<br />10, Borrower Not jNisMSet;/etMlet�hee By Lander Not Waiver. Extonston of the lima for paynxtnl or milatficau,ut at nnuttUrabnri tit Iho Gums =urad by this Sccunty hnstnmmt -nt
<br />,a
<br />granted by Lender to emy auccdetihr h, ngrest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the otiginni a)arinwor or flotrov e{ y successors in Interest Lender shall not t':1 requirrd
<br />to Commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for papnont or onom•mae modify nmorUr,tion of Ilia sums securod by this Security instrument by reason
<br />of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors In Interest Any forbearance my lundtn in nkemc ,vnil any i ,)ti► tar remedy "hail not ba a waiver of or preclude the
<br />exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />11. Sueeaeaars and Atalpne Bout d; JWnt and f3atrttxsl Liability; Coaalgners, The covenants and agreenif nln of this Sucurdy Instrument shall bind and bonatil the successotti and
<br />assigns of Lender and Borrower. sub)eetto the provisions of paragraph t7, Borrower's covenants and agraemonta shall bo joint artdseveral Any BorrowarNhoco •slgnsthts$o:urrjrinsirun$(11
<br />but does not wxwvM the Note: (a) Is co- signing this Security instrument only to mortgage, grant and Mnvey that Bwmwr. r'R mtanhsl m t" ", rty under the torm4 of this SecurjW tnstnrnant; .
<br />(b) Is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument: and (c) aprons thnt Lender and any other tlormwar msy ageno M exter..d, modify: forbear or maho any
<br />accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent
<br />10. Loan Cheri N the ban socuro by this Security Instrument Is subod to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and Thal law is finally interproled so that tin inteteM or other loin
<br />Charges collseted or to be collected In corxroc lion with the ban exceed tiro permitted limits, then: (a) any such ban charge shall De reduced by the smount necitswAV to raduee thei charge . .
<br />to the permitled limit: and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower LNxNr may choose to mske this refund by reducing
<br />ins principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrow. If a rakmd reduces principa►, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment withaul arty, pTapaymant charge
<br />under the Note.
<br />18. LegtMltn AthoNrig Len * Rights. H anamment or expiration of applicable taws has the affect of rendering any provision of the Note or trts Security lnstrutment.0 he �osr et)t!la
<br />socording to Ns terms, Lender, at ks option, may require Immediate payment In full of aN sums secured by this Security Instrument and may Invoke any remedies perlyMeci by paragraph 19, ` Ij
<br />H Lents, swiciea thin opllon Lender end take the steps specilbd in the second paragraph of paragraph 17
<br />11. Netloss, Any notice to Sonower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be oven by delivering it or by marling 11 by first class mail unless appHCatt!,a law requires use of another
<br />"
<br />rrottod, That n&jos shell be dlreoled to the Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall to given Cry first class mail to Lender's
<br />address stand herein or any other addtegt,LetKlat designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for In this Security Instrument shall be deemed to. bra been given to Borrower or
<br />Lender when given a provided h ihfe pull Wl".
<br />I& Oovarnkq Low; •rwelk y, gills %*u* Instrument shall be governed by faderad law and the taw of the Jurisdiction in which the Property is located. to tiro want that any provision
<br />or clause of this Security inilim ent it the dtktg cows with applicable laws such cutiNict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Intitrum"I or tin Note which can be given effect
<br />without the conN dW* provision. To this aih'd the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be saverahle
<br />11. oorrower's Copy. Borrow shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br />17. Transfer of the Property or a SenOWW Interest In Borrows. H all or any part of the Property or any interest in It is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is said..
<br />dr Ummfrred and Borrower le not a naRtral pawn) without Lender's prior written consent. Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment ,n hill ,f 811 sums secured by this Security :. • .
<br />Instrument. However, On option snail not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the data of this Security instrument
<br />I If Lander exercises this Option. Lender abalt give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed
<br />which Borrower must pay all surds aMtucted by this Security Instrument. It Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this pencil. Lender may invoke any remedies permitted
<br />by this Security Instrument wilhoW fuO w natft or demand on Borrower.
<br />11. oorrOenr'a IlfDht b Rwknhte. -11 BartaNter meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have enforcenwrit of thrs SeeutrW Instrument discontinued at any time prior to
<br />the eadiN of: (a) 5 dep (or such other period is applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sate of the Property pursuant to any power M sale Contained In this Security Instrument;
<br />or (b) entry of a Odgiment enforcing Hiss Security instrument. Those conditions are that Borrower. (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the
<br />Note had no acceleration occurred: (b) cures any defauh of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses Incurred in enlorctng this Security instrument, including, but not Nmited
<br />to. reasonable atbrneys' fees: and (d) takes such actbn as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lion of this Secunty, instrument. Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's
<br />obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument end the obligations secured hereby shall
<br />remain fully effective as H no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraphs 13 or 17.
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender further covenant and egfse as follows:
<br />11. AayMrellon: Reriedlee. Lender she* give n otic— loft water prior to sccokwa*m foHOwMg Borowwr's ttireseh of any co�wieit or agnerrneN M this 1selrNy Mslrurtnrit
<br />(Out not prior to aoosNratbn molar paragraphs 13 "lid IT unless applic" law pre - Id N otherwtN). The notice shah specify: (a) tin defauM; (b) tin eeton requNad /o cure the
<br />dMau*t (c) s chin. net MM tat s1 drys ftcrn till dsts tha notce Is gftren b flomom by which tote defu* must be cured; and (d) that feMee to cure tie daI ulf on w bake
<br />`'
<br />tin date spa~ In the notlee msy natal in aCGMratoti of the sums eacuead by this Swurrity Instrument and sate of the Property. The We shall furwer Inform Borrower of
<br />s
<br />tin Agin b 1slnsh" altar esoaMnlbn W4 Uri right so'beft s court aaton to ~din noni11aftme of ■ dalau* or any~ defense of cal am to aecderNlOe and wale. it
<br />Um daft* M not grad on or before1MdalspeFIN 0 (lithe nottck Lander at IM optkn NW require kmmadials poll Intent in full of ON suns secured by tit Security htstnlnisn
<br />wlMioielfw odademiar idandtrayktMOMS1MpttwsroflainsaidgtyOttMrnIndleepsnri It byapplkebblew.LendershatbowMitls toomilep!s8oxpumakieLm. Mpursulng
<br />; ti >_
<br />tie remsdtee provided In d to pwgp*ph 196 hieMrlNi1. WA not IbMW to, lsssons0ls rittorneys' two and costs of title evidence.
<br />,.• :
<br />If tea power Of sat le k►vo11 ThaMile shad raon • notical.of defauft In each county In which any pert of the Property M locoed acid sold wAN eoplas of such noom M is
<br />manner pnseAbwd by sppllsrbb (w f Bbnaww andto the ottw pwwm pnecribed byaMkmMk=AftrfttMwrequindbyappNeabl*Mw1 IUWG efs*gM pubMe nAlk
<br />of aft to the parrots and In On i matlnet pmkrlbed by rspq k*b law. Trwtee• wlthout dsfnmW on Borrower, shall sell the Property at puW s tenon to the tllaheet bkider at the
<br />`.
<br />orris grid plan grid raider pis Memo diiy)tisY till In the ,hones of sat in one or mtone pe- and In any order Thule delm th a ThWee tttisll poelis am sill of aN or any past
<br />r
<br />ofttiOpplsa by puM isneum teswiM at Its tkis orb Moos of any pnvkm* scheduled sale. Lander or He daeigms may ptlmfwm s tin Properly et arty, rill•
<br />�Property
<br />purchisear Property.
<br />On bilsMm
<br />svidetoe�tiAi bul�fi etift made t T ut� shall pply the prooesde off tin sale f�oMowkg (a b NCI expo en of the sable kio*Id & WA not I M
<br />_
<br />t:nesies's foss M perrmited by appucebis tow and ressaesble attorneys' twee; (b) b aH surm secured by thin Security Insbunnnt; end (c) any exces t to the person or persons
<br />IgMy entitled to It.
<br />21L Lender in Possession. Upon ao oleos ion under paragraph 19 or Abandonment of the Property, Lender (in person, by agent or by Judicially appointed receiver) mall be entitled to
<br />enter upon, take poessasion of snd manage the Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first
<br />to payment of the costa of management of the Property and collection of rents, including. but not limited to, rec emier's fees. premiums on rooeiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and
<br />than 10 the sums secured by this Security Irst-umemt.
<br />21. Asoonvsyal Upon payrhe t of as sterns secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security instrument and
<br />d tellies evidencing debt secured by this Secuyrily krsirtiment to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Properly without warranty and wrthout charge to the person or persons legally entitled to
<br />it Such person or person shed pay any recordwon Costa.
<br />—_
<br />22. SubsWurM Thralse. Lender. at ifs option, may from fume to rime remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded to the
<br />county in whch oft Security Instrument is rebordod. Without conveyance of to Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to as the title. power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein
<br />and by opp"r Min lave:
<br />22 lingual ice sacliea. Borrower regtxes%s that copies of the nerves of default and sale be sent to Borrowers address which is the Property Address. Borrower further requests that
<br />copes of tin noboes of dafaull and sat to sett to each person who is a perry hereto at the address of such person set forth herein.
<br />='
<br />21. Rldara b 1JNe Security kntrlmreltL. H ors or more Tiders am executed by Borrower and recorded together with this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreerronts of each such
<br />P
<br />rider shall be rotor xWW into and shalt amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the nder(s) were a par of this Security Instrument (Check
<br />apokcable box(se))
<br />[3 A001abis Rata Rider [ Condominium Rider ❑ 24 Family Rider
<br />i
<br />❑ Gfiidwted Payment Eider ❑ Fiaaned unit Development Rider
<br />p Otlurs) ISPK41
<br />By SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to cos terns and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in any fider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it
<br />` - - - -- — (Seal)
<br />- • ilonrower
<br />(Space Bsbyw This Lino For Ackntowle ftntent)
<br />Stale of Nebraska i
<br />t ss:
<br />countlr of lei t �
<br />-- -►
<br />On tht, __21 St— day of - ( .19 _ 49_. befcr9,m,a Notary Public in the State of
<br />posonakysp~ Stephan. J.• Vertin and Cynthia M. Ver -Ijn- hus band and wife __•...
<br />Q, m0 lisibonelry known to be the psrsnnis) named in and who executed the foiegri,rg ir57rumoi nt. and ackr orModged that _ executed the same ea
<br />vuturitary act orb deed
<br />r n rttrlTARY.StaleofMebr.
<br />My I c',mrrtieer n FxprH
<br />` r,�,i �liL ✓
<br />t
<br />— a ,
<br />v _orrtrn. Exp. Jan. 29
<br />r oily cr __. -.. - - '! _.:_ _ . b©toro me a Notary Pub':: „ 'ho State ni
<br />{�
<br />■1
<br />9 L•' :'t- .1 r k .,A* t', ?_o Ptri oo,Btp,151 ^n:^iG`I:'l^:' az'P. wPm 2XnL°roe try larerlO :MJ IM1G1h,mRM :grvl n' kan,n :nrinuv'i She} n.•.. m d L..... ,u.0 ., .
<br />■i
<br />•.r'Alt. {'iris•
<br />