<br />L
<br />F
<br />9O-5-:l: 105531
<br />(it. Acealitono of Remadim Paver of Hale• llpin an event or dehull by Truntor, an defined herein. HeneiN'lary, may declare all sums I+ecur
<br />ed hereby immediately due and payable by delivery to Trustee of a written declaration ur default. 7111: TRIIHT1iF: HHAId. HAVE THE. POWER
<br />OF 5,11.E OF VIE PROPERTY and It Beneficiary desires the Property to he sold, it shall deposit with Trustee Ihis heed of Trust, the Note•
<br />and aR other promissory notes and documents evidencing Obligations secured hereby, anti shall deliver to Trueler a written atitk•e lit default
<br />and election to cause the Property to be sold. and the Trustee In turn shall prepare a similar Notice In the forte required by law, which shall
<br />be duly Aid for record by Trustee.
<br />(a) After the lapse of such time an may he required by law following the recordation tot doll notice of default, and notice 41f default and
<br />notice of gale having been given as required by law. Trustee, without den►and IIli Truster, shall sell the Property tin the date and at
<br />_
<br />the time and placr designated In said notice of ask, at public auction to the highest bidder• the purchase plrk•e payallly In lawful money
<br />of the United States at The time of ask. The person conducting the sale may, for any cause he deems expedkmt• postpone the sale
<br />from time to time until it shall he completed and, In every such case, notice of postponement shall be• given by publlc Ilee•laration there-
<br />of by such person of the time and place last appointed for the gate; provided, if the sale Ts postponed for longer than one (1) day
<br />beyond the day designated In the notice of sale, notice thereof shall be given In the same manner as the original notice of sale. Trustee
<br />shall execute and deliver to the purchaser his teed comerying the Property sold• but without any covenant or warranty, express, or
<br />Implied. The recitals in The feel of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the tlruthfullmsss thereof. Any person, including{
<br />Benefk•lary, may purchase at the ask.
<br />(b) When Trustee sells pursuant to the powers herein, the Trustee shall apply the prlereds of the sate to psynent of the roosts and expects•
<br />es of exercising the power of sale and of the sale, including but not limited to, the Payrnrnt 'It the Trustee's fees actually Incurred•
<br />and then to the Items In subparagraph (c) In the order there statelL
<br />(c) After paying the Items specilled in subparagraph (h) if the sale 4s by Trustee, or after poayment of proper court cosy, if the sale tt
<br />pursuant to Judicial foreclexure, the proceeds of sale shall be applied ea the order stated billow-
<br />(1) Cost of any evidence of title procured in connection with such sale rued of an?• revenue slampB.
<br />(it) Attorney left and coots of rolieclhm;
<br />(ill) All simijape, then secured by thin heed of Trust;
<br />(iv) •Iunitlr trust deeds. mortgages. or /ether lienhttlders;
<br />(v) The remainder, it any, to the person legally efildled thereto
<br />11. Dudes and Obtlisidona of Trustee. (a) The duties and obllgatelns et Trusl4.e shall he detetmmed soles,; .y the express pruvWlins tit
<br />thh Well of Trust and Trustee shall not be liable except for the performance of such duties and ohligat ons as art- specifically ti 4 forth herein.
<br />and no implied erwrianta or obligations shall he imposed upon Trust"- eh i No provision of this IA•fd of Trust shall require Trustee to expend
<br />or risk Its ow l& funds, or otherwise Incur any financial obligation in tine ,•.erlormanre of any of Iva duties hereunder. or in the exercise elf ally
<br />of IN right or p>,Iwers, it it shall have grounds for believing that Iva` r••,•ayment of such funds or adequate indemnity against much relic or
<br />liability is not reasonably wrosured t0 it; (e) Trustee may consult with e%Atinsel of Its own chemtsing and the advice tot such counsel shall M• full
<br />and complete authorization and priaection in the re•Ipmrt tit any notion taken er Yofferrd by It ul gond faith and reliance therv-on, td) Truaee
<br />shall not he liable for any ration tai!en 1T It in p.NHI faith and relasanably Ieheved h\ it to lot, authorized or within the discret Ion or rights SIT
<br />cnnfrrrtd upon it by this !tied of Trust, (Iel Trustee shall not Iw remp oniumblee for flee payment of any unpaid taxes em the Properly
<br />powers
<br />due and owing at the time of the male lit all or Any part of the Proteriy pur%uaot to fhl- premrdurw Ill Viragraph I11
<br />12. Additional Security lastrawtests. Truster. at Its expense. will r111Y•11ti' allll deli \rr 111 fill' Tr %*s - 11r111111otl% up oln I eluanal. %nell security
<br />isearuments av may be required by Truster. in form and substance %atlsfaclory to Trustee. covering any of the Properly cutneyed toy this Well
<br />oV %'runt, which security instruments shall he additional i- vurity for Trumor'% faithful performance of all of the terns, covenants. and condi-
<br />tions of thin held of Trust, the- Mile and any and all other • f•1. uments v%uleue u1µ Ole 111,lIg :dion4 ,a•e'ured Ilt•reby and any other ,/s rarity Insiru
<br />'I
<br />mends exeeutvd in connection with thin transaction Surh nietnlment.Y +hall he recorded or MIA. and re•re•1►rfled and refilled. tit r usnlr,
<br />y
<br />expense.
<br />I
<br />13. SaccessorTrfutee. Beneficiary may from Ilfnle to time 411nmUtua' it 4'lfVV%%0r or +ut,cessorm tie duty Trustee named herew •' 111•11119 here
<br />under to execute this lilted of Trust- t'll n such appointment And wuhsu►1 I onvevance h, lhle vacre,wr Truster. the hater shall he vee•led
<br />with all title, powers. and dldles conferred upin any Truster hen4n named eir lrttng litre'under Fach such aplantun►en1 null ,utI4111ullon
<br />shall Ile made by written instrument by, Beneficiary. rontammg reference nl this thwil of Tru %I and Its glare of reroni, which when recorded
<br />in the office of the Register et Det-As of the county nr counties In will.•'. +aid 1'rolert* 1, %dilated iu.nll IN. 4anchlsat• pned lit proper applanl
<br />-
<br />ment of the successor truster - The foreg.tmg power of snlwtictmon and tae prlH•edurle tic4efer shall : -.1 le exclusiv4. of the patwer and preN'ell
<br />_
<br />ore provided for by law fur the sulmltltution tit another 1 roue or frusti -v% In Iht• pearl• tot iloo- Tru,tef.
<br />-
<br />14. If speeordeu. Hrnefirtary', or its agents. represeec:l i%. or Nerhillen ,tie aef1l,ITUpd to Auer AI .111y rea.,.,n,hlr hoer ngHnl all l.r ul 1111
<br />part of the Property for the purpllst, of hlmperting flit- .Amp and for flit- puelHlsl, Ili perb,nning 1n1 ..I the :+. •s It I% authorzd to perbl•u.
<br />:•.:
<br />under the terms of the Heed of Trust
<br />15. Rasbearsnee by Beaciftch" or Trustee Not a Waiver. Ala fI.11N•.tl.Ille .' Ivy Ik'll••III'I :IfI .1r Trll,t,s• In vole- rl•I%nig iln1 right %.1 1••n -II, lle•r1•
<br />under, or otherwise afforded by applicable law. shall not Ire• it Never ••; ail p114•l1114. the 1• \141 Ise If Any 11µ1n ..1 resoled, hl•rl•tewb'r Llko-14i%•.
<br />the waiver by ileneficiary or Truster of any default of Truster under duo Ueed of !'TU%i %hall Ittq in. deeemrd tit ter a wmi%rr td any other or
<br />similar defaults esubllequrnHv trcurring
<br />Iii. Trustor Not Released. lWenskn of the time for pAymral ti1 mtAfflrathto (IT AntilrluAtten ltf Itlr •11110, sl-rlln•d by flit", """d .ft 1'111,1
<br />granted by Ilenetk•lary to any muccea11Slr In Interest tit Trumwr %hall .r .' ..pm4ate to It-lease, ul aw. nlanm r the habtbt) of file ong"I ll Truster
<br />or Truster: stave%oer In Interest Iien0111•lan shall not lit- Irquln•tt (.' -sutoruee prleeeding% ag:tv%f ,11111 ,u-4--t of Irfu,.• 1-1 r \t1•nd time
<br />for payment or t•thelwimr 1meR4 almortisalum of the sums %ecurrll 11. '^.,s Ikssd of Trost In lval,ot- of any /demand made bit fill, ongueal 1'ru,hlr
<br />and Truster'% succoemsors fu ultrrest
<br />,'r. BeaeAcbry /a might to Carer. If there, ,hail IN- :a ,defdu,: ' -+tteh r ±111% 1144.11 .-1 "lust o) undcl .tin pct•: i.- aticage eI eh•vsl .d tr11,I Ir.••'
<br />lteneficiar� onset• cure much default The .In!•elrnt% adva11ce.1 IN. oral titT.er c•e,ts 4110 +sIII.11 ', ••: I ••• II.•tie•fi1 IAry its 1 Ilnng ,161 It defAUll, %vk-,
<br />Interest Ifrote. -ry date of dishur.rment ac zl'v race payable froul I,viv '. ^:roe ec 1Art Yr.nuhng I .T'11 ';,.It ell iii• %01• Iloilo-'s t'A\ IIIIYIt of Itil•'r•+I
<br />at such rate ta/wld be contrary lit appltral.,:r law, in whlrh errnf s,v. s Alutiultls N114411 IN•Al 1r " „' :..., .1r Ili.' lugh•.%f stitefrsl eat.• Alrtio.fued Ivy
<br />applicable Is%) shall too, add.'d b. fill- tlldehl Pdllr +, ,.•. tlet-d by fill, II•• mt el 1'rll,t and title% IN• r•e.4•• 1. .1 lu•u•U Ldrl At An% tact•• Altrt Ito. flat,
<br />41f such advances fir paympnrr An %h�aiil�le deemed le rue -, Ilre4i 1herraY4
<br />IN. Option to Fowelusee so fdostgsppe. t lHlrl fill' •M.'41!A47.e Ili at.% default i.•'r •' .' •I w•I lu-1. 4. 6.11% ,le Nil 11.11.• 11..• .optlllti 1•• t.r AY 1, h.• Ipr le „••• :•
<br />ofTrusl In life, manner provabt-4I -), :Ail G•1 'be- Laa•Gsafe •.f ..It I. -At 1•1 q +rev
<br />iH Trustors Blights. Absent Ite(iult• I r.tlt aev 44aelt w% .5+116,11 1".1.•.0 11.• 11 Ilm1al 11, - . •',s •t, .Old n „IItf1, •1 •II: 1►..,..., Ao.l l,np,%
<br />the 1'rurxrty. ('tern aavml-nt lot all %uni. vole tivovt F•} FhN is,4A of Ire +%I IG•t•rft. tar% ,11.111 114111x,1 :• 1.•.r 1.. 1.•, "11%.1% lilt' I's. •(•'I, I. to •) ,hill
<br />surrender flits heed of 'I'ruM and tile, \/lie, and ail ..n•..•s dl. 111111.1,0- • t,.b I.. w...k f.tednrs, ,. I tin .I I., • •, . rw• i .o I nisi ill 'i nl%l.v -ivw -4•
<br />shall rs•onney the propefly Ailhow William) and K.theet rhariie f.• the IN ertA.r% irgally t411uled thel.et. • 1- 91.11111- 111 ail) 144 ,..•,.•t AU. e
<br />may hr desrrdesl as `the poermon or persnnts entitled thereto." anti rho- rental* ri -re•sn of arts manrl. or I-e •s tlaNll Is• , .a,1 boat- tort..? ..r Ir..
<br />trutbfulneastheteelf % tith Joel s 1411e 11N -r,lll%, flail pm% .4111••%t,..II. .. •hnw. ,f e 1
<br />20 Beeeflemiys Po%vm W11hou1 aRGLIling ur relea.%ulgl 11.• 1141.11!1,. •f Ili.• Tr,.,b.t .a .11,1 „11,. 1 1.1 ..]1 IlAblr 1•a , r.. I..t1n...., • I ,u.,
<br />eons herein menlwned. and Mahout alflrtrng the Itrn rhAtgr tit rills limit A Ir,l%l up,•I, .1111 p.ollon ••1 Ill.- Ve'.1.111 ti.,l uIl•It ..r
<br />released as ssrutlty for the lull amount -if all unpanl Ilhhgarl.•tis If/ uelil la. I, fnAy 1e•l0 tent. to nn11 atilt Ndhoul 11.4111• A. tht• W.I.I. -I .'I
<br />.
<br />one or more Truston 10 regeww any p l -clmtn %0 081114• 111. r\te'lld .•I rt•ce•N fin• 111A1,no1% of aih•t env •d lilt' 144111% of All) •lit 11 ••hllltatwn, , 4111
<br />grant Idler indulgs'lli a%. 14% 1 irleaw• .11 tos lluwe ••1 ..1,1,1' 1•. I. 11•lea,1'41 1.1 1. 11.1. %1'\1-11 .1• .11.1 ttlll. .If (1•'111 11. IAI% , 1'.1, .4--% I•.11, 1 I ••1 .111
<br />off the Property .\ 1 fake or reloraw WI\ .AIIW .K adlfAm•nAl w, unit 1••1 .411% u4.11gall,.11 her. In 111. •1.. .1 crib. f .0 1An14
<br />meat« with debtor, in relaiwit theirle All Tnl,tln, ,hail 1N• pua11% and ,. %I falh nhltCalrif at..l M..,ti:A 61 t hr .n ten•, •d 11... Its nrh• lal% ••1 .11A
<br />41.14. lit locale T'Iaf•tt.l a %.Imt-d In lhu pluagiallil
<br />"I Remedies Not ls1dudilmr. Tnl%nv sun.1 144.111.114 Mli. 14114 . A- h -'I tt•. n. It' -I' 1. I III All .1 1., . 1.t.•t.. l• 1n.. of and I. •L•tp,.u,,. •1 .w% .fill. Ill, .1
<br />rp
<br />uo!%%tot l illIt"lit"1% Ms ntrll heretl% atilt t.. 1' \I.1. IN Ail Ighl,:41,1 1.1V 1, 1 161, lh..l "1 II,1.1 .n •u.•lll .,1.,. .d I.1 .ill..tiu Pl . t1 4f. •f L.
<br />In111 I"., •.r 1h• •.• h ,h l••••In„ .I .1 I.6111;A1 . -.,., .. t•.I
<br />G
<br />;1111111-4 111111 he IV%lilt el AIH IAN, Iu,N ..I hl-114111.1 111 n.t Nlt1 „I.e- -.IW .III .•I .r
<br />blt-tt-ll) nosy nog tit b•'lt-afte•t IN- nthl•1111,.• ,r. ulr.1 NI1t11., 1 11, n.. •I lk.l:. .1• , •1 ..1 tn,.1 1.1. .1�. , . , , . �• n • .. •1 ., 1,. 1.t 1•• .• .f ,,• 1 • f,•
<br />I
<br />fo
<br />wlrgaahet•-of Ills% INY-/I ••I'Iru,l rwl 11%.'nhn.1 lilt I It 1'.tI..t 1.1 ..,,, ,. I,. n. •• 1• .,•' 1 .. „ i...••, I
<br />/"'��
<br />441 •haB pe /•I0d1. 1- .at lit am 111aw.11 alb, t 1111, 11. . • •I ft1 1.. II• , 1t % 11, :1 -' ,.. • ,11 /• .1- ., t • .,, 1 , .,1.. t , , •.•.. I . •. ,• . . 1 . .1
<br />•.. 1•• 1 f I,, ..
<br />• -
<br />tot 'Iramro..11 1IF111'11(IW1 It fl -Illll A91•411 I11a1 11 .1 t11 Y' Al..f It, rte 1--.At, 1, •I . 1, '•1 •1., 11. •1•Al� I . ,1.' ..1 1. 1 •,., .• ••I
<br />Mgt) ..1I11't -4-441411\ 111111 .1 11111.111111 111111 (.\ IG1..b. 11111 •.1 It .•I.. 11. ",t. ••1,1.1 ."..I 1...1, I— I'. •I.. , •.) _I ,. , .. ., I.. ,, . .•
<br />111%1 /liti.11 lll•r 1'n111f11 *%*I, 11'111131\ title Al .,.11(rl lr,l Ill' .14 f 1. +. f I1.1 1•. 1 • .,.I„ , • .. h %I • .t 1. l .l. 1 • 1• t • , , • 1'
<br />-
<br />hlirlll ••I b1 INN I.1.,. e1•'1l •.1 1.1'11111114•.1 1.,If • 1, 1, ,1s11 I.- ..,tit.,i "li" .1 u.1 t .01 t•. •..1 ". - t 1. , - 1•
<br />nil flllt a114'1 •'\lkilllg At !aN .•1 111 ..g41lh .f 1., •1,,1 11. 1 .•II i•••N.I J 1. n.. t. l•o ••., I• I 1••1. ,.•• I'•••I I, .. .. i. .. -... .'. ., '
<br />oil 'Atilt 11 1lft.9'1 .eI Ira 111 1.10111 on .a61'1NNr . I.wl..1 1—% t•, \•1. .. 1 L•lI 1 ,••t• 1 .,• • ' •,•• ' • .• • , , •. ••
<br />IM .11111,..1. \1x.11•'1.1 1.4 1111`•1•• •1 IG•1.1 It 14,1 .., -,1 , 11 t., 1 ..t 0.. ,.. , , 1.- .. •• .• •.• 1
<br />lt1•.11IIgn11g IM lit rM lard Ifwf, ,., ►.I.g A .Ix 11 .. r• t .... lgf..a ill ',rat. • • •. ..
<br />