<br />"am
<br />105531
<br />4 lionfaratico. I'si►istoor, at fin VX19•11aar. 116111 111011110111 'Atilt 11INU14-1s allist,its• ll lkle, 1). flimllaill r %flit JV%111-4 I III lilt, Iloilo[ A-%
<br />Bull prist-nal lorftpvfty I'lointlitimill alit, Ilrisio•rt.v agwitim I-t%4 Ity lilt,, lighou►ilil. 111111jail11. and 14111'r lip•lot, 1.1%vrud 1.) it swaliflarol f-ailt-11114•11 .10%ej
<br />ape I'llifill).oament, in oil amillollf ellual tea fit leant one hundred 1sistro-111 it 1141. hill ivillas 4-1114•11t %atilt- Ilwlefff. itself 111%ursionle again,.[ itul if father
<br />linardis and in much anaeount to is rnstientarily carried by' iownern and osix•ral(ir% of onoodwr pious 1tU s atilt m% Ilf•lbvflvlarl may require her n%
<br />limilecti4in Tortaiiiiii will r4imply with such either requirements as lienefiriary rauN 171-gom I rue to little- to-4p11•,ot loor the lorooletl000n by Intoultilive for
<br />the interest air #I,,• iba%liet lite. par[ If-% All insnFoure Imilivit-4 "inintallit'll 11%IF%1131111 106 fill-- lit-I'll lot Tfllst 111111 name Triisliti and livjiefivoary let
<br />int-uteds, it% their respective intrirw-dis may aplivar. tariff lartitiole Thal lilefs• oliall IN- ilia g mill .4,11al Is"' air 111-11fl4.all1ien without written ndolive to
<br />file flerrefloriary fifteen 1151 thityA prefer too its exidrathon flail- In flit, voient of ranvellatiollo of %Uvis inaluranve, Tnaslep far lit-uproclary relay first
<br />:. fir#- -4tich in%ura"re need the romr the-roatif -thall be- todde-of lip flit- livin %i•riin-of by fit, i if *rriist ;Hill shall lival 1►111-16-st Assist Ilia. 41414. 4ir
<br />limburmement at the rate payable firferni time 111 time in oulhtxsedi11g principal loll I he N@ill- unli,4% payinew our Interest at aluda rule would IN,
<br />coritrary lie appilrablu, law, in which P,.vnt murk ammintaii shall War notpre•it at the- hilgh•4t InI•ic•si rate t111111Ufir1.11 lky applicable law Tra-dtir
<br />shall deliver to lies-Ariaory the oirailinat tatillele,; of inhuranve and renewal-4 thereof Fallaore its foirmailt %urh Insuranve by Trost4or. tit ri-newalai
<br />am required hereunder shall, at the (option of 11priefirtary. roonRlifute a defaull All unearned loreinlamle are hereby assigned to Trumee am adaij
<br />114inal sterurity and a fast*- said ranveyance off the 11riolft•rty by the Trii%fow %hall njil-ratel, to vionvey to fill- purchaser flit, Trust4or'si intero•sit lit
<br />and to all implicloaposs of intiuratirr ulm►in the 11riolivarty.
<br />5. Tot=es, Anwassantont and Charges. Tru-itior shall tiny all faxes, assessments and father rharge-i. int-Willi►il. %tiffisout Ilustlatuil, nljt•. luld
<br />imistoxiti►not attributable to the Properly. and leasehold loasyrnrut% for ground retitle, if tiny, beftore alit- titiame• 1oer4ill11- delinquent Ttinsttsr shall
<br />promptly furnish 114-nieflorlary all nottict•4 of antiounts olue under lht% paragraph. and In Ilia- e%vlit Trw.141t shalt make payment 11►ree-11y. Truml4or
<br />shall pretiontally furnish to litatiefI•lary rorciplyi evidpaiving such pa%avaetit% Trir-t(jr hhall lony all raxi.% need IO•%Ied 111"►n fill% lived of
<br />Trust or the linlelstednesm wo-eirroll he-reby loogellivir with Any (,#her tax" for aftlawamenips which may toi• I••h41 afintno the Trustee fir lieneflel•
<br />ary tic the If-gal holder off I he Noile
<br />B. Addidemall Uens acW Parwaloorotaill of Wnr6clary'so Swarity. Trti%t,-r staidl tualke- all li;k% nil-iii % 4 ktirf•r•t Atilt protav►llal istill patxllvlkt % A
<br />any father charges, Owes and exparrimas required 44@ Ow litiand to% she- Ictin, of alato prefer air subse•(Itivni deed d travel tar mortgage f•liae flhe dals•
<br />they are delinquent for in default, and prompik Pa.% and dtA harge an� and all littlea-F lit-n%. clainis, sr vDarge, %%Ilia if ilia % Ieipparilkz, 'CIIF,.
<br />rity granted herein. If it) Truntoir fall-6 lit make all} sit If jtayuwint sat Ill& W 1-fi11e•111 Avi% -.if fill- vil%elim1111% And AttrA•int•lit-4 V0111411111•1 #if tills
<br />Deed of Truett. for the Mile referred lit herein, -Or Ill ally prefer tar sub%equen► tworlataitt, of mt linter for %1111mcquelif ilk"I of 1rig-41, lit 1.1 It "lly
<br />aclition air pr4weeding Is catitrum•nreff whil-11 Inaqvokally ikffvvt. 1111-•rest tit Ih,• h*..I%eri%. itit-luding. later not )Initivol fee.
<br />timm•nt (141
<br />main pri►ceedinp, fartweedinfis involving a devoldeant, notice do( t.Alfo hp y Ycumwv. fititire off ife(ifult 11% Tru-tive. or nwripage f.•revivmin• mull4oll.
<br />then Ilenefloarear, at Ittaneflo,faryse omplitin find ifelthttill noitive to or deremod Truoilsor and %ebolhiml troa-loncieng Tru4ttir friiin Ain. mliflatitin
<br />hereunder, may make touch disburse such %Hills and lilki• 1141-11 .1 "..Ill ILS IN 111441"awlID he 11111-le.-A "'ller Affiliate
<br />nuty Include, hill a, laii-It limited lit, de4bursciou•nit tar reasonable Attitrury'- fist-:• ) vkvilient. I tiorrhasr. tvitirm or I itialiritnOw of lives- en, .)mhosaniv.
<br />charge or lien, entry iijbi►it list- Proolnerly lip onake relvefor%. -it th-clarall-ai I-( olifittill imiler flit-. Istwof If Triom ;total Niole referred to herein. Haiti
<br />-4ah- car foreclosure Ificrenrifle•r In the- o•%rnt that Trio-41--i 4voll fad to proop-isre m%urimw or to lilt) tar Buy v other rharges for
<br />190 1111411114' aTlY POYR10141110 off any extiallng 11rhor air pauloseeporlif lietitwide1% too, loser fir mitim4pa•en lea•m-fli iark•,i. W-no-6-lary calay Imprint- such insur
<br />NOW And 111:11(Q illit'll OVownIf-111, IIUI 411811 Hill he ittiligaled to ties mt Ali.% nitillullt% dishill s,rd 11% 111•1144i. , i11. Ilur%lialst 1.0 fills 1141agoaloll 0; Qlail
<br />heriame addillimal -a esin ess of Tris-41oor set fired If% rill% iievoi I-( frn,l 14111 -II itell-mlifs hail lot- j#,wa;,'v tAlpisn mitive fraim Itenefiviary lob
<br />Tartkittir requesting pal3ii11-sal thermf, and %flail IN-or 1HI1;l1.%f (14101 fill- lijift, all -1011ir%vilil-tif fit alit- rate- g•a,..iNe ft-ino litter to final- on mastaoid
<br />JIrfi principal under the %sell- unlet6s. llayluo'"I -of llitelf.%l at 4•• .111. %%,@total I.e. rout I;11% I. Islas.. Lm ill %%Ilia If v%ellt %loch %flail
<br />hear Interest at file Illghe-61 rote Is•l1ni%%11114. 1111411-F aloplif 1%% %Ott 111119 440111MIlit'll W. �h'.* I'Arnatinjoh Is %limit rislu;w Re-nefirlary to inriit
<br />any expen-A, or take any avivito livivowdei
<br />7 lAbasoild Prorandspi: Assignments of Renta. W114111 14-11 1101 fho%% still I denugliol l'ill,l-st shall fitrili%h Ili liviiefirwn a mliv-11iji.•
<br />in too- trite, setting fitri It all Ivasiv% -it spat-e lit or 4 lilt- Ill.plao•roy 1.ill-11 ul 4-16'• 1 lit I•al-11 1.a t•. Ill.. name- of the Irnarll% 111111: I,.- 'IJ118111%
<br />a descriptinn tar lite- %flat-@• tK-4 111DII-41 by vl4.h fellant trial 1.4 'JIIAIII- the 1`0211.1. j1,1vA1lIl' felt %loch ,flare atilt %Ito It letters itiro-o-matiain mid obal-ii
<br />ments with rumppet to snot Irans-% area$ It-eianq if,% a% III-- llrnellv..4rt onny ii-ijuv%t
<br />Without flit- prier wrilleii v#Pn%vn1 of Ilenenruir). I'lliper-ir Hill 41114.111% ,r 111411t... if * % "Ill. If. till% I.•Am. .11 ,pate lit also-
<br />loreinisepo. whether %fit if Ivmv I% file%% or livro-after fit vxe lens v ta, ji,to-lot Ott Iff•ttow ilia. 1111-111noll.•Ill fll%i-llllll ..I ad%ame J.-Ill justialoll• 1111-re
<br />under; lit) rant-el for to-rinniair the -.11111r. air 41•1-Plit 441IN lillievIlatwit ..r '11111-11611-o tlwro- of of Iii-iniii tot% .%..III I., .%,,111 0111.11
<br />WIOUIIJ I'litillf- fill' lV%%14' I hert-utedt-r to ferinina•- c I line #-I life. %mille Ire I all11•1111 •-I ill-./h(% III$• a. a, 1.1 Oreille I- flit, 11.1 lit llielo-.4 ilia-
<br />rental payable litereunoter, for to r1imoge any rimewAl lortai%wiv, illve.-Ill '.1111allerd Mi %ani• .111% delmill fill•I.•Imilve ..I Wo.'st It lilt-14-4.1 11-1
<br />Rite any rionatent, walf,rr air approval theretander air take flit% wlier a•ti-iii fit I finite•- itself tht•ro-%oh .-► %%Ill. ;I Ilier•illk.l.•I %%Ilwh %%-IllIll
<br />have the efect of Impairing lie- inlue of lra4*,r'4 Interest therviiadvi o11 ilia. or A impasting the lw%own 11 Injejo*,l ..I the 1111411-4.
<br />or li•itefiviary. air In liffaii, amign. wo4life. limnoag-r or -.1111.1toalm. 111%lo-me (of. ..1 4-114 141111H.1 lit aura %11. 14 ..I will, $If.
<br />for twisting thereunder.
<br />lient-ficiary hhall t-.a.4- lilt' fight. IIAIWPF and Wtho.v,. oitirmg flit- I llll• h.%%I of 'I'llim to I $illv$ I fil.• lent, et,olo•% final 'As M
<br />the Property and of any in-riesipr►al puilso-rly lisrateo dietvion with or vi,11110111 flikilig Ill fill' lirooloo•ti% all-wivil lwivloy and I'rust,ti
<br />herell.s, absolutely and unewiditioln.My WK41KII4 all %)wh ran, j"liv, Hill faiolit. lie III-110-111l'it * % Iti-lit-fi(fur%. livrelly toon%•itts to Ilia-
<br />Trumforar's ctillectitin and roatentittat sit 14114-11 rf'nl%. :41141 jflfa,A:, ;t, Ilw% it- urm- atilt lbow.-nir Ino)alplo, 4.1 1.;Ilg as ilu,lalr I- not .11 lit to Intel-%.
<br />In default 0 defined Itervin I 'Fifin tiaity 1.119-11 4WAIIII 1`14-114144W. } may al 111111. ..It 111.1 Ill pa rN.n1. by itio•W '.I Is% I raawei%4 r I.# tot- islolimuto-ol
<br />by a e4iurl, withoput notice and flaiihoput regard t+• 'fie 1014111414'v 4 Ultio %fa-l-writY for Iii s•iwe•ll lal enter IIII stiff fake
<br />Fsomfiewofn of the 11n.1wrty or any part 1114-tellf, and no 0% 451saill 11141111' Note (L". III 41jjj4'j-eieI%r 41.1je4.I %ill-11 rill , o%%to•os Milli jortifits. In. It.-t.lig 1111-S4.
<br />past clue and unpaid, and alliblytht. %atilt-, Ie%% 411M.. .41141 of #viso•rillo•sti atilt mile .11'.11 1114111fling ro•w%oonalvio. istiqvroiry tow, iiji.jit am
<br />indebtedfp}tw secured hereby. and if) touch nnirr w, tit eitent far%
<br />. tiola) 41l-11-rillu11•. 1 111 Iba-din 2%1 %if, It ilb-I% ad if•pair -.1 loo-filel least) 14% may If..
<br />Hairy (It PC44"'t to 1-411"WrW OW I-Alka•• of the Pr.11ob•tly, and is,) 1.•a%4- fir iinle air onto 11111 • - r.--of (--I fit If r•itfilh irrin. still tilitiet %11. 1.. mil,
<br />filing as ilm judgmeti! may ilk fare, fir ferfultiall• m 34411u%t the to-lilt, illod ( "Ildill'.11% it'. t-A "Ille. I We•%, 11ndte1 .Hill R1,110t, ago--.-
<br />totherwiso- fit wriling, am aplitivatkoot air rews, itmiiv% air pi4ofit% to life) 1'.11,11% '11a11 hall 1•%If-llff m 'I.Jo
<br />or the- Installment rome'llitants am provide-d fit -tiottil S•v 11I- vitittige flit- am-mio .4 ,1. to famajim'•111, I'lls. ••1111-1111R illpeoll ;still f;1ljlli4
<br />the l►rooperly. file 0*41Z.,411I)n of Surh rents :!•:njeh anti proolit-4 atilt ilia- 811flaixa►l.111 1111'ri-q1I :t•, It •.4, Pr..yl ' vivon %flail iml %%.it%-• -jr,- kii,
<br />default or notice of deffaull herelandwa, or Itnallflair ally' ail 41.0110• 111INtliull to such 1.•0• to,
<br />rify for rl.r.• pat•rfoirinance or flit- I lhh64R..:I)ft-4 10(.,JT*tf •.111 Ill.•Joald 14-111, allol .111 it.-91 ;11,41
<br />1 fad IN40 said Trusloir by a lessAw for at,,• flR,jPo,Ca..% to 41-4 tire- the IliSN1114•111 481 3S1% 11•111 '11111 tj411 1I.•fatilo Iy •14. If nn% 1 Ilia- 111.)%1
<br />ption% herecif. Trustior agrevs to dold.41f %Urjj IF.).l #If1jj,j%Jt, In flat. It.•u•'f11 Ile%% ljj1I11.1f% .,I "I a. . I .%•• .4 it..
<br />tights granted horr•are if; stay lenant 4occulaying 4JAW j,4vmIA•, shill tot- %loffi- :.In- 1, ..1141 1,11.41.1 first It•Ill to Ilia- leftist
<br />further ottillre
<br />If S%viattooliDeboalL eirnl% %flail Ile- Jeew-1 -Ili #-%#-I I ,t.!.-1A-.aI
<br />W Trutdour shall fail to pap the praicipall or int4-rs•%t or the I skn4j.tt wt1% 'A farts fail,
<br />(b) Trustior sluith file a v.sluntsuv nooldstal at hintiltraiabirt. if 41111111 In- AOLSIJrndl A lania►►aoid ..I
<br />seeking tit arquive• wing fit any retitgatiguipm. ao7lAOIR•ITIent. 14fflljW.N1lwj• 411111111..1. •1 11%4-11
<br />under any isna-firral for future honkruport v. 111MIKelleso of fliforr whef I-aff do-l-lows, 1f %h4li %•k .-r I .-i~w n..,1. a, quM,1, its itw aplosillit
<br />lilt•ill of any fou'lo•. rut's•1%vir -11 liquidator .,( 1l11%t..1 -.1 •11 all at .111% pall --I it., PI111% •.t -.1 .41.% "t all "I I I I-qnItle, •%.
<br />rentst, owiue% Opt lortifli% theorist it %flail 111A6. af,% Ill.• I.•w Ill 1..114111 .1, %%Iifllsg it,
<br />to tiny its deloolf, grope-AII.V 4olliam IW4.4 -lite door. - ..
<br />(r) A roust tar curl Ilt-tual %IIWI 4-1114-t all 11141AItio•111 .'s 111 Im filter .-%fail.: .1
<br />tatillit. flixtialurtfbri tK 41"Illar relief 1111114.1 Any 11;'writ ear Futtil.• It-414.14111. 'tar-' far 141141 111.411110- 101A -.1 f--9-JlAfW1a 11 141,11h: I..
<br />in-ASIVIallt) I-f 111`110? FOILW( fill oll-lit.011. Atilt %114-11 loitti•I 1114191111•11► of 114N1.4. Afall I•-IIIA111 1111%.14.41,.1 .11A nu %t.Nrd 1.11 'M .1"I. b:At-• .11
<br />sIXI), Mill sfay% , whether oil Hall I 4-itm-4 lltNel 1111111 Ihr 111%1 .1414• of 4•11tr% III.•Ii-st ..I loom 11.1%fol• fast Ctrl .,t Il.i.j1dat..1 .4 .-1
<br />all for any earl tar the. ll•fvalfieorf�. of or alo% w All ••1 Ilia. via ' lissuit.% to.0% ►aisui-% .-I th-10-0 01411 he aill..1111.4 %%Ill .... it
<br />the ctinovent for lactime-ot --net- air Truaol-or weal mit-is topim.nitnient %flail f4-111ifil1 1111%84 J41441 oil .,11%IA%l I.•1 All eggs. 6:.Iff. set %1x1%
<br />pAheitiler tot n.-or colonel tativo. let
<br />(41) A writ or exapst tatitin or attaivitnient .11 and %laillito 1-r h ,h.dl 1w...11.. .4 twt, - !1..
<br />or ally joiattion thrraisifosr interrost theft-111 anti %it, It 4-aill all fit lUirht oil 4411,11al .-I •I.19111. W 1.,.0 to 1. 1,. •1
<br />Ned. %livaitatill -Irma)*41position 111"et) (fill I days fillet it%q,ltll) oil I*-%% -.I
<br />I,') Till-14- 118311 Allo'Vakulk of .'r ill•1811111 1111111.1 Also, 14.1141 1.1 . m.fill 1.1 as it at 1.110 1.
<br />failli-41 forleill (it an ofill) 01 the ally U11W111% r% liff-iii 1111L I 11111stit wji% I- 1 1,% .. - .1 1 1
<br />r) 'I', ,#.fair isda, I . . 1,A-rio.ra, &,,% to•fril't , .111till 1'.11% 1 'no-Ifialit % - . 1 astir. if,- 1 . 1 1". 1 . 1 1.•x14 ti. f I I as a ,sf .1.`o
<br />till'ift Ito Wg►64-1111•111 1111I ION It "4 UJI•la All lot Alloo flat I oil I Ile I 11.14tul 1,.I.%
<br />Condriousafflon. If fill.• to. sit) pall ..I ifor '11,411 1.4 tali it, . ...... .
<br />solialit. tar %111111 N. %fill ulifffi[bleat All aw%.11,14
<br />who 411811 411;4% •tit It Sitiou flat ofalluagava, fired fail.. I rd, 10 11.1. '1111" 1- 111l' 1 "a t 1". 1 of. d -f 1 1 `.l I' t
<br />rein 156,114} 11 .01111.1 fill. -1 flint 1.111
<br />.41 fl%,-Iollml a.
<br />flood lib Mil Ile' 0111111441114 1112A91 falls •.61 41-111.•1114-10 it. 1.•r. In1. wIt. .1•%
<br />7
<br />I
<br />