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<br />(Sec. 23- 1503.01)
<br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION (per Warranty Deed Exhibit "A" 98- 104354, Hall County Register of Deeds Office)
<br />All that part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 /2 SE1 /4) of Section Ten (10), in Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 8th P.M., lying south of a line drawn parallel with and distant Four Hundred (400.0)
<br />feet southerly from the centerline of the south main track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and west from a
<br />line drawn parallel with and distant Four .Hundred Fifty Five and Forty Five Hundredths 455.45) feet west from the
<br />east line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E.1/2 SE1 /4) of said Section Ten (10, ,
<br />All that part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 /2 SE1 /4) of Section Ten (10), in Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 8th P.M., lying south of a line drawn parallel with and Four Hundred (400.0) feet
<br />in southerly direction from the centerline of the south main track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and lying
<br />between two parallel lines drawn respectively One Hundred Eighty and Sixty Three Hundredths (180.83) feet and Four
<br />Hundred Fifty Five and Forty Five Hundredths (455.45) feet west of the east line of the East Half of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (E1 /2.SE1 /4) of said Section Ten (10), and parallel with said easterly line containing five acres, more or less,
<br />which portion is more particularly described as follows: beginning at a point on the south line of said Section Ten
<br />(10), which point of beginning is Two Hundred Eighty Seven and Sixty Three Hundredths (287.83) feet west of the
<br />southeast corner of said Section Ten (10), running thence north parallel to the east line of said Section Ten (10),
<br />distance of Two Hundred Eighty Eight (288.0) feet, turning thence east and running parallel with the south line of said
<br />Section Ten (10), to a point on the southerly right of way line of the Union Pacifica Railroad Company; turning thence
<br />southwesterly, along and upon said railroad right of way line to a point Four Hundred Fifty Five and Forty Five
<br />Hundredths 455.45) feet west of the east line of said Section Ten (10), turning thence south, running parallel with
<br />the east line of said Section Ten (10), to a point on the south line of said Section Ten (10), turning thence east and
<br />running along and upon the south line of said Section Ten (10), for a distance of One Hundred Sixty Seven and Eighty
<br />Two Hundredths (187.82) feet to the point of beginning, all being in the City of Grand isiand, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />and containing O.ODO acres, more or less,
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<br />(Sec. 23- 1503.01)
<br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION (per Warranty Deed Exhibit "A" 98- 104354, Hall County Register of Deeds Office)
<br />All that part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 /2 SE1 /4) of Section Ten (10), in Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 8th P.M., lying south of a line drawn parallel with and distant Four Hundred (400.0)
<br />feet southerly from the centerline of the south main track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and west from a
<br />line drawn parallel with and distant Four .Hundred Fifty Five and Forty Five Hundredths 455.45) feet west from the
<br />east line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E.1/2 SE1 /4) of said Section Ten (10, ,
<br />All that part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 /2 SE1 /4) of Section Ten (10), in Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 8th P.M., lying south of a line drawn parallel with and Four Hundred (400.0) feet
<br />in southerly direction from the centerline of the south main track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and lying
<br />between two parallel lines drawn respectively One Hundred Eighty and Sixty Three Hundredths (180.83) feet and Four
<br />Hundred Fifty Five and Forty Five Hundredths (455.45) feet west of the east line of the East Half of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (E1 /2.SE1 /4) of said Section Ten (10), and parallel with said easterly line containing five acres, more or less,
<br />which portion is more particularly described as follows: beginning at a point on the south line of said Section Ten
<br />(10), which point of beginning is Two Hundred Eighty Seven and Sixty Three Hundredths (287.83) feet west of the
<br />southeast corner of said Section Ten (10), running thence north parallel to the east line of said Section Ten (10),
<br />distance of Two Hundred Eighty Eight (288.0) feet, turning thence east and running parallel with the south line of said
<br />Section Ten (10), to a point on the southerly right of way line of the Union Pacifica Railroad Company; turning thence
<br />southwesterly, along and upon said railroad right of way line to a point Four Hundred Fifty Five and Forty Five
<br />Hundredths 455.45) feet west of the east line of said Section Ten (10), turning thence south, running parallel with
<br />the east line of said Section Ten (10), to a point on the south line of said Section Ten (10), turning thence east and
<br />running along and upon the south line of said Section Ten (10), for a distance of One Hundred Sixty Seven and Eighty
<br />Two Hundredths (187.82) feet to the point of beginning, all being in the City of Grand isiand, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />and containing O.ODO acres, more or less,
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