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Tii OrsiaiTthtat f C Yy howtnten is mak as June 27 . <br />to �g o► +: " Roderick A. Ewoldt and Kelly A. Ewoldt, Husband and Wife <br />("Bamwer "). Thictrwroe is Commercial Federal Savings and <br />Lc on.. n.. ASesaciation Mname -1 The Wwfitivy is <br />Home Federal Sauings and Loan Association of Grand Island .wrM*isorpsiaedsaidexktift <br />etch tie Mwx of , Nebraska . ad w6ae addraa is 221 South Locust <br />Graw Island, Nebraska (Under"). <br />�rtMMa 17b1(1¢ lfottriwKr is ooasidetatioa of the debt and trust Iteaisatkr demb�ed and creatod, ad the sum of Oae Dollar (Sl A to <br />hiss Tir >M w�lbp" byi '�'i kr, the receipt of which is hneby &*nowk*d�. does by twee presents Waat beepin said se1i, catv�ey awd <br />OF A ' Moll i`t4giit� it utait. seida powat d sass. toavrr. alb of tAe Wlbwitq dncriQed red estatE, sorted tying and bed in the Canty of <br />. ad State of Nebratica, to wit: <br />Lot' �f_ven (7), in Block Thirty -Six (36), in Charles Uas errs addition to the City of <br />r '.'lisland. Hall County, NebriA5ka. <br />Ttt�',: ider to the mortgage atta�,Jr•ed hereto and executed of even date herewith is <br />it'i66.rorated herein and the ctavet�ants and agreements of the rider Shall amend and <br />su606ment the covenants and ageements of this. r�rrtgage. <br />"THV5, 15 A .PURCHASE I7t11EY MORTGAGE" <br />tt+iich lieaoldrratd 1516 West John Grand Island <br />a� rcKyt <br />Nebra" 68801 tt�c ( "Property Address°). <br />To E4rt'e stool To U the prenum above deaait 4 with all the appurunanpes thereunto below ttg sad ia"ladiap an heating plwnbing and <br />600W 6xturca sell agpeipma now or bereafi wai;Wd b or used in cwnnet.�t *. writlt said real esome uttao;t*Tnace. ad to its sucaettrxs <br />ad ssqjpK katem The Doemm rgxektaa to. and couvemats with, the Troowf;tilrat tie Smorwet has Sgrad not to sed ad convey mki. . <br />prtati"*iS'AU they are GYc trots amunbtasoe~ said that the Borrower will wartrtiai amd ddend t1w start 4piau rite Irwfrrl(ii0ims of all per,orts <br />wbrpnttmw. ad the said Barown *mby rehaquMes all rights of kmwawL sell ill ttttttrnrol t*t t. eitba in law or is a*A ty. and all ocher <br />Woolew ialerests d the Borrow" ,a sad to the abovedeuribed premises. and iaterttka bong jw wavey hereby an dWu,e title. in fee simple. <br />Wchtdiug IN rights of bmtstad. and outer ev b?s Awd;ntrrem as aforinad. <br />INOV a/ Ahv"% and tbm praeaot we execu W and delivered unto the Trusts, in trust. however foe the following purpow: <br />v4bwm% the Borrow" ON the 27th . day of Jane .1% .69 . borrowed from tlre.Itettder <br />tie asta d Thirty One Thousand Five, Hundred Fifty ,;mod ro /100------ �-- :---- - - - - -- <br />---- - - - - -- <br />----------------------------------- Dogm(S 31,550.00 45v Much <br />srtw do-ftrower has executed sad delivered to the s pion ssory tale of even date, bearing <br />inip twrstf ibe rate dE i ghty A Eighty E igpic 9. B6 %) per Inman art the unpaid halaaoe w Q paid. <br />lfhGrand It P paystile �,llioeof Home Federal Savings and Loan A so�i ®tion of <br />Grand Iceland, 221 South Locust U <br />in Grand Island, Nebraska �p anecx�t as the holder of the rate <br />may desigrtaie is woitattg. in monthly iastabmew of Two Hundrell , cif ty ee-b4W 88---------------- <br />- - - - - - -- Dollars (S 251.14 rUe • tXA axnmmmis on the rwst day d August <br />It 89. ad on tie first day d each month thereafter untal the principal and interest are filly paid, except that the final payment of principal <br />aail inkeest, it rxtt sooner paid, %W be due and payable rro the first day of July <br />2g 19. <br />This foam Is tread an connection with morigagea insured under the one- to four - family programs of-mer National Mousing Act (including <br />BeCNone 203M) and (i)) which re"Ire a One -Time Mortgage Insurance Premium payment in acooidWe with Me rogulations for those <br />program. <br />Page t of 5 <br />form tttffialtlyOT.t (3t� it6tan) <br />24 CFA 20317(,) <br />t.. <br />III <br />