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• <br />Adik <br />L <br />89"- <br />Rerrowey tattttl Ll,ettiter eoveatstt aatl �:a tobwx <br />1. That Borrawcr will pty the indebtedness, as hereinbefore <br />provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt'in whole or in part on <br />any installment date date. <br />2. That, together with. and in addition to, the monthly payments <br />of principal and interest paysble wider tie terms of the mote secured <br />hereby, tare Borto+att will pay to The Leader, to the first day of arch <br />month until the said mote is tally paid, the following sums- <br />(a) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any. next due, plus the <br />prtmiums that will next become due and payable on policies of fire <br />and other harard insurance covering the property. plus taxes and <br />attessmnnta next due on the property Was rstirrrated by the l eaQeq <br />lien all sirens already paid therefor divided by the number of ttronibs <br />to elspac before one (1111108th prior to the date when such mewed <br />rents. premiums, taxes and assessments will become deliquem. such <br />vents to bis held by Lender in trust to pay said ground rents, <br />premiums. Taxes and special assessments: and <br />(b) All payments mentioned in the preceding sub%ection of this <br />pnr&Vaph and all payments to be made under the note ,ec;urcd <br />hereby shall be added togtether, and the aggregate amount thereof <br />shall be paid by the Borrower each month in a single payment to tv <br />applied by the Lender to the folk ►wing items in the order set forth_ <br />(1) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire &4 other harard msur- <br />itnix premiums. <br />1 Ll) interest on the note seraoul hereby; <br />(111) amortization of the principal of said ra -te. and <br />(IV) late charge~ <br />.any defrnencv in the a ., sit; of such aggregate monthly payment <br />shall, unless made givsd by the Burrower prior to the due date of the <br />next such pamemt-- ox5mtitute an tnent of default under this <br />ncortgage. The L(W60 may collect a "late charge" not to exceed four <br />cents (4C) for each dollar (SI I of each payment more Char. Ffreen <br />(1St days in arrears to cover the extra expense invtalvcd ,i, tfisrdhng <br />delinquent payments <br />3. That if the total of the payments =!L- s) the Borrower under <br />(a) of paragraph t , receding shalf exceed tee amount ref payment% <br />actually made by the Lender 1if,•r ground rents, taxes and assessments <br />or insurance premiums, as tier: �v.w may be, such excess, if the Irian is <br />current, at the option of ft Borrower. shall he credited by the <br />L.enderrm subsequent payments to be matte by the Borrower, of <br />refunded to the Borrower. If, however, the monthly paymrnts made <br />by the Borrower under (a)ofr paragraph 2 preceding than not N. <br />sufficient to pay ground ten: ° ;, axes and assessments or wsuiance <br />Premiums. as the case may be, when the same shall become due and <br />payable, then the Rmlower shall pay to the Lender any amount <br />necessary to ma L— up the deficiency, on or before the date when <br />Payment of sulfa ground rents. taxes, a%w%sments, or insurance <br />Premium,; shall be due If at aril time the Burrower shall tender to <br />the Lender. to actordance with the provision, rf the note -rd Tared <br />hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness represented therchy, <br />the Lender shall„ in computing the amount of such indebtedness. <br />credit to the account of the Borrower any balanu remaining in the <br />funds accumulated under the Provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 hereof <br />If there shall he a default under an% of the prot coons of this <br />instrument resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereht:.. <br />1 -- <br />103265 <br />ar if the Lender acquires the property otherwise after default, the <br />Lender shalt apply. at the time of the commencement of such <br />prcrceedirrgs, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired. the <br />balance tka retraining in the funds accumulated under (a) of <br />paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit against the amount of principal <br />then remaining unpaid under said note. <br />4. That the Borrower will pay ground rents, texts, assessments, <br />water taus, and other goveramental or rouniicipal charges, titres, or <br />impositions, for which provision has not been made kreinbefote, <br />aced in default thereof the Leader may pay the same; and that the <br />Borrower wits promptly deliver the official receipts therefor to the <br />Lender <br />S. The Borrower will pay all taxes which may be tetjio upon the <br />Lenders interest in said real "estate and improvements, rU d,wlTkh <br />mar be Teviedupon this instrument or the debt seeure(b 4i y (but ; <br />only to the r Ri�n that such is not prohibited by law utd oei'to the:, <br />extent that r.will not make this ban usurious), but;. -444i rag any ' <br />income taix, State or pederi L imposed on tender. and• :ink the <br />official receipt showing sitci? payment with the Lender. :.ti ion <br />0.olation of this undertabag, or if the Borrower is ptolYi3iited by any <br />law now u ij fte f cxisting from paying the whole or any portion <br />of the aforesu4 the rendering of any court decree <br />prohibiting ire EayrmWa:l;y the Borrower of any such wes. or if <br />1410 law or decree p �ti'. slut any amount so ptid.L+?,3e <br />lkr,•r:.►wer shall be CredJ i s the debt, tbo lender she?: 4ve the <br />right to gave iftomy days: M ntien notice to the owner of the premises, <br />requiring ttC.rpirinterit oftbe debt. If such notice be given, the said . . <br />debt shall be& me due.. rauable and collectible at the expiration of <br />Sid ninety days. <br />b That should the Bone -wet fail to pad° L—sy ,Lnm:3r keep any <br />covenant provided for in this instrument: -!ken the Lender, at its <br />option, may pay or perform the same. and all expenditures so made <br />shall be added to the prnapal sum owing on the said note, shall <br />fsc ftvured hereby, and sfr1 >l:Lstar interest at the rate set forth in the <br />-std note. until paid. <br />7 Thal rain• :Wmrower hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />Under. its Er.`:, flicd toward the payment of the note and all sums <br />secured hereby in case e4:t %'JWtult in the performance of any of the <br />s <br />gum and condmon% of ilk instrument or the said note. all the rents. <br />'revenues and income w be derived from the said premises during <br />such time as the indebtedness shall remain unpaid, and the Lender <br />shall havr power to appoint any agent c.r.. merits it may desire for the <br />r.-O pose of repairing said On,?mise% and of renting the same and <br />ca {kchng the rents, rereri=s .end income, and it may pay out of said <br />►runic+ all opens% of r.g icing said premises and necessary <br />commisuOes 1'41 eximmi:4 incurred in renting and managing the <br />same and of ., t.o04cting rtntafs therefrom; the balance remaining, if <br />any to frs a(- liliml towait!•tfin discharge (if said indebtedness. <br />8 That :he I ;:ep the improvements now existing or <br />id:reafter ete-A tcd on din property, insured as may be required from <br />i:aine to titre 151), the Lender against loss by fire and other hazards, <br />casualties and contingencies to such amounts and for such periods as <br />iray be required by the Ixotler and will pay promptly, when due. <br />any premiums on such insurance, provision for payment of wlich <br />has not been made herembefore. All insurance shall he earned in <br />companies appraeed by the Lender and the policies and renewals <br />There( f shall be held by the fi.ender and have attached thereto loss <br />payable causes in fa%or of and in form acceptable to the lender In <br />Page 2 of 5 14UD- 92143DT -t <br />s <br />M� <br />IMt <br />MA <br />