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I <br />SM* of tr.bnf M Deed at Trust ` 89— 1338650 -703 <br />} • TW Daft at 111111114, ( °Security lnttrurnettt''} is made on AUGUST 24TH <br />19 89 . The trustor is DENNIS E. WATSON An SALLY TA. WATSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE- <br />19 <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AMD LOAg AS I $Iivustee is <br />("Trustee"). The beneficiary is <br />NORH1►= &M NEBRASKA, RATIONAL ASSOCIATION , which is organized an existing <br />under the lttws.or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . and whose address is <br />202 WEST,'VIRD STREET, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />let ho Borrower in of the debt and trust hereinafter described and created. and the suns Of One Dollar <br />' • . <br />l'1# tsitirrir;.itt ll+sri Dud by the Trustee. the receipt of hereby acknowledged. does by these presents grant, but'nin and sell. <br />unto the Trustee. forever, all of the following described real estate, situated lying and being in ft County of <br />and State of. Nebraska, to wit: <br />1 <br />LOT FOU& Fy ) , "IN FRACTIQNAT±.lBLOCK FINE (5), IN ROLLINS *ADDITION TO THE.CITY OF; <br />GRAND IMOM, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />T#IS IS A PURCHASE HONEY DEEM OF TRUST" <br />'TF1E RIDER TO Tom' &: ED OF TRUST ATMCHED HERETO AM EXECUTED OF EM DATE HEREWITH IS <br />•INCORl'OWW MMEIN AND Tim: Mrt <br />".COVS AND AGREEMENTS TO THE RIDER SHALL AMEND AND <br />KpipLENW, THE COVENANTS A,%..AGRF,F TS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br />+* has the address of 6.21 WEST 7TH GRAND ISLAND <br />!,' 1.1•(1„ ugyl <br />fcbraska 68$01 ( "Propeny Address"). <br />eye Hate and To Hoili,lra :,',irenre,ci atto.e desaiNtd, with all the appurtcna; :,Yrt -,. thereunto'bitaonging s?=1 including all heating, <br />f,,14inbing and lightlnj fi�;�1: use ,, dnd equipment now'i!r hereafter -if ta.hed ti) car. wild in connection witlf, +.urt" real estate unto the <br />•liusiee. and to its smcesaar, and asswjS. forever. tihc Bommei represents 1:x, Itr d covenant% with, the T4,12stee. that the Borrower <br />has gillxl right to sell an.i convcy sat d ; •remiws; that they are free from encuinf+rance; and that the Botrewe; will warrant and defend <br />tt1 same against thr lawful clans. i;sf all persons whomsoeser; and the said Borrisacr hereby relinquishes all rights of +,�nmestead, and <br />�ti�'•attantal rights. etcher s� :law or an ellotts, and all other �untlnpcnt interests (sf the Rotrower in and to the above•deb.iilxd premises, <br />lin: intention being to i.:il :.•4s hereby an ab,o111te 1,11c. u: (cc swlplc•, Including all rights of homestead.,ria j. oilier rights and interests <br />w, aforesaid. <br />Presided Alas)*. and 1110c prCW11.1.,.:re ese.utcd .Ind d'do'cresf 111111+ lilt Tr,` ?tzV, in trust,. however icr the following purposes: <br />whereas. the Mir :u' kill 111¢ 24TH Ja. 14 AUGUST . 1989 . (wrruµcd .-om the Lender <br />the sum of THIRTY TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED ANp 00/1. • -- ------------------------------------ <br />_ <br />). for wl <br />th4l,tr, si'h <br />sura the ha. cse.u'cd u:J JC11Li'red try t1:c 1 enarr IA,rn +act's f: _Irtia;•Iity note of even daft, lret;3+ing <br />interest at ax rat. of EIGHT AND 880 11009er ccnrmiil ( 8.860 <br />o'r) per annum Ili- unpaid balance until Haiti: <br />7hc .alit rrindral .ins mucrr'.t �h,1tl iv., payahle at the Ail,c kit NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA. MATIt9SAL ASSOCIATION <br />202 WEST 'THIRD STREET or at ,uch onccr. t.!Ita�rr, lilt txlder of the note <br />Il <br />GRAID <br />«.------ - - - - -- <br />nray de•rgtsxre�tr�Sti M i- NPAMAN of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY SEVEN AND 91/10�#"� -' OCTOBER <br />Uklilars (b 257.91 1, I.Irnmentrng 1111 the f1r.r tilt+ of <br />ly 89 and on the tint djy c +t eadl rtrnrh ;i c :rent +rr Uutlt ;ne hrrnclr: ( {11111''nterest arc fully, raid, except that the final payment of <br />prn•.olmi and mterc %t. If not tooner ,:rid. sh.Ilt Pic .cue ar:J pa }ante on 1!ie ti;rst day of SEPTEMEER <br />1019 <br />;n.; rotr+s is Used ,n cc+Incct'O�i th lr o!T;3;Pj "Isu+ec trio one. to tcur famdv programs, of the National Housing Act .vh•ch Oro <br />v:!iP I7r per.IXSic Moltgmo in5uzance Q>rernw- ttarmenls' - --- <br />-- HUD 92143[� <br />Page t ul 5 `14lMR 203 171a1 <br />L L <br />1 <br />�4 <br />,i. <br />rr <br />/ j <br />