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A <br />:104176 <br />to. Covenants of Trusts with Respect to Losses, 100Mrft prior <br />. w wrifto consent of Benehefary, Trustor sW fW, d#001Y of InOwbY, <br />WO respect to any Jesse of space in the Tw0yowly, or any PWM thereof, whether such #0410 Is MW CW h0l'SOMW in VRISWW: <br />Acceptor permit any p"Symarg, d=W(w jWgwe payment of rent hereunder in excess of one itwoh, <br />(b) C&%W or terminate the samo. cwwcopt WY cation, tomnafta or surrender thersO, or pwW any event to occur which would <br />occur thereunder to terminate of c&W@4 tFW 4WIT"ther than Wftnaftn for nonpayment Of NO, <br />(q) Amend or maddy the same so as to rod" OW tool ftrw the rentarpsynbAN thereunder, of to change any ronswal provisions <br />therein contained, <br />(d? W&W& any default therewder or breach &AbW., <br />(a) Give any consent, WIAW or SAW" VWVWAdV 47 take any Dow sewn in corwWW" fbotomm, or WWI a Woo# 0WOWNW, wfMCh <br />WWN have the offad of#r4w**V the bstm *0 ftswWs interest thereunder or tft PMPWV SAW OW01, Of Of O*WM the <br />position or interest of SonesciAry OW00% or <br />M Sao, ~, plodge, ma"pe or oV*n**#-,da;" & of or swumbor ft MWW Marty SW MM Of WW 10ft. Wiles. PWW 1814*9 <br />or &WM therouniW. <br />17. wow Of Sh" of WM0017s. Tom Is Gift nj&lwor in AN Of Ttusw*s oblvations and duWw honouNW, and to the eirlont p►~ <br />bylaw, Thisla► waives allprosert Gr gutters sf&WW0fkW~s **ft respect any debt, demand or oftawn secured horobyaW <br />any action orproco@&V for the purpose offendarMg this Dead of Trust or any nafts or romod4s contained twoon <br />10. AssonmeWdDeposits. lathe ev"ConSMwWotimprovormois contompWod by the bawl ovkMmod by the W40 -secured <br />hereby a addlionat security t1twelam Thalm ftmby transfers and Assigns; to 660000ift a9fight. We and interest to any and all <br />monies depoeftif by or on behalf of Th"w Wft zany city, county, public body or agency, sanitary dindot, u" company, 00 <br />any other body or agency, br the kijWWim w :fa a ec ure the instal4mon of any ufWy by Trustor, porro*V to the Trost Property. <br />FS CofponamorPwVwshpEzWsmoffTnnftvst corporation, gw wan parMmiWporkW*dpwMots#Wpit Wig #OAVthings <br />r4wessoly 10 preserve ft C"Wato W p&jw�Wp existence. as the case may be, &M &N rights and pffWagos under the laws Of the <br />mom of ja kwooparabon or orgo0aWn. <br />Fatooraiwe by Soruftiory Not a WWAw.• Any ft►boovance by geneftlary in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise <br />aft 0/applicable law. shat ng be a "w of c* preclude the exercise of any vxh fight or rwrAKFV, The procuromont of <br />ftsowim or the payment of far" oe the d3V%vg# of hens or charges by Beneficiary SW not be a Waiver Of aftnoftclarYs right to <br />accaisrowtho maturity Olthe kweboxftn' i <br />CIT. Aeme" Cumulative, ANwrad*spfo �aijoin this Deed of Trust are distract and cumulative to any other right or remedy undo► this <br />Dead of Truo-or ONMW by i4w or eqAV, &-d may be exercised concurrently, indeWdan* or successively. <br />22 Successors and A@Wn Bow* Wf and Several LsabW Captions The covenants and agreements herein contained shall bind. and <br />tfee Va ftmNxfor she mm" w the ►peche successors and assigns of Bormftwy, Trustee, and Trustor. AN covenants and <br />- MW" nmarts ofTfusforswbo Joint sr► The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust are for <br />convenionco only and we roe to be mod to #VNWW or dehat the provisnXM hereof <br />.23. Notice. Except for any rxfte reoubred Lvylo? appkaft /a w to be given its wWw mani►. (a) any notice to Trustor provided for in this <br />Dead of Trust shoN be Wma by m&19tnq.s:a:P,) mwe by certified mail, return recapt noquestod addressed to Trustor at its ma*ng <br />address set b1h above or at such ofti &0�"ss as. Trustor may designate by nobco PD Swmftiary as provided herein, and (b) any <br />notice to Beneficiary or Trustee sw be glee n by C~ mail, tawn r9cW-r@qu#s*W, to Beneficiary's and Trustee's mooing <br />address stated herein of to such ► 00116s; as Benaktay of trustee may depgnoft by notice to Trustor as provided herein. Any <br />notice provided for in this Deed W Trust s WJ be deemed to hap ve been given ta Thwar. Beneficiary orTrustee when given In the <br />rwvw designated herein <br />24 Goven*V Low. Severaboy. fts Deed c4 Trust shall to governed by the tows of me Swo of Nebraska. In the event any provision or <br />chwo of this Dead of Trust corftts mvi4Vhcablo law, such conflict shah not affWo*w provisions of this Deed of Trust which can <br />be given affect w~ Me confictingir,%vwxins and to this errd the proyltions of this Deed of Trust are declared to be severable. <br />05. Events of Del". Each d the fokmM omuir, ences shall constitute an avert of default hereunder, (ftratnafter caged an "Event <br />of DofaA*7: <br />(e) TmsW sW to) to pay when da# aref przocipol interest, or principal and interest an ft lidebrodness, <br />(b) Any warranty of fide made by Trii3w•twoon shall be untrue, <br />(-.) Trustor shell fail to observe of p0dYM &-q of the covenants, agreements, or conditions in this Deed of Trust, <br />(d) Any reprosen(tDon or waroarxY ruff be Trustor on any financial statements of reports submitted to Beneficiary by or on behalf of <br />Trustm sW, prone false or rr4WWV ms/eadn 9. <br />(e) Tfusbr sMak fai to p9dorin ow obwav any of the covenants, conditions of agreements contained in, or binding upon Ttijslw under <br />any &"nq loan agreenwro, see wty agreement, loan agreement financing statement, or any other agreement, instrument of <br />document executed by Truslar in c&vwW with Me loan e videnced by the Note, <br />M, A trustee, receiver of hqUW&W 00 EW Trust Property of of Trustor stralf be appointed, or arty of the creditors of Trustor shag file a <br />p*"on in baffloupecy agams? TrWY, or for the reorigantzabon of Trustor pursuant to the Federal Bankruptcy Code, or any siftwo, <br />jail; *"tfw rederalor s", &,#I Jfsuch order or petition shall not be dischRignit or dismissed MtNn thirty (30) days after Me date <br />an wlWb such order of pewo was Ned, <br />(9) Timor shall file Wunpeortwm the Federal Bankruptcy Code of any similar law, federal or state, or Trustor shag be <br />adpxfpd a bw*rW, of be d#6Avd insolvent or shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or shall admit in wriong its <br />ineWit? to pay ifs debts as t*jt bK&M duo. Or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of all or any pan of the Trust Property, <br />(h) Final jddgffwt W the paprw, oft rnioney shall tee rendered against Trusfo� and Trustor shall not discharge the 381m, of cause it to <br />bo dWA"W. *Ovri " (30P ewls after the entry thereof, or she not appeal therefrom or from the order, decree of process upon <br />~cY.Pursuent to which asOpnmonr was granted, based, or entered, and secure a stay otexecutionponding such Appoal. <br />6- r?vva*%WaNsef cv,conveirtide T%V Property, of any part thereof, of any interest therein, or shall he divested of its W, or any interest <br />'ttwitim sr7 wiy m&%vor of iwq, wigher voluntarily or involuntary, without the wfiftn consent of Beneficiary being NO had and <br />.1 ~W114 <br />N TrwAw is a corporation or prMshop and more than fifty percent (Wc) of the shares of beneficial inWests in such corporation or <br />pw"*3hp. as the case rWew. "be tronsforredoe conveyed. whether voluntarily! or onvOuntorhy, without the wrotion consent tit <br />Senoftiary being first trod enl cot► <br />2K., Acceleration W V#0i;-F&@cft3rAd*. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, of any time ther"t1w, Sanekimy may, at its opkon, <br />docuVo.the W*bkvhM Wured hereby immedfialsty duo and payable and the same shag b&Aw interest at the default FRW it any, <br />%W ills in- ft Note. or ovw*W, #1 the highest tot& pwmftd by low, and, irrespective of whether fleroWavy exorcims said ophort, it <br />41(1411110P*W& d to ift w&W any ft► notice or demand toot upon Truitof, do one or more of the loovirV. <br />pit SvW9*y0W1, W&p&,. l0vipossessoon d, manage oodoperate the Trust Property or any pariftroof, make moon and <br />and atianyac-ft w%ch Beneficiary deems proper to pn*vl the Nacutiry thereof, and toftwo, with of wffW Mking <br />RMMPMW, kT:ft-VWrrr.*1A -SW furor oriwerwire cukwt and rwcwvw mwift, ;snms twd pr&rfN. raciudmi7 tbww p"t Ou" amf urp-int <br />4pd, dpo* the Ww. Am cow end expenses of ckwabon and cogw.hon. including reasuiable of omey fees aril Lkwj ielh-iaiv s <br />rat . {lttr<!rn infer **%Is mcured hereby and in such corder as Hortakfary may defermirim QrKwip request of tMooki4q, hush-t <br />f"WW usiw* to Bowsclary any of the Trust pf"o WhICh nif.; 1"fj ten?-JW0 <br />d the 9 UPCjo C1 f7l j <br />issues anilpt(,-AM, <br />v! 1110 fit: tcetj f0r-firo f, if, <br />,M,M%0hW'trAV be I~ ty fl#ftft1&y of such tilme as <br />h%V—b1W*1h4A Wcured hereby. <br />the edequacy *;f wry %KurrY for tho rile'/ thiif,11V tea (4n!" <br />roil,r <br />try aoillie and Conect the IffnT9, issues and profts fripleflom <br />(Cl 0011* <br />j9Vfirsq ary di1rh in phy ctniff M C einipef"t f., UPI 6 Ot -.I Aw:f?:f, ?If; 17! f­-1.1,rV"tY.,gisi."!>.1 <br />*MAW, <br />it <br />. I <br />7 <br />I <br />Ah- <br />