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5. <br />! Q. <br />8. <br />N <br />10 <br />I <br />12 <br />is <br />14 <br />1 r, <br />insurance premiums ground rents, and alt ofher ch&-ges whatsoever levied upon or assessed, •placed or made against the Trust <br />Property. Trusfiorhrreher agrees upon written request by Benefroiary, to promptly deliver to Beneficiary q0 receipts for dw pWWt of <br />such charges TiWtor likewise agues to pay all taxes, assessments and other charges levied upon or assessed. placed or made <br />against, or measured by, this Deed of Trust or the recordation hereof. <br />AppWOM of Payments. AN payments received by Beneficiary as to any debt liability or obligation owed to Beneficlary by Trustor <br />may be applied by Nenefirclary to the psyrmenr of the Indebtedness or to any such other debt, Ilabi ty or,obfigabion. In any order or <br />mariner of applcobon which Beneficiary, in its absolute discretion, deems appropriate. Unless otherwise elected by Beneficiary, any <br />such payment shah be deemed applied first to the payment of any debt, liabilily or obligation other than the Note. <br />Chwim, ,€inns. Trustor will keep the Tnret Property free from alt liens and encumbrances which in anyway may. in the Judgment of <br />ft"kiary, have priority over, or impair the secunty of, this Deed of Trust but Trustor need not discharge any such lien so long as <br />TrusW shah agree: in wrftvigr, to pay the obligation secured by sm-h lien in a manner acceptable to Beneficiary and shah in good fifth <br />corneal such Herr by &PPFOP6.ft legal proceedings effective to pave i7 tt enforcement of the lien and the loss of any interest in or <br />Pte Of the Trust <br />Hazard litum Ce. TrtrsW p the buidings and other improvemiki . mar existing or hereafter enacted on the Trust Propary <br />inured by insurance carrie►sfictory b BsnalfCiar�► against lose b „hazattis included in the term "extended coverage' and <br />each oelter hazards, casualties and conongencles as vnay be tequKtii�' � >" *, ly. in such amounts and Ay such periods as maybe <br />regtrked by Barrel iicivy. The policy of insurance shall be in form as letu :•tb; ficiary, provide that the same may not be <br />cancelled or nro hod without fifteen (15) days prior written noblWO ba" 81�s a#d shall have Mss payable provisions in favor of and <br />M Ibnm acceptable to Beneficiary. All premiums on insurance policies shaggy paid the manner provided under paragraph i hereof <br />or, if not paid In such manner, by Trustormaking payment at least fifteen ITS).Oays prior b the due dab, directly to the insurance <br />carrier. Beneficiary shah have the rig- V.tis"I d'.ffne policies and renewals & -elit€ Yand Trustor shall promptly famish to Berteficlary all <br />renewal notices and all paid prerrrirvrh ifti, l . -vi^.eived by it In no eventsaS* aeneffchuy or Trustee behold responsible for failure to <br />pay insurance premiums or for any L*fgr zfa arising out of a defW fn a!ny policy or arising out of any failure of any insurance <br />company to pay bi any loss or damage :insii w age,7W or for failure bw ?7: r to effect the insurance required hereunder. In the event <br />of bas. Trustor shall give prompt no,tke ty mak, c -'.1)e insurance cAri& '$a rfeftciary. Beneficiary may make proof of loss if not <br />made promptly or in proper form by chi cstor. AY p "es of insurance anc & ;iyand all refunds of uneamed premiums are hereby <br />assigned to Benef`ciary as addifi+prih'i•"curtly for ilia paymentof the Indebtedness. in the event of Beneficiary's exercise of the power <br />of safe eonta►ned 1re!efn, or in the (s'r?esnt ant foreclosure, all right, We and interest of Trustor in and to any insurance policy then in force <br />shah pass to rile purchaser at the thiMM's sale of foracrosure seta. In case 61 any loss, the ins ranee proceeds may, at the option of <br />Beneficiary, be applied by Bteneficiiioy -upon the indebtedness, or any part •thereof, and in such order and amount as Beneficiary may <br />detwmine:• or sand insurance procr , of•the option of iBeneficiary. may either be used In replacing or restoring the Trust Property <br />pwWaAly or foraNy destroyed to a cor?dit, s.satisfactory to Beneficiary; or satcf. -' -sxxv a proceeds, or any porblon thereof, may be <br />released to Trusts. Unless Beneficiary and Trustor otherwise agree in wVtjg,Wit; sia tr4pplication of insurance proceeds shall not <br />extend uN postponer rho due date of the Note, or any installments called to, f "iitz+akn .:s: sattgre . the amount of such installments. N the <br />Trust Property is acgw ed by Beneficiary pursuant to the exercise of the ro -.-Y :dthor foreclosure, all right, title and interest of <br />Trustor in end to any Insurance proceeds payable as a result of damage m n1s Twsftar7a� prior to the sate or acquisition shah pass <br />to Beneficiary and shall be appled first to the costs and expenses, in i itictg at#orneyr, ice,: irtcutred In collecting such proceeds, then <br />on the manner and in the order provided herein. <br />Preservation and Maintenance of Trust Prope:,*,s..Trustor will keep the WisiVs and afi+rra, inprovetrrents now or hereafter erected on <br />the Trust Property in good repair and condihot t or d will riot commit or ws"i not after the design or structural character <br />_ <br />conshfuting any building now or hereafter erec.v- d an and constituting "e ,:•nrsr Property without the prior written consent of <br />Beneficiary, will not do any act at, thing whiO wtrr,'.tild unduly impair or copes late tie •melee of the Trust Property and will not abandon <br />the Trust Property Trustor will not remove any flafares constituting the T us•.t ftper r unless the same are immediate!, replaced with <br />like property sutWt to the Iten and security interest of this geed of Trust end of at leasi equal value and utility. Trustor will comply with <br />all present and rerun« otd!nancev, regulations and requirements of any governmental body which are applicable to the Trust Property <br />and to the occupsmy and use thereof N this bead of Trust is on a unit Ina condominium or a planned unit deve;op7ma Trustor shall <br />peftm Mot Trustor's obligations under the vkfaraborlsl or covenants creating or governing the condominium or ,t-o plamwd unit <br />development, tin bylaws and regulations of "!fme Gondomrnium or planned unit development. and the constituent documeihts. <br />Inspection Henefociary k'v its agents may, ad:h1.r.. seasonable times, enter upon the Trusl Pt6perty for the purpose of inspection. <br />Beneficiary shall have no duty to mako such inspection and shall not be Ira': le to TrursirYir to any pamon in possession if it makes or <br />farts to make any such inspection <br />ProfecW of Securtty H Trustor falls to perform any of fNA--- : ;vvenants a'? aaT "t?sr rien vonl retf lira Mis Deed of Trust or it any acbbn <br />or proceeding Is commenced which does or may advar.wiii affect the 7iryz,r ip openly or Oe Wesi al Trustor or Beneficiary therein or <br />the title of Trusts► thereoo, than Beneficiary. at its option, :^nay perform agrao.,,rents, make such appearancn <br />defend against and investigate such action or proceeding red take suer <� +"per Action as Henefclarr ' ►ems necessary to protect its <br />interest including, but not atmited to. disbursemW of rea:=Yr:-Wie aftorneyr 11OW1 snd entry upon the 1'i; 1S ' Property to make repairs. Any <br />un <br />amots disbursed by fleneftctwy pursuant to this paragWt! ! 1, with tr1w, : %+tkftreon, shall contFvxl_4 Indebtedness of Trustor <br />secured by this Deed of Trust Unless Trustor and Heneftez y agme to otner:erms of payme. ^! •: °irmunts shall be payable upon <br />nonce from Benefic•uuy to Trustor bear f•i•") <br />requesting payment thereof, and shall nterest siht anl,zly igistiursement at fine default rate, <br />if any, set forth in the Nute, ur ofrit)1w,se at the highest rate permitted by law. ,paragraph shall require <br />Benokfary to incur any expense or take any action hereunder Trustor irrevocably au h f .2�5� aarz,. arc powers Beneficiary to enter upon <br />the Trust Property as Trustor s 890111 itrnl. to Trustor "s namea�olherwise to perform ar; on; and agreements to be <br />performed by Mawr its hereirt provided Beneficiary shall, artfwr. option: be subrogatep to am rfr?� i'!(tt�snce, lien, claim or demand <br />and to of) rights and socunkes tut the payment thereof paid at Al.i:f,� g�1,�y Benefic►ary under :-4r;y- ayslons hereof and any such <br />subrogattat rights shift be additonal end cumulative secuh;q+ t—rflhi ZO.mce} of Trust <br />Condemnation the pros owls pf an y it wail or Claim for damaly e,,:. >v *c, tx %nsequenfial, in Connection with a.'*,' condemnation or <br />other taking of the Trust 1W."rty. of any part thereof, or for cor!i*,uh -ce t`. 14*11 of or in anticipabowT. cfi tsndemna.' +on, are hereby <br />assigrwd to and shall tw paid to fie,ret,ciaryl Trustor will file and lir,aas*Pv! ti tir;ood faith and wtitit� :! � 9iligence, its claim for any such <br />award or payment and will r. ituso rho ;ants, to tie. collected and pui21,s 84 , *-Nary, -Nary, and. sht,404' •11f!aj ito do so, Tiastor irrevocably <br />author!res and empowers Henetic iaty. ut the name of Trustol or oft%ywt�a_ to hl6, r+ awa, ma. s'r compromise any such claim and <br />to colieel, receipt far and ►fft8irr the plircrfeds if the Trust Property a, ahaodoned ty ?'r;,r3 °fir, r', rr"e% t ?ottce by Beneficiary to Trustor <br />f <br />that rtw condenrr!a. offers to ,►tail" an mWmid or settle a claim for d&msggt,,. Trustor fails within thirty (30) days <br />after the date such notice is marled. Beneficiary t5 itulhonzed to collbL; ?,'+y apply the proceeds mr,-- t:*< in jicated herein The <br />proceeds of any award cif claint fna y, Oor dedut tiny all reasonable crasvw and expenses, including 4:Mxrev r`ees, which may have <br />been incurred by Beneficiary tit the cWlwcticin thereof, at the sole discretzn of Beneficiary, be released to rrusnyr: applied to <br />restorabcxr of Trust Plopairty, Of RD~ to the paylrwit of the Indebtedness. Unless Beneficiary and Trustor o'!*rwise agree rn writing. <br />any such appticalt(iri of pitic,eiwis ru Indemey firess sha!1 root extend or postpone the due date of the Note or tfre inayment of any <br />insr&Amerits celled fbi etwotd+tMr <br />TrusfCx Nit NuNeasetf E xterostiat of the Nrw for payinfent or nwddreacon of any amortization of the Indebtedness granted by Bonohciary <br />N gn-y 9ircceisof in infe,@510 Tr nkfif ZIlaG fill? (rrielate tit release, in any mariner. the liability of trustor and rrystor's successors it? <br />rntllrest !l�trM /K lar,i chyle ""If t'h !c(lutietj ft) t witmetite Inuceethngs against such successor or roluse to ex-vo)td time for payment or <br />cHherwiso muddy arriollita!:Cil: <,,f thin airrehtydrrH ; : sty retrson of any demand made by Trustor and Trustor s s- .lccossars <br />In ,1ntvrest <br />FA'NrrtcW rrtlfNMI&Mt tllx;,ie nigf,t�tSt u rl f tkwtUr!(+ilfy frtJ`f•_.! Wiil /)IgWde fO I�eITehP^ "JILL; within ntne!y , X,-, days of the close of each fiscal <br />�SAr fir Ti(i9frrE rrxs (Ctlll[+lt(!;1! @(y rt!I�e11Ft'H 5hebt RE ?� .tr►.•en?ent of earMngs et Trtlstt`:.�;: end ��ny ifs "1't�rl'guarantoiS vt the Irrcfvbtodnctss <br />net 1004 hblyby, I! (tr. y. and MiRlifflodo at)(f drinrer tit Herlefttary such other ;ind in such rria7nner as lieneQ iary <br />r` <br />mrty reraS,JO,,Atsy fsejv011 rr, yr• f.,r,f, r(, t+nFtr <br />Flne ;.,Ml Gd)mmir „tg lit alrtt),':S,n rt= anif (:thor bn&4 J#P i +,rHriairt9 Ctf rruvor mat kin irn;i t:' %'r(� =; '�te�loiFl. +rtsl►UEr!Ert)t t,r rltk';n »i=ns. <br />C f (�.th p,'.!) cirri;? r Jfusir al +p +In(f ufi yu7t;fiil(,tt: of the I,:debtedntreP ",} y {•w 'p;F,'yy ,c� rertrpty with. (,r h. -Q rrt <br />6. ,. <br />b <br />.. <br />((Jr,;}.`:,grw (►.I,,ttt, tRh !:;+` ,iS.)r. /:'attLlL (.!rrNlisJ,t. rr ? :•, '., Ear rc7 ifE _ ha!i It�t ap ,!` it n: 47`r1':7.�. r u)(c <br />, l � rr•' =.. 9 Cqu.+emc <i,r= n <�t 5l?t <br />4.4t ?g1E3J: i <br />E:rtr;l; :a 4t(stie:1 Sb' hlo fl-VI l fill !fAr °Jrffo,!t ,1:rnjInt tr(r;.n,, .►,ti'lfrJrr)�hfnl -fer:of: .,)IV srhU(fu!(+ (.e +t!•e±ift`t)y t►+u!arr :.!,limn <br />funh W, Inalfi9 0 Me rluSt r ttitn/til • r rit+, )r:e•,.,,t trtnrtn'l :r:, sr,kftil Ur "arri ( ns(I. rhn rcitno rd fare tr,t);rrtte v, ,,, : uP.i'th. :! J(a nrtb'.•„ <br />•,ttho ^i yfH; zt ( +f,ae)f tiir t•n .1VV l:•t + t• r r !,tr'i'g tact 'I —nil fi *► 5tl( -h spg; r) alltj ;u._I) r,;hr,r tr, ►tn", it •,t,, ar;! ef, . u u,v.t: adim <br />'Mift['E:l r)i tit, tr r(ig SN4 (r! : +r rt+t'�i : + -rt'S as ff[ /)(t }'k tirrii lt:;�� r(,;r'- •,�ulft'V rrritu[ ^,f <br />.t <br />, <br />