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snit• of Nebralke Deed of Trust <br />321 - 1337229 -703 <br />TAM Osatl of T"d. ( "S Kw%y instrumsne") is made on Ju ly 20 10375-8 <br />19 89 .The truseot is GARY L CARSW AND JANIS R CARSON W SBAND AM NIR <br />t torrower ). Theirmate is COLIIMB PICKS& SAVING: BANK <br />,/ •' (41Tnum" ). The bmftiory b <br />COLUM S ROKBAL SAVINGS BANK . which is orptsiaed and existing <br />under the laws of MARASKA , and whose address is 1371 26TH AVIKOM <br />COLVMMIS, W 68601 f.. ..I. <br />Wbesenew That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter described sad created. and the sum of One Dollar <br />(fl). to Wat in hand Mid by the Trustee. the receipt of which it hereby acknowledged, does by these pecleats trant. bargaia and sill. <br />convey and confirm, unto the Trustee, forever, all of the following descriW real estate, situated lying and being is the County .o! <br />YAI.L and State of Nebeask& to wit; <br />LOT OIt (1) , lIL.00K TiiA (2) , FIRESIDE ESTAATES SUBDIVISION, IN MALI. OOONTY, 1MBA8KA. <br />THE 21091, TO TW 1X9D OF TRUST ATTWCWD HERSTO AND RXECUND OF FV19N DATE HEREWITH IS <br />- - Ii1lA>IpORA'[ED tsEAEIN AND THE COVENANTS "M ACAEEMSNTS OF', To BIDER SHALL AWND AND <br />SUPE#lAW XT TNZ O!3'VL' N&= An AUWM WS. Uk Tit ats its GRAND ISLAND <br />which has the address of 3409 GRAHM AVENUR <br />- WreMl ktjl , <br />iRVi.L1,.A <br />68°33 <br />iii c.r.1 <br />(- property Address "); <br />To )there anti To HW the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating. <br />pAtmbit 4 and fighting rixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to' or used in connection with said real estate unto the <br />Trustre,-Ja d to its successors aed:iscigns, forever. The Bot d*vr represents to. and coveants with, the Trustee. that the Borrower <br />has golidi•i1gM to sdt and convey'sisid premises. that they irr;free from encumbrance: W. ,thst the Borrower will warrant and defend <br />the save at;aiasr the-Will lttttl claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Borrower hdteby relinquishes 411 rights of homestead, and <br />all atsrital rights. dim. in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of the Borrower in and to the abovadescribed presrtisct. <br />the inteetIon beie►g` tx upttvey hereby an absolute title. in fee simple, inctu&pS oil fights of homestead, and other rights and ictet�tta <br />as aforesaid. <br />INOO tl Aiwsm. and these ayxnts are executed and deCitred unto t*., _Trustee. i&.auar,. however for the following purpotk+sL;: " <br />:< -y of . i4 89 . borrowed from talc I:cpder <br />WAueas. the aoccc w on the'' " ' 20tk Jui 1 �_� <br />the sum of Sias thousand Severs liUndred and Ne�l100 - -»------'-'-""""'""' » -- <br />__ _ x t 60, 700.00 ), fi7r )which <br />sunt t�o'rtower bias executed airs:;ivere� io )tie Lertder;'trtower's promissory note of even date, bearing <br />interest at the rate of Ten per centum t 10.0000 wt) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said principal and interest shall be•'payable at the office of COLUMBUS FEDERAL SAVINGS DANK <br />. or at such Olb" place as the holder of the- tt:-tt <br />if, COWN211.51 may digsignate in writing, in monthly instalimerts of Five Hundred Thirty -'TTO and 69r10Q -- <br />Doliars.(v 532.68 ). aorttrnettctng on the first day of September <br />1! 7', "' -4M;; iWrst day of N"wh month therea ter until the principal and intierest.arr ruliy paid, except that the fmat paymcttt of <br />pr,e and interest, if not sooifer paid, shall be due and payable on the•Otst:.dayy of August ' <br />20 i9 <br />This twm is used iii connection with rriortg*M insured under the one• to four-family programs of the National Housing Act which pro• <br />vide for periodic Mcrgagei insurance Premium paYmtnts l P ` "-t k r <br />Form HUD 121"M Ttb.87 edition) <br />Page t of 5 24CFR W 274e <br />7 <br />a�Y <br />