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DEED OF TRUST <br />r-' <br />$9"'"143692 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is nwde this 27th day of N!Y- <br />19 89 . among the Truslor, WAVne Gleason and Sharon G gnsvn, husband and wife <br />(hersin "Borrower"). FlrAw Hank NaNionM Association. <br />Omaha,; osbnitilat, (herein "Trustee" ), and Beneficiary. Fin:lier Flank. NaMortal Aseos left% Orman 1k NM:raska, a <br />' corporsoo organized end exiNing under the lava of The Unload Slates of Amwk* whose address. is 1700 <br />Famana M"K QmaK% Nebmka, 68102 -2183 (herein " Lenderl <br />BORROWER. in consWerslkm of the Indebladness herein recited and the trust herein created. <br />grants aaA conveystoTrustee. iim trust. with power of sv**e foNowing described property1matedin*84moli . <br />Of Na12 State of Nebraska: <br />Pa`s t. 'of NM$ of the Mir, Section Al Taarrxsrl 4 11 Range 10, Ha,I1 Cp. Nebraska; <br />A tract of land in the Soutlst Quarter (SW%) of 'Section One (1) , in Zbw ship <br />Eleven (11) North. Ranger • Ten (10) , West of the M P.M.. more particularly deecriiibd <br />as follais: Cm m wing: 223.38 feet south of the northwest• corner of said Southwest <br />Quarter ( Salk) and running thei nce east .ard . parallel to the. •north line of s : <br />Southweat Quarter (Slfif) a diet pce of '195 feet; running thence south and parallel <br />to the wtnt line of said ScutbWat Quarter (SW(t) a distance of 446.77 feet; <br />rming thence west and parallel to ttte.north line of said Southwest Quarter (Sll(j) <br />a distance of 195 feet to the west liini: cf said Southwest Quarter (SW(t) ; <br />nxwdM. thence north along and Moan the wrest line of sa4, Southwest Ouartei� "0101k) <br />a distance of 446.77 feet to tt* point of begiruni:ng.,, <br />L <br />IP <br />1 ^= <br />which has the address of 2??I5 North Road Grand island <br />err <br />r-4 VA <br />mob, #. , Oj (�tsf0 "Property Address""}; <br />twr,�r�,r <br />T009.'f'HEA with all tlw improvements how or hereafter erected on the property. and aU eseernarft righft <br />appurterwnces, rwft (sub(eet however to to rights and authorities gran herein 10 Lender b ooNsd and apply <br />such revs), royalties, mineral. oil and on d" and profits, wafer, water rights, and water stock, and all fixtures <br />now or herea#Nr aMached to Ow properly,, all of which, including replacements and additions thereto. shall be <br />deerrwd to be and remain a pot of the property covered by this Deed of Trust and all of the foregoing. together <br />with said property (or the leasehold estate it this Desd of Trust is on a leashold) are herein referred to as the <br />N.,. <br />. <br />TO SECURE to LENDER (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower's note dated <br />XAV 171 ,1219 (herein •.Noes "), in the principal sum ot1 Seven_ - Thousand Eight <br />Uundrml _ate oD /loo - - -- -- _ - -poems. with interest thereon, providing for monthly installments <br />of principal and interest, with the balance of the indebtedness. if not sooner paid. due and payable on <br />--__,Lune 11994 ; the payment of all other sums. with interest thereon. advanced <br />in accordance herewith to protect the security of this Deed of Trust; and the performance of the covenants and <br />sWeerw1s, of Borrower herein contained; and all renewals. extensions and modifications ttwaot, and (b) the <br />repsymentof any future advances, with interest M thereon, madeto Borrower by lender pursuant to paragraph 21 <br />he e-J! (I'Ve!n "Fui ufe Rdvanc4s "). <br />BORROWER covenants that Borrower ca lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to � w <br />grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will warrant and defend <br />!pMera fly the tilts to the Property against all elaimrs and demands, subject to Any declarations, eaaett vets or <br />restrwPons listed in a schedule o! exceptions to coverage in any title insurance, po!'cy insuring Lender's interest <br />In thg Prc-petty <br />