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10. owl ower Mo1' I.L 11- 1* 16—in e M Leader Mot a Ul w, Extension of the title tot psyrna it or moditcMen of amortization of the sums secured by trig sat:.* tnserurnant <br />granted by untLxb any aucalant �+ tr+knlN d Brt rower shat rxrt operate to relaafa IM Nab" d Ot dfipinal Borrower or Borrower's 51,00039043 in mterost_ Lender shell not be recluirad <br />to commlense pmceadngs leg" any succNsor in merest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortisation of the sums secured by this Security MatrufniM by noon <br />of any demand made by Rt onputf 801rows► or S000101114's suocsuors in inNrest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising airy right a remedy shaft not be a waiver Of Or PMCkOs tlt <br />exercise of any right or rr[1r0j. <br />11. Sucasseors and Assylla MaarN: Joint and gsYefai UdOV. Coatroom The cOvenarris and agreements of this Security Instrument a:nN bind and benefit Via SuCMMM and <br />Of tsridsr and E bftam subject b ft proviulore of parsgrsph 17 sorrowees covenants and sw"Monts shell be font and reuses►. Any B-MW who C0-4113 111111 Seaafy kris MMKR <br />�satiiglsa <br />bw doss not et[aaas the Nate: (a) is ca-airm this security irtstrimMnl only b mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property ureter the terms d fir* Sstairi)r kMtt RWIt. • : <br />. <br />(b) Is not personally 131110 1 it 10 pay tits sorry secured by this Security (sebum . and (c) agrees that Lehdar and any other Borrower may agree to extend. nodfy, forbear or make eery <br />accenwtadsrone with regard fors tears d title Security kwkwnsnt - ft Note wNhOut that SOtrowd* crosenL <br />12. Lash CNWVM item ban *!cited by this Security tnskwtNnt b afiD M 10 • law which sets maximum loan etwgea.aM that law fs finally interpreted *o ihd fit klfanM or other Wan <br />&Aron eolsewd a to be eolecied in connection with that loan exoeo to txwn~ knitsk than: (a) any such loan charge shall be reducgj by the arnou t naaawy to reduce Vw d wp <br />to hit panrMMd unit. and (b) any sums already collected flan Borrower which exceeded permitted Emits will be refunded to Borrower. Lawler may dwm to manta ft rotund by re ucM <br />l tpr lrlciOdowedunder ftNOtorbymakingadirect paymentto Borrower- ftaref undre dunsPrin14W. dtreductiM** be 1teaNdse apartialpep "Viontwrfthw.itervpre0 N little dwp <br />order the Note. <br />1! LNAfsRon Affad rf Landeft 001Mw R onactrnant err eapration of apptieabla taws has the effect of rendering any provision of the Ncifi orthis Ssettity k+itrrMiit ur OO& Mbis <br />its requite i!nmial5 sea n full of all urns secued by this Sampity fnsthnaene and may dtulce acry tsnMCFaa psrnlRlad by per g, Cp t3.. <br />a000rderq irr tea toms. L WOW. at option. may payment <br />K iaf t- etgetiote tMs option. Lender etch take the mpe Wetted in the second paraggsph of paragraph 17. <br />1I. Martioaa. Any notice to SOMCIWK plwidsd for in 1Ms SttG[x,•.y h s&wrMnt 31iaN be givari by dNivering O a :f nettling it byp 4rrs! t leaf: mail rtiiagg srppYCabta law tequiiM use d erlOMlar <br />.:. Ttia =&`� bhp! e b L".e i�wK'i i'r..trr'S� �t+w^� sehErl..s BrJMl =C_! �'Si�!`3►.iis tier i!4!� $? LeMM. Ar.,c ��e to LerfdM•ehall be giWn by 6fit Cia*t mat t0 L.erdat's <br />• <br />,rri:IGd. <br />addraM staisd tieeri a a^r lfrsr addeats Lender desi3^�as "ice to Borrower. Any notice V—,A ed for in iris Security tas� stall be deemed to twit been given to Bonvwe or <br />Lerldsr wits+, given es prcvl*d in rtes parsWUh. <br />tb. Gom littf Later; SMrW irfr TMs Sectairy trWrtr secs y aJt De governed by fedwal law aid the law of fete r ••nsdiction m worth the Property o IoCaled kl the want that any prOwsbn <br />or crates d this Seatity Iriftrlrrient or this NOM contras wixt appiK01e law such conflict stag not affect other provisions of this Security tnstrurfient or the Nc*, rt NCh can be given effect <br />% tisarond sin o0nftitting ptov[gbA. To Otis end Ube pnxislons t th5 Se unty l slrument and the "_1 are declared to be severable-. <br />is. iwfewers copy. 6xsaowor duo be given one contL'749�_' 1py Of tine Kota and of.tres �:tit)r m3tnitMnl. <br />17.1lwaft at Ir plowy oe a fetionow Interest in b 0"Wiar, if ass or any part of the 'pi-. 2 y or arty interest in it is sold or transferred (or H a beneficsa_ i'r?t(h" in Borrower is sold <br />or transter*3 and 8ofrp*W Js *al *natural parson) without Lender's Prior wr—en consent. le.-Ow- may, at as option. require immediate payment :a full of all ariitis seuihed by this Security <br />ktalft[rnift f�fta ~. this o►'lim,"nit Ot>Dxercised by Lender R exe. r_a isprcn,bitad by federal law as cz �^a data of W s Security Instrume- . <br />N LaraelrJpid/ciaetliMS cptbri, Loidor sL•sslis;)ve Borrower notice ct aror'rx-natx?. The notice shall provide a X" of not less than 30 days ft(n tye date the notice isdeYUered-cr- tetrad <br />u' . <br />vwlfMn aArrdp ,tipwlM nwaf pay sY amssacu r{� ttus Sacr rcty nC^ ^a-:. f�3> erowrer fadsto pay ttreso sumrs. uxcci the expiration of this peraC.:lznder may invoke any rert+eCiesf 17' <br />: r u : :> . <br />by 11-44 kWVUMwawdhdafurtherrlO0 =.0rjt;ra^' <br />iR ttarrillaar's Ne t to 1lakrelgM. H Bar -ctMek i r ya' ^.•iii ^':asrnt ohs. Borrdwer shall have the right to frar9 entercement e) thus Securityi tnstument discorlinued at any 5"W, , <br />:. the Iariie4'ot: (a) 5 days (a ouch otter Prod as a iiraw t� ma tpeeify for re9rstatement) before safe of the Property pumi.A.:AI any power o1 sate contained in tits Sewn y fr 3 r;[meeK; <br />nr--A are that Borrower: (a) pays tender all sums tarn; -r "err, would fee dos under this Sea MY insist t , <� tie• .' <br />.or.(b1 erifty of a judgfnant enlpfpng this se. [:. A [rise r�rr - tormons <br />Selie had! it awligration occurred: lb) Cures;sr_p 3e 4s y Sher a^ve !a'ts or agreements: (c) pays all expenses mcs -+e' "r- a Cftwfg {!ft�.5a+ "a rilY instrument. Including, W rrat :'art. <br />het trees aerie aiiorhay*' fees: anti (dl taxtrG qua" ax:0n a91a^.jer may -ea 1s: abty require to assure that the lien of this � my insiufna. ^t. ;rarie s rtgilts in the Property arid 5.*Ctyr,S <br />t4WQa bpratc {cry eta l,rena Mdx*d by ftis 5ac.�rw instrumer s ".at) conitnL rr -u? changed. upon remsta;eme^t Chi Porrotver, this Seainty tr t `�, nt t 7r-d it* obligation secured ltae[py t�G�tiit <.' <br />lestan'rf9 +iNsctive ore u's7a a00alarat+bn had OoCUtted ticerts . tfu5 mC� �. ?ir^ date shall rr�t.appty m the a 4r accolela "_on urCer -r 13 or 17_ <br />NCA'_LjN)FORM COVi3f,: J78• Swatter and Lender fuK" i�c WArlant a + a,-,m as rot Frrs <br />H. savolorallonMetwed1wit ori a oW psi noflosta.+tii bnOMr Orion to sccalwaMfo� 1�li0iMrlg dOrrvear's breach art ar+y CMr >Q n!. greaatwlt 1!r this Security kManwMrM <br />(wt net t /o aeesprsYsa 1a11d11 i)fwa/faNra 1R artd tT tifeeaa aOpNcabia tale ptarfOw Mhsraifta). 7TM dodos ahsR ev+QtY: tai tUSdallaslt:' (b) Ytsatt�ort M*1" fo cum" <br />dauiiN (aL rriAlls. sot ftaa tkaw >q tillfe Aare tits dale Yee nnw ft g law ea soileam by which itt deMralt ni M Do arise: std (d) MO fi illine /o cure ON daf w on or before <br />Ma daft alfaftifted Ingo no" nM)f raseN M wort.•~ d the Varna asaxrnd by "!lie 6scwity kMkvnMrK and Mt d the Prepa'ty. 7Tee risbioa shah fu•NNr kftm oertowo of <br />Yt AOht is reliatate adw aooMerMlori tad ifto dym sa w" s court artin to aeewt fhe m"xloftmo d o ddwtt a any other dlhMi- d Borroiea to agesisratlo ' and sap. K <br />the dol" is nM ewed on w how i t data Wnifled in the nesce, taredw at Rio dOiMrt tray mfliilte ktMtdl.ft peyniant M runt d aft awtM Neared by YMa feouriiY klelitaeMrt <br />eAfltgR AsYtss dwM1M sad tsar Iweba era peasd raft and wy ANN r witedite pwttwMO by aOpNeaOft law. Lender af[sN be gialitled m colact aft sapwW (neuried kit purrikq <br />the nraadfts provided in MUtprgnaMt It. kiclnd & but not Milled to. roaaaMbft afabrfMya' feu slid costs Of two evidence• <br />it this potarse of *aft ft Uselw fiwM..hali r.cord a notlte of dNwA in oath eaxdy (n whkh any pwt ol fit Propsrtty lee tbeaNd and O M that Cbp(w o1 w h -no*w in the <br />w4nnw prescAMd by s/MaaIM bw b faftewer and 10 UM MMr pwwa pitwrlOsd by applicable law. After Yes Wm requked by appNcabbs tall. T) ua1M am Ylvs p6*ft 110tia <br />mMglP <br />d ssft ic 1ha pareolra and M the eferwMr poscrlbas by sppNeatils low. Ttualer. wltiWnA O- - fi on Sonftw. MW MN the Property M puMc &AVon lo the Iiddow M dt <br />tiilsa sad gabs and tendle Yt vines Mat /rfrad M des notfa d ant Iri ate or mere parolee and M any -der Ttua w doff rv* M. Trusts sty it"llpons ants of aft or any Weal <br />W tit properly fly giANC MrMiaMwealM M ON Yet and Ofacs of any psvlanly scf» dulled sale. Lender or Its desigrMS mug ptircluee IM P. Opel N any ass. <br />LjW worts or oayuwM M Yis pies led. Wu Me attar dWm to lets pwth"w WW" 'a dead cwwoykq 1t hopwty. The recNaM M the WWSWa dead sMN be prkns facts <br />svldtnoe d YM &Wh 0#00 shown w WAM" tliallek . Tnw1M ahW apitty the precesds of fM soft in tit 101110M % order: (a) tp aft utpanaaa o1 Yis sale. InekidMO, bits not NnNMd <br />b. TtwIM's has M peeailM w e/i1RaiM law and reaawMbM MbrrNys' Mss: (b) So W writ aawrad by left SKU t► kwhuwA M: and (c) only eaass b fire P n Or P l In l s <br />70, LMMw in /utsMMtpn. Lspori accalor on under paragraph 19 or abarrtonment of the Properly. Lender on person. by agent or by judiciary appointed receiver) shall be entitled to <br />abler upon, take possession of and Mainoga the Property rota to collect the rents of the Property mdudiM those past duo Any rents ceibcted by Lender or the receiver shall be applied fret <br />to pomov d eft teas d nwiagwriwlf d eft Prfipaty arrd cowt4n Of rents inckOmg. twt not limited to. recenar s fees. premiums on recerver s bonds and reasonable allorneys' fees. and <br />than to the sums secured by the Somity Instrument <br />21, Nato, -- --i0 Upon payment of all gums secured by this Securty InVument, Lancer snap request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and <br />err notes eydenor g daft SKWW by true .G,OMMY insburrieni to Tr ivee Trustee shall reiconvey the Property without warranty and w1houl charge to the person or persons legally enliPed to <br />e Such poison or persons area pay any recordation tests <br />22. Sub@Nk ft *wwbo. L.eridar. M its Option, may from t-Me to t,me remove Trustee and aptroint a succe,,vif trustee to any Trustee appointed hereundor by an msirument recorded in the <br />County to which Chia Security, lriNrueerd is recorded Without Conveyance of rile Property the successor trustee Shea succeed to a9 the title. power and Buttes conferred upon Trustee heroin <br />and by apphum lMv <br />2], phlitu M }err Motiess. Borrower requests that copies rA sio notices of default and we be senl to Bor+;i[trr o address wti ch i, the Property Address Borrower further requests that <br />twain <br />, <br />lirl <br />Cop" d Ins notices co d~ and oft be lent to own pemGn who is a party hereto at the address of such Pelson set forth <br />2e. News to Oft d)awbty MaMw1wMM. It one or more riders are executed by Bortowo and recorded topetner with rus Security Instrument, the covenants and eyeenents of each such <br />_ <br />ride ohs be lrhcerperaMO rib snit stye arnand and supplement the covenants and arireenierits of this Security Instrument as d this rider(s) were a part of this Securely Instrument. (Check <br />- Appbcaole box(M)) <br />r] Adjustable Rate Ratdr Condorrin,urn k✓zci : 2a Gamily R dor <br />T <br />Graduated Payrrie'' C :.der Piarmed Una 0e+e :o0mera k.der <br />BY V-SA'i O BELOW Borrower sc Ws an9 agrees tJ the terms and c(r.ui!t n t; contained in MiS SeCut1 y 1 ^Lrrument ant in any oderls) exeduted by Borrower and recorded wit" A <br />(sea)) <br />(Seal) <br />,,jj Elteraher <br />(Space Below This Lir1e Fur Acknowiedshflent) <br />Stage of Nebraska ) <br />rarity ot No 1 I sc <br />rjntns..7th -- -- dryol,_At- ...... _ _. a8? _. be` •aore.arY✓'aryPub':cmthe Stale ct tdPbraska -, - - -- <br />Nul insk1+ and Bet E. Hui insky (husband and wfe)r. :. �. <br />Periortalt�appearb _- _Jerry .UY <br />they <br />tr'e! <br />fi+rie persOnexY knO+Nn t.1 t«g tier perscn+41 rained im and A'Sf,.,r �.l "ed 1'•o'oregU :rig •:r._im;linr.t � �) ucw••uned jr�d that rxaurrd the Sarno as _ . .. <br />r�iuM,lrr ac? and Aired '' r y . <br />` <br />My C,4?"rss ,'n Eryrtes lf�.��+ _ (�.� �•. ` L.._�S _ __ .. _ ...__ .. ... , <br />�,•, - j , ,� _ i •f,:rw.• r:nrSR(i•SewefMrirair <br />NOTAR,: PUBLIC <br />•� rCWLLt M. CALLAIIAM <br />StMealrktASra ) r►r(srre.f� IR.fM2 <br />! , Hall <br />e j <br />L ( Nebraska <br />August , 89 ,•r , r r -. +, n r <br />_.7th e <br />. - .. a a <br />Jerry D.-- Rulinsky and Qetty 1. Huflns"Sy Diu andr and wife) <br />the <br />Lr sat �' ere- •.� :yv-t;ir�l•<',6F.c CEr 5lir'S]'•u,T,Ccjr3ti h`�r 0.- .r7 ,xpyr.: :,;j ,: - Y <br />.'�'AA• r l.Ei - <br />' fllifle.ALtK)TARr.SrajaMNrlbr• . <br />#ld'44 ND VAN ire <br />- l ; ! <br />