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r <br />$B.""Ma .. �- <br />Borrrowee ttrtd I,tadet C0,4es"I tsoRd agree in f*ft%s: ntcow than fiRccn (15) stays in arrratrs to cover the vstm erpeme <br />imohed In handling delinquoil paynntnts, <br />1. Thal borrower will pay the imletHedness, as hcneinbefore <br />provided. 1'tivilege i% restitvtd to pay the t" ifs %IRA' .N in i►:trl <br />on any instAb not due date. <br />2. That, together with. and in addition tea. the monthly <br />payments of principal and interest payable atntler the ternta of the <br />note secured hereby, the Borrower will pay to the Lender, on the <br />first day of each month until the said note is fully ImM. the <br />following strata: <br />(a) Antiftnt-suf�rient to provide the holder hereof with funds <br />to pay the next mortgage iaatrrartce preraiunr if this instrument and <br />the note secured hereby we insured. or a monthly charge (in lieu <br />of a morVW imuranar premium) if they are held by the <br />Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as follows: <br />(1) If and so tong as said note of even date and this instru- <br />mew ate imared or are reinsured under the provisions of the Na- <br />tiond Housing Act. an amount sufficient to accumulate in the <br />hands of the holder one (1) month prior to its due date the annual <br />mortgage imurattce premium in order to provide such. holder with <br />fluids to pay such premium to the Se"ary of Housing and Ur- <br />ban Developrtterit pursuant to the National Housing Act, as <br />amended. artd applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br />(11) If and so long as said note of even date and this instru- <br />ment we held by the Secretary of Housing and Otban Develop- <br />ment. a monthly charge (is lieu of t mortgage insurance premium) <br />which orhau be in an amount equal to one - twelfth 11/12) of ore - <br />half (1/2) per c mum, of the average outstanding balance due on <br />the time computed without raking itito ;ycount delinquencies or <br />pf e'psynnts: <br />(b) A suas equal to the *round rents. if any-.. tw,t due, plus the <br />premiums that will text become due and payable our policies of <br />fire and other. hazard insurance covering the property, plus taxes <br />and assewnrertts next due on the property. (all as estimated by the <br />Lender) Less all sums already paid therefor divided by the num;ba, <br />of mmin to elapse before one (i) month prior to the date vrifen' <br />such ground rents. premiums, taxes and assessments will become <br />delinquent, such sums to be held by Lender in trust to pay said <br />ground rents. premiums. taxes and spc ial assessments; and <br />(c) All payments mentioned in the tw.o preceding subsections of <br />this paragraph and all payments to be ,rode under the note <br />secured hereby shall be added together, and the afi.;rrgate amount <br />thereof shall be paid by the Borrower ends month in a single pay - <br />ment to be applied by the Lender to rite following items in the <br />order set forth: <br />(1) premium charges under the tivntract of insurance with <br />the Secretary of Housing and Urban De%clopment, or monthly <br />charge (in lieu of mortgage insurance ium), as the case may <br />be; <br />(llljVound rents, taxes, assessments. fire and other hazard, <br />insuran" premiums; <br />Ull). truest on the note secured hereby; <br />(M)• amortization of the principal of said note; and <br />(V) late charges. <br />Any defxiency in the amount of such aggregate monthly pay.- <br />ment shall. unless made good by the Bonoucr prior to the due <br />date of the next such payment, constitute an event of defaulo <br />under this mortgage. the Lender may collect a "late charge" »ot <br />to ez. d four calls (St) for cacti dollar (S3) of each paytmiw, :: ' <br />x. hunt if tlw tatial of the paytrsents made by the Ikurowet <br />under (b) of paragraph 2 preceding %MR exceed the amount of <br />payments tactually ttsadt by the Lender for grourA rents. taxes and <br />assessrtsents or imutance premiums. as the date may tie. such ex- <br />m, %, if the k%an k current, at the option of the Bmrawer. shall be <br />credited by the Lender on suttsequeni payments to he trade by the <br />Borrower, or refurAcd to the Borrower. If. however, the tatvilily <br />pa)irreitts shade by the borrower under (b) of paragraph 2 <br />preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground rents. tares and <br />assesumttts o< insutat --e premiums, as the case may be. when the <br />same shall became due and payabk. thft the Boretmee SW pay <br />to the Lender any anictunt neccomy to make up the defkWtcy. on <br />or before the date when payment of such ground reM. taxes. <br />assessments, or instttanim premiums shall be due. If at any time <br />the Borrower shall tender to the Lender, in accordance with the <br />provisions of the mote secured hereby. full payment of the entire <br />indebtedness represented thereby, the Lender shall. in computing <br />the amount of such indebtedness. credit to the account of the Bor- <br />rower all payments made under the provisions of (a) of paragraph <br />2 hereof which the Lender has not become obligated to pity to the <br />Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and any balance re• <br />maining in the funds accumulated under the provisions of (b) of <br />paragraph I hereof. If there shall be a default under any of the <br />provisions, of this instrument resulting in a public sale of the <br />premises covered hereby. or if the Lender acquires the property <br />otherwise after default, the Lender shall apply. at the time of the <br />commencement of such proceedings. or at the time the property is <br />otherwise acquired, the balance then remaining in the funds ac- <br />cumulated under (b) of paragraph 2 preceding. as a credit against <br />the amount of principal then remaining unpaid under said note. <br />and shall properly adjust any payments which shall have been• <br />made under (a) of paragraph 2. <br />d. That the Borrower will pay ground rents, taxes, assessmentz; <br />water rates. and other governmental or municipal charges, fines :, <br />or impasirWM. for which PWV76kM i1*3 IhA umi timiic - = - <br />hereinbefore, and in default thereof the lender may pay the same; <br />and that the Borrower will promptly deliver the official receipts <br />therefor to the Lender. <br />S. The Borrower will pay all taxes which may be levied upon <br />the kr r iV:,,:,arzt in said real estate and improvements. and <br />which may- to WeA upon this instrument or the debt secured. <br />hereby (but onty to• t1w extent that such is not prohibited by law <br />and only to the extern. that such will not make this loan usurious), <br />but excluding any i6wme tax, State or Federal, imposed on <br />Lender. and will file the official receipt showing such payment. <br />with the tender. Upon violation cif-this undertaking, or if the <br />Borrower is prohibited by any taw now or hereafter existing fhnt>:. <br />paying the whole or any portion of the aforesaid taxes, or upoHi <br />the rendering of any aNrt decree prohibiting the payment by the. <br />Borrower of any such taxes. or if. such law or decree provides that <br />any amount so paid by the Botrciwgr shall be credited on the 6br, <br />the Lender shall hase the right to gi.►e ninety days' written tmiii:e <br />to the owner of the premises, requiring the payment of the debt. <br />If such notice be given, the said debt shall become due, payable <br />and collectible at the expiration of said ninety.days. <br />6. 11iu should the Borrower fail to pay any sum or keeq ny <br />covencurtprovided for in this instrument, then the Lender. at.•its <br />option: "may pay or perform the same. and all expenditures NO <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />l_ <br />wt : <br />"U"21420T <br />a� <br />WA <br />