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11 <br />Ooiva err and Landes oovanam and age n follows: <br />I. That Sorrowr wB pay the indsbledneas as Mninbsfore <br />provMsa ltNNaOa b reserved to pay the debt In whole or in part on <br />MY insWMnar1 due date, <br />2, That together with. and in adMon to, tM meMhfy payments <br />of principal and k"" FV" under the term of on now seared <br />hereby. the Borrower we pct to the Lender, on the list Clay at each <br />month until the said nose is full psid the foNwAV swam: <br />(a) A sum " to the Wound range. N any, nand due, Pius the <br />Premium that will fwd h an ''s dw and payable on pofdsa of *a <br />and other i "--'l Inneumm ONSINIIII the property. Pius Mama and <br />assessments nerd due on the poop-4 led as seMnrMed by the Lander) <br />less M sums already paid tlmdm dk it' sd by the MWdW of months <br />to lopes before one (1) MIN prior to the data when such ground <br />rents. Premiums. teas and aseseermm t will become delquemt. such <br />some to be held by Lender In trust to pay said Wound rents. <br />Premiums, taxes and speoW assesunu and <br />(b) All payments mmendoned in the preceding subsection a this <br />paragraph and M paymerits to be made under the note secured <br />hereby shah be added logemther, and the *WOW* amount thereof <br />shall be paid by the Borrower each month, in a single payment to be <br />applied by the Lender to the bkwbg Mom In the order set forth:. <br />(1) ground rents. taxes, assessments. Are and other hazard insua• <br />an" pmmtums; <br />(10 interest an the note secured heresy <br />(II) anortissdon of the pi sod of Bald note; and <br />(N) late charges <br />Any dekier-ty In the smoum of such wAmgate more" Payment. <br />atW. unkm numb nom .kw Vm gt"Mw � • to'�.. w:.0— w u <br />next such psymsnt, Wralb s an event of defer@ arxdsr 1tMs <br />mortgage. The Lender may eobat a gate charge' not to exceed four <br />COO (40) br eaeh daft (:1) of each pspwd more than wReen <br />(1f) days in Nf ws to Cover the m1m M 1-muIlLn'3 <br />ddlnquwt payments. <br />I That N the total of the payments made by the Borrower under <br />(a) of Paragraph 2 preceding shah erased the amount of payments <br />adusgy made by the Lender for groundsoft taxes and assesu"ffft . <br />or insurance~ p peas. as the case may bo. such excess. N the toes• Is <br />ccurent. at liner option of lyres Burrower, shall be crud led by the <br />Lxmder on subsequent paPism M to made by the Borrower. or <br />refunded to the Sorrovww�•. , QL •however, the monthly payments mnsds <br />by the Borrower Urdu (s) Of P&MV*h 2 pecedng shat not be <br />SUMCient to pay Wound rents. taxes anid :"sassmsnts or Insurance, <br />Premiums. as the rase rrmIVtM when The same shell beoorrme due silo <br />payable. then the Borrower sisal pay to the Lender anjc• MM M <br />necessary to make up Mb, dsfioisrwcy. on or before the date when <br />peymerM of such Around nab, taxes. assssanenb. or insranoe <br />Prenmiums shy be due. N d any dim* the 8arower shef twdu to <br />the Lumdu. h accordance with the provisions of the nob seuxned <br />hereby. U payment of the entire indebtedo s represented thereby. <br />the Lender shag, in oompugsg the amount of ewah indebtedness. <br />credit to the account of ft 8omower any balance rernaiming io the <br />funds sommx* Mal under the provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 herftk <br />N there shall ices a defmarlt under any cf. the provisions of thia <br />instrumeet reiuitimg in a pubic ads of the Premises covered hereby. <br />89-- 403965 <br />or N the lender acquires the Property otherwise after defwM, the <br />Lender shaft apply, at the time of the commencement of such <br />proosedings, or at the time the property la otherwise acquired, the <br />balance then remaining in the funds Accumulated undt (U of <br />Paragraph 2 precedinqh as a credit apM$t the amount of principal <br />then rernaW" unpaid under said note, <br />4. That the Borrower will pay Around rents. taxes, asssssnrenb. <br />water false. and other gowmmentd or municipal ohryss, tines or <br />Impositions, for which provision has not been made hweinbefore, <br />and In default thereof the Lender may pey the -- v - and that the <br />Borrower will pomply dOer the I RAW melpts therefor to the <br />Lender. <br />5. The Borrower wi pay ale taxes which nay be W40 upon the <br />Lsndu's Interest In said fad estaM and improvements, smut which <br />may be levied upon this insuument or the debt sewnd hereby (but <br />only to the extent that such Is not prohibited by. Geis• ear$ Q* to the <br />extent that such WE not merit* this low user msu but etnidnrdtng any <br />Income tax, Slats or Federal, imposed on Le: dw. and w a.1s the <br />OMCM NOW showing such payment with Mb lender;;; n <br />om <br />violation of Mrs underlsift, or N the Bowr is by any <br />law now or hwOMW existing fpm► paying the whole or oil portion <br />of the abresaid taxes, or upon the rendeilog of any court decree <br />prohbiting the payment by the Borrower of ear such taxes. or If' ' <br />such law or decree provides that any arrau�t so. paid .bye. Me <br />Bomowrer shall be credited on ft debt, the Lender andd Gale, the <br />eight to give nirndy days' written notice to the owner of ft premises, <br />requiring the peyrw4 of the debt. N such mi *ce be gPikm the said <br />debt shah became due. Payable and cogeotf k.,st the Mallon of <br />send ninety days. <br />6. That should the Bomowarr far to pay any sum or keep any <br />covenant provided for in this instrument. then the Lender, at its <br />option. may pay or perform the same. and all expenditures so made <br />shall be added to the principal sum owning on the said not *. shag <br />be serausd hereby. and shah bar interest at the rate ad forth in the <br />'aid nois, units p idv <br />T. The the Boe,awer hereby assigns, brasiers and aets over to the <br />Lender, to be applied toward the payrnent of the note and all sums <br />si wed herby in one of a delauit in the pariorm once of any of the <br />terms and conditions of this instrument or the Bald note, all the rents. <br />revenues and income to be derived from the "M promises during <br />such time as the indebtedness shag remain unpaid, and the Lender <br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may dostre for the ' <br />Purpose of rsP$k rtg said promisee and of renting the sane and <br />collecting the rents, reverkm and iocom % and it may pay out of said' ,. <br />Incomes erg Nip a es of repe169t8 said promises and necessary <br />air b missions and expenses h=u=ed in ranting and managing' Vita <br />sums and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remst�i�'i <br />any. to be appgemd toward the discharge of said indebtedro . <br />8 That the Borrower will keep the improvements now e�datfrip or <br />hereafter erected on the papa4p, insured as may be ng reed from <br />time to time by the Lender against loss by fin and other'tiazards, <br />casualties and contingencies in such amounts and for such pseuds <br />as may be required by the Lender and will Pay Promptly. when due, <br />any premiums on such insurance, provision for payment cf.whk:h <br />•has not been made iweinbellore. All insurance shag be.catiW in <br />companies approved by the Lender and the policies a t¢ m"wals <br />thereof shag be held by the Lender and have attached tfm*o loss <br />PAY" clauses in favor of and in torn acceptable to the tender. in <br />event of toss Borrower will give immmliste ncgee by maid to the <br />Lem? der. who mwf'rmake proof of loss N not made promptly by <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />HUD•82143DT =1 <br />(Foram FDTLpim) <br />Ut <br />�• r <br />I <br />