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STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />200108074 <br />I, Lee D. Wagner, being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says as follows, to wit: <br />1. On this date, he is a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Nebraska, and is now Vice- President of <br />Benjamin & Associates, Inc., Engineers and Surveyors, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />2. Affiant further states that on August 7, 2001, he completed a survey of "LIVENGOOD SUBDIVISION' <br />in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a plat thereof being on record at the Register of Deeds Office <br />located in the Hall County Administration Building. <br />3. Affant further states that he has this date re- examined the plat of said "LIVENGOOD SUBDIVISION', <br />and has discovered an error on the seventh line from the bottom of the Legal Description pertaining to two <br />boundary courses which were omitted in the Legal Description, and also has discovered an error on the <br />last line of the Legal Description pertaining to an incorrect acreage. <br />4. Affiant further states that the seventh line from the bottom of the Legal Description shall now read <br />"Section Ten (10), for a distance of One Hundred Seven (107.0) feet, turning thence north and running <br />parallel with the east line of said Section Ten (10), to a point on the southerly right of way line of the <br />Union Pacific Railroad Company; turning thence" in lieu of "Section Ten (10), to a point on the southerly <br />right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company; turning thence" being erroneous, null and void. <br />5. Affiant further states that the last line of the Legal Description shall n9w read "and containing 14.957 <br />acres, more or less" in lieu of "and containing 0.000 acres, more or less." being erroneous, null and void. <br />Further Affiant Saith Not. <br />Dated this 10th day of August, 2001. <br />$Pe`-8 R.A s-n <br />�'.0!WSrfR 0% Y <br />LS -557 <br />Subscribed in my presence and <br />2001. <br />My commission expires May 9, 2004 <br />D. Wagner, Registered <br />Surveyor No. 557 <br />at Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, this 10th day of August, <br />MI <br />RECORDERS MEMO: � S,E �X 1/0 - //- �7 2�-- <br />"— "V'"^T,atate of Nebraska <br />MARILYN A. PAVSTIAN <br />�Y Comm, V. Mry 8, 2004 <br />