<br />Sq.-.a 103797
<br />10. dorroNr Ma arMfOa By Lsndat Not a 1lishror. Extension of the brie for payment or madd�cation of amprh:atron of the sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br />granted by Lend* to Rny s ih in" of Bonvow shell not operate to release the habii,ty of the oignat BorroA*r or 9infomr'a successors in interest Lender shall not be required
<br />to commence procesdinp against any successor in interest or tutus to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amprlitwon ot'dia sump secured by this Security Instrument by reason
<br />of any demand mutes by the original Borrower or Borrower's sum*&ws in interest Any forbearaneo by lender to eyorc� ,Ig any nyhl or MM" shrill not be a wester of or precktde the
<br />exeta" of arise right of reriedy
<br />11. &meeeoae eat! AeeiPPNto round; JON and Mtwal Usbi . G"ignars. The alvenaats and ag,°et.'meals of this Secisrty Instrument S4acl WW and b#nM the Suoosaws and
<br />assigns M Lender wW Borrower , subjed to the provisions of paragraph 17. Borrowrf's covenants and sgreementu shin be giont and several. Any Soffew r who CO." this Security linatniment
<br />but does not execute the Note: (a) b eo•stgrning this Security Instrument only to mortgage. grant and oorney that Borrowers interest In the Property unMr the WMS of MM Security Inatrurtnrd;
<br />(b) is nor personally obligated b pay the stoma aecunod by this Security I stiu ment: and (c) sgroaa that Lender and any other Gorrower may aI)ies to extend, modify, forbear or make any
<br />WOWWwdM" with regard 10 tw Mertes of ere Security RaWfnlM Of the Not* without that Bortow's Consent.
<br />12. Loan CAstraa M tens loan ascuted by this Security MMrurns M Is Krbject to a law which sets maximum loan charm. and that wow Is fin* imarpreed so that the in!e so or other loan
<br />charges collected or b be doll ell d In connection with the loan exceed the pennMted Brea. then: (a) any such ban charge shah be reduoed by lite StrMu M necessary, to fedua tha charge
<br />to the Permitted limit; and (b) any sums aledly coNecied from Borrower which exceeded permitted limas wilt be reunited to Borrower. Lender may diooee to make tlW rMu od by reducing
<br />the F i l; M owed under the Not* or by mitring a dired paymertt to Borrower. M s nob reduces principal. the reduction wilt tie Maated as a partial prepeyMent wigrout anti prepeyrnent charge
<br />under the Note.
<br />13. Leslabilon AMssliwo Lenders, lMghts. It enactment or expiration of appikabM laves has the, effect of rendering any prtn Won at the Nate or ftMS Saeurky Maur ment untribrcii"
<br />a000rdling b ib Mitres Lender, at ft option. may require Immediate payment in full of all surns secured by this Security Instrument and msy invoke any remedies MMMed by paragraph 19.
<br />M Leader errercees this option. Lender *0 take the steps specified in the mKx nd paragraph of paragraph 17_
<br />td. MOYoa. Any nolioe to Bonewex provided for in this Security Instrumenl shalt be given by d0vering M or by maiing M by first class mail uMiea applicable lawn requritee use of another
<br />medmod. The rrllbe d M be directed to the Property Address or any ot»r address Borrower designators by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by tint dace mail to Ltodse's
<br />address SLOW heats of arty otwr address Lender designates by notice to Borowei Any r!afioe provided for in this Security Instrument Shan be deemed to have boon given to SonWw or
<br />Leiter wAnn en an provided in this paragraph.
<br />IL Goveirskillp, Laiar, IN I' MM111W This Security InWumeM tthall be govemed by federal law and the taw of the jurisdiction in which the Property Is k"W. In.the event that any provision
<br />Of eiaua a eta SOMKy Nwtrhatwra or the Note MOM with IgVkable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security littimeim or the Nuts Which can be gown effect
<br />without Yes 04ntWCting provision. To this and the pmvislom of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be semabte.
<br />M Berta) -M's CM. fit own shall be own one oun formed copy of the Now and of this Security Instrument.
<br />17. ltarlMt 40 On P opst ty or a Beneficial Nntsreet In Ode oewr. M all of any pan of the Property or any interest in it is sold or transferred (of if a ber ieficial interaM in Borrrrwr is Sold
<br />or bamelerem wW Bonovver t* not a natant person) without I~.* prior written consent, Lender may, at Rs opWa. requko.ImmadAte payment In full of all sums secured by this emmrity
<br />linsbumvk Howim. rib opition shah not be exercised by Lender it exercise Is Prohibited by federal law as of the 4do of this Secariiy Instrument.
<br />N Lender exgloeea this apRoo. Leeds shall 9W Boroww nW* of awaiwation. Tee notice shah provide a period of not IM than 30 days from the date the notice is daMvsued or mailed
<br />w iltnin nMmlds 8arowel must pay se sums seared by tons Se cur" 4mu�t. if BonowM fails to Pay Mesa sums prior to the expiration of this period. Lender may invoke any rsrwdes permitted
<br />by this Socwies instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />t% Ba nxi fe R's PAO to A - - M Borrower meals certain conditions. Borrower shalt have the right to have enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to
<br />'ttu sat*mt ca) 5 days (of such other period as applicable law may specify for mnstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any Ptravvef of sate contained M this SaaxRy instrurnsn1;
<br />or (b) 6r" ot•a judgrrent enforcing this Searcy Instrument. Those conditionta are• that Borrower (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the
<br />Note had rloacsoMralion occurred; (b) cur" any defy M of any other cumnen5 or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, inckrdithg. but not limited
<br />to, reasorwbe aeon"' face; and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of fhb Sw -wity Instrument. Lender's rights in the Property and Bemuses
<br />obigaMn to psy the am secured by this SeaxRy Iutrument shall continue utttthanged. I"roinatafemefn by Borrow, this Security Instrunt nt and rha obRggIbm seaxod hereby shall
<br />remain fury eMeeily a as R no aooMara11 tied ooaured. Hoymmr„ this right to wwate shall not apply in one case of aooebration under paragraphs 13 or 17.
<br />NON- LOOMAil COVENANTS. Sonowei and twider further aavenant and agree as follows:
<br />It Aoeebrall1m; AernsdlM. Leader shld•on.rs- H, to Donam prier IM soeeleratlo n fo)fovill sormwwa breach of any coveriard or a(Pr 0MWd in Y1ft security 1RakYment
<br />(but nos PP w 10 sddeMraslarl adder psrsgrapil 13 and 17 u rdsee applicuNS taw provides of wwko). The extlade a" p gid ed is rapes the
<br />dslndf; (c) * Bete, not feaa craw U days illimilrs dMa era wave is sivea to Barrows' by whid the d@kW eawet bs aped; and (d) that %N ms b sae the dMtwrt on a• belota
<br />VW date spni ftd In on rates war eowdt to aowMA IM0 Oft wars neursd by fhb seewxky kwbuMwlt one soft of.#w Property. The nrtllde oiwM farYler Nstorra Oorralsw of
<br />tw deist to Minati fs Mar asoeleaadoaw ate the dSM b 6" a court action b aieeaft the rrdn•eastarhoe of ik *W* or any atwf dMMrrse of Benoww fa esoalerauon and aft. K
<br />site df+ebA is flat awed eve err bobs the date spedned in Ow erotic. Lander mt ke option easy se**0 fweasaMeM psyntsrrt in fun of aN writs secdaed by"seoarky Nwitrumard
<br />eslthwtSelftesderfland mdwarMeeMfMpowwaf sob said any o thereawdilm permitted by sppslk is pursumv
<br />tw fern)isa prorldM M falte paw/raph ti,. kaaNadlino but not "mined to, rasoonabte etlonwys' leoa si d costs of tltft widens.
<br />If nlsa aueaeed aerie r iwreiei ifnwen aria aeerd a aeltea ea
<br />+aawrjNr/eaM rob= apploWe llacer b ire inesit eld tottotllise 11 aoee Peas,eribed by aPPkmbb h- Aflsr tfw ltae ro**W by appMeabs lm lhi Me shies
<br />al astein oo perosras swot M tw aasrarsr PrMefll - by appkeW im TmslM wWm g dwnorid on Sw owar, skate eon tft Property st public awNm fo Use
<br />i fleas ate peas are alder tw Wow ds*Wditd M stew ndYCe of eat* fn ores or race peroeft end In any alder BsweMe dMefatirrea 11ua1as unsay patpaw soft of M or am psrcM
<br />.01 Oe Peperip by ombft aalwwweasaa stars knee ate pine of arw er.hrMrm!ly 4D%-- dffi@ qe!i . w!!r!s err" 0-9121!- - inter rw!i!e -! 111to IM!OM! ,M a a"Y
<br />tfpea weetrt sf p - l I riff Ms, prfoe bon, tllusbe shaft dallvsr to 16 purcNs w %~a deed convsifft Vw Psspe ty. The recifale in Vp Ttutl $ dead eked be plwa fads
<br />svWrws of the truth of the atb- - - rasiltfNwrsin. Muaim e1wM apply tw preoeAs of eve aces in this toNoMg ardor: (a) to sM eaperwse till t a sate, tackdb& tart not Sy Md
<br />s, hest sews a permr— ' fry sppWalls cis and assearhabft sti on eye' Mee: (b)10 eon sum asciaed by toe security fnetaaeah and (ct"elraa b trite pusarw or polMN
<br />tester srtelierR sa R
<br />3L tandar M Piss,ee 11i i1Don soeeieradorh under paragraph 19 or abandorxrment of the Properly td dfir lice OsraOn, by agent a by iW "raaxy appoirMad recMver) etdldl be entitled to
<br />erMer upon. take PoaeeYiorR a) armd nmanege tee Property and b co-ed the rents of the Property uidaw dg.ti Xw, Prast due. Any rents collected by Lander a to recsimNr shelf be applied first
<br />b peymorrl pt the anent ot mmt 4wwn a tw Property and o dlection of refs. including, but not timiteq to, McedSr%% fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' lees. and
<br />than td the sums secured b) "a Security Instrument. - -_ i. • - _
<br />!1. 111 - Iva ell's Upon PtaprnrM a ate slatrsaecrxeia f7p tt7ii Security Instrurrmef. Under that request Tra.�tte tartroorney the Property and *NO surrender d1w socu ity Instrument and
<br />ate rndM I oklmm debt secwW by this Sem6W kukuT e i tic rNala. Tnnk,4bttalf r*w wsy rte Property wtdreul, wam lty and wmw charg0ao the person Or persons Iegaty entitled b
<br />it. Such i; --eor persons shat par any recortiallion Coss: - - . • .
<br />12. SliM11MM ftefte. L~. M ft option. may from ti me w wme remover Tn,"ee and appoint a suocessor.trumie to any Tnistm appointed hereunder by an tnstrumei reowded n the
<br />courtly in iefnidh ids Seri ty irsixim is redordW. WAflota aan!rat>ance of the R*Wty, ton siroumm trustee tbaT" succeed to ab the title. power and dutiss conllrsd upon Trustee herein
<br />and by appicebft Im
<br />2f. NO*" for fiddeaa Borrow nequo¢ts thal copies of the notices of deftarl and sate• ba WIt to Bonaws is address which ,S to ProD 4ddress• Swower further requests that
<br />cdpioa a the +s11ioM 01d6980111 and eats ba sent to each person who is a party hereto al the Wl*ass a such pa=T Set forth herein.
<br />2e. f*duafo N" Seormky tmelrtsaorM,lLOna or mono riders am executed by Borrower and M orded togWwwith this Security ktattarerhf, ft r7lvirwtts and agreements of ego such
<br />rider atrM fscl�hearporatad orb and atmall ametb and suppWra M tie covenants and agmofrents tit fts Secu ft instu mud as tf the riders) vmo a part mf finis Ssaxtty instnamerdt (check
<br />appliat>i• ncat(es)1
<br />C Adjust" Hate Rider 0 Condominium R)dw C 2-4 Family Ridw
<br />C C.radtaefad Payrrwf Rifer ❑ Planned UnR Development Rifer
<br />C Others) 1911:186M
<br />BY SIGIMMG BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and oovenants contained in ft: ,S rnsttuird�dt asrhdilm�y rdGar s) em83a i�d'6?l{' 8gxhowr and ramrdad wiVr d.
<br />(Space 0 A This Lill
<br />State of Nebraska I
<br />CaxMy of 1 )la l Z ) ss
<br />On fftis 10th dry of - July 19 —0— before rne. a Notary Pubhc rn the state o1—Neb ra s ka
<br />persohwyeaarea Richard Osborne and Ruth Osborne- husband and wife_
<br />b tree petsuWy, known b be the pMwK*) narned in and won executed the torego,ng instrument and ackra*sedged that exeCnod the Same as
<br />voaxeary act ate dad. (�
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