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r <br />L <br />tS r <br />1 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />9S''` 103860 <br />THS OEEO OF TRUST (- Securily kAatrTNlm ") Is made on this ______91 C day of —Jul* <br />19....-- BI.Thatniew ie Stepball J. Vert. in and_tynthia M. Vertin- huchand and Wjfp <br />( 'Borrower') The trustee le Commercial Fattest Savings and Loan Associstbn, <br />C-Trustn•). The benSaciory is Gomrna "Federal Savings and Luan Associaiiort, which is organised and existing under the lawn of Nebraska, and whose address is 4400 Fornam, Omaha, <br />NaaaaMaf)t131t' last) 1r'I, NanOwwowulartdarthaprinctpalsWna Nine thousand two htindrfid nlpv@in doljarit an No �IQQa•_-•EoYw, <br />TM dent Is evidenrsd by Bonowsr's rate llatad the same date sa this Security Instrument (•Nola). who provides for monthly payments, with the <br />fur dabs It trot poll Iwrer, due NO p ymbila on August 1, 1994 <br />This Gem* Mwuatettl Mcuiss to Lander: (a) the repayment of the doM evidenced by the Nab, with interest, and err renewals, sxtw lofw and modifications; (b) the payment of all other <br />acme. with itterael adanoad under paragraph 7 to protect the security of this Security MatrwnaM; and Ep) " podorm mole of Borrower's covenants and agreements. For this purpose, <br />Borrower Ntwocatty grant! awed oawrys b Thrslae. Intrust, with power of sale, rte RV ifii;ng described pri+!brt4y'WMed in Hall county. Nebgaka: <br />The Easterly Twenty -One Feet (21') of Lotjour (4) and the Westerly Forty Feet (40') <br />of Lot Five (5), Block Orre (1) Westerhoff's First Subdivision, Hail County,Nebraska. <br />Vid hog* ad oa 3131 Westside Grand Island <br />(street) (city) <br />Neonenn 68801 ("Property Ao tss'); <br />TOOETMER with are 9w Mnptorartw now a hereafter arecled on the property. arW sit saaements, rights, awrteranow rants, r+oya? ies. nVirt al, or and gas rights and VOW water <br />Vft and atttak and aw flh kM stow ar !wodim apart. Ol Ahe property. AN repla eirris igs and addNons shah also be eovsred try' C" S Ictr IN Instrument. Ara the toregokg Is referred q in <br />fftis sear" k eirlosant astfN •fhapery.• <br />BOf FVMft COVENWM that •oerotrer is iswAAy solow of 0» estate hereby oo&ayed and has the right to grant and convey the, Ptopecty, and VO the Property is unertcumoered. <br />e110ep1 for MtotwtbrrAnotM d wears. lieafCerer hharrerta and vrw statsrnd! gai+MSSty tile tat(" b ire Property rtpakrst err ciaktls and dsnnands, t;utybet b arty enhcunhharhoea d record. <br />TI98 SECURITY a1sTR1�flElfit rnarratfaln 1xNlOrhn,70yanaraa bit rtaAOnal tea and non+urhtonm oovenarte with krtNfed vsrlstiona by ju!iedit".icn b carNfiaula a tfftitdnm electrry irelrunNnt <br />oovaSfrrg veal property. <br />UNrOPW COVENANTS. ttiaroraeearld Leader cavenanif and agree as forows: <br />1. tf;ty nM of P rIm"wil sad WAWoo4 PespoprAM sad f ds Cheops, Bonoswr shat worn tly pay ether dis the principal of and Irdoism oil the dent ovid ntoed by the NoM and any <br />imam 1W ant tart t Chaim due LOW" Ilse MM. <br />tree ftfarla te 1Wd M kN• a corn iFUnda9 b orta- tw►tMth aF. i) s rte :....._. sr; L................... ,,..,. Mt d:; ++ :.� -„�.:...1�••M ri•I �i•ii W i .QF vi;w 1•U•IIi 11•iMf <br />( Yearly UUM aril aaafaanlNlis nay attain pri6dly oyar this Sect%* W"1aiG ~; (b) yearly leaehold p►wieete or <br />piotarr9 terra on the IAopery, Marty; (e) yefaAy hated kawana prenrhkrrthe; and (d) yrlary morgapa inswonee premiums. t any. These fterns mra rated !crow renhe.• Lender may eaWnNe <br />tlhe Ftrtda dh» stn inn baalt err trufnwt riala and rea,onaeaa eatfmafea of hence wxow items. <br />Ili. FuneY %Ili be "an �w.rr erg r....w r -f - .- 4. - -- got; e- <br />f •fit -. �'^'! -... �..±C � v�� �'r"`reir c> vt: x�+w vs yi�aiacv v7 n +v.m v+ osas3 a'i�"^? l'W^iu+i'tj i. =inioi ri lm �—i is o`an'ii mi n r>i::sit }. i.5igr'Ei <br />shll apply to Fhrde b py ter name Own. Lender may not charge for holding and applying ter Funds, anarysing the account or verifying the escrow items, unless Lender pays Sonowlar <br />ktereef on WS Funde and applicable taw termite Lender a make such a Berge Bon owei and Lender may agree in lha ll Interest char be paid on the Funds. ticteaa an egreer ent is <br />ttlada or apptbabM taw aarttarea ("Mew- b Ire paid. Lander Mitt rot to requuad to pey BorowM any Interest or somktga on the Funds. Lender shat give to Borrow. without chm ge. an <br />annual savo wAV Of the Ftrrde Sitcom OfedifS and debits a the Funds aid the pupoea for wMdt each debit lo the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for ter <br />titarK Sapred by tie Sauxkl►lnpthrryent <br />t tfkeahrotrt of She Fw* hold by Londe r, toge0nr with the Muds monthly payments of Funds payable per» to the due dais of this osew ieerris. 00 exceed tw amount requited to pay <br />ter ereaew Naas when due• go aurorae shOloo st Borrower's option, ether (xompYy repaid b Borrower or credded to Borrower on ceorhttty payroonts of Funds. r 1his,without of the Funds <br />Mid by Lender Is not auMdm to pay the escrow 4@m wdnn due. Borrower "pay ?a Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency in one oc raoo psaynnents as required by <br />Lender. <br />Upon payfrm M lua of at some Secured by this Socii ify liroh ant. Uwxw "put sat *My ref unld a Bonower any Furls hard by Lender. if under patagraph 19 the Property Is sold or <br />soqulnd by LerdM• Lender aholl apply. no haler then immedaley pnoir to ter "Is of the Property or is acquisition by lender. any Funds held by Landerall (ho time of application See credit <br />�eNMc+ wtf applicable law provides clew f o err paymer" rac.iv.d by Lender under parographa I and 2 SW b.'appMd: rust. b lale chwga due under the <br />fly iso: aetxhnd• b prepyraelt charpee duo under the Note: trlyd. a amoiM p elfew udw parsgrapth 2: fourth. to prim , m rlu: and tea. a phrihclPM dw. <br />A thwaar Linn. an A -sew show pay an taxes, assessments. emerges, finets and. irhppoerlons attributable to the Property which may atqun_prkw tai over ails Somirty Instrument, and <br />Uas*hold PMhenfa or grotrhd ("eras• if any. Borrower shaft pay these obligations in the nar,ner provided in paragraph 2. of if not paid In that manner. Borrower sh r pay therm on time directly <br />a the person owed perm rtmM. Baavw Straw promptly furnish to Larder all noboes cla*Mounts to be paid under Iris paragraph. If Borrower makes tries! foolfmats dfsctly. Borrower shall <br />promptly fbrunt, to Lender nwias Sw4oncing the payments. <br />Borrower SW prowoty discharge, "r Ian which has priority over this Security Instrir mft unless Borrower; (a) agrees in wrfting to the pay-WI of the obligation secured by the lien In a <br />manner aooepf W b Lender: (b) contests in good fath the Gen by. cr defends against enforcement of 3* Bert in, too Woosedings which vv the Lender•$ Opinion operate to prevent the <br />ertorantert of ter tier or Ifidoillm of any part ate Property, or (c) sewas frown the hoklor of the lien an agreement aagafsCbry to Lender $%bondinatfng tine ken to this Security Insffummt. <br />M Under def m*ft that any part of the Property is sut?sct to a Iron which may attain pxo--Ay over this Security instrumer:e. Lender may grveBorrower a notice ide tillpfig the lion. Borrower <br />Ghat SWAty ale wen or take OnS or MM of the aawons est forth above within 10 days of If], giving of notice. <br />L Nowd fanunnow Borrower Shall keep rte wr4 roverrhertts now ex" or hereafter Directed on the Property insured against loss by fire. hazards intended within the term 'extended <br />cowrags' std any offer har/rds for which Lender tequw" insurance. This insurance shaft be maintained in the amounts and for the ps!roft that Lender "Was. The insurance carrier <br />prwidirg the fnwrance shll be chow by Borrower wb)Sc1 to lendWvapfrovah which Shall trot be unressiortabty witht*w. <br />AC insurance P Okfyn and r ertewab Maw be - r - $10 a to L& Wit acrd Shan *X x)e a stadard mortgage clause. Lender shakh"ftrigM to hold the policies and renewals. If Lerxler <br />re Q, I, Borrower Maw p roll w* 9" b Lender err receipts of paid praow,vr.>s and gMnethal rrofkn. in that event of Ions, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the uteuranoo carrier and Lender. <br />Under tray MAMA Wad of boo a not made wwrq*y by Samo er. <br />Unless Lander and Bonowwr witerwise agree In writing; rguraoe prooseds shat be applied b nsbrabon or repair of area Property damaged, d the tesSoratfon or repair is economically. <br />feasible and lender's security is not lessened. "me ni sforston of repair is not eoonom*4ffif1 feasible or Lender's security w0utd be lessened. the insurance proceeds shat be applied to the <br />Soma Secured by Me Security ko&wnwt, whetter or not then duo. *A h any exams paid. to Borrower. If BorroweT abandons the Property or does not answer within 30 days a notloe from <br />Lender Wit the inewance an nor has oflef a soft a claim, ter Lender may edlect tha insurance p moseds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore ter Property or to pity sums <br />SOMW by this Security khe mwwt• w WVW «not than due. The W-dy period win begin wdhert rte ngsbce w gttfen. <br />Uniess Lender and Boinownf Wwwrse "in in writing, any Application of proceeds to principal shall rpt eyter4 of postpone rite due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs <br />1 and 2 of change the amount of the payments. If under paragraph 19 the Property is acqu:red by lender. Soasa"'s ng'%t to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to <br />the Property prior a Vie ANOW060n Sera peas b Lender to the SxWM of the suns secured by this Security Instruriieni. mrraaiatey prior to the acwMion. <br />9. Fsesion, @"I air MW QW4r4o of Property: LMSNnIaa. 80notar Mar not destroy, damage or substantially change the Property, allow, the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. <br />N this Searcy inerume t a an "Dahobd, Borrower srra:I comply with tha provisions of the base, and if Borrower acquires fee III* to the Property, the leasehold and fee idle shag not merge <br />unis" Lender apeM a the Merger in ariw <br />I. Pobetlea Of Leaders, eta in Inn Mopes IV; kAO %pp Uewance. it Borrower fads to peporm the covenants and agreements contained in this Security instrument, or there is a <br />W_I* M" *V ties ^My tkS."vfiC!^!tY ~ Le+• -e►'s rvf+ in fie Prep" (s_th es o gx ", ding in bahL•ii:t:,r prersle. to t rntn.r.+ntd!an q+ to enforce lairs or regulations). Men Lendv <br />my do and pay for wh&*W a neoaMary to WOW dw vakrs of this Property and Larder's rights in the Property Lender's actions may include parying any sums Secured by a Gen which has <br />priority over ON SocKrty M*umsrrt Wooing in roux(. prying roaSoruble attorneys' fees a'nd entenng on the Property to make repwrs Ahhough Lendw may take action under this paragraph <br />7. Lends don not her b dD W <br />Any amounift 11 11 , 1 14 by Lender, under this paragraph 7 shaft becomo addo.,onal debt of Borrower secured by this Security instrument UNess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms <br />cis psyrtNrM. 9hue orttowtS chart boa wiferset from the plate of disbursement at the Mote rase and shah be payable, with interest. upon (101100 from Lender to Borrower requestIng payment <br />It redder reatired,rnl,7/tgpe inewalce as a condition of tnikutg the loan secured by this Security Instrumenl. Sorfower Shah pay the premiums reyurrod to ntainfw: the Insurance in effect <br />unM such trier as Wes sw4fAMr*A for the yteunM" termrna es in accordance with Bortowsr s and Lenders !when agreement or appf+cable taw <br />9. WAPBSO L Under Of its *WA may make re+sonatrle Yntrigs upon artd inspedlons of the Property Lender shat give Borrower nonce at the time of or prior to an inspection spec.fy rug <br />f"KedUO MODS iM the rltprC 1On <br />9. CwAlonatallaah. The pxbfMds of any award at cia•m toe damages direct or Cone jenbat. m Connection w.ih any r ondernnatton or other faking of any part of rho Prop etty. or lot <br />MrrrWAW-e wt ke., U cond,r'nrtN„ or+. ere hereby ass y>ed end Mast be paid t•; Lon(W <br />in Ohs were CA a Veit W q N raw Pioiwity the &4c,cheds yr.a:l be apoed tri tho SUMS secured by th.; Six un1y instrument whether or not then duo. with any ox vss pa;d to BorroAvt G, <br />lr1A A./trM r/ • .nr)rl tit f.'r Ito. Drrrrr! rein•! LL M LnM n+ _ y <br />S '^'J r ' -' °•9h"•!'• C . .. £! r. =!` fit!_^ ig.•')° ••• nit.^ :� !^° 1:::- S -.:•• �' by L`:; cz:.:ti ' ^;frulnar ;t Shall tic ra1u.'oa Lr n` 7 anwunf rat th=e <br />Viewo n'tuat~ by I." k'skftJig hortajn 181 the 1')!.Tf AndjulI [.t thhrj!•:,mt. sr✓.:;•O:f nr.nh•,d•a ?B:y r,f�'�r0 r++^ 1 t• MI 1 r.ifr!d DY 451 run fa:! ma;i.r)f NA :ro t•I irif+ t'ropr'tly •.r•.•r,od.l•f:e IK!rtnn <br />!'.e uwry Any rsuncs ,".V1 to pk d c, Cxsluw,t <br />it p A r•,cyput/ to Yrrar0,4,P,, s Li tYrr'ro w cf 4 N'fer rt.: ' "!,Y t C +n',t+r !'i fri• >': •e. ! m ;t mE, r.;r,'Y •*�': ✓ n•y .., pan �•. !f6,P -I ' ::• O a : Lt n, 'fit del ^!9qt + ": fSurrr. pH'' !i1 't 1, 'i`.{4 • r11.' <br />ry:(t(ir rti!n,n 311 Cara hrnQ"CAM pia fCtYa •h h'VBn : C.'t'ftt C.. ^'..r L4:'1 t'. •., i;:1 d'v' rpq.r P._, r. vt r :. x; •4 -i ••..r. r. r4r.. t„ n.4'. +H h... pr word • h•f Ply• 1'r••� f." •.i 1. i Pen <br />.w ,..,.d by [t-.s '. _ 'y l•.,,- 'rf'n9rr ,i�iw..r.,,r , t .r� , .,, �y _r <br />i:mvs I vow 4.41 Pirl•(.',r1E+ril1P[,rt, eft I!-,Yon sr• 6r• r..) n. eft.:•. •r•,a „!p:• +. ctitt frit , .. a. <br />,+ .ins• <br />p•r7 . r •-.'f % -.JS fry i. ^reel ' ,r l.•.; * :lei ".lit !� <br />„v <br />f•• <br />r' f <br />T+ <br />