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Ott "d lutlttkkr t"elttaal anal few r fttMat►y: <br />1. That Borrower will pay the Indebiedri as hereinbefore <br />pro%kW. Privikje is reserved to pay the debt in whole or in part <br />on any installment dare date. <br />2. That. together with. and in addition to. the monthly <br />ptymettts of principal a,nd interest payable under the terms; of the <br />note sectored hereby, the Borrower %ill pay to the lender, on the <br />fatal d(ty of each month until the said note is fully paid, the <br />fouming sums: <br />(a) Amount sufficient to pro%ide the holder hereof tsith funds <br />to pay the next FiFIMSaat insurance prallium if this instrument and <br />the note secured hereby are insured. or a monthly charge tier lieu <br />of a mortgtlge insurance premium) if they are held by the <br />sccretary of Housing and Urban Doelopment. as fol<tows: <br />(1) If and so fang as said note of even date and this imtru- <br />tnent aro.irtstuext or:4,e reinsured lwiter the provisions of the Na- <br />tional Hteeritsgr. :,;,. amouttt,lraglixnt to uscumutate in the <br />hands r r1;c.hoid� <; (riot) [n1:.e1! t ?�r to slue date the annual <br />motL ,i3isttran" t7ptmiuru in gr?iie- :ro preiilvr such holder with <br />sia <br />fuzd;, wj) tray such premium to flit: xetary b4 WOusing and tIr- <br />tan bl.'icAtpmint pursuant to the ',Wr —tonal Housing :let. as <br />amer,den,, end applicable Itegulatiohi thereunder; or <br />(h) if and so Iong as sold Wort of cqc. rix ±e. and [his ui,tr►i <br />mcnt are hold by tote Sccretara of Ho;asir., d+ :"' ti rt +ari Dc sclup <br />went. a rtionthly charge (in hce 4 ,1 mofRayr 'r.- >ar.rme f,rcrim,M) <br />which shall be in an anwutit egoa;. ,± orc- tesetftfl at '12) of One - <br />half (l-.'.) per cetltum of the atcr.cwourstanding halanre due ,m <br />the dote ctlmputcd e, l.• t':;nL'.. !;lie; ;E, iy;t:, a.coua[ delinquezz,ic, or <br />prepayments; <br />tb► A sum cquaii tn. -I • tnsan 3 -h's the <br />premidms, that µill nitit hinctrlle w;i_1 alid �i; sliiti',l ate :) :lif 7G?: <br />fire wal other hazard insutm:e 0-. ­_inu the <br />and ;rstA° imenis ac+cr due &.In the yt,3perts td11 ,;cs esrrir,aic: rg r.fe <br />lender) less all sums already Maid therefol dlsil,A!' 1•) the utrtnt+cr <br />of months to elapse before tlne 11 ► nll,nth ;rtrH ul the date ,seen <br />such ground rents. premnim.s. to -, tnd a­e "'.Tien(+ Nd{ I'c:41111C <br />delinquent, su.h sum% tt '-c hold t:,) 1 crd,cr ,a must to pay �anf <br />ground rents. prenuunis, talcs and sjk,Ial ase,snienr,. 'still <br />(C) All payments menttonec: if, fate tau rrctcding suh,c kilt, c;f <br />this paragraph and a ii pa yments to he inade :airier the eau: <br />secured hereby shall'isrc•edded together, 1114 rite agglegatel dellount <br />thereof shall he paid b> the Boor >.aer cads mouth 1.1 a Yingtc'pa -,� <br />ntent air lm applied b% diet 1 rndes� .!rr the I1011 sang Irene• in the <br />order .i }^t forth: <br />(1) premium .barges under the contra,'t of• ►nuir.rncX: mutt. <br />the secretary of Hcluslug and ('than {i01, :ltpincnt. :+r nn,intth <br />charge (ill freo If mtlrrgtc-r ).l+ura„Le f,reirntim), as the .trio Iita. <br />be: (11) ground rents, taws. assessmcnt :. fire anti who haltid <br />Insurance pranivatttiv <br />11113 into_ 11ti ow, file nc,tesecured herclrs; <br />of the principal of ,a;d nl +te, J! 'd <br />I V 1 late chd+rges. <br />Any deficiency its il.c amount of .0 :h aggregate nvolt?IiN ray - <br />rnent shall, unitsv igitlie good by the Borrower prior to the dot <br />date of the next :+eel► ray me:a,..,rls :mute an C, tilt of defaull <br />under- this inettgage. The Unite," 0111) Wlltct a "late chatgv'* not <br />to tsr'tisd four :mss (44) for to h dollar (fl) of each payntdre <br />1 <br />more than fifteen (13) days in arrears to cover the crate expense <br />ln%otsed in handling delinquent payments. <br />3. That if the total of the payments made 6y the 801t9wer <br />under (b) of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed doer :111111 1111, of <br />paymmus a mially made by the Lender f+x grQ4fl$ lento,. cops:; and <br />assessments or insurance premiums. as file ca: mAy b�. 5uch ex- <br />cess, if the loan is current, at the option of the .f AT -3*er, shall be <br />4teditcd by the tender on sub,equcut payments rya, hi'made by the <br />Borrower, or refunded to the IBoruwvr. jr. hQ%vgver. the monthly <br />payments rnade by the Borrower under (h) of LttUr4gtaph 2 <br />preceding shall not be sufficient to pay gnlund 01115. taxes and <br />assessments or insurance premiums,. as the cane miry be, when the <br />same shat become duce and (ayabh% then the tl+tru!3ner shall pay <br />to the Lender any amount necessary 11, make uj.14to deficie u -y, on <br />or before the date when payment• ef such, grouitd' rims, taxes. <br />assessments. or insurance preintlilrtts shall be due, if at anN time <br />the Borrower shall Wilder to-tlrii:Lenrier, in a :tardance "I'l L tote <br />Pros ision. of the nutc secured•�tireb). full payment of the elitire <br />indebtedne,s represented ther•b). the tender ,hall. in computing <br />the atllssunt of such iudebtedtiNsr. credit to the account of the Bor- <br />mmer all papucats trade unddl: alto prPtiisions of (a). of paragraph <br />2 livroof which the t ender lul& rx3t. °bbeoine obligated to pay to the <br />Sccrctat % of Housing and l trSfctn flrc elt<1fYttent and any balance re- <br />mdinint: in the funds acr-untlil.i r *f;.uhder: inc rrotisions of (b) of <br />{taragr.y-,h 2 hereof. tY tifca: ?)ri33: fir a default under any of the <br />pnlsivr>n, of this, m, lr!utruti(. r } : +siiatng in a public ,ate of the <br />prenllws cutcrrit hcicij;; ttf,tt'.IW lender acquires the protserty <br />otherwise Ifrer default. ah:.I.L,l: :r shall apply. at 1110 071c.�f the <br />�tlfntlletACFtllnt !!f� sni'h•frr�l c>c'ifillgs, Or at the tittle 1410 -_ cY ONFIy is <br />I,, her, I., acquia�l; }ice tt•atarlce then remaining in the 1-.,.Tn4_s ac- <br />:un►tilaueli ulidd 161, 431 );gran- Ph : preceding, as a ai'i is against <br />rho airmouat of prtilopai t:11. 1, tvl+ ,'atnmg unpaid under %" ;d note, <br />a nif. -471:)1 pr0rcri','.1d;uet at,►•: nor.- itenis ,, ht.h shall IlLf-v wort <br />ma& under (.!).11 f,ltrdrrdpll <br />4 T hat the 11141106 sCr sadf (sal ground laves, assessr[ientc. <br />saier r.tles, and oiltcr gosc,'r;r.w.7ial or murricipal charf:rs, fines, <br />;'r utq +rltin -nut, fate t+ hart pr s l:ac ra has not been made <br />hcicu►he b%fe. and�ill defauh thix., :of the 1 ceder Ina% pay J-zc same; <br />.snJ like Itre Hurhalver µill pionip;l) dclner the olficial receipts <br />- Ii:retoi to 11141 LoIder <br />�. 1 ht 11orrou0r csdl pas .v�l tares vIll"lt Ind!, be levied upon <br />tool' t cilder'9 interest 111 �dttr: ua;i� Cute and IltlproWllcills, and <br />,shidt ruu)shtlCClyd 11p.111 Ul :'i Irl4trnlnCtlt tlr the dchi se tired <br />hrruln• I(fip itnly I,, the c :.,4?'r '!let ,uai i; not prohibned by law <br />rued rue +coil ttU.t :?r.r..r;rtd: ,cafe udl foul in. !te ans luau ounous). <br />hncc><.liuling fir* ;r.::.,mr : r., s etc ur I cJer :+l. Ilolposcd On <br />t;t:udo. and AIll (unite air;, :! re,eipt showing such pnynlent <br />•xtlh it-v 1- cn.fcr t {tie: tt,.±a!;+ a tit rlus undertaking. o.;' if the <br />Hortt "Aer 1s pwlllh :: t:; errs, :acs [tuts or hereafter C%ming from <br />pasha; the whlyi: ore = ::y p+ t.r,ln 01 file 1101031d taxes. OF upon <br />the rendering v1: ,ia; .tun & Ice probihiung the paynlcnt by the <br />21rt,wer of au•, •,a.h t.ttes, r+r It al,h iaN ur Acute pulsidcs that <br />am enlssunt so paid bs the fioiro%%er shall tw acducd on the debt, <br />the I ender shall I.dte tole right to Ent i u eta days' tell•:.;o utticc <br />to the 0A 110 of Ill.,- pn:rnn,,, rcquirutg tLe pa %luent „1 ,t he debt. <br />If such inIme he g.rvlm. tlx ••aid del► shall bealllle llt.l.'fu%able <br />and cr, :lColble at the ctrualroil tit saki cnt4:1) days. <br />fi; 1 her sL',1a:d the Morn,,% Cl lad ry pa) any stint nr. i acts Ally <br />,grwnanl rrimded for tit th,•.. nlsirument, then the 1 erd,,n. at It, <br />crpnurl. Ina) pa-) or perform. the same, and all cNpcudnures so <br />'1 <br />Faye 2 of 5 �, -- MUD 9211�t1T <br />u <br />I It- <br />1 <br />