<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Swoww and Lentfrlt. covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of PrAtt:lpal asd lift Borrower shall promptly psy when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebNcktoss wWormed by the Nob, t and late charges as provided In the None And the principal of and interest on
<br />any Future Advances secured by Me preps "01 "Trust.
<br />2. Fwab far Tsltee and Inatrance. t to applicabls law of to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pity b Lender
<br />on the day monthly insla imt is of POW'
<br />and Interest we payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full a sum (herein
<br />"Funds ") equal to one- tweUth of the yearly tall" and assessment* which may attain priority over this Dash of Trust, and
<br />ground rents on the Property, it artyopf�yu�aspoers »tw4111h of yearly premium intitalltttent for he =afd Insurance, plus one - twelfth of
<br />Lend r n the basis of Is rtIs andbole and t ife�escKtabi�i ieebr+lsAKree� y�leWmated initially and kMn time to time by
<br />The Funds shall behold In an institution thedepoais oraccounb of which are insured or guaranlsed, by s, Federal or stale
<br />agency (Includintg Letder if Lander is such an. itlalitUtitN1). Lender shall apply the funds to pay said taxes, assessment.
<br />insurancepremiumsandgrounef ►.enb.LentMr ma notattargeforsoholdiNand t wFuuniftenaiyttk occaUnt
<br />of verifying and com f>allrtg said ssrMlettmenb and bi1M .suttees Lender PoIn Borrower n on ells Funds and. Matt
<br />iblancierbmaltesuchacRslrge ►.gpfc�wersnd may agree nwritingatthetimeotexecutionofthb otTyust
<br />1 interest on the FtMdrt shall. fart Iasit}. rtes f ttrrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicalbe law feaukessuoh
<br />inlsfest to be Lender sltalp teat pe reQrtf�iaOd to p.y Borrower any interest or earnings on this Funds. LendN shall give to
<br />Borrower, without charggee an anrraat acccicnting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for
<br />which each debit to tttsFunda w.t:a made •Tees Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of
<br />Trust
<br />If the amount of the funds haU by LetR0w, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due
<br />dabs of taxes, assessments. Irtsurance iidemiums and ground x ^b, shalt exceed tees amount required b psy said taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Bofroweeo option, either
<br />promptly re aid to Borrower alicredited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. if the amount of the Funds tteid b�r
<br />Lendersitall not be sufficieritty pasytxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground renbastMy fall due. Borrowersha i
<br />pay fte Lender any amount rnt�ssary to make up the deStciency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed by Lender b
<br />Borrower requesting paymimt.I@tereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all satrm secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds holdby
<br />Lender. If under paragraph. 18 hereof the B+'vNp" is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply.
<br />no later than Immediately prier fa the sateal• eProperty or Its acquisitionby Lender. and Funds hold by Lender at the tih*dt
<br />application as a credit sgainstil* sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />3. Applkallon of Psymettta. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the Note
<br />and pang aappphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under
<br />paragraph %Xeof, then to interest payabWon Me Note. then to theprincipat of the Note. and then to interestand principa.0. an
<br />any FFuture Advances,
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrowers shalt pa ailtaxes. assessmentil and other charges, fines artdits*.posltions attributableti6ithe
<br />PropsAy which may . attain a priority over this Deed of Trust. and leasehold payments or grouted rent. if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment when du>e7 dkectiy to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender asst notices of amounts due u this paragraph wtdlltt lihe event
<br />grower shall make payment directly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipt evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any hen which has priority over this Deed of Trust; provided, that Borrower shall not be
<br />requlaa is tsiecnargeanytr suer tlett so tore as t3orrowersnan agree to writRtg tome paymenn of ties vwigaiioft secufeo iyoawam
<br />I ien M a manner ecceplsbis to Lertdsf, or shell In good faith Contest such lien by, or dohnd entorcentent of such lien in, legal
<br />proceedings which operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. Hazard NwAvi rco. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />against loss by firs hazards included within the term "extended coverage" and: such. other hazards" Lender may require
<br />r.lr! Si�tl! a!!!e'r. ^•t.�. vT.d f.°.. ""r."..�:fi »'� ..... i �• n�nv rtwA of s alt iw~i r ii, W��W
<br />riv -ice r =S.r�. r. .1�� t. f1rp L.OSYi ti CU-&Gl
<br />such coverage exceed that amount of ca+rerage requiretj to pay the sums secured by this Deed of�rust.
<br />This insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subjecito approval by Lender provided ;that
<br />sucto iapproval shall not be urr:essonably withhold. All premiums on insurance policies shall be id in the manner provided
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof or, i -.tnot paid in such manner. by Borrower making payment. when dune, directly to the insurance
<br />carrier.
<br />Aif.lnsurance policies and renewals thereof shall be+irt form acceptable to lender and shall Include a standard moorrqI age
<br />clause in favor of and in form acceptable tv Lender. Lender shall have the ri ht to hold the policies and renewals UtereoLa�td
<br />Borfwer shall promptly furnish to Londer.�eff ionewal notices and all receipts of paid premiums. to the event of low aorrower
<br />shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier merle promptly and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not me promptly by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrovwa olherwiss agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is economically feasible and the security of this Deed of Trust is not
<br />ifsenby impaired. H such rwtxxatlon or repair is not economically teasibte or if the security of Brie Deed of Trust would be
<br />impaired, the insurance prwA ds shall be pplied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. with the excess, if any, paid to
<br />Borrower. It the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if Borrower fails to respond to Lender witltin 30 days from the dab
<br />notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for insurance benefit. Lender Is
<br />authorized to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Property or to
<br />the sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br />pasipono the dw dab of the• monthly installments reNrred to to pars�raphs t and [hereof or change the amount of such
<br />rnsWltnertt. H under pang 18 hereof the Pr is acquired by lender, ail rr tit, title and interest of Boccower in and b
<br />sine irtawance policies and in �in0 to tM praceedsthareot resulting from damage b � Property prior btite saint or acquisition
<br />stroll pass b Lender b the exNnt of the sutrts secured by this Deed M Trust tmmsdiately prior b such saN or acquairon..
<br />i. ►reaervsYon grid MsiMsnanoe of Property; Loaoehoids; Coi.L ,I , o rMrtmra; Plswod Unit DetrefotrnnsrsAS. Borrower shall
<br />keep the Pr in good repair and shall not commit waste or permit impairment of deterioration o //the Property and shall
<br />comply with the provisions otany lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. if this Seed of Trust is an a unit in s condominium
<br />or a planned unit devNOptserst Borrower shalt perform all of Borrowar'3 obtigatiana under the dectaratiort or covenants
<br />cr or errtirrg the to�ndorrNtmrrtr.iyr planned unit dsveioprttsrtt, the by -laws and regulations of tree CottdgMniutn or
<br />planrtes unit revebpment and constitt�ertt documents. H e Wndorntritum or planned unit development rider is excutsd by
<br />Borrower and recorded bgelfter with MieDeed of Trust fete covenants and agreements of such rider shall be incorporsfed
<br />into and shat{ amend and supp{ornertt ti,e covenants and agreements of this Deed of Trust as if the rider were a part hereof.
<br />7. Pretscllow M Lender's Bocwlfy. If Borrower fails• to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Deed of
<br />Trust or ii any section or proceeding is commenced with materially affects Lenders interest in the Property. including but not
<br />limited to, eminent domain, insolvency, code enforcement, or arrangements or proceedings involving a bankrupt or decedent
<br />then Lender at Lender's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make such appearances, disburse such sums and take such
<br />action as is necessary to protest Lender s intones; includnnp, but not limited to, disbu rsement of reasonable attorney's fees and
<br />en upon thePropsftybmakorepairs .IfLenderrspuirsd
<br />ge i nsurance as a condition of making the loan secured by
<br />the DseO of Trust Borrower stsatl pay the premiums required maintain such insurance in off ct until such time as the
<br />rpuirentont for such insurance terminatos in accordance with
<br />send Lender's written aaggrteement or applicabbe law.
<br />$;s:sC:rar • •�: p.-y ztw amount of lilt trartgrgc irwrancc p rriums in eyes marirw provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any srttounls disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with Interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />tndeblsdrtess of Borrower secured by th is Deed o1 Trust. U mess Borrower and Lender agree to other forms of payment such
<br />an�ounb shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment hereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />L dale of disbursement a t this rat epayable from timoito time onoutstanding rinclpal under the Nola unless payment ofinterest
<br />at such rate would be Contrary to apppplicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />Winisetbteunderapplicablelaw Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take any
<br />action herounder
<br />I. Is-so ecllen. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and Inspections of the Property. provided
<br />tnatL"der shall give Borrower notice pnot to any such inspection specify,ng reasonable causelherefore related to Lender's
<br />intense in the hrrsperty
<br />.i
<br />Mm
<br />17,
<br />XI
<br />