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r <br />+rte t <br />a <br />JW- <br />00- 1042'.11 <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: rl tndebtedr evaidanced NoMk preps land latecharrgeea sprovided ntheuNot %apndtheprina'paldafandint�ston <br />any Future Advances secured 1 the of Trust <br />2. FUNIGIlarTasissandlilwArw o' tto applicable law ortoa written waiverby Lender. Borowershellpay*t ender <br />on "day monthly w4wimeMa of pnnc�and inlerestare payable under&&Nots, until the NOW ispaid Nt tWi.a wm'fterein <br />Funds ") pual !o oats- iwNhlt of the y.airty ferias and saasasniertts which may attain priority over this Ctead allmaL and <br />Around rents onthe P ropeRyr. ifany, plusone -twNfM of yearly premium installments forhatan! insurance.piusamt -two" of <br />premium instlaNmants for morgs�t insurance. rl any. all at reasonably estimated initially and from time to time by <br />on ills basis of agaeantsn� astdbilh end rassonabie estimates thereof. <br />TM Funds shaft bs held in an instltutiort the deposits or accounts of which are insured oquaranfttsd, by a Felt jmi ,:� slate <br />agency (including 4artder if Lender fa such an inatitltiion). Lender shall apply the funds to Fay said Uxiss,.assesgrrlenta, <br />insuranCepremiumsandgrcundtenb. LenderrrlaynotchargeTorso holding and spplying the Funds. vatyzingokfaccount <br />or verityi ng and compiling saids Wts and bills, unless Lender pairs Borrower inWoMon theFundstnd;�ppppliit;agle faw <br />perm tLendiertomakesuchacharge. 9orrowerandlendermayagreeinwritingatthetimeofexecutionc4 tltlf:lrladtiftrust <br />that irntareit the Funds sMn be paid to eorrowa. and unteras such agreement is made or aopNcalbe Mw requires such <br />inlersettoffi aid, Lender shalt not be required to pay f3arrawerany interest Cu earnings one ttnde Lertderaitatl giyeto <br />BorroweC IiiAllioulchergio. an annual accounting of the Funds showing crMiftE rind debits to Tents Funds and BAs purpose for <br />w!t - tomich dsbitto the Funds was made. The Furd4s.are pledged as additionaltWcurity for the sums seduilVd by thil Oeedef <br />Trtullt <br />if the amount of the funds told ry Lender• tr%etrar with the future monthly iicstalimenta ct Funds (ruble prior to the due <br />dates of taradit�:assessmenth insurance;- i:remiuWilm 4nd ground rents, shall exceed tfifi amount regulibid to pay said faxes, <br />assessmer: -; jrsurance premiums amd . tsund rants as they fall due. such excess sho.11 bwj at Borrowers option, either <br />Promptly raptlid to Borrower or cretitsrd to 8ort*per on monthly installments of Funds. if•fhe amount of the Funds held by <br />Lender st;a; r! tbasulticienttopaytsx�rssessmilmis ,insurancepremumaant! rOunrl rentaastheyitilld4a Borrower shall <br />pay to tat *w any arttourtr. acessary to make u¢ "*deficiency within 30 days from fire date notice Ili mailed by Lender to <br />tsorrower reques±rlp P8Lyrrmrm thereof <br />Upon payment in 1`01.01 at, sums secured by tf+is Deed of Trust; Lerider shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds hold by <br />Lender. it under para+g V,18 hereof the Property is sold orthe Piciteitfi(is otherwise acquired by Lender. Lendershallapply <br />no later than.; nmLLdisjwy prior to the sale of the Property or its aagy tuition byLender, and Funds held by Lender atthe time of <br />application as -edit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. Apil fiicailata of ►ayrntanb. Unless applicatle hi-* provides otherwise. oil pa- iments received by Lender under the Note <br />and paraersphs t and i tinrent s*ialt be applied by t-ooder first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under <br />paragraph 2 hered. f;7en wir°terest payable on the Nde, then to the principal otti:e Note, and then to interest and principal on <br />ary Future,4ri,, -vtos, f <br />4. Ck*Waii tens. Qarrowers shall 17Ay all taxes. assessments andothercharges. finesandimpositionsattributabletothe <br />Property wt11=1 may attain a priority orrer: this Deed of Trust and leasehold payments or: giaund rents, if any. in the manner <br />provided urf2r paragraph 2 hereof of, it not paid in such manner. by Borrower making r>ri�ztent, when due, directly to the t <br />payee thereof. Borrower shaft promptly tumish to Lander all notices of amou!-ts due urt er this paragraph, and in the event <br />!* - <br />Borrower shall make directly. Borrower ,hall promptly furnish to t.f5i-der receipts evidencing such payments, r <br />Borrower shalt ppromptti discharge any lien which has priority over this Deed of►rust provided that Borrower shall not be <br />required to drs�arge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree m writing t¢'rfte payment of the obligation secured by such <br />lien in a rrwni0-rrcceptable to lender, or shall m good faith contest: such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in. legal <br />INOCOedtrgs wltich,Operate to prevent the enforcement of the 7,en or forferure ;,f the Property or any part thereof, r <br />S. it( asardlneurartee. Borrowershallkeeptheim provementsflowexistrga rrhereaftererectedonthePropertyinsured <br />against loss by fire. hazarcJx included within the tear "extended coverage ".ail d'such other hazards as Lender may require <br />,inn in such amounts and ff r such pror ds as tendw may require. provided, mw: Lender shall not require that the amount of <br />Tac.h covers" exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums secured by this [deed of Trust <br />' This insurance carrier providing me, risurence shall be chosen by Borrower Subject toa, rovalbylan .provided, that <br />such approval shall not be unfeason:ai :o . w.thheld All premiums on insurance policies ah&a W paid in the manner presvkW <br />Under paragraph 2 hereof or, it not p�W I•,-such manner. by Borrower making payment• when due, directly to the ina�:r. once <br />Carrier. <br />All insurance policies and renewals thereof ah6rj be to form acceptable to Lender and shall includes sitar4ard morttpossp� <br />Clause in favor of and in town acceptable to Lender Lender shalt have the right to hold the policies and rerewatstMce P, snd <br />Borrower shall promptly %kygish to lender all renewal notices and all receipts of paid premiums In the event of loss. lkrrcwer <br />Shall give prompt notice to fie insurance carrier and Lender. Le r.F• bt rnoy make proof at loss it not made promptly by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and Gv' fl wefott ,erwise agree in writing. insi, f ;e proceeds shall he applied to restoration or repair of the <br />Property damaged, prostAl wl such restoration or repair is economicaliy feasible and the security of this Doed of Trust is not <br />thereby impaired If su. h ra&vorafion or repair is nct WCOnorttically, feasible ofd the security of this Da dot, Trust would be <br />,impaired. the insurance hrocews shall be applied to the sums secured by thr;t> Deed of Trust with the cremes. if any, paid to <br />Borrower It the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or it Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days from the date <br />notice is mailed by Lender to Borro wer that the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for insurance benefits. Leader is <br />authorized to collect and apply the ante proceeds at Lei -ce, i> uptioti either to restoration or repair of the Prop lt,# or to <br />the sums secured by this need of TruV <br />Un less Lender and Borrower Othsrinse agree in wri.tirg, any such application of proceeds to principal, a alf not extend or <br />postpone the due date of the monthly installments rwittred to in paregra;hs 1 and 2 hereof or charge t!':wanount of such <br />installments It under par4t2,!1,h IS ry6reOt the Property is acquired by Lender, atf ri ht. title and interest a'' Scerowsr,r, and to <br />any insurance policies arrd in land to the proceeds thereof resu;tMgPorn darner tome Property priorty the pie or secCQ4ui*bOn <br />shall pass to Lender to tt,,* iriatef,t Of tf * s:jms secured by this EWW of Trust ir' mediateiy prior to such sale or w4witmem. <br />III- Preaarvaliort orb liksintertsrtrr m >s1•opsrty; Lsaaeholda; Qmd*nndrdiirnts: platrnd Unit Sorr+sfmr shall <br />keep the Property in gecQ repair and s'•.8. r000 Emil waste or permit impa'rment of deterioration o the property and shall <br />comply withthe proviso .1 tinny lease d th-s Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. IftfhiN deed of Trust is on a unit iii a condominium <br />at a planned unit devel.t;,rr-A t Borrower shall tae~'erm all of Borrower's Wigations under too declaration or covenants <br />craeb=nQ air �overning the condominium or planned unit development, the by -jaws and regulLLsions of Use condominium or <br />i7$jlned urtif devei0pnWlL and constituent documents it a condominium or planned unit development rider is excuted by <br />Borrower and recorded together with this Deed of Trust. the covenants and agreements of such rider shall be incorporated <br />into andeiftiNl amend and supplement rte covenants and agreements of this Deed of Truer as if the rider were a part hereof. <br />T. Praae¢tYelt el l anber's secwity. it Soirower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Deed of <br />i'r, Wet, or it any acttort of proceeding is commences; with matenally affects Lenilt5t'3 Interest in the Properly. including but not <br />tinned to. eminent domain, intlolvency. code enforcement, or arrange" tents of wS,seedings involving a bankrupt or decedent <br />then lender at Lender's coition. upon nonce to Borrower, may ma ek such appdarances. disburse such sums and take such <br />schOnasis necesaary topr :UctLerdersinlefestincludin . butnotlimitedto, disbur semento freasonableattorney*4eesand <br />e>ntrY upon the Property to make repairs: ll Lender required insurance as e c ondd�n of making the loan SwWrad by <br />We Deed of Trust Borrower shall prig if :e premiums required to maintain such insurance in effect until such tiros 51wa the <br />requiremerillorsuchrnsura ncetarminalesinaccordancewithWrrower'sandLander 'swrifeen reenterMttr� i Netsw <br />i ia,TGr yr arP>iiii Wrthe amwrrit of all mortgage insurance permiums in the manner provided under patagiagin 2 Merevif. <br />in*~' a�mounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragyraph 7, with interest thereon, stillil' flrldt, artititional <br />inaebtatl' oftionow er Secured by this Deed of Trust. UnlessBor tower and Lender agree too therterNsoafpaymont, such <br />remounts shhall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment hereof, and shall beat interestttonr the <br />date of disbursement at Me raas payable from time to time on outstanding pprincipal under the Note unless payment of interest <br />at such fete would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall beer interest ate highest rate <br />9WOTIfssrWAundet applicable law rlothingcvntairtedin this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take any r` <br />action twoundor <br />tys trade � ut eS tha•lrie "0130"O*yrr tcelrrcrrnGlf!11)eChOtlMCtWit;Wt ofie.asethereforerelatdtoteideinferes! in ithe Pfotmil -,; rt <br />er <br />El <br />