<br />1
<br />89-- 144211
<br />L Caendawsnaiiorr. The proceeds of any award or c4sim for damages, direct or t:ansequenlist, in connection with ary
<br />condemnation orothertakingofthe Property. orpartthereol ,orforconveyancein1 ofcondemnation.areherebyassigned
<br />and Shall fte paid to Lender.
<br />In the eventof a total taking of the Property. the 1procoede Mail be applied to the sums secured by this Dead of Trust, with
<br />tote a lcerss if any, trait! to Borrower. in the event of a l Takirp of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender oNlerwise
<br />agtsi in writing,tibre sht>111 be applied to the aumssacurid by V40oad of Trust such proportion-of the proeeadeas is e" to
<br />thatpropor ion which the amountof the sums securedbylhisoeedofTruMimmediaylypriortothedaleoNakingbeadlathe
<br />fair market value of the property immedi "prior to the We of takiwg, with the balance of the proceeds paid to Borrower.
<br />if the property is abandoned by Borrower, or it after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condernrtor offers Ion utlte an
<br />award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails b respoId to lender within 30 days after the date such notice is matted,
<br />Liander is authorized to coleect and appty the proceeds, at Lender's option, either b restoration or repair old" Property or to
<br />Me sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />UNNs Lender and Borrower otherwise agreein writing any such application of prgcasdsto principal shall notextend or,
<br />postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of such
<br />installments.
<br />10 fiOrrOwerNMRaieaeed. Extension of the tirnefor payment ormodifimbonof amtxtizalionofMesumssecuredbythis
<br />Dead of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner, the
<br />IiabifityoftM original Borrower and Borrowees successors interest Lendershalinotberettuiredtacommem :epror.,eadings
<br />against such successor Or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization Cy. rite 4-+un13 "Curve by this
<br />Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrowers suecessoq in interest.
<br />If. _ Ferreeramis by L mdo► Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />0041 A e afforded by applicable law. shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of a" such right tx immody. The
<br />proCui omeMof insurance of the payment of taxesorctr-er liens or,charges by Lender shall not be a waive c1 Le ddWs nghtto
<br />acaieraea the ITIJI& city of the nndebtedness Wured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />W flewrsdise C1.mnutelitre All remed:et - cvided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cur- :,4.r! Ye to any other right or
<br />rerreidy, under +M.s t?reed of Trust or atf. -died by aw rr equity, and may be exercised corcumentty, independently or
<br />sutt�eessivety.
<br />11t: 3ueeessors and Ase%a+s Bound; Joint and Sew#nl UnWity; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall bind, and the 6 j?, hereunder shall inure . a. the respective succesUrs and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of partr,�,raph 17 hereof. At t covenants and agreements of Borrower sha') be joint and several. The
<br />captions and headings of the paragraphs of this flied of Trust are for convenience only and are rst:to be usedto interpret or
<br />define the provisions hereof
<br />14, Hake. Except for any notice required underapWfcablelawtobegiveninanel!! ermanner.(a ) anynoticetoBorrower
<br />0 :04 9ed for in this Gsed of Trusk iaiI be given bymailirr;>i ch notice by certified mad; Wdressed to Borrower lithe Property
<br />AddrMs or at such other address as Borrower may desi ate by notice to Lender as I ovided herein, and (bit any notice to
<br />lMde;-shall be given by certifiec -aii, return receipt requested. to Lender's addresssWod herein or to such ot*,e+ addrassas
<br />Lendermoydesignateby notice to13(wrowerasprovded herein. Any n provided. "zYinthis Deed ofTrustshai:bedeeetre>rd
<br />to have been g:v". to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner dftynated. n
<br />iii. UnWorm Good of Trust GoOtrentAtq Law; SeverabiMy, The form of deer# e f ti"ast combtrn)w uniform covenants 11211
<br />natcor,sl use are: non- uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to car - stitute a u, -,:form security instrument
<br />cover-Mg real property This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In
<br />the event that any provision or clause of this 000 of Trust or the hole conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall net
<br />affect other prOvi*$Onsi of this bead of Trust orff WNoftwhichcanbegiven effect without the corNOfq) provisions. and totNg;
<br />end the provssiort of the Deed of Trust and. ff ..Nora are doctarb to be severable.
<br />ti. Boreawer'a C.M. Borrower shall binlAMAishied a conformed,copyof the Note and otil,, -Feed of Trustat the time 0.
<br />exec:eW. or after recordation hereof
<br />lf. Trtswafsr of to rroperfey,.A•aumption, If ail or any ,;art of the property or an istie: t therein is sold ci, IrA infer reti by .
<br />Borrower without Lender's prier6, ritritien consent, excluding (a) the creation of alien �)r enc.imbrance subordinaialm this Deea .
<br />of Trust. (b) the Creation of a purchase money security Inferellfor housebold ;.)atranSWrby devise ftwiantorbr
<br />operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant Or (d) the grant of any leasehold interest of three yearn sr less not containing art•
<br />option to purchase. tender may, at lender's option, declare ail the sums secured by fN,, r DOW akri niulto be immsdiala�tydue
<br />and payable. lender stall have waived such option to accelerate it, prior to the s*4 cr transfer, Lender and the person to
<br />l eider and that Mee interest payable on the esums talc h agreement in wf sec uredd by h s Deed of Trust st shat be s ruch rats ender shall ro if
<br />Lender has waived the Option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17. and it Borrower's successor in Interest has
<br />executed a written assumption agreement accepted on writing by LendcCf, t ender shall release Borrower from all obligatlons
<br />under this Deed of Trust and the Note
<br />11 Lender exercises such option to accelerate. Lender shall mail Borrower not,, -,e of acceleration in acaardanee with
<br />Gad3V&0ht4hereof Such Miff" shall provides period of net ress Wan 30dayshcmttiedate the notice ismar ;edwfthinwhich
<br />t3ccImyirer may pay the sumsdeVAred due It Borrower tails f:; pay such sums prior tathe expiration of such period, Lender
<br />may; withou further notice ce % mrand on Borrower, invoke any rerced,es permittoo 4y paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />11111011111- Ufi11FOl1M COVENMiTS. go owe and Lender lurfm covenant and agree as toNonrs:
<br />It AeeeleraiYea; pewredift Except as provided u^ paragraph 17 hereof, u por, Sorrowei s breach of any covenant or
<br />agrevrent of Bwfower in thts roW. Of Trust. including the covenants to pay when due any sums secured by this Deed ofTrust.
<br />Lend& prior to acceleration aria read notice to taorroweras Provided in paragraph 14 hereof specifying: (1) the breach; (2)the
<br />acbbn rlerquired to cure such prtfiw.:h,, (3) a date, not less then 30 days from the data ms nicitice a mailed to Borrower, by which
<br />su4-111 txreac h must be cured, and (4) that fs, ; ur+a to cure such breach on or before the date specified in the notice may result in
<br />ar,C! H*Wsbcin of the sums Secured by Mis Deed of Tiusland sale of the Property The notice shall furthmr Inform Borrower ofthe
<br />rOhifto reinstate after acceleration and the rgt }t to bring a court action to assert the non- existerrcw of a default or any other
<br />CIOW- SeofEW(OwertoA000Wshonardsafe 1! thebreachis not cured onor before the data specifiedin the ntlbm . Lender at
<br />Lertd w *'s option may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immed',ately due and payetle without further
<br />derlttmfid and may invoke the power of sate and any other remedies permitted by ap(:Iicabis law. Lender shalt'tbe entitled to
<br />eoeW% 811 ressonablecosts and expenses incurredirt putsuingthe remedies provided in the paragraph IS. including, but not
<br />limited to, reasonable aflorney a fees.
<br />If the power of salt b invoked. Trustee sM I; record a notice of CM(Gult: in each county in which the Property or some
<br />tthareof rs located sr..d shall mail COpiesol such notice anthernanney prllso( •ibed byapplicabte law to Borrower andtolhe outer
<br />persons prescribed by applicable law. Aftw the low of iluch fame as may be required by applicable law. Trustee shalt give
<br />puC)W notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable taw. Trustee. without demand on Borrower,
<br />W"Wl the Property It public auction to thehighest b6MW at the time and placeand under theterms designated In the notice
<br />Of 894 in one 01 more jnarcMs and in such order as Trustee may determine. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of
<br />the Property by public announcement at the Ihme and place of any previously scheduled sate Lender or Lender's dnWee
<br />a" purchase the Property N any sate
<br />Upon receiptCI paymentdthepricebid, TrusteeafwldartvertothepurchaserTrustee 'sdeedconveyingthelOrc -Old,
<br />lha rr %A" "rth"Truswla deadi"lt * paint taCieavidi0fiveof the iruth of the statements made therein. Yrusteeshall apply
<br />theproceadsofthesateinthobflowingordw (a)tosll rsiWltablecostsandexpensesof the sale, including, but not limitedto.
<br />T1usUe•e Nees of not more than _ �. 9i W the+� rocs sale price. reasonable attorney's fees and costs o1btle evidence,
<br />(b) eo eu Sums Wured by this Deed of Trust and (c) tthO excess. d try, to the person of persons legally entitled thereto.
<br />iF. Mrrerret's Iltl1M to (Miwatale. Notvwtfheetindtehg Lender's aeuib(efation of the sums secured by this Dad of Trust
<br />t3Orrower span have the right b have any procioe dings begun by Lendet t6 enforce the Deed of Trust discontinued atany time
<br />9910if b Kie earl err tO Occur 00 11) the frith day before Vie sale W the PrOperfy pursuant to the power of safe contained in the Deed
<br />of Trust (Oil entry (if a judgment Onforc,np this Deed ut Trust of (a) Borrower pays lender ell sums which would be then due
<br />under Ift 000 r01 Trust the NOW and notes securing Future Advancers. if any had no ncceitration oeeured.(b) Borrower
<br />t- ureri Oil Weat.hrs(it Any:aVW cover;ants or agreements of Borrower contained in th:!t Deed cd'rrust (C) Borrower pays all
<br />rd+estmsb'e t1Fpl1i^%e`5 if' Crfrredny Lender and True -@a enforcing the cuvenantsan:i ngieernenta of Got fower contained in this
<br />DOW Vr trust At' diner •forcirgLeedereet +dTrustthe's remed ,e9 8111lWovrdedrnparag,.iD -1 iPtirrecit -OudmQ. but not it mded
<br />t'r rMydrbL40 Aft Drrllj%;f41110b (t1:d(d)f3t}1f0* 0r may reasomi tityrPgU- fr.rne39uepfhafftivGr!ntrt
<br />«t} risc*i�{ad(,! TfuS? [tRr�r . cr+tsseSt Err ttrb VrnGt!rt�aR�f30rrr}wetr sriCF+�!,tin 1 , C7 f *(f r.r, +:. 54`i t!C tthy lhrg fYtJlt.t tittUSt
<br />P:r icorf,f:t,eurrrrnLg.rr�•f t)jr :r +5u`.. fadf /ni @Pt ®hdt.Ufe by130trr,�v(,r �tusllt'frtf'! rr �r;�•,t••,r e' + :l :it.crr aart.ti,ctht,rebv
<br />St e'i re!ria : n rr+ 1., f +rCN err. d bffltr.I P!) if !.r# ACt.biefeti�n l.wri t.C�urrC+fl
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