<br />F
<br />CONT3 ad
<br />89'104045 1M1;1 of TROAT
<br />This goad of Trust to soda this 1st day of AUK Et . 19 . by and aRm011g Stat
<br />G1 • horeinatter referted to as ^Trwtoc."
<br />whese ova Ins *ddrmam is a •
<br />��Attaewe ae fLmw, haretna[tar re erg is 1.s rustes. +t�%4M nat1114$ is dress Be
<br />p t and TM OMM AMg MATIpIMb AMR OF 100104. ilLUND. bare ter re errs to as
<br />e mry. doe matt address is P. o. Bum Is", Grand Island, Nebteeks GM2.
<br />fte valuable consideration, Truster irrevocably grants. tronnfarm, convoys and ausi$ne to Trustee, to
<br />trust, with power of gals, for the benefit and mocurity of sonaftctery, ender and wdoet to the tears and
<br />conditions of this geed sE Trust, the taliwbs- deseribed property, located to Hall oewty
<br />gebrsshm, to -watt
<br />See attached Exhibit "All
<br />together with all bsildisgs, improvements. fixtures, *tsetse alleys, ptset(OW679, esmemesta, risbt*, privi-
<br />le$es and sppwrteoaneeo located cheeesa at is any way partelstsg thereto, sad the rents, !souse, profits,
<br />revecsteme ad the cameisdete thereof, including all such personal pra" ty that to ottacbed.to the Improve-
<br />' Santo as M to Constitute a fixtueee all ec ubtek, toeludins teplecemests and additlone tboceto, ago hereby
<br />"else" to be a pace of the coal estate a is great hesaby. it belt* yteod that all of the fore -
<br />$*Acts owl be boeobwttew referred to as tha "ltapecty."
<br />afar the Payson M� t oho Sevidenced & DD/16T dolltltlll 3Q OQ data herewith in
<br />Rb>!,•,:pe•IAeipl seen m! '-Y' RalfleRbee
<br />wti4.',fittersst at the rata or rates provided tbarsta, or the principal sad Iste first ens +a7
<br />tutai�ti advance not to exceed the total principal one Initially msested beceby'do lvtnlaaee4
<br />by, jrnatmmery votes stating they are stewed hereby, and may and all remevele<,:tiadllteatteem
<br />ad
<br />g Wessels" of aich notes, both principal and latereet an the ootes beige payable Is
<br />seeardimee with the tone set forth thereto, which by this reference is hareby side a pact
<br />bereeff
<br />(b) the performance of each agreement and covenant of Tractor bevels contatoedt. std
<br />(e) the psymaot of nay stet or sass of. osnlgy 'whl�eh "my be hereafter paid or sdeiitesd
<br />b Msotleisey under the terms of this Deed at.}tvdt, to "tber with isterat thereon at the
<br />rate provided is the note.
<br />to protect the se- eaglty_ot this Dodd of TTuitiq Tcvstor hereby covenants sod maraca as _fellows
<br />1. FaZMt of Indebtedness. To pay whom due, the principal oft, and the interest ate. the Indebted-
<br />memo evideaced by the note, charges, Eats and all other sews as provided is the logs instruments.
<br />1.. Title. Tractor is the sneer of the property and has the right and authority to execata tble
<br />ones of least in Compact to the property.
<br />_.. Tome and Assessments. To pay, %have due, all taxes, special assessments and all other charge*•
<br />optoet the property, Wave the some become delinquent. made in the event tenetlelary shell N rmquiea,
<br />to add! to the payments required under the note aeeuved hereby. tech amount as cosy be tufficteat to w
<br />MAW Bnmmficisry to pay seek taxes. assessments or.tther ekarget as tMy baeame due*
<br />afb, iasucwee. To keep the improvements now or hereafter located on the real estate described
<br />r " hereto tamed against damage by Eire and such other hazards at Bemeffeisty my require, In dmeuntt ad
<br />L*Wamios acceptable to Beneficiary, and with loss payable to seneficiscy. Is ease of loss anima tech
<br />pollcles, Beneficiary to authorised to adjust$. collect and cempromime, in its discretion, all claims
<br />tbettwder and, at its Dole option, to authorized to either apply the proceeds to the restoration of the
<br />property or wpm the.tadabtedneos secured hereby, but payments required by the mote shall contlove'untit
<br />jthe vows named hereby are •pal.A.iw fell.
<br />t T Re air liaistemanee eed'W�.; •.•1 tremptly repair, rester
<br />or rebel 10: *lv ballAtage or Improve-
<br />4
<br />soar se
<br />here*. ter on Me p petty= to- keep the property to good ceeditdsit mme r4aft, without waste
<br />and free from m comics oc aRhar flow not expressly subordinated to she liew',)ybteeta to not *eke, softer
<br />s pmrre�:t say maltase* to Wwel .'Oor to dialalsh or impair the value of ttte:yvtrsptrty by any met age malstlsw
<br />to seep; and to cowly.with s11t•.requiremeate of law with respect is the ptwp�erty.
<br />G. CeadewD *tiara. in the event the property, or any part thereof;'Atu be taken by eminent demalm,
<br />ssmefletacy is oft itled to collect and receive all compensation tdnteb my be paid for any pro"Ity takes
<br />or for dams"* to property mat takes, and $esatteiary .ball apply such esop mestles, at it* "ties#
<br />eitbmr to a reduction of the todebtednese secured hereby or to repair smd testers, the property so taken.
<br />T. yerfofosoc* by DeME141ary, stnefMary may, but shalt hose so obligation to, de any act which
<br />Tgtre m, Ms sstesd bwt failed, to dm, and Beneficiary any also do say Oct it:demos necessary to prateet
<br />the Him hereof. Truster ogtaes to repay, upon demand, any swam so expanded by Beneficiary for the
<br />above purposes, sad any am M expended by tesoffeisry m"It be added to the Indebtedness seeured here-
<br />by and baaemo matured by the Item hereof. Bemettetary shall net incur my personal liability become of
<br />as"btms it way d* of suit t0000 becounder.
<br />B. Asslotmesto of gents Beneficiary shell have the right, power sad authority during the con -
<br />ti"ssmee of this Deed of Trust to collect the rents, issues red profits of the property and of any per-
<br />Somali, property located thereon with or without taking possession of the property affected hereby. sad
<br />Trustee hereby absolutely and unconditionally assigns all seek rents. issues and profits to Beneficiary.
<br />Besefletery. however, hereby consents to Trusters collection and retention of such roots, ignore and
<br />profits as they access end become payable, so long as Trustor Is not. at such time, is default with re-
<br />gpoet to payment of any Indebtedness secured hereby. or to the perfmrmancs of any agreewt hereunder.
<br />It my evaat of default described hereafter to respect to this Deed of Trust shell have occurred and be
<br />eeWt mb*. Beneficiary, Aa a matter of right and without notice to Tractor or anyone ctaimins under
<br />Trmstere and without regard to the .algae of the treat estate or the interest of the Treater tberais,
<br />Moll have the tight to apply to Say court having Jurisdiction to appoint a receiver of the property.
<br />L open !. Iassmetlate. gmnmticlery. or its agents, representatives or workmen. are authorized to enter
<br />at may redeemable time open at is any part of the property for the purpose of inspecting the sate end
<br />for the purpose of performing any of the acts it to authorized to perform under the terms of any loam
<br />instruments executed by Truster.
<br />10. Transfer of pedant. It all or any part of the pre"ety or any inttrsst of Tcustor thsreia
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