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1. <br />DEED OF TRUST 103797 <br />TllB ORD OF TitAdST (• katumeru) le made on that loth d, a J u l y , <br />1 it 89 .� Richard Osborne and Ruth Osborne- husband and wife <br />('801100,0 11 The Mums le Comm" Federal Swings and Loan Auoaafon, <br />(`Thnlee). The barMaNary is Oowrttarcial Federal Savings and Loan Associeliam Mid lo organaad and wdh0 under tw i a d Nebmka, and whose addrm i$ 44to Famam, Omaha, <br />N I - am ),90now" Omni unlariopk1 PIP e1e.., Six thousand six hundred fifty one dollars and No /100 -- Dolan <br />(118,11- 6651.00 ). This daM is e Ire a d by Bowwwry nee doled ale awns del. ell the Security Inal urnont (Note? which provides for rnorinly peyn+«wa. wNh ere <br />lint! debt, l vial paid eerier efw aefd pflywbN On 7 / 15! 93 <br />Thin 8sa ft (tmburiwrl sweet b Lander (a) the wpgmsrd d lha debt rAdenced by to Nole, with {nbreet, and all nnewaY, exlensfoi a and flaw wicit!o, (b) Via payment d as Outer <br />wi m, will kderaet, adwhaed under paragraph 7 to proles the Maudly of this SeoUdl$( brMarfert: and (a) the performance of Borravwrs eoverhahte Wd aePaamonle. For YYs puepm 1, <br />itidnohw ktevGOably gram and oerareyte to TiuMSe, kh three, wib paver of sale. tlfe tathotiang d.ecribad plvperty retread kh Hall Courpty, Nobnt*&: <br />Part of Lot Nine (9) of Riverside Farm subdivision 0 part of Section Twenty- nine(29), <br />Township Eleven 1,1) North, Range Nine (9) West of :'the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska <br />commencing at a pant 27.3.3 feet south of-the Northeast cancer of Lot ten (10) of said <br />Riverside Farm Subd.ivisiaft (which oint is also the Northwest corner of let nine (9) <br />of said riversidi-farm'subdivisiong running thence south for a distance of 118.4 feet, <br />running thence.ho'rth 83 degrees 421/2; east 251.6 feet running thence north 39 degree <br />551/2; west, 166.5 feet, running thence north 79 degrees 031/2: west, 154.2 feet to <br />the place of beginning, containing .58 acre's. <br />which hoe the addrove d <br />(Sheet) (City) <br />t!lebraMra Ol- rPmp«ty Aches'): <br />TLIGETHM tim al so kwp A wwft now or heraafw Mrcled on the property, and an eaearnsttte, rights, appoonsnoes, rents, mysllma, mirwaf. ON and gee riplle and praile, wets► <br />rWl Odwn� r�wrefwr a prt d ft property. All nptacil ywe and ad 11-1, Shalt also be covered by hers saauil)s,lnstrume t. AN d n» foregoing Y w1 el to kh <br />BORR0WER COVENANTS bet Bomm is 1 fully eeI of Via estale hereby conveyed and hoe Vie right to grorri and convey lu Properly and 1l*Jlhe Property is uwroumbNed. <br />eaoep for erhaartrarhoea d reoord BonwM wo nal and will defter generally the We to the Property against all deims and damande. Nbja t b any snonmbf wwm of recoil. <br />TNIS 86OLNVTY l rTFAAN lT oombifea uWorm cowhatb tar national use and non•uYlann covenants wah united voriawone by jnxied Won to c&mku* a u Wwm fly knburwd <br />aovafkg tech ProParil. <br />UWl Ql li C0VM4ANM Bonvoiar and Lander oovatant end as I i as foa0wa; <br />1: efifftliidi�aTfioi Yrliranil, Pwpoposid aid Lads Charps. Bonwave Marl promptly pay *Inn dub the pnfncipal d and ittiareifa on the dWbt wrWnicsd by 1)h* Noll and any <br />pwpayreerM and Yeo edhagee due under lle Nola. <br />!. Fi mile liar Mane o d >rmaance. Bhb)eat In appieable low or b a vwllho wokW by Lender. shat pay iO tender on dw day monthly pynferas we due under the Now. ura <br />be Nots in paid in %A a an ('Funds) equal b one•tvvruln of: (a) yearly farm and neaewwrls which MW ataih priority over Vibe Security In*trharrrM: (b) yearly IeaeMhall p+ymerW W. <br />y�'L.""!$ S�.'7�` Lr.'f i� PAr+!!!�! if •!�!y: ( ^) S9Srfy AuaeA irrrxrw� nsnrires�• i�rl (Af i!'� >�— !'!.�"'• —^�-'- i'�"�r..'�a ?�. i' �. ii:S,;:p iw'.T. � G�.2d'iiiifiwl itino.- LiiGsr relay @!}inhale <br />ftfuithds due on ern basis of cunt nt dale and reasonable estimates of lotMile escrow O rm <br />rr*Funda shell to held in an ingiMAfon ere dpoo is or 0000unle of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or shale agency (induding: Lender if Lender Is such an inafalion). Lender <br />3rimitapply the Funds b pay llo eerxow ilmi . !.ender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds. anatyzlug the account w ver!ry✓•ng the escrow items, unless Underpays Boo aver <br />*1 - on eta Fwale•arrd applicabb Via ptln, Utnder b make such a charge. Bonawo and Larder mays" in writing that kfetad shall be paid on the Funds. Otiose an agnlerrfor is <br />made or appiafAs Uw w#*ft inleraet to be peid.:l ar*w shalt not be nailed b ply fanower "' - or earnings on ter Funds. larder shah give to Borrower, without charge. an <br />weal acc outtag of (M Funde sh o iirg enacts anadebNs b tie Funds and the purpow (ar vAild each debit b lie Furids was reface. The lFunde sre l"Wg i , se addifonel eewroy for the' <br />suns Named byrt w Stoutly kulrunert <br />l lr atrfouM d the Fula h W by.l artier. kgWw with the hitue mo lily pywwhb of Folds pm ehl prior b bs due dales d the eecrowt ilenre. shiner ertoeed fife amount eequiad b peje' <br />lie escrow ierrfe wthie� dw, be steaesi ah+eN beau et 8orrowsPa Gpfion, either proerhplly repaid b Borowrer a erediied b BOMW On pefinel d Funds. NO* smout d lu Funds <br />held by tender ie rot oullicierM b pay the escrow.lean when due. Borrower eholl pay to Lender any amount necessary to make Up `W dsdoierfey in one Or more peyrnor ae requited b)p <br />Lender. <br />Upon psynhere Vi "'at ale sum seared by ihle Socudly InshimwM. LA ri shill pionoy mhxd to Borrower any Flmda held by Lander. l under paragraph 19 be Moperty is soldtic .. <br />atgtrttwf by Lord t:) cedar dal apply, no haler than ftradia" prior to Vie sale of the Property or its aowiOm by Lexhd r any Fads held by Lender at the time of appiation as a caa . <br />agSlehet ill suns OKWW by Vile Security knlrunw!r. <br />dl AnftWea of Pay ft Unleaa Ippkeble hew provides olrorwin. sM pay mfr -*Hived by Lender under paragraphs t and 2 ti 4 be applied: flat b left charges due under the <br />t kh#: weddrld. b papnywwtt Chrpw 4w under l» Noes: third. to amounts pay" under paragraph 2: fourth. to i ftasl dL-e: and tasi. 1b; I alp due. <br />fG CharSW LISM. ft Owen ~MON taxes. anssamsnts. Charges, fifes and knpoeiao s alribwble b the Property which my allsih priority over this Sams" MwMhennt and <br />lebehoa pop fb or ground fanb d". Borrower "pay thee* obigafone in the manner provided in paragraph 2. ar>r.tot paid in that marl nifr. Borrower shill pay then.! on fins directly <br />10014111F `1 OwM'pA9"WIL SW IV r shall prornptty f iMSh to Larder aN notices of amaxw to be paid urhdw this paraWa h. n Borrower makes 1MN f>"mws *wtly. Borrower chef! <br />po nptyr kiniol b Lender wostple evidencing the peymera. <br />Bonowei that partpAy dieipgs "Mon which has priority oar this Security Ira&~ unless Borrower: (a) agrees ifl Iwri;i "r3 to the payment of the obligation secured by this lien Ina <br />manner Moeplebla b Lander: (t) col>ieais in good faith the Mn by, or defends aganst eMOrosmwtt dr' dhe item in. k*W prox Wits which in the Lender's opinion operate b. prevent the <br />anhoca ukip d In fan or bnfoWa dtfewy part d tyre Property: or (c) Mctaas hOm lie holder d ft lien are agresrrfsnt aati,taeefoey<Ya) ender subordinating the Nan b thle Saeexiiyr Inetrutwht <br />t Lsfsdr down~" any past=el t!r Property lie surged b a her► wiNOb why Mai+ pimiiy over this Saclurity kglrumi". LenOW may glhe Bonower a .folic* iderhMyirg the lien. BorR7trsr <br />shit safely his ism a lane ore a rrrore d the ateorfe set forth ebohfa wnthkf t0 days d lire giving of notices <br />R NoWd hie omose, Borrower shl keep the inipwvemwb now exi irg or heredftr wooled on tt{e-Property insured against toss by fire. hazards included within the tern -silenced . <br />0verage' and amyl otter hazards ft whU hander -*Purees tnerrranOS. This UnnuranOS trhrw be mawftnW in the amounts and for the periods that Lender fequim. The insurance tatter <br />providing, <br />A voin.hc* p>liass and farneM2 ~be aocaplaois to Lender and shelf incktde a standard mortgzug clause. Lender shaft new the <br />ttgltft to nord tt» poteies and renewals. If Lsrldar <br />moibm hl0rra dulls praaplyf girt IaLerder Y recegb of paid pw ftATm and reneral notices. to itW event Of bee. Borrower shah give prompt notice to the insurance tenter and Lender. <br />Ladw my wore proof of to if not made WWOVy by Borrower <br />this. Lullsr and so mm w0awe agree in w"", inwranoo proaW* shat be applied b regoration or repair d the Property damaged, it the restoration or -*ps'fr is economically <br />isasible and Land We "o rityr i• nol iseee - . l the -em o olim or repair is not eoaromicaty feautA or Lender's security would be lessened. the insurance proceeds ".be applied b the <br />erMne a awed by Vila Security VOWW A. tw * or not tern due. wdh any excess paid b Borrow If Borrower abandons the Property, or does not drawer witttin 30 days a notice from <br />Lender lhel Vie Nnerlarhae artier hea OlOs d b sstle a calm. tree Lender my cobd In kwurw oe proceeds. Lender ffW use the proceeds to mpai a rectors Vie Properly a to pay sums <br />ill, m by belie $welly. Mhefl'wrwt, el toWw a nil than due. The 30•dW period wfr begin wtwh the hence is given. <br />Uteps Larder and lire n i -ar olharwin agree in waiting, any. appicalion d proceeds b lonnepat shier not exlend or postpone the due date of the moonily pey merit Marred to in paragraphs <br />I and 2 or charge the arnaxe of the payments. If under paragraph 19 the Property is soqutred by Lender. Gorrower•s nWd to arty insurance pokues and proceeds resulting t'rom damage to <br />the Praperhy pio b the aa}risitbn OW pax b tender b lie *XWW Of the sums Secured by this Security instrument wrimedrately prior to the aCWal on <br />Vi Ilifteervollim art bYalarlarlae of P oprty; LaanAeide. Borrower OW not deeboy, damage or agetantiasy clung* the Property, allow, the Property io dstanorate or commy waste. <br />It thi Security kWh Lwwa bon' P - 1 1. Borrower shat comply with the provisions of the tau*, and it Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property. the basehold a: d fee tide shad not merge <br />unties Lander agrase b be wwgla in ww w <br />T. pghalew of Laadah N jrls In on Property: alsrysps Mnwsrtim. If Borrower We to perform the covenant, and agreements contained in this Security Insaunsm, or there is a <br />Vigil i 0 foe I I the WAy► Opts idsehty atf*et Lender's rrgrrtl n the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy. probate, for condemnation or to enforce Uvrs or regulations), then Lender <br />may fie and pay for aftimew i* necessary b probed the vaku* of Vi* Property and Lender's ngfhts m the Property Lender's setions may include paynng any sums secured by a bar which his <br />wow, ow the socunly, MneawrwM. appearing n court. paying romonlg* atbrrWiV ilea all entering On the Property to make repairs Although lender may take action under thine paragraph <br />7. Larder Geer nal ill W;0 o'so <br />Any arnourA, debureed by Lender to do ens paragraph 7,haaN become addet{onar debt of Borrower secured try this Security instrument unless Bofrowar and Lender agree to ocher terms <br />L or aaytmtEnr.11e.. awnpr/hle nllae <br />bear r bnMl from the sale or debuxaertwtt ai Noes rate and shall paydb!e ",)h rntrest upon notice from Lender to Borrower ,.qu"" p",nw* <br />M Lender talatrad Irmo ge Mh M nM ae a ton{irbn of fRa ifIg the ball eacureo by INS Security Instrument- Borrower sha:l pat the ptem a ns required to ma;ntatn the !nsurtir -"in effect <br />inner Guth bme as Vi* tsowei w for the nauranos lermem"s n accordance with Borrower s a!d Lender s w•men "isernent or app:xawe taw <br />•. beraerark I~ or rle open! may rnaiu raeanabie entrees upon ad vispections or the Property Lervler shat) q Je Borrower notce at tree t.'ne of or prtor to an tnspeci:on spec:.•y:nq <br />rriear! <br />11 1, for al* rapem"o <br />9. Ca"Po ealew. The ptoce*de cf any ,,vinery of csbfn to damages d act or cor!s8i7uo -r: }! in cor:-ien:on w :^ a•,y coME, *,ni' ;,n cr CJ Cr tae - r:j o' a^, t.:r•t p! eve PlElVerty E r Ear <br />rxmveyahoe <br />on bur W Oondarfe abon are rwrabyr astpr>ed sly! shau be part Ij lender <br />sir ter HwM+t d a torah IIYNng Ot a'f* ih;(ierfy ter iF'�[UNYI s *rte t,e at ;.lied to tne,urr:, aticu•tsd tJY !ti's Ser:.ur:•y r.;!rJ'nc•+: vr".�:�c+ C'r �;;• two^ r:m r. '•. nr*,, c.• a-.s ore 'i t'r Ei/J••.rRL'* �- <br />•.7 Ui • partiri <br />:. r r r lids Pw.CK,il,pd L Y 1 1trute g f- +op rA ' N p tr'. ;aKct ,+t.ry : • tR .:e'r;'.9 ., tr "a�C n :vi^. r . re. ll r ue L .e.w n �er .r *U't3 h tSe!wf:uere e 0700 <br />e cd .Ocu:aF:� . t r7 f 1i:1 <br />.. r .. . 50:) .: 'E - �.. ^J •rye; -.E•'.+r •r : - .•nr- 1 rr rr +:,• f:. r Gr •••a o'r:c, -,� • ! r - .r - <br />t•,r <br />C V v .. t r •a• E'• :n.c • . . .:•C . r.G' r <br />:anty A ty GAtar:w anwth bs food t. r3,- dr!A,Me, <br />• "'A Vr;,�».ty s.9 r!:lrKtb".,e) Oy $rpr;Myr : � '' ryr•Pr •• 0' r ! �' ✓;tr L'. i,UrrUrr!r that iLr rn•,vnr.r -r -,. ... .., .. .. .- .. . - , <br />«::' . ... , .. .. , <br />�' E <br />t•�, a,. ±! +!'ar'.r.: nFr (-9f..sC1Mt K °t''A.• ... . � f ... <br />. s...5 . e-.:.v wrr.5 fi,� .w!" .!erne w.•n r.•, .. a . r .olio_• ... ... .. ,. . - - .. <br />7 <br />i. <br />>r <br />