- - - - -- - -, - _- _ . - - - - -- -- � WotiFMusr 104374
<br />TlMS Et) OF TRU aT'7wut+K ktetumrttM * curse of "s4 I h
<br />19 g� Jerry a. Hulinsky anti
<br />71
<br />�. Tttetrupe. r1 Catfrfwrd.i
<br />(- Tai *-). rW bel~ lot C.'oeNNMCief Federal SavkW WO loan Anocletlon. Oki%" Of95fyied ard exieerp uti0ar arse filers a Plabfaakjt. and �, �.
<br />Ndxl kaW31 CLOKWI Bat DIM cum LOIAWg F 0*011 Sum Of Thirteen thousand eight Hundred doll�t^�'+
<br />(use s13, 800.16 t. Tftfa debt err wWrwed by Borrow" wee debd #19 Wltle CMU es stye Setaway ""WA "*ft
<br />far debt. rot paid 11ltjer; slue rte prj an
<br />September 15. 1998
<br />Tate Isms" hOLOttrN aeaxw b Lends tan) fate fepw)Rn5►ta ttte idea evidertoed rM Nose. nsiiW +r�bieeeR s1n0 aft text%+ ^paeneioi+b ar+ti•
<br />carte. wile! Rimers adrarLed unter paragraph T b plOMCt ttte SPSOwiry a this SeaarNy tnetrtxnatk > :�. !e'P, : -.' -
<br />HoftbMtS[ RIt1v4r»f�f gr1>rM sirs b TnieeSe. in tnua t' with po*wr of sae. i1M tOlfOfrlt ea bed !may located in :. � . i 1
<br />Lot Thirty Four (34) R&B Subdivision-Hall County Nab i ka
<br />Is and Loan AkbNdW-
<br />s 44M F411161111 t) iWW
<br />6 100 - -- Dowt
<br />"*M waft
<br />1721 Allen Court, Grand Island, -_
<br />(sttser �'
<br />68'1 (*ZOpert� A^d ess9,
<br />TcoETwFi wish chile Itnproverrrft row or heater erected On fr+a 73Pwt% and az eaeemn5mfa rfK/t•3: xs�ptrta*actale• riSfAe mitch +tiasngl; af• a srEl pets riplth awe prt>Fbr tteoer
<br />riplNa end ebOlt Std M tireees roar mfr lreteattr a pert a ltte t>�ft! AtiF:ceptaojnt5rttaand adrkGOna ".`.elk rflis�t)e :awed bl this Secur3�' Ilydc'.meM. Alt �?L"ae.tOtS9oeq Y leMtnd b in
<br />' •tfy$euNiyMtNfUfnerNMMtw ' lhrrpertB'
<br />gCjgApyyt'ep COVEMAMTS etli BdfrdMar M Iaeduyy stied a ter 5s1aM hereby conveyed end has tzar r'igM to grant Arid eo+twy ter Elopers ;, 'and dtst Nx laci{terty Is txtencumtbSrSdi
<br />rraospt for ertnrt+brrtosM Ot !teed. Borrower warrsrts and wit doerd gene►MY MM tiers b ttte Property agarut ay darns and dernartda. atnyecz to any 5naaxrrbrsrteW a Ncad.
<br />TFM9 SECUfNTY ef6TRU1i�NT otxf+birMa uniform coMaarts Roe rtauoriM lice 5rtd ttorrunntorm covbtnarlts vvittt Urrnitsd variations by iu(iadicticn to txxnttdtuM a txtilam !equity RnsUtrrtrt
<br />' C0Ywtiff9 teal property.
<br />IIfrIFOfMf t)OYENANM Bonbtser and Lwxw COMnrt and War as tofovrs:
<br />oe plgrA ter 04 efamM; �� rw Lase f Borrower shay promptly pay wW due the pone pal 01 and merest on the djW evidenced by the NOM and any
<br />pr5peytnrN and teas dw9ss due under the Now
<br />2. F1ads far Tian Sad IMMtanow Subfaa•'t to apptrtable NW of b a wilpsi www by hinder. Borrower ~ pW to Lender on the day rrtonthty ptryrtn4rts ah dw tildes Mtis fioM, titer
<br />Rte Prole is pold
<br />Gn n Pis, a ourh any, fc) WV b oftatwe w td' t i serer � f d and asessaments Y�y ~arm 4p aRDr �rt any These iNms"are caued'*Wtow AIwtte Lender Cloy a
<br />91bud f5ft11 on ins Prop*tyt M any: tc) remit rra:enl inetitanc5 pfefrwufrM, .
<br />ate Ftndodme on M» btu of carsrt dw and reaso a to selMft.t.e of future eaorow dam.,
<br />The Fade SAM be NO in 8111 Oft INA 4 M to oepostfl or WOO M of which are rtsured w "WIlsee W a federal or Stale agency (irxhudrtg LwxW H Lender is such an irMraawn). Lwdr
<br />VW apply We FW& q psy the "crow ems Lender may nos charge fa holding ant aWp(V the Funds. analyzing the WcOurn Of vsrdyrrq the escrow tams, unless Lender pays Borrower
<br />iraal an ft Funds erd SOMCabM WN PIN Lender b nmike suet a Charge. Borrower and lender May agree in writing that interest shay be paid on the Funds. Wile" an agreer et is
<br />MEN or appka to lets "*OW Mercer b be pad. Lender shay not be til"Vd to pay Borrower any Interest or earrings on the Fundc Lender shay ghee to Borrower. wieaut charge, an
<br />arnm I aeoprtern9 a the Fulda ehowirq creft and debrs to tat► Funds and the pu XISOM wench each decit to the Funds was made The funds are pledged as additional security for the
<br />Sum eocrrra by MSe Sjfaaxty frMlrtrrter>t
<br />M We awtotrd ca ens Furide hole by Lender. WgWWj wort! the hAUre thor y payments d Funds pe)abta WW 10 the ON 600 a 1M *arrow rtjms. "exceed the at>~art fir Q"' to pay
<br />Mla eepfdw Nita esters ale, M sager s11M be, M 8axrower s opao ^. etlMr pdn die top" b BtxMW or t N&W b Banower on aw" pwtmw* a Funds, R Mae amour of IM Funds
<br />held by Lend* is rA MAfCWM b pay M OKM* Mme wRnen tare. Borrower shoe pay to Lender any arnount necetoary to makeup BM d5tidrncy M oM Ot mate paynerrts M requited nit
<br />Lends
<br />Leon pop wd (a 11A a M nnM Warred by Mss Slux" lr4Wt$ **. Lander city promplty wound b &wowet any Funds hsb by LSrdo;- N urdar WAWAph 19 We Pf0WW a a
<br />so7wed by L~. Lender OW apps, ro Wet Wan nrns"WIF Prior b tine jars a WA Property or its acquisition by LSfidr. any Funds held by Lender at No time Of appbc&Wn as a crew
<br />f OWW MM attire eocaae by trite SOW"
<br />ll/pltsaBnl M pWAWW U Unless appkaW Isar proms mbar~, all p%yr4 to recowd by Lrrriden under paragraphs 1 and 2 a" to applied lust. to IMO Cheraw dw alder the
<br />NWe; s..�,'""'d. tat porn me"t' w— dus c'r"!!r fN! W-. "Wo. to am mfift prom under perawdoh 2. fourth 10'00 dm end last, b prWA90) dnr.
<br />S CIWIW lacer. (iltttower a" Oft ail tans. assessmerts. diarge , firm and r)pomms attributaoie to the Property which m" "Man WOft Cur this Steamy tnIl"W!. and
<br />11eaMt0ad peymt*Ne Or 9TOtftO sestet 4' ani Bormwr "I pay these obbpbone in the manner provided m paragraph 2. or d not paid in that manner, Sormwer 5h d1 pay them on time directly
<br />to ter poW Owe0 MW4M. Bpmt7ae�, %W prci mptIj furnish to LWKW ay notwAs mil amounts to be Paid under th:9 puagfaph R Borrower make! theM pWAv a dweGty, Botrdwer shah
<br />ptompey lunch 10 Laeddsr nC 0 0M owdertcirq too payments
<br />Song" 00 W W#* disc wqo any lien which hW pfeftly 0vW trite Security Insftmont unless Hcrrower. tat agues in writing to ter payment of the L%0gAtion secured by the lien in a
<br />mtaner acooplabaaNp PAfndSr. (D) cprtMSts in good ►ayh Me a en by. or defends ago* enfo(Mi nent o1 lire lien ern, IWO proceadnps which in the LerQer'U Opinion operate to prevent ter
<br />ernlofoerfMfll a ttte Piro t» *%*4a dry part d ter Property. a (c) accts" Isom we hWder d awe ern an agreement ttafatacbry a Ltxidar.eubOrdnalrq 4ta'iiert to erns s5cutlr irPjkurtMOt
<br />N t side MawtltrMS Vol any rasa of !M Property ,s sugeet to a lien wt. "may 5ft. priority over ft, Security insoumMt. Lender may WOO t�orrowef a notice rderOfi ter her tiofrower
<br />MvtA'so* M fen or take one u• trrre of Ric actions set Rath above WOMA t o days of me grving of notice
<br />S. MalsrA bM1aNaR Borrow Ntat heap the rrrproverTWO now exisUrgj or h .00IW erected on fns (+Tope mewed egansl toss f$ file, hazards included vermin the term •extended
<br />c~ and any 0OW hazards fn'~ Lender requires insurance This tnswaric5 than be nwntaned in the arnownts and (or the pestods that lender requires. The insurance carrier
<br />peavrdrq VW neuter" *0 be chow by Borraeer U61Kt to Loser's apwoval which shau not t)s unr"som" withhato
<br />AS rounlim PAW* and rwnewe 0 shay bs mosplabe to lender end snag trouft a standard morfga9l clause Lender shay tWM the nigh) to ttpld ter potties and renewals H Lender
<br />rte**". Borrower"pomp* 9we b Lender an rac" of Wed pnmmons suit rsrnewr r 4409 In ter event of loss. Borrower shall give pr" notice to the insurance carrier and Lender
<br />Lender may nuke pros Of 1095 f 4101 made p OMM by BOrrOwer it the restorat On or repair is ecowm Call•
<br />urtltae Lvtda and Borrower off*W es agree in wTILN. insurance proceeds she') 00 appled to resloratron of repair lit me Property damaged. ep r
<br />%iissto "ltd LerWw1 sadrty M not AmWw d N the gNhxatron Of f,Wr is not economically feasible or larde'r's 6eeurAy would be laswwd, the insurance proceeds Shall be appled to the
<br />SUM SOOLM Eli Mae Securer beturiNrM. whethis; a not Bun due. wilts any eitc*% Cad t3 Borrow 11 Sorrower abandons tiro property, or dove n0t answer witfan 30 days a notice horn
<br />Len0s, #a We rMUrW" carrier hW of cold to Sstlla a Harm. ter Lender may co4KI the insurer" proceeds Lender may use the proceeds to repair or rtssfofe the Property or 10 pay suhe
<br />Wared by there SOW" bganrhrt. wfymsr or not itwi due The 3NI" period wtR beyn when ter notice is Wen
<br />tdrnlees ler►Oer and Borrower olinafvv e5 agree to w •nr q. airy sppw Ahoy, of proeavxi tit ptstcrw shaif not ertlend or postpone the due date of the rrnonthfy piKrt ants referred b in per mph
<br />1 and 2 tar drain!" Wa WWW j at Ha pg I-Mies. M under paragraph 19 ter Property iS s4q %Ind by lender. Borrow9rb fV to any insurance pol "s AM W410e fOW" from damage to
<br />the AOiarfb ester b Wa 200A OnSttrtM fuss b Lends 10 fns 0~ of trio sums eois'apl ity lhie G& —itty irntrumerrt rrimedafely prior to fns aoquieitibn.
<br />S, NeMfnraMael,e �YtWwtaejN fuwpuly; lea5atr5t/e. F;pn3wer tsar 410) rSr!! H: y dro*iarlrr M 31r:ltanRilihrl change Hie PfoWer agar► the Property to deteriorate or commit waste
<br />M M 3400" Mteatrriafe is an We$~, Borloom VW Comply with tin W(W401S ej lba lease. mvi •f t�'tli -Wer cat; -; :r, s feo t :'e t., 1 Ftullofty tMn ieaschim and foo RNo sh:fii nit Mehra
<br />unless 7 /tiMr111Sw M tawees'a M IrrNtsf4y l 1Mwegga Irtalsraltoe• N SOCK" fi iPe to pyrZir!? .l rM cOVe'W is Mai egreemj nl'f I: yttiyne0 in vts $enrrrry Ir>,IrWnert a fner5 e a
<br />lags; pr ma Wo lrey etrftfkafiwy Mat Lender 01" n ter Proptlrty (Such ai iRtV'AWq in 4V*ruW -y. pnx mtti for mridem4W. of to encores saws a roquINAM). term Lwow
<br />nMy Od eri0 pMy Ise Mlslebr r rrarGeasefy b pro W ON ,soltre of me property and Ltt 6 r'9 rips in trop iga,^srty l.ON* AW.."s may "'.T ,,o pay:rig dry sums second by a Iien winch hW
<br />Griori7y0vii( fFieSiQrttyltNUmR1 ►ids*rrYnd�errOe/*4rei�irr aaar�.:,:r3':sa�d&x.. v ? Q" ^ rY!_ F• rOKmtl f• ic%* tOnd" may take action under MtsmaOw"
<br />r Lamer ranee nit iWO b 00 W.
<br />Airy ampule ji A , P - by LStder under thin paragraph 7 shad tw.-- "add+tlonatl d@" to Wfotier WWW by Me Surer Initru."O. Un',oss Borrower stud L order n, 60 to o'her telMS
<br />L yr peyrrterm tfNie ai!rovAS Mier bear nteresl from ter dab of a,sburwrwd at me W% AM and atoll be PsyM*. viteh,rtefeIt, upm t%*4e from Lender to Burro*" Ieci•jaswv Menem
<br />tf Lwylw fagpm irtof%PW rieuarte W a cond�wrt of ffi* ^9 ter loan "cured try ^ s Security kelrunnent. porr�sver shaft pay the pfem:ums roqu,trt to ern j.nI! n the errsuf ar+co m of e t
<br />;,wail arcs+ erne W Yta •*WirramMha It,f the rrtra/W9 termnaNs u, accordance *" Swaaer's and Lender s'Ha�m a9reenwI a s�ipfa-abte taw
<br />• bare "M lender or to abet! may hike reasonable eras•,', upon end d,%ft- a U "Prop" Lender 031) Give Bo + +cvrei'm "r a a! «."I t •r.3 cr or pr'rrf to 3•n rnsmw! n sve "hV rqj
<br />*rsertSee csuW ri the rnxfecllon
<br />I. e w wrvnaltrr. The POMOwda U any owl w om- "damso" (hot! or coritert.ent of in C'5rrnWm---n w:'h a •.r n tr,p Prc ,errs :'r t a
<br />a
<br />_Jrowice v7 iwu of r oMa++rUWS ,. are t>•reby 1wsi9r'e's not br :aa ter peed to Lamer
<br />• i »Pi a'+tir' !t a 1'.16 tasting of ere fh'JpKtl lire W= KjWS'1 !l1 s. to aprdied to the G;)'T,1 W.:u'Wt fY/ Lrc9 Y_s+.[/ , - =_r•�i„ tie R,�,aSner r ,tai •. •�+.:^ a '. :t• . < r:.@ .: L.].'il t. L4Jr;rrer
<br />...a tar !hn x-. _+ ! t, i.`'�: Se__' . _ ..'r.t : ! r.. � . r0 ern,'.: -7 ;.r this .77 -_ 1 .d rryt�
<br />R8 UrAf # a :WWr Tam 0 Has Prj,atry tfaWS9 W,r,rimr a•.._ lei rler Gr *ie +tyre :' w•'_:a.. s�� -= s r- r - -
<br />i - Y.lerh "�'iR4fii►7 by the W -rllu" Oww' 7 ' 0, Cie t_ b, O;TA: :* ft r4 6.y'r,Y SW.-..x*rj rr.;� d:lfi- � w-:q ..;g •.r} •:r� ,.,r 3'r! t:i . r. �..r •:r r •:.:.:: + .a ..0 : i .•:) ,',. i r r. t . r
<br />xistlri j ►rt "- err+- i6nMfnsGartbl�+ts+
<br />er• "a.
<br />!AT rdgm*rrv. ". n!: r. Sri 'ofV-:tk•rfuwe*t'att'+v:,�rke e�ai.',:Jx:n
<br />-.� w.'?.n $F.: l�•$ �jr Ki rLa'�li Sri �. -.fir>, , ;y:-rP' : Grr.a.r <7 6 :?�rlt�3 Sir _.: �tl!• 11f.r3 r5:�r "» F' -f �i7=:. ., vS -t!. r !• "nc+ .. ..- era:' ^' • r .
<br />:ir• = c�: t r C -•t ii-D ter O:ernr�'seR'e w: d'.ht+ .s •rT nf,�. .- A
<br />�•Ir41'CrY�alY�ffC.r':*iMf Jlsitw•te a�j'rreT .(t A''rr,• N'i::'L ='" -. �a''t t- !J!rtSif'S +r, �- )t`�., •spr!;; 'nri .. ..- � _, °Lr�+' -�
<br />' 6'r: i '+ ' IJ11 .t�! Li''[! l i`i3.r :0 6:.• h C >Si -16fi �.
<br />