<br />is 0. tranoterred or. ( %,*;that encumbered without tie supreme Or veltt*" censgat: tl geneffeigry.
<br />smaticlaer way, at its sal* option, declare all eum secured by this 0474 of '[rltivo be immediately
<br />due and payable and proceed to the rmwedles available to it under the default Pcavt@ioss contained
<br />hernia.
<br />11. Rvants of Datsylt. Any of the following event• shall be 400"4 OR *Vogt of default betaundsci
<br />(0) Trestor shall have tailed to asks Valliant of any instsllwawt Of IstOrset,
<br />' principal or petacipel mad interest or any ether name meewesd hero ►y whom dust.
<br />(b) There Me occurred a beach of or default "odor any teen, e*vssast,
<br />agcoormt, ceaditim, prswlmlen, representation or warranty contained in this Dead
<br />of Tctimt, t%4 note or may other lean imtrannt amerred horebyt
<br />(e). room ;ham Men a default by the Trustee is the Poromt of any prior Or
<br />outbsequest lion, or membrane In respect to all or any pact of the pro►ect7t
<br />(�) TruWear shall rile a voluntary petition is bankruptey or shell be edjwdl-
<br />noted bankrupt Or insolvmst, Of shall make an aseigwmst for the benefit Of creditors
<br />to rovieett to the, pr*p*rtyl or as mett" to Mfecco a" lion or mww*raseo or Jude"
<br />mast* sealant the property Is commend.
<br />13. Accelmr ti 1 ft� tltfa�ult. is the east of nay default, somfictery sty declare all indektdasse
<br />secured harm lo to be 4im amid perible, and the mass shall thereupes became due and payable witbout say
<br />►ropipit mmst, Amm ed• jroteat or NGtlee of may kind. Tbsrsafter, losetielarr 10071
<br />(o) sithor in person or by estate with or without brimetwe ear setiem or pre -
<br />esadiog, or by receiver appointed 117 a court sad wAtbmt eeead to the adN —y of
<br />MY wmemtieyw freer up" and take poes*sNes of the property, of any pert thermot,
<br />to its am wise Or IN the same of the Trustee, and do my onto which it deems necessary
<br />and di@irsble to pcmmvm the velus, mrketability or renta►Ylity of the property, se
<br />park thereof or interest therein, Increase the income therefrom or protect the security
<br />harest and, without taking possession of the property, sus for or otheraiee colloet am
<br />roars, ienimes and profits thereof, including these past due and unpolid, =A *"I -'due
<br />M.
<br />saes, lose casts and expanses of Operation and collection, including attorney cps
<br />any inde►tmdneas secured hereby, all in: such order an Beneficiary may determine. fte
<br />ewterl■g upon and taking possession of the trust: *statO, the collection of much teat•,
<br />losses and profits sad application thereof se aforesaid shell not cur* or wive any de-
<br />fault or notice of default hereunder or Involid*te may act and is response to much do-
<br />fault or puraramt to such Notice of default and, Notwithstanding the eoatinumes IN
<br />possession of Wa property or the collection. receipt end application of tests, isess0
<br />or Profits. Timates or Beneficiary m0r•.he entitled to exercise every right provided for
<br />'`_y•
<br />in any of ten less instruments or by twA upon occurrence Of SOY avast Of default, is-
<br />eluding the right to exereiss the roes of "lei
<br />`
<br />(b) commies an meet= to fa:eeleee this Deed of Trust as a aotrtgase,.aprOIAt
<br />a ceeeiver, ee spacifically enforce my of the cowmeato hereof=
<br />`•..: j
<br />(c) Oliver to Trustee a.vrieiees iecisraiioa of Mti.iaac .w.. wW..ww .... G: - - -- _
<br />and a written notice of default sad election to can** Trustoe's interest Is the property
<br />-- - -- - -
<br />is be sold, which notice Trustee shell caws to be duly filed for record In the official
<br />"tee" at the county to which the property to lOOaesd.
<br />11. foreclosure by power of Sale. Should geaefieiacy oiect: to•foreeiosa by exercise of the F--.Mr
<br />of sale bor*io cestailed, Bansttelary shall swtif7 Trustee mad $hell deposit with Trustee this used of
<br />Tcwt and the noes and such receipts mad evidence of expenditures modN. and secured hereby as Trustee
<br />my require, and upew request of the Beneficiary, the Trust" shall the for record, in the Resister
<br />of Hoods office in the County where the property is located. a Notice of default. setting forth the
<br />ware of the *ruatore the foot and VoW or Document No. of this Deed of Trust as recorded to said
<br />ft-sister of,dseds office, the lege>t"dieseription of the above - dsearibN real estate and that a breach
<br />elt:.em abligstim, for which said real estate was coswred as security. has Occurred. and "ttias forth
<br />'Elmi tetutrs of sorb branch and the Trustea'@ election to sell the real estate to satisfy the'obllptieoj
<br />end otter like terse of sot less than ode. (1) month. the Trustee atoll give written Notice of the tit
<br />awed �110c0,vt:'hale Arch way be between 9300 a.m. mnd S p.m. at the promises, or at the Courthouse In
<br />t".c getyaborels mach property is located, describing the property to be sold by Its legal deserip -,
<br />Ri};` maid wotics to be published in a newspaper of general circulation is the County liberals such
<br />-p% octy is located, •denim a week for five (S) consecutive seeks, the. last Publication to be at least
<br />FaK (10) days, but nat-mwrs than thirty (30)- day@, prior is the sale *. ,m4 the Trustee shall than sell
<br />.0414 pcaptrty at the time and place daeiswet ",3s► the notice. to the *Amer provided by law in offset
<br />;1 ;
<br />+�•:
<br />at the tsar of filing mid Notice,. at public, auction to the highest bidder for cash and shall deliver,
<br />,, t
<br />to much purchaser a dead to the p menu 0014, consistent with the law IN effect at the time.
<br />cps receipt of the price bid-,,, Tr•wtes shall deliver to the pureMse, Trustee's deed cewvoying ten
<br />sold. nocitels so the Trustee's dead shall be prise facie awidenein of the tn*b of the state-
<br />:Vwoporty
<br />keep end@ thereto. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the pale M the following orders (a) to all
<br />sleriptm _Is Last* and expesses of the sale, lactating bet mot limited `to. Trustee's toes of mot seem
<br />' (b) to
<br />thin,•I(. t of the gross sale price, reasomabla attorney tees and costs of title *widows; air
<br />apm$ eecesea by this Deed of Trust; en4 (e) the esees0, it any, to the prams or pecmess legally an-
<br />titled thereto. Amy proem. Including Beneficiary, my purchase said property at mid sale.
<br />The rorses conducting the sale my, for may cause bs or she deems expedient. Poatpme the sale from
<br />tine ae tier until it shall be caolett4 sod. to *veer such case. %*tie* of pat- -Rmmmnt shall be gives
<br />by public declaration thereof by such person at the tit ma4 place last appointed for the sole= pro-
<br />vided, it the sale is postpahed for logger then one (l) day beyond the date designated IN the Notice of
<br />salt, Notice thereof shall be gives In the *am* manage as the 44121001 Notice Of Geis.
<br />l4. Mmedles Not imeluelve. Trustee and BGmeticiary, and each of them, shall be entitled to so-
<br />force peymsmt a" performance Of say Indebtedness or obligation secured hereby mot to Gxetels* Oil rights
<br />- �-
<br />sad plums seder this feed of Trent or wader *my loom Imtru met or other agreement or any law now me
<br />hOtmRot "forced, m ewithatandi*f mono or all of the Indebtedness and obligations secured hereby
<br />which my wow or hereafter be otherwise accord. whether by mortgage. deed Of crude. Pledge, lien, monism -
<br />m et or otlerwise. M@Itbar the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement, whether by come
<br />sctI m or par@osat to the Power of pals or other Pour* berelo contained, shall prejudice or to may
<br />Manor street Trustem's or Beneficiary's right to realle* epos or enforce say other security mew Or becO-
<br />after held By Trustee of Sasefletary. It Ming .1trGd that Trustee and Beneficiary. and each of than.
<br />*bell be Getitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now or hereafter hold by the Bowe-
<br />ftclarp or Trustee to such order end manner as they. or either of them. way In their absolute discretion
<br />L
<br />detaysim. NO remedy hereto conferred wpm► or reserved to Trustee or Beneficiary Is intended is be ex-
<br />clusive of say ether remedy herein or by law provided or persltted. but each *hall bt cumulative and
<br />shalt be to o441tiem to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existffg at law or in
<br />equity or by statute. Every Power or rep-0-4y =oven by any of the loan Instrummta to Trustae or Beet -
<br />fielary or to which either of thee way be otherwise entitled may be exercised. concurrently or Indepen-
<br />deetly. from time t4 else and as often as way be deemed expedient by Trustee or Beneficiary. and either
<br />r
<br />of them may wrowe inconsistent remedies. Nothing herein shall be construed at prohibiting Beneficiary
<br />ftw soaking a deffeloney Judgment stalnst trustee to the natant Ouch action Is permitted by law.
<br />-t-
<br />