`
<br />husband and w.,�ife
<br />Five Points Bank, Grand Islands -He, (fin + +�tvrtp�e »j,
<br />- iganrt/�oris riebtsd.to Yo.e�e ie � atis �: 2 tlOQ.oa ,;nidew,i by Mortagoe's awtw '�. .
<br />dated Ayesust 28. 1989:. (mda "Note ") ng.toe Rayments of pdgdW and interest, with the belaricr of the
<br />iiiriieiaeary "ff sat soosiit i lute sski "�a1ie" oar, ����� 1-. 15���..
<br />it+rsinauasctlaepsyaaeet of dw Now, w O thereat s pioriied thaeebt, the paymeat of ail pals some; with interest.
<br />M�rmipi is
<br />tog s�aiaet the amity of tits lfottgsoe.acitl die jteelbasasaee of the oaiettinrtbn stud wrvanests of.
<br />Me< it.Mi�dc: # ised besein. itoet W r does het" rieoe'tpere ad e6ttwey to Noetpee the Ivlloteinr described
<br />property lae+rDe: gip, Hai Cauca " ,.;eeeb:
<br />Lot Fiftee i` QtS), tFe Heights; : SU Wision Hill, County, Nebraska.
<br />'LW&ber with A buildings, improvemen% fiat". streets. alloys, po aageways. easements, rights. privilepa and
<br />"""Sum" located thereon or in anywise pertain4t! i-reto. and the rents, issues and profits, tetentom and remainders
<br />thet+eof; WdudhW, but sot limited to, beating and c ociVag equipment and sueb personal property that is attached to the
<br />Improvements so n to constitute a fiMn;'za of whkb, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared .
<br />to be a part of the red state secured by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being refereed to herein as tire.
<br />"lkapliy ".
<br />Mortgagor further convenants and agrees, with Mortpgee, as follows:
<br />1. fty ae it. To pay the Indebledwas and the Interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />L rd3L .Mortgagor is the owner of the Property. has the right and authority to smortoW the Tropevty; ands'
<br />wa pots that tt�,;!4m mood hereby is a lust and prior lien on the lroperty, ertt�ft Sa may otherwise be cad t'i�rth ltetein. ,
<br />a The YkAWAY is abject to a Moatg ge wherein Colonial tra l aWngs Bank_
<br />as ©lore. #ti1&'1 133t► A Hall
<br />is fie ldortgpgae, ><1LILllli►ilCll --- of the i/oetgage Rac9rds of Corgi +• ;
<br />Nobrob, which prior to Nor lien created hereby. Assigned tfr'om Superior Mortgage, gric. ,
<br />original its. #87 - 100566.
<br />D Other prior lieres��oe encumbrances: .., .
<br />L Tivarea„ ,Amaatmiu*116 . To pay whkn dw OR tiou rs. special assessments and W other charges agai A the Ptoprrty
<br />ank was vd t m deasaa "by Morspo e, tb add to tb* payments required under the Now secured bereby. such amount a•
<br />any be wHhieat to asabie tie Mar ippe to pay such taxes, wnownts or older charges as SOY become due.
<br />d. Iowan. To llwp the Improvensaw am or hereafter located on, the red estate described herein insured
<br />splwt dm@W by Want such other basards as Mortgagee may ass tWw, In amounts and with a mpanks acceptable to the
<br />"attgagee, sad va for psyaWe to fw morlmn. In case of lass tinder web pdkW$ the Moro w Is autborfaed to
<br />aNjsat. eoifeet and eoaspeodae. M is Mims, all daunt themmWer at Its sole option, wthorisedtoeitherappty the
<br />psooesdc to the eaetoumm of th+ Property nr.ppon the indebtedness secured hereby, but payments hereunder awl con -
<br />tdaas- a W fM anramad bwft an /aid is haM. .
<br />L O Miaow Farr Tom and Iaserame. Notwidisba ft mtyditg contained in paragraphs 3 sand 4 hereof to the
<br />eestsary. Mwlg g shall pay to W Mortgagee at the thane of paying the monthly installments of principal ad interest.
<br />ow4wdit of dw yesaly texas, msmsmmfs, bared isa mar parmiums, ad ground ranb (i1 may) wbkb may attain a
<br />wtoaity out ok Mort, all as aunoaWy estimated from time to time by the Mortpp o. The somata so paid shall be
<br />tiitd b7 iii ideegsgae wttaaat iatewat aa�ir s/plfed w tie psymsat of dw items to nspeet to which each awourds were
<br />dopWftL Tie atims paid to Mortpow bmemmkt sm piodp u additional wcvdty for the ladebtedneas secured by tbb
<br />Mw4m. MasfNorsidl pay to Morippe tit amount of any defreieaey between the actual farces, assessments. insurance
<br />pendu ss sad gsawtd seals ad dw deposifia lisimmder wkWfu 1O days after demaed b mrde upon Mortgegor requesting
<br />Psi) N m i fh»easf,
<br />L X4pdr. Mshlsa uW aN Uss. To pewsptly repair. restore or rebuild any buildinp or improvements now or
<br />bonafter on Use Property; to keep the lroperty in good condition and repair. without waste, and ins from mechanic's or
<br />etcher Urm, sat experedy subordinated to the lien hereof; not to make, suffer or permit any muisance to exist, not to dimin-
<br />ieb at Napalm the valae of W Pt"My by airy act or o lesion to art; and to comply with all requirements of taw with
<br />reyect to uw Property.
<br />i.R
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