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200107892 <br />Corrected <br />BALLOON RIDER <br />(CONDITIONAL MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION OF LOAN T.U, F.W <br />THIS BALLM%; Ramm is made this 1 s t �, of August ��� and is <br />iacorpotmd into and shall be deemed m amend sod a ffkmol the Mortgage, Deed of Trust; or Deed to Serum: Debt (the "Security <br />Instr� of the same date given by the undersigned (tiro Sma. el to sector die BOet+owa's Note to Rank ,f <br />D o n i D h a n (the 1ADdW) of the same date and covering the property desalted in the Security <br />Instrument and leeamd at <br />3104 Kennedy Way, Grand Island, NE 6880 <br />(Prvpesty Address) <br />The mtc= i'atE sCdt ed on the Note )s Called dc "\rte Rate." The date of the NOW >s Called the "Note Date." I undastsnd the <br />L Kkr may transfer the Nar, Security IastroroMt and this Rids The Lender or zV one who talws the Note, the Security bts utneot and <br />this Rider by Uansft and who is catided to xeceive paymeats under rite Now is called the `Note Holder:,, <br />AMMOvA,L COVENANTS. In adehhoe to the covemm and agt==rrs in the Seauity Insaurttatt, Borrower and Lender <br />fmd= coven=t and agree as follows (despite anydnag m er eaoazy conmvud M the Seettrity bstrt nm= or the Note): <br />L CONDTIZONAL MODIFICATION A-.No ER7E MON OF LOAN TERMS <br />At the merargy date of the Note and Seeunty I ( the `Note Maturity Datj I will be able to extend the <br />Note Mauaity Date to A u g u s t L,--2 0 1 1 (the 'Ttteaded Mattaity Date'l and <br />modify the Note Rate to tize "Modified Note Rate" demo m amordance with Seexion 3 below if all the con&tionLs <br />prOldod in Sections 2 and 5 below are met ( the Txroditiooal Nodisrdtion and Ev emion Option"). If those aonthas are <br />ant Met I uademcad that the Note Holder is under to obligation to refinance the Note or to modify the Note, regot the Note <br />Race or expend the Note Maturity Dat and that I will have to May the Noon from my own resources or find a larder <br />willing to lend sne rite luny to repay the Noes <br />2. COMMONS TO OPTION <br />If I want to earercm the Condiconal Modification and Exu=m n Option, oermm cwAnons must be met as of the <br />Note Mmuctry Date. These conditions arm (a) I move still be the owner and ocurant of the property subject to the Security <br />bgew of (the Txo xW)', (b) I mut be cu r= in my montbly payments and c=wt have been more dwa 30 days We on <br />any oftbe 12 =h9d1r1odmorahlypryrn = vrrMdW*pteoO&gd c Note,y =itl,Date; (c) dime are no liettc, dcfccts, or <br />er CUMbtanCCI agwast the Property, or other adverse raamera affoaiag title m the Property (except for nixes and special <br />assessatttass trot yet duc and payable) arising mars the Seaa+ty btstxumeae was recorded; (d) the ModifiedNooe Rate cannot <br />be more than 5 paeentagc points abavt the Now Rate; and (e) I must make a wdm m request to the Note Holder as <br />ptoeided m Section. 5 below <br />3. CALCULATM G THE MODIFIED NOTE RAZE <br />T'he Modiftod Note Rate will be a fntod ram of' st equal to the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation's <br />rerp red net yield for 30-yew foucd rate mm %ages sobje d to a &Wy m2ndmory defivary conmitrocnit, plat ane -half of <br />one per (030AI rounded to the nearest on"iAth of oar pasart (0.1250 %) ( the `Modified Note Rate'). Mw required <br />as yield sbath be the applicable net yield in effect on the date asd time of daytbat I notify the Now Holder of my election to <br />e MMW the CaOditional Modification. and Extension Option VOtis rixlufrcd net yield is not available, the Note Holder well <br />deonmirte the Modified Note Rats: byusing comparable inin— on. <br />d. CALCUI.AMNG THE NEW PAY.MMAMOUNT <br />Provided the MoMed Now Rate as cakulated in Section 3 above is not g a than 5 perem age ponts above the <br />Note Rate and all othe cote ons regmred M Section 2 above arc amtisfred, the Note Holder will determine the amount of <br />rate monthly payment that will be sufficient to repay m hill (a) lice unpaid primcipal, phas (b) accrued btu unpaid mtarst, plus <br />(C) all other MM I will owe under the Now and Security Iasa tnent on the Note M dur&f Date (assn ning orb mondtty <br />paYmcrtty then arc mmit, as tegwnd under Sumer 2 abovee over the tratninmg extended term at the Modified Nose Rate <br />m equal monthly payments. The MR* of this eakuhum will be the new amotmt of my principal and ina;rest paynxrot <br />evaymoxuh imttl the Note is IzUy paid. <br />MMTWATE IALLOOK R)DB[A (MMiatmos and L,umvs)..iieare Fawl} -C,dme Mos VNtFOR1M 1tVyMUMLNT toes 3 IN vol (pyre' q/s pal <br />
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