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Bom wer. and each Insurance oompany owmermed is hereby <br />authorized and dlreded to maia payment for such We directly to <br />the Lender instead of to the Ilorower and tM Lender Oft and <br />1 the roman pia1, set, or any w "I. may M appled by tin <br />1 Lender at ite option ~ to tine rsdsdion of to hdebbdnoes <br />hereby seared or to the in IN or repair of tin property <br />dnnaged. In Brent of foredouu+e of tints kw" nt or other transfer <br />of retie to the m0 !gped property IN wd "W*ft h M of tin <br />mom""" scoured hereby, all right, titre and htereet of the <br />Borrower In and to any houranoe PO&M then in f nos sisal We to <br />the pusher or genies. <br />0. TMI as aMftW and ooiaieral ssoufy for the payment of the <br />note dssalb4 and all auras to become der under this holy mere!. <br />the Borrower honeby asWp- to the Lander d profits, twenues. <br />myeldook rights and berms soorui g to the Borrower under any and <br />i <br />all of and gas leases on Bald praises, with tin d9M to recohre and <br />receipt for the same and ap* them to eaid kWd t &a" as well <br />belore as after ddauk h tin oaWltioa of W@ I strum nt, and the <br />Lender may dom m nd. sue for and recover any s u h psymw b win <br />der and payabft but shall not be required so to do. This assignment <br />is to termirma and become nut and void upon masse of this Instrument <br />10. That the Borrower wit laop tin buidngs upon said praises <br />In good rpsk, and nWm commit nor permit waste upon said land, <br />nor suffer the said promisee So be used for any untawll8 purpose. <br />11. That N the pni mtae@. or pry, part thereof. be condemned under <br />the power of emMa donate. or acquired for a pubic use: the <br />damages ewanded, the woeeds for tin taking of. or the <br />consideration for such soquisition. to the w0 mt of the fur amount of <br />Indebtedness upon this kwvw e d and the note which It is given to <br />scum remaining unpaid, are toofty assigned by the Bowawr to the <br />Lender, and shall be paid 1m1fwM & to said lender to be applied by <br />tto letter on acooW of the need maturing Instalments of such <br />indebtedness. <br />12. The Borrower inuther afire as that should this instrument and <br />the note searred hereft not be WV* for Insurance under the <br />National Hoenig Ad within WoM months from the date hereof <br />(written statement of any dker of tM Depailment of Housing and <br />Urban Development or aulhof=ed agent of the Secretary of Housing <br />and Urban Development dined a bseque nt to the sot months- time <br />from the dote of uhle Instrument, P& FMon g to insure sell ncNs and <br />this mortoage, being dasrrwd conclusive proof of such iref9bM ). <br />the Lender or haida of the note may. at its option. d*cW* at sums <br />seared hereby kmm W* der mind payaAM. Notwkhstandng the <br />Mregoig, Mis option nray not be awdsed'by to Lender or the <br />thdder of the note when 1M IM1110 y for hwrenoe under the <br />National Housig Ad Is due to the Lender's faiure to mmk the <br />mortgage insurance prwaium to the Department of Housing and <br />Urban Developmek <br />13. That ti the Borrower felt to make any payine to of money <br />when the same beoomhs due, or fait to conform to and with <br />snyrof tin --a !Sorbs or agnansents eonteinad In this Instrument, or <br />the note which it secures. thee,lbe aft prloipal sum and accrued <br />interest shat at one beoome due and payable. at the election of the <br />Lander. <br />L <br />F <br />► s : e <br />Lander shall gke notice to Borrower pdor to acceleration <br />kAwaing Borrower's breach of any covenant or s wmnnt in this <br />Insbu rent (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 12 unless <br />apomble law provides otherwise). The notice shah sp@Wf. (a) the <br />d@fstuib (b) the action ngsrled to trine the Plebull, (a) a dais, not less <br />than 30 days *om the date the notion is em to Borrower, by which <br />tin do" must be suer; and (d) that bAn to an the dslnrk on <br />or before the dale spsoMsd in the notice say result In aooelnation <br />of tine sums aeaued by tins inskumma and sale of tin Property. The <br />ncdm shat further Inform Borrower of the right to rskaft ater <br />acceleration and the right W bring a court action b assert fin non• <br />sulOancs of a dswslt at any other Men" of Borrower to a000ler <br />anon and sele. K the delault is not oured•on or befog fin date <br />speAled in the notice. Lender st Its option may req** Win sdate <br />ryment In fuel of car suns secured by this hdnwmrt without <br />kather demerd and may hvola tM power of sal@ and any other <br />rarnediss psm W by applicable Mw. Lander shah be enured to <br />colect al expenses Incurred In pursuing the remedies provided in <br />this paragraph 13, hducft but not MOM to. reasonable <br />attorneys' toss and posts of We evider" <br />0 the power of sale b invoked. lhid" shall record a notice of <br />default b each county in whteh any part of the Property Is located <br />and shat- mall copies of such nodo In the manner prescribed by <br />apple" law to Borrower and to the other persons press bed by <br />apple" law. tier the time required by appirable law. Trustee <br />shat give pubic notice of sale to the persons and in the manner <br />prescribed by appllcabte law. Trustee. without demand on Borrower. <br />sMi set the Property at pubic auction to the highest bidder at the <br />time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale <br />In one or more parcels and In any offer Trustee determines. Trustee <br />may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by pubic <br />announcershent st the Ons and place of any pmi oruy scheduled <br />sale . Lender or it designee may p=h4m the Property at any 'sale. <br />Upon race" of payment of the price bld. Trustee shin dearer to <br />the purchaser Trustees deed oonvsyig the Roputr TM recitals in <br />the Trustae's deed sW be prima fade evidence of ft truth of tin <br />staterrhents made therdin. Trustee shat epply the proceeds of the a" <br />in the folov" order: (a) to all experrsea of the sale, Irokudng, but <br />not HnMed to. Trustees tea a3 perrdtlad by apple" law and <br />nest nabte attorneys', tea; (b) to M sums secured by this Securely <br />Instnunant; and (e) any excess to the person or persons leggy <br />antftd to k <br />U. Uparr acceleration under paragraph 13 or abandonment d floe <br />Property, lender (in person, by agent or by judiciaiy appointed <br />racelveo sisal be anti mi,to enter upon, Wes possession of and <br />mnnaps the Property in+d to collect tM nets of the Property <br />hduding dose past der. Any urea ooioctsd by Lender or tin <br />receiver steal be applied trot to psyowt of the costs of managemmV. <br />of the Progeny and co eWoh of rents, Including, but not "ad tot•: <br />reedver's Sam premiums on rsc~s bonds and reasonable <br />attorney's fees. and #wt. to the sums secured by this instrument. <br />It Upon payment of al sums sawred by this instrument, Lend r <br />shat rpuOd' Trustee to recd vy the Pmpery and shat surrender <br />this instrument and M notes evidencing debt secured by this <br />hstnmrnrd to Trustee. Trustee. shat reeorsvey tine Ptopenty without <br />Page 3 of 5 HUDS21+3DT 1. <br />gam WTS.pttnj•: <br />7 <br />r- <br />E� <br />, <br />